VS 2008 Extending VB Program To Linux And UNIX?

Jan 13, 2012

I have a program built on VB.NET and C# . It calls Win32 API and another APIs we made and others (WodSSH and DevExpress).Now we plan to extend our tool to run on Linux and UNIX GUI for UNIX end-users. We have doubts whether to try to import the program somehow (I heard about Mono and Wine) or build it from scratch in Java.

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C# System.PlatformID.Unix Vs. Linux?

Aug 8, 2010

I need to make some system calls in my C# applications.Unfortunately, this behaves differently on Linux than on UNIX.Now I used to switch the Operating system at runtime like this

If Environment.OSVersion.Platform = System.PlatformID.Unix Then
' Linux/Unix '
ElseIf Environment.OSVersion.Platform = System.PlatformID.MacOSX Then


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.NET To Monitor A Remote Linux/Unix Filesystem For Changes And Even Write To It?

Oct 19, 2011

Is there anyway in VB.NET to monitor a remote Linux/Unix filesystem for changes and even write to it? Like a cross-platform FileSystemWatcher?

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[2008] Send Linux Console Commands To A Remote Linux Server?

Jan 23, 2009

Is there a way for my program to send Linux Console Commands to a remote Linux server?

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Unable To Run Unix Commands To Execute Processes On A Unix Server?

Jul 6, 2011

I was recently assigned to do some research on how to approach a project. Right now we have an old program written in tcl. From this tcl program ( running on VMS client computer), we are able to run unix commands to execute processes on a unix server. This is done via tcpip. Now, we are thinking of making upgrades to this system . We are wondering if this kind of thing was possible with Visual Basic. Are we able to run a VB program on windows computer to run UNIX commands on a server? If so, what issues might be brought up. If anyone has even the briefest guideline or tip on this,

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[2005] Run A Unix Script On A Unix Machine Without Using A Third Party Software

Jan 8, 2009

Is there a way to run a unix script on a unix machine with VB .NET without using a third party software like Rebex ssh?

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Call A Program From A Unix Shell Script?

Jun 11, 2012

I need to be able to kick off a vb.net program on a windows server from a unix shell script on an AIX server. What what I need to do to make this possible? I'm a newbie on the .Net side, but I was thinking, maybe make the vb.net program some sort of web service then have the unix shell script invoke that somehow

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Get The Unix Timestamp In VB 2008?

Sep 18, 2010

I want to know if it is possible to get the Unix Timestamp in VB 2008? I have no idea on how to get it.

(Unix timestamp is the amound of seconds passed since 1 January 1970 00:00)

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VS 2008 Extending Sealed Classes?

Apr 1, 2010

Briefly, what I'm trying to do is add some methods and properties to the FileInfo class, which is sealed (NotInheritable). As far as I can tell, I have two options to do this.

1) Inherit from FileSystemInfo (the base class for FileInfo) and recreate the methods and properties added by FileInfo (essentially recreating the FileInfo class from scratch)

2) Use extension methods (??) which I just learned about two minutes ago and it being 1am, I'm going to get into this tomorrow

3) Create a wrapper class around a FileInfo object - I think that's the proper term

Ok, so I guess there are 3 options.

A) Why make a class uninheritable

B) Is creating a wrapper class "basically" the same as inheriting from an object, but at least with inheritence you don't need to create any properties and methods other than those you want to modify or add?

Am I correct when I say that a Field is a protected property that can only be accessed by the base class and inherited classes, or is the definition of a field something else?

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VS 2008 Connect To UNIX Server With VB?

Oct 25, 2009

Is there any possibility to develop an application using Visual Basic that connects to a unix server (using SSH) and run some commands? I will try to describe what i need : The user should enter the server adress, username and password!Than the user must enter some "filenames" and after pressing a button the application will run a command (e.g more "filename") and generates an output file with the result of his command!

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An IDE As Good As Visual Studio 2008 For Linux?

Apr 13, 2009

I just want to ask is there an IDE as good as Visual Studio 2008 for Linux? MonoDevelop IDE is not good, I need a free Visual Studio for Linux?

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Getting GMT As Unix Epoch?

Mar 28, 2009

I have to convert a data (not the current date) to GMT and represent it as a Unix Epoch.This is what I'm trying - it returns something that looks correct - but I'd like to know if anyone with more experience knows if I am doing this correctly.

Friend Function GetEpoch(ByVal dDate DateInteger
Return (dDate.ToFileTimeUtc DateTime(1970,10000000


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Run A Unix Script?

Jan 12, 2008

Is it possible for vb.net to run a unix script?

If so , how to? Which namespace should I use?

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C# - Extending The Base Class?

Mar 5, 2010

When you create a webpage in ASP.net, the codebase inherits System.Web.UI.Page Now when I extend the page object to check for SessionExpired for example, I create a new class and inherit from system.web.ui.page, and overwrite some functions. The problem then is that on each page, I have to replace system.web.ui.page with my custompage class. Is there a way to extend a class by adding methods or modifying its methods directly (e.g. add the sessionExpired check to System.Web.UI.Page) ?I'm using .NET 2.0

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Extending A Class By Namespace?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a class within a library, with no root namespace, firstone.dll:

namespace first
public partial class one
public sub fun()


Is there a way to extend the class in a separate dll and still have access to the original class? I don't want to inherit the class just extend it.

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VS 2010 Extending An Enum?

