VS 2005 Data Grid Coding Not Working Properly?

Jul 17, 2009

I did this Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Jun 1, 2011

i have connected my SQL SERVER 2005 database to vb.net and program is capable to show the database in the data grid view. but what i want is when i change the data in the data grid view and click onto update button,changes i made should be saved in database so when i execute the application again i should be able to see the updated database in the data grid view.

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Coding To Perform Addition Of Cells On Data Grid View

Jan 11, 2012

i want to know that how can we add two cells of a datagrid view.I have 5 cells, quantity,rate,discount,tax and Total amount.I want to show the total amount in "Total Amount" cell.

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VS 2005 Appliction Settings Not Working Properly?

Mar 29, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2005 and running non embedded crystal reports from the SQL server and have following variables database name, server name, user name and password in the application settings editor and given the default values.

I have created a form that allows these settings to be changed by the user and the probem that I am having is that, the reports are still running with incorrect credentials. The following code runs when the user modifes the values and clicks OK button


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2005 - Horizontal Scroll Event Not Working Properly

Jan 7, 2011

I am developing windows application in visual basic .net 2005. I am using datagridview and i want to handle its horizontal scroll event. i was using code below,


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.net - Coding Not Working And Trying To Show Data In Richtextbox

May 25, 2012

I have spent hours trying to fix this problem I have, basically I want to only display column 1 from my text file in my rich text box. Each column is seperated by a space (" ") When I run the following coding it shows all columns.


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Add New Line In Data Grid View 2005?

Dec 26, 2009

I am using Datagrid View in vb.net 2005 i have loaded data from db to the datagridview in all cells. i have concatenate three strings in a cell from db. i want that after first string the second string goes to the new line in the cell.[code]...

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VS 2005 Data Grid View Oddity

May 28, 2009

I'm working with a DataGridView. The DataSource for the DataGridView is set to a DataTable that I've populated with the results of a SQL query.

Then, I add an extra column to the DataGridView, a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. This allows the user to select a number of records in the datatable in order to save out selected files, represented by the rows of the datatable/DataGridView.

I have buttons that will programmatically check/uncheck all of these CheckBoxes, as there are frequently several hundred rows in the DataGridView. The user can also check/uncheck any number manually.[CODE..]

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[2005] Data Grid View - Hittest

Jan 12, 2009

I have a custom made tooltip form that displays when the user moves the mouse into a cell on a datagridview using the cellmouseenter event.

The tooltip pops up right away, so the user has to move the mouse away to make the tooltip disappear (the tooltip is kind of big, thats whay i had to custom make it).

what i want to do is add a bit of a pause inside the procedure that displays the tooltip.
What i came up with was this:[code...]

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VS 2005 Printing Results From The Data Grid View

Jul 4, 2010

I an new to VB.Net as well as this forum. I have a problem in working with printing my results from the Data grid view. Actually I am working on my project "Library Management System" and I have to print the results of the DataGridView. Like if I search for an author in the book catalogue, the results are shown in the datagird, I need to print those results to printer. I may be the selected or the whole page. Please help me it's urgent. And please remeber I am new to it, so wud be gr8 if it is given with example and explanation.

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VS 2005 Import .csv File And Show In Data Grid View

Oct 29, 2009

I am importing a .csv file into a data set / data table and then into a data grid view. I need to show decimal position for whole number.


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[2005] Have The Data Grid View Show The Colum Names As Rows?

Jan 20, 2009

Is there a way to have the data grid view show the colum names as rows and then the data would be in the colums?

I know I can do it in asp. But cant figure out how to swap the 2 around for display purposes in VB.

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VS 2005 Importing Data Not Working?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a table in my database. I have an import routine which reads rows from and XML file. It first loops through my existing table to see if the row exists using a date and store code column as a unique id. It all works fine until this senario occurs.First file is read in and a new row is added for 01/03/2011, store code 100. The second file is read in which also has a row with 01/03/2011, store code 100. But when I loop through it does not find the row I just added so it adds it again.The only solution I can think of is to re-populate the local table everytime I add a new row but this will have a massive amount of over heads.If I add a row to an existing dataset surely if I loop through that dataset I should come across it.

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VS 2010 Why Is This Coding Not Working For Textbox

May 28, 2012

i want to do is run some coding if the value is higher than 0 or if its 0.

Dim i1 As Integer
Integer.TryParse(txttotal.Text, i1)
If i1 > 0 Then
'run code


Every single times it keeps running the second part of the coding ie 'run code 2?

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VS 2005 Saving Data Not Working In Database?

Oct 3, 2009

I have created a access database and have sucsessfully connected to it.I have three records in it (just for testing) and have got the BindingNavigator to connect to it as well.I can move through the (3) records that I have previously entered, and when I click on the Add Record button it zero's the text fields that I have displayed.When I enter NEW DATA it does not SAVE it.

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*.txt Filter Not Working Properly?

Mar 14, 2011

In my word processor I have an 'Open' option on a menu strip. Here is the code for it:

Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
With ofdFile
.Title = "Select a file to open"[code]....

For some reason when I press the 'Open' item and open the ofdFile dialog box .txt files do not appear even when I have the 'Text Files' filter selected However, when I use the 'All Files' filter they appear. And the 'HTML Files filter is also working properly.Why are the .txt files not appearing when I use the Text Files filter?

