VS 2005 - FileStream Storage Across Forms

Apr 17, 2009

I have a button on form 1. When the button is clicked, form 2 pops up. Form 2 also has a button.

Code for form 1:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim textfile As New FileStream("textfile1.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
Dim txtfilewriter As New StreamWriter(textfile)
[Code] .....

Now, as you see, on the form 1 load event, the streamwriter writes "Physics" to the text file. When the button on form 2 is clicked, the streamwriter writes "English" to the same file. As an end result, I expected BOTH "Physics" and "English" to be in the text file but the final result is only "English" in the text file. What do I have to do so that the textfile continuously stores these lines?

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.Net "Access Denied" When Creating A New FileStream To SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM?

Nov 25, 2008

The goal is to write data to a SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM file using VB.Net. An "Access Denied" message occurs when creating a FileStream object in the code(see red underlined code below). SQL Server 2008 is configured to "Allow remote clients to have streaming access to FILESTREM data" along with "Enable FILESTREAM for Transaction-SQL access"... What configuration setting is missing and causing the "Access Denied" message? Figure 1.) Code used to stream data to SQL Server managed file


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VS 2005 "Not Enough Storage Is Available To Complete This Operation"

Oct 7, 2009

Hi can somebody tell me how to solve and avoid this error message during build an installer.. everytime after debug the project proceed to Build an installer inside Visual Studio this error appear..

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VS 2005 - Gotchas With Docked Forms - Forms - Displayed Using Menu Items To Display Information To User

Nov 10, 2011

We have an application that has a main form with a map on it. Right now the paradigm is to have forms that are displayed using menu items to display information to the user. Most of these forms are modal forms, but a couple are non-modal forms that interact with the map. For some of the forms, it really would make for a better user experience if we could dock them in the main form of the app and allow the user to see both the form and the map. For instance. We could have a list of map features in a docked window, and select one of the items on the list and have the map zoom to that feature. Or do the reverse: let the users select a map item and have a docked window that shows details of the feature. Sounds great, but I wonder about what sort of gotchas we may encounter. In particular, what if we have two windows docked at the same time? Could we get tangled up in our event code?

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Create A Data Forms With Forms Wizard In VB 2005?

Jan 21, 2010

How to create a data forms with the data forms wizard in VB 2005

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Filestream Reader From FTP?

Aug 25, 2011

I am attempting to read specific lines of GIANT text files (> 150 MB) with hundreds of thousands of lines. The files are contained on an FTP site. I can successfully open the files using FTPwebrequest and streamreader but to get to a specific line using streamreader, you have to read every line before it. Obviously this takes a lot of time when you need to get to the millionth line.

A much faster way, I think, would be to use filestream and the filestream.position function. However, I'm not sure how to open a file as a filestream from FTP. I have tried:

Dim ftpaddress as string = "ftp://####@ftp.textfile.asc+"
Dim fileStream1 As New FileStream(ftpaddress, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)

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How To Multithread A Filestream

Feb 23, 2011

I'm making a type of download manager which downloads parts of a file using HTTPREQUEST.addrange. The parts download without a problem and currently I use 5 instances of the same class to download the parts simultaneously each one downloading a different section of the file. Now my problem is that I don't want to save each part as a file then merge them later, I want to use a singular filestream and append everything asynchronously. In the code below I attempted to use the seek method but it feels like it changes the seek for all of the other parts as well.


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Take Files To Filestream?

Aug 15, 2011

i searched a bit but i cant find something useful.i need to take my files to filestream (i can do this with file paths)and i wanna save this files to somewhere else on my program. Is it possible that with the using FileStream?

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Using Seek With Filestream?

Feb 23, 2009

I am trying to read in a file and store the byte position of each line read so that I can write out to another file the records in any order that I want. I am doing more manipulation of the lines, hence why I need the line position from the original file, but for simplicity sake, I am just including code to display the problem I am encountering. When I read in the file, I am getting the correct file position, but when I write out the lines, every 1024 characters it is re-writing whatever current line it is on. I am assume there is some buffer that is coming into play that I am not familiar with,


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ClickOnce And Filestream Permission?

