VS 2005 Using ToolstripMenuItem With Assigned Form (nativewindow)?

Jan 3, 2011

I'm using .Net Framework 2.0 with VS2005. I want to create a form associated to an external program (Microsoft Word, for instance). I want it to stay in front of this external program, but I don't want it to be modal.


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VS 2005 Toolstripmenuitem OnClick Parameter?

May 9, 2009

So I have a ToolStrip menu item "New", when pressed it creates an MDI child window and adds new toolstrip menu item to the parent window and when clicked it focuses on the window I created before, so I could easly navigate if I have loads of windows. This code perfectly works in VS2008:

Private Sub NewToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim frm As New Form()
Static ic As New Integer
ic += 1


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Loop Through Toolstripmenuitem Child Of Toolstripmenuitem?

May 26, 2009

i want to loop through toolstripmenuitem child of toolstripmenuitem but i dont fine yet :

For Each mnu As ToolStripMenuItem In Trangchu.MenuStrip1.Items
For Each mnu2 As ToolStripMenuItem In mnu ( red word is error ) Please show me)

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VS 2005 Checking If A Datagrid Is Assigned A Datasource

Jan 5, 2010

Is there a way to check whether a datagrid is assigned a datsource. How can I distinguish a unassigned datagrid from a datagrid that is assigned a datasource.

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Changing The Color Of All The ToolStripMenuItem On A Windows Form

Dec 24, 2011

How do you change Color of all the ToolStripMenuItem on a Windows form. It seems as though you can't.

Here is the code that fails

For Each a In Me.ToolStripItems Then
a.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(InterfaceColor)
a.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(LabelColor)

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Forms :: Call Mdi Form Toolstripmenuitem Name Using The String Variable?

Jul 8, 2009

i need to call mdi form toolstripmenuitem name using the string variable. for ex, mdi form is Form1. toolstripmenuitem is customer master if i do like that "Form1.customer master.Enabled=True" its working

but my issue is i stored customer master in a string variable like mystring="customer master" i need to enabled using the string variable like Form1.mystring.enabled=True

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Attach A NativeWindow To An External Process?

Jan 29, 2008

We use a 3rd party engineering application that does not expose an automation model. We can 'automate' it after a fashion by using low level Win32 API calls. I can get the Process by iterating the GetProcesses method. Is there a way to attach to the app by using the NativeWindow class?

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NativeWindow Class Skip / Ignore Messages On Right Clicking

Jan 5, 2010

I am using a class derived from NativeWindow to get access to WndProc for various text boxes on my form. I am trapping the WM_CONTEXTMENU message. I assign the handle in the Enter event and release it in the Leave event. Everything is working as expected except for one situation. If the user right clicks to select a new textbox, the first WM_CONTEXTMENU message is either skipped or is fired before the handle is assigned in my code. If I set a break point in the Enter event, the issue described above does not occur.

In all other cases, tabbing into the textbox, setting the focus to the textbox in code or left clicking in the textbox to select it, everything works as expected. To test the above, I also trapped WM_RBUTTONUP and display a message box. In all of the cases noted above except for selecting the textbox by right clicking it, the message boxes are displayed and then the context menu is displayed. When selecting a textbox by right clicking it, the message boxes are not displayed and the context menu is. Could this possibly be a bug in the NativeWindow class?

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Automitical Change Of Assigned Property Value Windows Form?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to use images as resources from another library.When I set it in the from.designer.vb-file and debug it, then it converts the value from:


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Make Picturebox1(function Already Assigned) Perform The Same Function As Picturebox2(no Function Assigned)

Aug 1, 2009

i wanted to ask how to make picturebox1 ,to which functions are already assigned, perform the same function as picturebox2 ,to which no functions are assigned.For example:I have already made picturebox1 and have assigned it alot of function like when play button is pressed then picturebox1.visible = true and when we press pause button picturebox1.visible = false. So now i decided to make a theme and have to remove the picturebox1 and want to allow the picturebox2 to havefunction of picturebox1.But when i disable the theme the function of picturebox1 should go back to picturebox1.

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Control Properties Automatically Assigned Random Resource String Instead Of "" In Form Designer File?