Jun 27, 2011

I know from .NET 3.5 onwards (or might be 3.0) we can use Exension Methods to add our own methods to any Type in the .NET Framework and this is very handy, but I'm wondering if it is possible to "extend" an Enum as well?

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VS 2010 Extending DataGridView?

Aug 19, 2011

I would like to create a DataGridView that displays records that fill either 18 or 35 columns. I would like to avoid displaying all 35 columns for all records, instead showing the 17 extra columns on a second row for records that need them.How would I go about this? I'm guessing I need to create a new class that inherits from DataGridViewRow and override it's Paint or PaintCells method, but I have no experience with overriding Paint events, so I'm kind of lost after that.

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.net - Extending Web Service Proxy Classes?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to add functionality to my web service calls so object translation and automatic retries are done and abstracted away.I would usually override the base class to add the extra functionality, but as the proxy methods aren't over-ridable I can't keep the method names the same. The only other option I can think of to do it this way is to use the 'Shadows' keyword to achieve what I want.What other methods do people use to add functionality to their web service proxy classes without modifying the generated classes?

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C# - Extending An Object And Any Child Collections?

Jul 30, 2009

I have an class named Foo. This class contains a collection of child objects of type FooChildBase, but I also have a further class of type FooChildTwo which inherits from FooChildBase.

Class Foo
Public Children As IList(Of FooChildBase)
End Class
Class FooChildBase


What I would like to do is have my FooSpecial Class treat it's Children collection as if they were FooChildSpecial objects, but still be able to add FooChildTwo objects to it. Is this possible and if so how can it be done?

EDIT:I need to FooChildSpecial class to wrap any of the objects in the Children collection with the extra values, whether they are FooChildBase or FooChildTwo?

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Extending Or Creating A Custom Vb Component?

Jan 11, 2010

I am wondering if I can extend a component (e.g a button ) in vb the same way I can in java which enables you to modify the component for your specific requirement or create a new one from scratch.

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Extending The LoggingFacility In Castle Windsor?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm currently using the log4net portion of the Castle Windsor logging facility, like so:

objContainer.AddFacility("logging", New LoggingFacility(LoggerImplementation.Log4net)WithConfig("ConfigsLog4net.config"))

I need to pass in a couple of variables to the logger because I am using dynamic log file names. I have looked at the source code and determined that one possible course of action is to create a custom factory and facility but this is alot of work and I'm not sure it is best practice.

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Inheritance In Classes And Extending Subs ?

Feb 26, 2011

I've been wondering if there is anyway to extend a sub of a base class in a derived class or subclass. To date, the only thing I've been able to find is overrides and overloads functions, but to my understanding these functions just ignore your base class's sub and just allows you to run the new one with the same name.

What I want to be able to do is:


I'm not sure whether this is possible, or if I'd simply either make a new sub in my derived class that first ran the base's class sub or whether I'd override the base class and then copy and paste the old code.

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Automate Ssh To Linux Box?

Sep 24, 2011

I have automate ssh to Linux box using vbs script (to log in and execute commands)

but i need to make a tool which edit the vbs values and execute it

Brief vbs script set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "plink.exe -v -ssh ubnt@ -pw ubnt -m UNIX_commands.txt" WScript.Sleep 2000 WshShell.AppActivate " - PuTTY" WshShell.SendKeys "conf term{ENTER}" as you can see it is first run plink.exe (ssh client) with specific User name & password and load specific commands to execute on Linux box from UNIX_commands.txt which located in same directory


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VB Connecting To DB2 On Linux?

Jun 7, 2010

I can get Visual Studio 2010 Professional to connect to a DB2 UDB database but I don't see any tables. I can hand code the sql and get data returned but I want to be able to drag and drop and use the power of the Studio. I've tried OLE and ODBC connections but I'm still missing something in the set up.

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VB GUI Designer For Linux?

Sep 6, 2009

I have MonoDevelop working, and so far it's been really good. The only thing that seems to be missing is the GUI designer.

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Acces Unix UNC Path From Within Application?

Aug 17, 2009

For the application im writing i need to access files on a network server. I have tried different ways, but none of them seem to work.When i try using impersonation i keep getting logon failure (1326). I did try few solutions i found on the net but none seem to work.

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Access Oracle (UNIX) Directory From .NET?

Oct 27, 2009

We have an Oracle 11g R2(UNIX) server. A directory was created on this UNIX box for the purpose of uploading/downloading CSV files.I need to access this directory, programmatically from VB.Net in order to search for a specific file (a log file more precisely) and then open it it programmatically in Notepad from my Vb.Net application. I should also be able to delete or copy it to my local drive.I am trying to find a VB.Net code sample that would allow me to implement this: Read/Write/Open files on an UNIX directory.

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Connection To UNIX File Path?

Jun 13, 2011

I want to connect to a UNIX file path over our network and grab some .log files. Is this possible? If some do I need to do anything more than what I would do if I was opening files from a local path?

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.net - ASP.net: Extending Or Adding Pieces To Existing BoundField

Nov 5, 2010

Is it possible to add a property to the existing asp:BoundField control without creating a brand new instance to which I'd have to declare <tst:BoundField></tst:BoundField>?

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C# - Extending Enumeration Definition In A Child Class In .NET?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a base class which needs to define an enumeration:

- SomeEnum

I then need to create two derived classes from the base class and extend the values in the enumeration:

ChildClass1 : BaseClass
- SomeEnum
- SomeEnumValue1


In C# or VB.NET can someone provide the syntax to do this?

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