VS 2005 Anomaly In The Datagrid When Loading Data From Excel?

Jul 12, 2010

this is a reference to the thread:he problem I was having while loading data into a datagrid from Excel is solved when I have changed the connection string property IMEX to 1 in:

con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & filename & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1;""")


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Loading Datagrid With Data From Excel Using ACE?

Jul 22, 2011

I am having a problem using ACE. I am on Windows 7 64 bit and I am using Visual Studio 2010. I have inherited a program that needs to be converted from using JET to ACE as more and more users could not use it on their new computers. All this little application does is sort data according to selected fields and then insert blank lines whenever the data changes. It worked fine with Jet built in VS 2005.

Line 32 is where I am getting trouble. I get one of two error when I get to this point "IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005) when targeting any CPU. I found suggestions from people on the web to target X86 in the advanced compile options but then I get 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered. This I think is due to the system looking for the 32 bit version of ACE but I am using the 64 bit.

When reading through the code the line da.Fill(dt) is underlined with the comment "Variable 'da' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime." This confuses me as I declare it at the top and it gets used in the if the statement. The only reason for the underline I can see is that there is no option in case the incoming data is not from csv,xls or xlsx but since the open file dialog doesn't allow for anything else that shouldn't matter.

Private Sub btnProcessFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProcessFile.Click
Dim con As OleDbConnection


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VS 2005 Loading All Data In An Excel Worksheet?

Jun 23, 2009

am trying to load data from an excel worksheet & its really giving me headache. A particular column contains both string and numeric data. its picking only the numeric data & loading the string data as blank entries. I tried checking what may be wrong, i think i saw a documentation that says Excel scans the first 8 rows of a column & determines it data type.plz, how can i load everything on the sheet (i can get everything as string, but i dont want to lose any entry)

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VS 2005 Exporting Data From Datagrid View To Excel

Aug 5, 2010

i've made a small tool that searches an access DB in back end & dumps the results in a Datagridview, now i want to export those results to excel, after googling i found a code that does it for me , it's working partially for me. It writes the Headers to a new excel file but then for some reason i getting below error (on the blue line in code):


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VS 2005 : Anomalous Behavior In Loading Item In A Datagrid?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to load contents of an Excel file in a datagrid. The data in the Excel file is arranged in rows and columns. Every column has a column header. Now here is the anomaly. For some reason when I put a less than sign (<) before some of the values in the last column, the values become blank before they are loaded into the data grid. This behavior is not observed when the less than sign is put into the other columns. More strangely the values are retained in the datagrid even if the the < is put before the values of the first few rows of the last columns within the Excel file. I used the following code in loading data into the Excel file:

Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet


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Loading Excel Data Into .net Combo Boxes?

Oct 31, 2009

im trying to pick up Visual basic on my own with no friends/family that have any programming experience.. I'm struggling (surprise surprise)Heres what I'm trying to do...I have 1 combo box, It will list product names.. Lets say 15 of them.. (I know 15 i could just as easily specify them individually within VB.. but lets assume I NEED to read them from an excel file.(Excel 2003)

Part 1 :Really all i need to know for now, is how do I load an excel worksheet into VB so I can call data up from the cells / rows / columns..

Part 2 : How do I define Which Cells from Each row or column I want to populate into the combo box... Presuming for the "Product name" combobox I have placed each of the 15 product names in the excel file under Row 1, column A through Row 15 , Column A.I want to avoid this and just call the xls file into VB. (Excel will be installed on any computer running this application if that matters. )

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Binding Excel Data To A Datagrid Without No Header Just The Data?

Oct 31, 2010

i want to binding excel data to a datagrid without no header, just the data.for example :my excel files consist of 3x3 matriks data in 3x3 excel cell like this

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

and i want to show all this data on data grid i have tried with some code like this

Dim MyCommand As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet
MyConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _


but the first row of that data ( 1 2 3 ) is not shown up in the datagrid, just the 2nd and the 3rd row that shown up in datagrid?

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VS 2005 Loading Master Data?

Aug 26, 2009

I have been given the below form but here i cant understand the use of this checkbox named LoanCredit card number.I am told that when user checks it then all master data will be displayed. does it mean that when i am entering some data in the database then the data will not not appear in the dropdownlist of the creditcard no. combobox automatically,on checking the checkbox the creditcard no. which is saved in the database will be added in its dropdown list? again when i uncheck it then again the dropdownlist of the combobox will become empty?

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VS 2005 Listview Hang Up While Loading Data On It?

Apr 27, 2009

i have a listview and everytime I load a 10,000 data my listview hang up. Is there any alternative on how to load data to listview that will not hang up.