Feb 8, 2011

The company has a Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate project that is written in Visual Basic. The project has several strings in the resources file (Resources.resx). One of those strings (VersionSuffix) contains "" when we are distributing a normal version of our product and "BETA" when we are distributing a beta version of our product. Most of the time we distribute a normal version of our product. Therefore, most of the time the resource string VersionSuffix contains "".

Recently, we attempted to distribute a beta version of our product. Therefore, we changed resource string VersionSuffix from "" to "BETA". However, it quickly became apparent that the resource string VersionSuffix was being used as the default value for several control properties in the form designer. For example, if I draw a rich textbox on a form then file FORMNAME.Designer.vb will contain the following.

Me.RichTextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(286, 306)

Me.RichTextBox1.Name = "RichTextBox1"

Me.RichTextBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(134, 33)

Me.RichTextBox1.TabIndex = 32

Me.RichTextBox1.Text = Global.PROJECTNAME.My.Resources.Resources.VersionSuffix

We are unable to find anything anywhere that indicates that this resource string should be used as the default value for control properties. Therefore, we have no idea why this resource string is being used for this purpose. We would like to change the control property assignments in the designer from Me.RichTextBox1.Text = Global.PROJECTNAME.My.Resources.Resources.VersionSuffix

Me.RichTextBox1.Text = "" However, we don't know why these strange assignments are being made. Therefore, as soon as someone adds another control the problem will most likely return. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to prevent it from happening again?

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How To Know Parent Of A ToolStripMenuItem

Mar 5, 2011

I want to know is parent of ToolStripMenuItem a MenuStrip or not?

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Make ToolStripMenuItem?

Jan 30, 2011

I have mainform which has a menustrip and it contains many level of menuItems every thing works fine, but my question is when I display the form form any MenuItem by the click event and when I close or dispose the called form it dose not display where thelevel where it was called from, instead it come back to the top level menu and no one is selected.

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Change Toolstripmenuitem Forecolor?

Apr 2, 2010

I have a custom toolstrip renderer, which works perfect. But I want to change the forecolor of the toolstripmenuitems too. How can I achieve this?This code should be completed:

Public Class mymenu
Inherits Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
Public Sub New()[code]......

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Determine If This Toolstripmenuitem Exists?

Aug 27, 2010

Below is the code that is adding a toolstripmenuitem at runtime. I do need to check elsewhere to see if it exists. What I have below is incorrect. How would I change the conditional check below?

ToolStripMenuItemFile.DropDownItems(2).Click += New EventHandler(SaveFile_Click)
If ToolStripMenuItemFile.DropDownItems(2) IsNot Nothing Then
ToolStripMenuItemFile.DropDownItems(2).Text = rm.GetString("Save")
End If

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How To Detect When ToolStripMenuItem Clicked

Jul 1, 2010

I want my program to detect and do something when ToolStripMenuItem is clicked.

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Set ToolStripMenuItem(s) Color On Load?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm trying to find a way to set the color of my toolstripmenuitems on form_load. Been trying something like:

For Each menu As ToolStripMenuItem In Me.Controls
menu.BackColor = clr

I know that Me.Controls is probably wrong, can't find a proper way though.

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Setting Position For ToolStripMenuItem

Apr 12, 2012

Am facing the below issue while converting my application from vb6 to vb.net.[code]The menu is getting displayed always at the top left. I need to set it exactly as wher I right click.

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ToolStripMenuItem - How To Modify Loop

May 6, 2010

I have this:
For Each oToolStripMenuItem As ToolStripMenuItem In oToolStripMenuItemMain.DropDownItems
First line produces an exception because it runs into a ToolStripSeparator. How to modify this loop so it won't?

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ToolStripMenuItem Click Event?

Jul 7, 2011

I am having trouble figuring out a way to add click events to ToolStripMenuItems generated off data from a ListView object.In short, i have a ToolStripButton called 'View', in that i have a ToolStripMenuItem called 'Group'- What i have already accomplished is adding sub-items to the 'Group' ToolStripMenuButton. These items are based of ListViewGroups inside of my ListView.

