VBScript Run In Listbox?

Apr 13, 2011

The VB application I am creating runs a external vbscript. The vbscript is run using cscript.exe so the output text from the script is in the CLI. I need this outputted text to be in a ListBox is my application

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VBScript Is Not Working In Windows 7 Even After Regsvr32 Vbscript.dll Succeeded?

Feb 28, 2010

I have been struggling to get vbscript working for last three days of relentless effort. I have windows 7 ultimate and upgraded from windows vista. searched the web for solutions and tried out all the options I think I have, but yet no luck.

I tried registering vbscript.dll and I get a succeeded message back. Everything seems to be fine. but, I just cannot run vbscript on my computer. It complains that "can't find script engine vbscript for script ....". I have a hunch that it is something to do with "microsfot security essentials (my virus protection software)" or with UAC.

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C# - Use .net In VBScript?

Feb 1, 2010

How to call a function in vb.net DLL from VBScript?I did the following: I create public class named Class1 in vb.net.I go to Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt and go to my class dll - C:MyappinDebug and type following command tlbexp myDLL.dll after that i get message Assembly exported to C:MyappinDebugmyDLL.tlb After this I type following command regasm myDLL.dll and i get following message RegAsm : warning RA0000 : No types were registered


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Convert VBscript To .Net Or C#.net?

Oct 30, 2011

Is there any tool to convert VBscript code to VB.net Code or C#.net?this is the sample code I want to convert it

Dim googleTime, googleDt, googleScheme
googleTime = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now())
googleDt = (1000 * googleTime) + Round(1000 * (Timer - Int(Timer)))
googleScheme = "http://"
googleUserAgent = Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
If StrComp(Request.ServerVariables("HTTPS"), "on") = 0 Then googleScheme = "https://"

for example Timer in VBscript I did not find any equivalent in VB.Net

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How To Convert Vbscript

Jan 12, 2012

how to convert from vbscript to vb.net im trying to convert the TestGenericHid.wsf script to vb.net (wheter partially or fully but im fur sure trying to do the initialization sequences) but usually the development team of a ms sdk posts it in managed code like c# or vb.net. If someone has already converted this please post but i have attemped myself to do this already but cant get any straight responses from vb.net interop guys or wdk guys so here is the full code sample:url..Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - "Sherlock holmes" "speak softly and carry a big stick" - theodore roosevelt.

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How To Get Vbscript Converted

Nov 9, 2011

I wish to convert the vbscript below to vb.net. Note: the functions from the script are also in a dll file but you can install the dsf runtime which comes with the windows ddk and just use the com component it installs from vb.net.

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Making .bat Into Vbscript

Apr 17, 2012

Just need help converting this .bat to vbscript. cd


Just need it to go to each user names directory when logging into a terminal server and removing all items in there respective folder. I'm assuming to user the UserString where the "user.name" is but not sure how to do this.

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VBScript For Each Statement?

Oct 15, 2011

How come the Script below keeps displaying the Else message until it finds the string? I was expecting for it to display 1 single Box whether it was found or not? why does it keep itterating through the Else condition?

Dim myArray,myString,myString2,intCount
myString = "my;string;question;hope;you;can;answer"
myString2 = "question"


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Calling InsertCommand In Vbscript Instead Of ASP?

Jan 26, 2009

I have a DetailsView that I am using to insert an enrollment form into the database. Currently every functions fine, with one exception. Since there is a terms and agreement checkbox at the bottom of the form that I cannot validate using the existing validation controls, I'm trying to handle this in the VBScript.The problem is that the InsertCommand in my ASP executes before the Button_Click sub does, so the form is submitted before the checkbox validates. Can someone tell me how to move the InsertCommand from the ASP to the code file so that I can make sure it doesn't execute until AFTER my button validation? Here is my code:


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Can't Run Embedded Vbscript File

Aug 20, 2010

When I try to run an embedded vbscipt i get the follwoing error:


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Converting .NET Code To VBScript?

Jun 26, 2009

I have this snippet of VB.NET code that I want to convert to VBScript. It basically starts Microsoft Word, displays the Open dialog and mail merges the selected document.