Jul 27, 2009

VB.NET application which allows user to split a file in smaller files. However the stand alone executable of the application,had a permission problem using filestream to read a file without an OutOfMemory exception, while selecting to split locatein certain directories like "C:".To solve the problem i checked My Project window and the "Security" tab, and i tried checking the checkbox: "Enable ClickOnce Security Setting" and selecting "fulltrust application". This added to my app.manifest these lines of code:

<defaultAssemblyRequest permissionSetReference="Custom" />
<PermissionSet class="System.Security.PermissionSet" version="1" Unrestricted="true"


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Converting A Memorystream Into A Filestream?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm working on a project to extract documents from a SQL Database and writing those documents to a network drive. However some of the files pointed at in the DB are encrypted files (RijndaelManaged)that reside on another network driveI have been able to retrieve, and decrypt the files using streams. Now aving problems saving or converting the Memorystream into an actual file.

Here is my code
Sub ExtractDocument(ByVal ThisDocumentInfo


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Delay While Using FileStream/BinaryFormatter?

Mar 1, 2009

I am using BinaryFormatters (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter) and FileStreams (System.IO.FileStream) to perform simple Open, Save, and Save As commands. I am using a separate FileStream and BinaryFormatter in each method.

My issue is that there is a delay for between four and ten or so seconds after performing any of those abilities before you can perform any other of them. Apparently the file is open in "another process", which (my guess) is the FileStream.Let's say I save and close a file in my app. I then go File > Open and select the same file and go to open it. I get that error returned.This isn't really an issue with the code, it's more me asking what the reasons are for why this is happening. What would be a way to work around this?

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Filestream - How To Save It As A File

Feb 18, 2010

I have a filestream, and I want to save a file from that filestream? Like there are bytes in that file stream, and from those I want a "file.exe" to automatically appear on my desktop.

I'm using a code snippet, and I think this is the important part:
Dim fstr As New FileStream("file.exe", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)
fstr.Write(validArg1, validArg2, validArg3)

Do I have to use a for loop? Or is there a function like this:
IO.File.WriteAllBytes(myPath, fstr.AllBytes)

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Filestream URI Format Not Supported?

Aug 24, 2011

Filestream URI format not supported?

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Multithreading A Filestream In Vb2005

Jul 22, 2009

I am trying to build a resource file for a website basically jamming all the images into a compressed file that is then unpacked on the output buffers to the client. my question is in vb2005 can a filestream be multi threaded if you know the size of the converted file, ala like a bit torrent and work on pieces of the filestream ( the individual files in this case) and add them to the resource filestream when they are done instead of one at a time?

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VS 02/03 Extract The Bitrate Value When Using FileStream?

Jun 25, 2009

The file read is a mp3 or wav file.But my code Comb_Audio_Length, cannot determine the bitrate correctly as different mp3 and wav file have different bitrate....How can I read the bitrate value so as to calculate the audio length correctly?

Dim fs As FileStream
fs = New FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim filesize As Int32


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VS 2010 .net FileStream To WCF Service?

May 24, 2012

making a WCF service before or do know anything about them, so this should be pretty simple. I have to get this "program" to take an excel file from a folder, and send it to this service but I keep getting this very specific error message:

The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request.

Probably one of the most specific error messages I have come across in my days. This is my code for the program, and what I have as his "service reference".

Imports System.IOImports System.ThreadingImports System.Net.MailImports System.TextImports WindowsApplication1.ServiceReference1Imports SystemImports Microsoft.VisualBasicPublic Class Form1 Const Processfolder As String = "C:TestScottsCrap" Const Processedfolder As String = "C:TestScottsCrapCrap" Const ErrorFolder As String = "C:TestScottsCrapError" Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As


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Write A String To A Filestream?

Aug 6, 2009

My goal is to upload a string to a txt file on an ftp server.Here is what I have found so far:

Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _
DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(RemoteFilename), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
clsRequest.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("usr", "pw")


Is there a way to convert a String into something that clsStream.Write will accept?

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Copying Stream From XmlTextWriter To A FileStream?

Jan 11, 2010

I have an HTTP Handler that is binding an XmlTextWriter instance to Response.Output like so...