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[2005] Saving And Loading Data: IOException?

Jan 18, 2009

I keep getting an IOException, because the file is apparently already in use. I'm pretty sure I closed every handle, and I don't know what to do.

If haswon Then
Dim strFormat As New StringFormat()


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Excel - Exporting Some Data To A DataGrid

Jun 6, 2011

I am working on exporting some data to a DataGrid (with no luck). So far I have:


When this runs, I get an error message that says: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'Sheet'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. The excel file has only one sheet that is named "Sheet", and the location specified in the connection line is correct. Any ideas on why this may be happening?

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Export Data From Datagrid To Excel

Feb 27, 2009

This code works well however when data is exported to excel in one field some values are wrong. Instead for example populating 16-12-19 it populates 43815, 01-03-99 it populates 36220. Again, if the sort code is like 20-72-68 or 60-01-22 it is populated the same way, which is correct. If the value is a date lookalike then this problem appears, but if not then the exact value as displayed on the grid is shown in excel.

I inserted the code (highlighted in red) to set all the fields as text values. Right, it is exported and when excel spreadsheet is opened the field property is text, but the problem still exists. Why doesn't excel display it as it is displayed on the datagrid and database, instead of changing it even when set text.


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Export Data From Datagrid To Excel?

Feb 26, 2009

I am working with Vb.net and this code below works fine. However, when I review the data exported to excel I have a problem with one particular field i.e., sort code. Sort code in the database is in the format 00-00-00. Therefore if it is 12-11-09 or 11-01-66, a look alike of a valid date it is disaplyed as 12/11/2009 and 11/01/1966 in excel after the export. Excel thinks its a date which is incorrect. I expect it to show 12-11-09 and 11-01-66.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verfying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or (DgvQuarCommit.Rows.Count = 0)) Then


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How To Save Data From DataGrid To Excel

May 4, 2009

I'm new to vb.net. I cannot save data from datagrid to excel. I use inputbox so user can input data to datagrid. Then the user can click the button to save it to excel.

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Save All The Data From Datagrid To Ms Excel?

May 3, 2009

because I'm new to vb.net .I do have problem, I cannot save data from datagrid to excel. I use inputbox so user can input data to datagrid. Then the user can click the button to save it to excel. Can someone please show me some code on how to create that?

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Loading Data From Database (SQL Server 2005) Into A Combox?

Jul 9, 2010

column name = CustomerName

SQL server database name = SQLDEV6.

I have been given a task to create a application in vb that is supose to load data from a table named tblCustomers from a DataBase.

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Loading Data From Database (SQL Server 2005) Into A Dropdownlistbox?

Jul 13, 2010

I am trying to load CustomerName and PrintStreamACNO from tblCustomers to my dropdownlist. I am not getting the correct syntax on the binding and displaying.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflection
Imports PSXSTL.Data
Imports PSXSTL.Data.DataAccess


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Export Excel Data To Datagrid Using Openfiledialog

Dec 1, 2011

i have here a code for browse button [code]everytime i hit the view button a message box comes out saying exception HResult 0x800A01A8 also the excel file opens. i dont want the excel file to be opened.

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Export Excel Data To Datagrid Using Openfiledialog?

Dec 1, 2011

Private Sub btnbrowse_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnbrowse.Click 'prompt user to select Excel name and folder path


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Filling DataGrid Columns With Excel Data In VB

Mar 26, 2012

I finally got this code to work after hours of toiling:


Now that I figured that out I was going to try and place the data in a specific location. On my application I have a datagridview set up with 4 columns. What I would like to do is put column A of the excel file under the 1st column of the datagridview and column C of the Excel File in the second column of the datagridview.


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Importing Data From Excel To Datagrid Or Datagridview?

May 5, 2010

I have a problem loading big spreadsheets into a datagridview.

I had a similar code as above that i used and it works great if you have say 10000 cells to populate cell by cell.

How ever moving to 2 mil cells is a different cup of tea, the code took more than 7 minutes to load the data, and although the data was perfect in every way, its too time consuming, i cant get it to work faster so I used the datagrid instead.

The sheets needed to be imported is 350,000 cells plus. I used code that works realy great, does the import into the grid and transfers the data to a datagridview within 15 seconds with little resources which put a smile on my dail :) then i saw something and it dropped ...

see code:


My problem is that whenever there are values below the heading of the cell the datagrid displays (null)

No matter what i do even converting the values in excel to text it does not display the heading of that column.

When i paste other text into the cells below the heading (NOT NUMBERS) it shows the data and heading, Only if the "type" of content is the same does it display both the heading and the text that follows in rows below.