Dim oMissing As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
Dim oEndOfDoc As Object = "\endofdoc"
Dim oFalse As Object = False
'Start Word and create a new document.
Dim oWord As Word._Application
Dim oDoc As Word._Document


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Create A Tunnel Vpn With Vbscript?

Sep 9, 2009

I canīt create a tunnel vpn. I have searched on the web but I havenīt found nothing.

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Deleting A Shortcut Via VBScript?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a process by which I push icons to distant Vista based PCs on our domain...it's all automated. One of these itemsis a shortcut (call it MYLINK.LNK) which I put in the user's Start Menu. That shortcut calls a .WSF script that, in turn, runs a JScriptfollowed by a VBScript.The JScript installs a commercial product and the VBScript is used to clean up after itself. One of those 'clean up' jobs is to delete the icon that kicked off this entire thing.

So I have :
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.DeleteFile("C: empstartload.wsf")


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Get A # Of Words In A String In VBScript?

Feb 28, 2009

Len gives # of chars in a string in VBScript but I'm trying to find out how to get a # of words, instead.sub fred john_val=window.document.alice.john.value john_len=len(john_val) msgbox "john=" +cstr(john_len) end sub

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Registered .NET Dll Not Working In VBScript

May 14, 2011

I recently figured out how to successfully register a .NET dll as a COM dll, however when I call it from VBScript using CreateObject I get this error:


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Replacements Are Available For Vbscript In An Application?

Aug 1, 2009

An application I maintain has been around since VB6 days - ported to .Net 1.1, and now being updated/rewritten across to .Net 3.5 The application provides a mechanism to run VBScripts - this was done in a highly integrated way - allowing the program to parse multiple .vbs files and produce a list of all of the subroutines and functions - which were then available within the application alongside core functions.

Previously this was an embedded msscript.ocx - in the first .Net conversion, this was wrapped in Interop.MSScriptControl.dll, however, on Windows 7 this just isn't working. It looks like this is really not the way to be doing this anyway - Microsoft seem to be trying to kill vbscript.

Is there a 'supported' way of using VBScript, or is it time to move on? and if so, where is there to move to that provides the same sort of functionality?

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VBScript - Reading XML ObjNode Value

Jun 18, 2010

Right now I just want to be able to read (Echo out) the Value of "VALUE" in an XML element node, and eventually modify it. This will be run with the Windows Scripting Host from a Windows command line. Here is the line of XML I want to read from:


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Vbscript - Run .net Code In Batch?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a web site that includes code to move data between databases, generate Office documents, etc. I also have a need to duplicate some of this work in batch. Where they overlap, I've had to code things two different ways -- one for the web site (using server-side vb.net) and one for batch (using vbscript). I know you can run batch from vb.net. I'd like to do the opposite -- from batch I'd like to access some code that I've already written using vb.net classes, web.config, and Office interop assemblies. I tried some of this in PowerShell, but it took 45 minutes to generate a report that runs in 20 seconds through the web interface.

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VBScript CreatObject Error?

Jun 16, 2009

I created Com Object and registered it.After registration I deleted the dll contains the Com Object.Then, calling the folowing vbscript:

set obj = CreateObject("MyNamespace.MyClassName")
raise the error message "The System cannot find the file specified"


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VBScript Or Powershell Scripting

Jun 4, 2012

I took the dive into learning VBScript due to some server side scripts that I work with. During a course I ran into Powershell and did some Google searching. From what I was reading, VBScript is good for legacy applications and Powershell is the way to go for Win7. I did not run into anything telling me of this being true or if its a false statement and VBScript will be used for Win7 and Win8. Should I look into learning Powershell and abort my VBScript for now and just worry about VBScript for legacy systems?