Here is the code for what i've done so far:

Private Sub ToolStripButton3_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ToolStripButton3.MouseEnter


As you can see, this will generate a ToolStripMenuItem inside the 'Group' ToolStripMenuItem for each group that is located inside my ListView- as well as add a constant ToolStripMenuItem, 'All', for viewing all groups again.What i am unsure on how to do is program in the OnClick Event for each of the generated ToolStripMenuItems?

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VS 2008 ToolStripTextBox And ToolStripMenuItem

May 15, 2010

I have in a menu a ToolStripTextBox where the user can enter a CASE NUMBER to FIND. And I have a ToolStripMenuItem below that says QUICK FIND - clicking this will find the case you put in the textbox. Tabbing out of the textbox puts you at this TOOLSTRIPMENUITEM so that ENTER on the keyboard will trigger the FIND. I want to make it so that pressing ENTER while still in the textbox will trigger that same TOOLSTRIPMENUITEM action. Do I have to trap keypresses or is there a more natural way to accomplish this?

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.net - Bind To The Enabled Property Of A ToolStripMenuItem

May 31, 2012

I'm trying to do MVP where I have a view specific model that the presenter manipulates and the view binds to. There is no other connection between the presenter and view (the view fires off commands to the domain model via a gateway type pattern).

As you can guess, this makes the ability to bind to any property of any object really important.

I'm having trouble finding the correct way to bind to the Enabled property of a ToolStripMenuItem. Most controls have a .DataBindings property, but this one seems to lack it. I haven't found much info online about how to do this. Is it even possible?

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.net - SourceControl Of ContextMenuStrip Is Nothing In ToolStripMenuItem Click?

Jun 22, 2010

I have single ContextMenuStrip attached to more controls.In use the Opening event of ContextMenuStrip to filter/disable some context entries.In this case the property ContexteMenuStrip.SourceControl is set correctly.The problem I have is on the Click event of a ToolStripMenuItem. This item is inside a ToolStripDropDown. I get the parent item with code:

Dim tsmi As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem).Owner, ToolStripDropDown).OwnerItem, ToolStripMenuItem)


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Change Color Of A ToolstripmenuItem When It Is Selected?

Feb 13, 2012

How do you change the color of a toolstripmenuItem when it is selected?

When Clicked on to open up the drop down menu.

I can change the Background for everything else, but when I click on the toolstripmenuItem the dropdown shows up correctly but the MenuItem changes to an incorrect color.

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IDE :: ToolStripMenuItem - Checked/CheckState Differences

Jul 26, 2005

I understand that Checked is a boolean, which is not the case of CheckState.I understand that CheckState also have a undeterminate possible value.But I don't understand why we have them both. I think that CheckState would be sufficient. What is the need for Checked ?

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Share MenuItems Between A ContextMenu And A ToolStripMenuItem?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a context menu attached to a panel, that should mirror commands available in a toolbar menu.Currently in my MouseUp event, I set the enabled state of the MenuItems, and add them to the context menu:

ctxMnuLinks.Items.Add(New ToolStripSeparator)


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VS 2008 Find Parent Of Toolstripmenuitem

Jul 18, 2010

I'm developing an application which is having Menustips with few elements. My structure is as follows;

Add-on Modules
|_ Data Export
| |_ Back Office export


I set the visibility in each leaf element as per the permission given in DB. But I want to set visibility=false in case all the leaf elements are set to false.

e.g If POS interface and Backoffice Interface are set to False, Then I need to hide the Parent (Interfaces) too.

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VS 2008 How To Make ToolStripMenuItem Persistent

Feb 23, 2010

here is what i want to do have a ToolStripMenuItem in a ToolStripDropDownButton menu what i want to do is have an option to not hide the menu when the ToolStripMenuItem is clicked so i wrote the following:


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VS 2008 Weird Error With A ToolStripMenuItem?

Jul 5, 2011

I had a lengthy subroutine with handler routines, like this, before:

Private Sub CompMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _
ToolStripMenuItem3.Click, ToolStripMenuItem4.Click, ToolStripMenuItem5.Click,


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VS 2010 ToolStripMenuItem Click Detection?

Jul 1, 2010

I want my program to detect and do something when ToolStripMenuItem is clicked.

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