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Importing Data From Excel Workbook To A DataGrid?

May 17, 2010

I would like to Import data from multiple sheets in a workbook. With this following code I get the this error: "The MS Jet database engine could not find the object 'Sheet1$' Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and path name correctly." The name and path are correct, the error ocures in the highlighted statement. The sheet name is Sheet1

[code] Private Sub ExellFrm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection


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Retrieve Data From Excel To Fill DataGrid?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to retrieve data from Excel spreadsheet and fill DataGridView with it for display prior to updating SQL SERVER Table with DataGridView Row individually. I have not done this coding before and encounter this error message Public member 'WorkbookOpen' on type 'ApplicationClass' not found.[code]...

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Exporting Data Contained In A Datagrid To An Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 23, 2005

I am trying to gather some information about exporting data contained in a datagrid to an excel spreadsheet. I am not using ASP. The number of rows and columns are not set(fixed). If someone was able to point me in the right direction or even better a quick example. I have search through previous threads and am unable to find any that relate to exporting from a datagrid on a windows form to an excel document.

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Office Automation :: Data Transfer From Datagrid To Excel?

Jul 8, 2009

I have the following code which works fine. However, I want to change one format when I export it to excel ..

Colum 3 is Sort Code and have the format 00-00-00, I want to change it to 000000 i.e., remove the dashes.

When exported to excel I use a formalue (Substitute(A1, "-", "") and this removes the dashes. But what I want to do is remove the dashes before exporting to excel... see the code below for datagrid - excel export, highlighted is where I think the one line code should be...

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verifying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or (DgvQuarCommit.Rows.Count = 0)) Then


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Office Automation :: Export Data From Datagrid To Excel?

Mar 1, 2010

I am working with Vb.net and this code below works fine. However, when I review the data exported to excel I have a problem with one particular field i.e., sort code,( Columns (2) ) Sort code in the database it is in the format 00-00-00. Therefore if it is 12-11-09 or 11-01-66, a look alike of a valid date it is displayed as 12/11/2009 and 11/01/1966 in excel after the export. Excel thinks its a date which is incorrect. I expect it to show 12-11-09 and 11-01-66.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verfying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or


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Transfer Data In Datagrid To Excel In Runtime In Program?

Dec 29, 2009

I want to transfer the data in datagrid to excel in runtime in vb.net

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VBNet2008 Retrieve Data From Excel To Fill DataGrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to retrieve data from Excel Spreadsheet to fill DataGridView for display prior to updating SQL SERVER using DataGridView Row individually.But the coding is not working as this is the first time I done the coding.

this code snippet generate this error message
If objSheet.Cells(excelRow, 0) = "" Then
Endif Exception from HRResult: 0X800A)3EC


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VS 2010 - Filling DataGrid Columns With Excel Data

Mar 26, 2012

I finally got this code to work:
Dim path As String = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
Dim myDataset As New DataSet()
Dim strConn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.Oledb.12.0;Data Source=" & path & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1""")
Dim myData As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", strConn)
DataGridView1.DataSource = myDataset.Tables(0).DefaultView

Now that I figured that out I was going to try and place the data in a specific location. On my application I have a datagridview set up with 4 columns. What I would like to do is put column A of the excel file under the 1st column of the datagridview and column C of the Excel File in the second column of the datagridview.

So replace:
DataGridView1.DataSource = myDataset.Tables(0).DefaultView
DataGridView1.columns(0) = myDataset.Tables(0).columns(0)
DataGridView1.columns(1) = myDataset.Tables(0).columns(2)

Obviously this doesnt work, and something tells me I might need a for loop to import the data, but I have never imported information from an Excel file before and to make it worse I have never worked with datagridviews before so I have no idea how to go about this.

I would like to do something like this if I could:
For x = 1 To xldoc.rows.length - 1
DataGridView1.Item(0, x).Value = CType(xlDoc.Cells(0, x + 1), Excel.Range).Text

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Writing Datagrid View Data To An Excel Spreadsheet?

Oct 25, 2008

I have an application which opens one of several excel templates, fills a datagrid view with Excel Named Range data. Once the data is modified in the application I neet to save it to an excel spreadsheet. I currently have the following working:1. This sub writes 2 columns of data (Ingredient) and (Result) from those named ranges and places them in the datagrid

Private Sub CboBoxTypeCofA_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CboBoxTypeCofA.SelectedIndexChangedWorkbookTemplate = ""CofABook = ""


This code works and the only problem is that after running the code the excel application does not close.Now I need to write the completed updates from the datagrid view and the other controls back into a workbook.Ive been searching around but have not found the proper way to do this and how to kill the oexcel application in the code above.

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