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VBScript To Send Email?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to send an email via a VBScript. When I run this script via a field SQL db field VBscript trigger, nothing happens. Here is my code -

Imports System
Imports System.Math
Imports System.Web.Mail
Public Class BLGHEmail


Now, if I comment out all the statements after the Try statement, my message box appears as I coded it which means I am able to test if Sample1 = 'OK'. Even with the System.exception I am not able to display any error message. I am also pretty certain that I have the correct smtp server name. One other thing, we are using Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange if that means anything. And also, pls note that this is a purchased system that I am working with and they have scripts with extension name of ".lvb". This is actually a trigger script based on a specific field value. The trigger script runs and as I had mentioned will display the message box if I were to comment out the statements after the TRY statement.

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VS 2005 VBScript With Intelisense Or VBA In App?

Mar 26, 2010

What I am wanting to do is create an application that has the ability to create a VBScript that the user can create in a my form that would have the intelisense included. Is this posible? you know something like adding VBA to my app in a way. Is this at all possible?

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VS 2010 : Converting Vbscript To .net?

Sep 21, 2010

lI think I almost have this done but I get and error "'Public ReadOnly Property Right As Integer' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed."here is the line causing the error:

If UCase(StrKey) = ".DEFAULT" Or UCase(Right(StrKey, 8)) = "_CLASSES" Then

whole code

Const HKEY_USERS = &H80000003
Const ForAppending = 8
Const OverwriteExisting = True


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Asp.net - Vbscript Not Retrieving All Server Variables?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a website that was written in VBSCRIPT that I am moving over to VB.NET. Until I have time to get to rewriting some pages/applications,I would like to update some of the code so they work a bit better.I am trying to grab a server variable on the VBSCRIPT page that contains our username from the enterprise login.I have 2 test pages here, one with language="VB" at the top and the other language="VBSCRIPT".

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>Server Variables</title>[code].....

The VBSCRIPT page will list variables with no data when they have data on the VB page and in ALL_HTTP. Is there any way I can get VBSCRIPT to gather the correct info for all the server variables?

EDIT: These are the variables that vary between VB and VBS AUTH_USER, REMOTE_USER - logged in user on VBS, iis_anon on VB REMOTE_PORT - not listed in VBS

The following are listed in VBS, but have no data

Also there is a custom on I wish to get that is used for our enterprise authentication.

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Can't Find Script Engine 'VBScript'

Jul 15, 2009

When trying to run a vb script on a machine, this is what it gives as error:Can't find script engine "VBScript"So to fix this I logged into the machine and did the following to install the vbscript engine:in run window regsvr32 vbscript.Message was that installation succeeded.Then tried running the script on the machine again and still gives the same error as before.

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Check Service Status By VBscript?

Jul 26, 2010

I am a starter in scripting. So my scripts are as easy as you see.

The following script is to check currently stopped services, which are "auto start" by default.

You just need to creat "C:hostnames.txt". Then type the servers that you want to be checked, every line one hostname.

Run "Check services.vbs".
Check services.vbs:
Const ForWriting = 2


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Code To Convert Xlsx To Csv Using Vbscript?

Apr 15, 2012

give me a code to convert xlsx file to csv using vb code?

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Converting VBscript To VB 2010 Express?

Mar 27, 2011

I want to convert the following VBscript into Visual Basic 2010 express so I make a graphical interface for it.is script basically runs through excel workbooks in a folder and prints out worksheet 3 of each workbook.

'~~> Folder where the Excel Files are.
Const strSourcePath = "C:\test"
'~~> Path for the log File


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Detecting Keyboard Input In VBscript?

Sep 12, 2011

The script should detect which key is pressed from the keyboard, including F keys; the script should start and when the user presses F2 should print something like "you pressed F2", when the user presses "A" should print "you pressed A", and so on

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Handle Security Popup Using Vbscript

Sep 26, 2011

I am automating an application login using vbscript.[code]after this, there is a security pop up which asks for user name and password.I dont want to disable the pop-up. Rather i want to be able to put user id and password in to it.which MSDN has provided for handling extra windows(This for development rather than for automation I guess) but does not work out.`objIE.Document.GetElementByID..also does not work out becuse the pop-up does not come under 'Document' object. it comes directly under objIE, but could not find anything to handle it.

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