VS 2008 - How To Migrate Option Button

Dec 23, 2010

In VB6 I would say "optReason.Value = true"
In VS2008 would I say "rbReason.Focus()"
And accomplish the same thing?

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VS 2008 Migrate To VS 2005

Jul 30, 2009

is there a quick way to migrate a .Net 3.5 App written with VS 2008 back to VS 2005?

I'm really fed up with VS 2008 freezing every time I resize a Table.

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VS 2008 Migrate BLOBs Out Of Database

Apr 27, 2009

I have a suite of programs that currently store PDF files as BLOBs in a SQL Server database table. The purpose of this design is to take advantage of Adobe's PDF iFilter and Microsoft's Full-Text Search functionality to allow other modules of my suite to run queries against the contents of a PDF file.This has been a huge headache, however, resulting in databases that are gigantic and unwieldy. We have also run into problems getting the Adobe PDF iFilter to play nice at times. Further, re-creating the entire full-text index on an 80 GB database can take a looooooong time (when it works at all!).So, the new idea is to use the open source XPdf library to extract a copy of the textual contents from each PDF file, and instead of storing the entire BLOB, merely store that textual data for the full-text functionality. Then, instead of storing the whole PDF file in the database, it will be stored somewhere on the server's file system.My issue relates to that last bit, storing the file on the server's file system, and the subsequent serving of that file out to remote users. Currently, with the entire BLOB residing inside of SQL, it has been very simple (though not easy) to manipulate the BLOB from the server to the client and vice versa. Sending the files across the network in chunks worked out well, too. I'm not sure how to do what I want to do now, though. I'm thinking that it's not a good solution to simply make a network share where all of the PDF files are stored and let the remote user view them by issuing a: Process.Start("{remote file share}filename.pdf")What I would LIKE to do is the following:

1. A Search is run, and the end user selects a file for viewing.
2. The SQL Server knows where the file resides on the local file system.
3. Something (on the server) issues a command to create a temp copy of the file at a safe location that is shared over the network.
4. The client's program then opens the file using a web browser.


1. The main body of the PDF files are protected and hidden from the prying eyes of those who shouldn't see them.
2. PDF files with Fast Web View enabled will load in a linear fashion, improving user experience.


1. I don't know what the "something" is in #3 above.
2. I don't know what happens when a file type other than ".pdf" is the target of the URL in a web browser. I know simple image formats will just open, but what if the file is ".doc/x". What about any other file type? Is it the same as issuing a "Process.Start("") to the UNC path?

View 5 Replies

How To Set Option Button Values Via Python

Feb 24, 2011

I'm writing a python plugin for a geo referencing program called QGIS where I want an Excel sheet to do all my calculations for me. For different data points I need to set certain input values into the spreadsheet (which was already written by someone else). I'm fine setting the int values (using win32com.client) with
sheet.Cells(row, col).Value = value

For radio buttons I would expect it to work like so:
sheet.opt_name.Value = True

But I get the error message:
AttributeError: '<win32com.gen_py.Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library._Worksheet instance at 0x232878608>' object has no attribute 'opt_name'
What are the options attributes of? How do I set their values?

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Checking If Option Selected And Radio Button Checked?

Mar 29, 2010

How do I make an if statement that would check if the user has selected an option from the select list named cboGrade and also to check if the user has selected a radio button from the group named gbCalcType? I have an action that is carried out when a button is clicked, but before that action is carried out, I need to check the above.

I have this so far:

If rbPlus.Checked Or rbMinus.Checked Or rbMultiply.Checked Or rbDivide.Checked Then
instructions are here
End If

This checks that one of the radio buttons are selected. How do i check that an option is selected from the option list? There are three options: 3rd, 4th, and 5th. And the text starts out saying Select One and it locks the control once they choose one.

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Make A Full Screen Option That Toggles On And Off With A Button?

Oct 24, 2008

This code is for a media player and am wondering how to make a full screen option that toggles on and off with a button and has a track counter that hides it self at a certain time just like wmp 11, fast forward,rewind and time counter


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Store Check Boxes Or Option Button Value In Sqldatabase?

Aug 15, 2011

How can i save the optionbutton and checkbox value in sql database?

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Make An Option For Making A Playlist Instead Of Playing The Sounds Right Away When Press The Button

Nov 7, 2010

I have a Form that has several buttons on it, and each one plays a certain mp3 file. Thing is I want to make an option for making a playlist instead of playing the sounds right away when you press the button, adding them to a ListBox. So the code would look something like this on Button1_Click


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Script - Program To Where When Click An Option, A Text Outputs For Each Button Clicked

Feb 12, 2011

I'm trying to do is make a program to where when you click an option, a text outputs for each button clicked, the general design looks like this:

That's just a beginning, since the whole rest of the thing will be the same concept pretty much, and what I want to have it do is, like stated earlier, once the option is chosen, a text output, like this:

I know there is an alternative to solving that, but it will take me 10x more time, and that is, creating a new textbox, setting the visibility to False, and typing what I want outputted in that text box, then putting: RichTextBox1 = TextBox1.Text

I know that works, and gives me my output, but I just wanted to know if there was any other way but that.

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VS 2010 - Combobox & Button - Select Option Then Open Website In Browser

Mar 20, 2011

So I've made a program in VB 2010, and it has three comboboxes and a button to view. Now lets say my first combobox is "Type of website". The options are "search engines", "social networking" and "news". The second combobox values would depend on what the first combobox value is selected, like if it was "news" the options would be "technology", "uk", "us", and "world".