Sub GenerateXml(ByRef Response As HttpWebResponse)
Using Writer As New XmlTextWriter(Response.Output)
' Build XML


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Filestream.write Does Nothing Second Time Round?

Jan 5, 2012

I'm trying to write a file in chunks in a loop but the filestream.write just causes the sub to end the second time round but the first chunk it written and the savefiledialog remains?

edit: I was using an offset which I shouldn't have so now it writes the file just fine but the savefiledialog doesn't close itself?

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Overwrite A File Using A Buffered Filestream?

May 19, 2012

Here's the catch - for the program I'm making I would like to avoid creating a copy of the file in its totally unencrypted state (I'm using a modified, quick-and-dirty XOR cipher for that. It's secure enough for my purposes and faster than the stronger encryption). Anyhow, what I would like to do is read a block of data, de/encrypt it (in memory) and then write the changed bytes to the same location they previously would have been within the file.

I've found the problem a little outside my programming abilities, so I was wondering if anybody had a pre-made solution, links to appropriate examples, or an all out explanation.

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Read UShort And UInteger From Filestream?

Jan 7, 2010

Here is some code I am trying to use to read a UShort and UInteger from a filestream[code]...

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Replace An Existing Bitmap Using A Filestream?

May 22, 2009

I am trying to replace an existing bitmap using a filestream. I can do it once, but if I try to replace it again, using the same filestream command, I get the following error:

"The process cannot access the file 'F:\base.bmp' because it is being used by another process."

Private Sub btnSquare_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSquare.Click
Dim image As New Bitmap(pic.Width, pic.Height)


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Sql Server Filestream Access Denied

Sep 9, 2009

I have trouble accessing filestream via SqlFileStream. Sql server and IIS7 are on different servers, remote access to Filestream is enabled. Workgroup for both servers is the same.I've tried everything, including opening user with identical username/passwords on both servers. Didn't work. Dim sqlFileStream As New SqlTypes.SqlFileStream(filePath, txContext, IO.FileAccess.Read)I have both filePath and context.However, when I open server via explorer logged on locally as Administrator, I also get access denied if I try to acesss this share.Can permissions for this share be edited at all?

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Upload File To The Web Using Socket And FileStream?

Jul 27, 2009

I am writing a program to upload file to the web using Socket and FileStream. Here is the code

Private Sub Read(ByVal state As StateObject)
Dim filestream As FileStream = state.fileStream
filestream.BeginRead(state.readBuffer, 0, StateObject.readBufferSize, New


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VS 2008 FileStream Write Folder

May 24, 2011

can someone help explain to me how this code knows where to write the file too? I want to modify it to write another schema file to a different folder location [code]I need to write the 2nd schema to j:Solds folder but dont know how to get it to the folder it writes to just.[code]I know how to re-write this with streamWriter but I am looking to understand how this piece of code actually knows the location to write too

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How To Storage Some Information

Apr 8, 2010

I need some input how to storage some information.The information I wish to store is a list (1-300) that contains the following:

-Raw material (string)
-An array of Value (double or long)
-An array of Date (string preferably)

My first approach to this was looking at the structure statement but I couldnt figure how to use the array within the structure statement.

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IDE :: Not Enough Storage Space Is Available?

Nov 30, 2006

Almost every one hour, when I run the project

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Storage Fpr SSL Files?

Dec 30, 2010

I am using a MySQL Server on the net and a Windows Forms client program, which connects to this server.

I want to use SSL and have prepared everything, that this can be used. My primary question now is as follows:Where / how to store the files for the SSL certificate as best way? As embedded resource? as external file? As part of the My.Settings environment?

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Use Memory As Storage Instead Of HDD?

Mar 31, 2012

I have been trying to do this for about a month now (hard to get answer quick because of school), but i need to decrypt a file into memory. I know you have to "write all bytes to memory" but i have two problems with that, 1. I have never touched on that itself and don't know how to write the bytes of an executable to memory, 2. I still wouldn't know how to decrypt it in memory. Right now my code is:

ElseIf entype = "rc4" Then
If File.Exists(thepath & exerandname) Then
Kill(thepath & exerandname)


it checks if the file exist then deletes it, then it opens the file and decrypts (_4reversecr.enc) the file(Cutter(1)) with the key (key)?

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