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.NET 2.0 .settings Not Working Properly?

Oct 18, 2011

I don't even know where to begin describing this. I have a project, that uses settings, for some paths, settings that I retrieve with the My.Settings. function.In my laptop, when I change the .exe.config file, the settings are updated accordingly, but when I try that on the production server, it just shows the default value used while compiling.

I tried changing the solution configurations to debug and other custom configs with no effect.Tried to use the same folder copied and pasted without version control, still the same result.Tried a co-workers laptop, by using the last svn revision, it works there too. But on neither of the servers works.

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Calculations Not Working Properly?

Apr 17, 2012

I cannot figure out why my calculation is not working. I am doing for 1 to 12 and it gives me 12 inputs but counts my entries as 13? What am I missing. If I change it to 0 to 11 same thing. I am not sure what the issue is, but I cannot see it, and am not sure where to look.I need to end up with 12 cycles through and intEntries to be 12.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'initialize accumulator
Dim decEntries As Decimal[code].......

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Ctype Not Working Properly?

Nov 1, 2009

dim testpanel as new panel
dim test as CType(testpanel, Control))
msgbox(typename(test)) ' it gives me "panel"

'i dun get it, how can typename of test give me Panel when i explicitly call it to be converted to a Control type?

View 9 Replies

E.KeyCode Not Working Properly?

Jul 4, 2011

So I opened 2 forms, Form2.vb and Form3.vbNow I put this:

Private Sub Form1_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) Handles Me.PreviewKeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.F8 Then


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Get Passedtext Properly Working?

Mar 25, 2012

i am making a simultaneous equations program and cant figure how to get passedtext properly working, as i declare the amount questions the user wants to answer in the settings form, it then passes this over to the simultaneous equations form and i cant get it to keep spawning questions until the number is reached.

Public Class simultaneousequations
Dim Random As New Random
Dim typeofquestion As String = Random.Next(1, 3)


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My.Settings Is Not Working Properly

Oct 1, 2011

I have some System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection 's in my.settings and the won't do anything: I have tried adding things to them and I get a null reference, now I have used these before and they worked fine I have tried reading from them, like I have in the past, and it dosen't read anything; the strings come out emtey as in one emtey string when there is three full strings


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Sequence Not Working Properly?

Jan 21, 2012

I have 6 textboxes (named textbox7, 2, 3 , 5 and 6) and i want to switch the values put in them (7 in 6, 6 in 5, 5 in 4, 4 in 3, 3 in 2, 2 in 7) by clicking a button.Actually this should be a volley formation scheme :Pi wrote this

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
TextBox7.Text = Replace(TextBox7.Text, TextBox7.Text, TextBox2.Text)


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Tab Key Is Not Working Properly In Group Box?

Oct 8, 2011

Using VB.Net

i am using controls (textbox, combobox, checkbox, etc) with Groupbox and without groupbox in the form

Tab function key is not going to the Groupbox Controls

For Example



Once form1 loaded, textbox1 will be focus, then i click the tab it's going to textbox2, combobox1 and save button. The Tab is not going to Group box (textbox3, checkbox)

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VS 2010 Sql Not Working Properly?

Feb 13, 2012

So I created a store procedure on my Sql Server 2008.

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'Public Property' Not Working Properly?

May 24, 2009

I've defined a public property in a mdiParent form

Public Property StatusBar_LastChecked() As String
Return Me.Statusbar1_LastChecked.Text[code]....

Now when I run the code, the msgbox shows the current text and then the new text. BUT the actual text in the StatusBar remains unchanged.

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Checkbox In Datagridview Not Working Properly?

Aug 16, 2010

I have an unbound checkbox in my datagrid view along with other bound fields from a dataset. I do not need to send back the checkbox status to my dataset or the DB. Instead I will loop though the DGV and look for those checked and do another process with them after its done being loaded. The problem is this. When I check a checkbox, then check another, the first one goes back to unchecked and so forth, back and forth. There is no add, update or deletes needed for this DGV.


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Code For Camera Not Working Properly

Jun 29, 2011

I got the following code from net,its working sometimes but sometimes not working, why?Its not showing the video by every click of the button Preview.I want some better code which will work smoothly and will show the video by every click. [code]

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Datagridview :: Saving Changes Not Working Properly?

Jan 25, 2010

i have a windows forms app which displays a bunch of records from my sql database. when i modify records in the grid and click on save, all changes are saved EXCEPT the changes made to the currently highlighted row. they aren't written out the database until i exit the actual program, despite clicking on my save button.so for example, if i change 5 different records in the grid, and click on save, and then click on refresh to reload the data from the database, 4 out of the 5 are saved correctly, but the row that is currently highlighted (meaning, the last row i changed) still has the old data.My code for the save button look like:

Private Sub TerritoryBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TerritoryBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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FileClose Function Not Working Properly

Jun 14, 2011

I'm using fileopen() function to open the file, after doing all the works I'm using fileclose() to close the file. But when I access the file again it returns already the file is opened by another process.

Dim intFile As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(intFile, mstrFilename, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Read, OpenShare.LockWrite)

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