The third combobox would then use the values in the first and second comboboxes to give even more values, for example if it was "news" and "technology" the values would be "engadget" etc. Then the view button would open the selected website in an internet browser. How would I code this?

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Paint Event - Add A Button To A Form Each Time The User Clicks A Menu Option

Apr 17, 2009


I add a button to a form each time the user clicks a menu option as:


This draws a small blue line at the bottom of the button to show it is highlighted. Just like the mouseoverbackcolor property on a button except this will draw the line. It works fine until you slide the mouse very fast between the buttons. It is as if the mouseleave event doesnt always fire.

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Migrate From C# To VB?

Mar 7, 2009

I am going to be taking up a new job as a VB.net developer. I have worked with C# for about 3years. I did mention to the interviewer that I haven't worked with VB.net, but he seemed to think that its easy to migrate from C# to Vb.net.

how I can prepare myself for this job? Any good books or websites on this area? How different is vb.net from C#?

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Migrate From VB 6.0?

Feb 2, 2010

I am thinking of migrating to VB 2008 from VB 6.0. What are the things to expect from VB 2008. Is still the same?

Im still Looking for a trial version of VB 2008.

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Migrate VB 6.0 COM+ To .Net?

Aug 22, 2011

I have been using COM+ components(using VB 6.0) in my existing web application developed using Asp/sql. I'm basically using COM+ to get the benefit of it's inbuilt Transaction Management feature which is useful when you are performing some set of actions across different databases simultaneously.Now I want to migrate my existing site to the .Net Framework.

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Migrate VB To Net?

Jun 14, 2010

I having the project in Vb i want to migrate that project in the vb.net.

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Vb 6 Migrate To .Net?

Dec 29, 2006

I Have installed Visual Studio 2005 ( 90-days trail), I want to use Visual Basic Upgrade wizard an error will appear on step 5 the error is :

vbu.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close

more detialed info is :

AppName: vbu.exe AppVer: 8.0.50727.1 ModName: msvcr80.dll
ModVer: 8.0.50727.163 Offset: 0001c1cd

how i can migrate my vb6 to vb.net

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Set Option Explicit And Option Strict On A Project / Solution Level?

Feb 22, 2011

I really like the coding speed that vb.net provides, but I don't like the possibility to forget to declare variable types, return types of functions, etc. and that is why in each class I use[code]..

Is there a way to define those two options on the project/solution level?

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The Combo Box Style 1 Has Both The Drop Down Option But Also A Manual Entry Option

Jan 26, 2010

the combo box style 1 has both the drop down option but also a manual entry option. I need to know how to code it so that when you manually enter data, it takes that data and places it in a text message "The shipping charges for "data" is $15" displaying in a text box. Shouldn't be hard but have developed a mind block.

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Migrate Backwards From ASP 4.0 To 3.5

May 25, 2011

I have a simple application that I have to migrate backwards from ASP VB.NET 4.0 to 3.5 because of client limitations.

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Migrate C++ To C# / Program?

Oct 11, 2010

How to do the following in either C# and VB.net.

In C++, in my header file I do the following[code]...

I tried the same thing in C# but it got error. How could I do the same thing in C# and VB.Net?

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How To Migrate From XslTransform To XslCompiledTransform

Mar 14, 2010

I have the following code that I need to migrate from VS 2003 (.Net 1.1) to VS 2008 (.Net 2+)but I get compilation error System.Xml.Xsl.Xsl Transform' is obsolete: This class has been deprecated.I probably need to use System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform instead.but I do not find the matching Load() and Transform() overload versions that I can use with all the parameters of my original code.in MSDN [How to: Migrate Your XslTransform Code] I only found some simpler cases.url...but in my code I see some remarks that hints that the added parameters were used to avoid exceptions, so I prefer to use these parameters.[code]

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Migrate A VB6 ActiveX Control To .net?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a legacy VB6 ActiveX control used in IE to provide control of a parallel-port device from a browser application. I wrote this thing about five years ago; It's a pretty simple control, and it doesn't require a lot of maintenance. However, I've noticed that running the VB6 tools is becoming more and more painful over time, so I'm looking at the possibility of migrating this code to VB.net 2008.This thing is super-simple. It implements IObjectSafety and exposes a single public method, which we call using Javascript. The control has no UI other than a single box with a caption that displays its name and version number-- useful for troubleshooting deployment issues.

How would I create the equivalent in .net? Am I creating an applet? Or a .net Assembly? Any gotchas to look for as I try to make this transition?(I should make it clear here that I'm not either a VB6 programmer or a .net developer-- I've dabbled in this stuff but it isn't my area of expertise, so go easy on me).

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Migrate ASP.Net Website To Azure

Apr 21, 2011

I have an ASP.NET in VB code base that if I open in Visual Studio as an existing website works and tests just fine. I have followed many tutorials for porting this over to Azure: -Tried create new Azure project add a webrole and drag and drop project files into the new webrole, but I get about 300 reference/missing stuff/etc errors -I have also tried creating an azure project under the website solution but the option to add the website to the webrole by clicking "web role project in solution" is disabled/grayed out I have been able to make the configuration files and compile through the command line but this does not work with visual studio so I am unable to test before deploying into staging

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VS 2010 - Advantages Of Migrate From VB 6 To .NET

Jan 10, 2012

I have some questions: 1) What's the learning curve for someone with good background in VB6? 2) what are the main advantages of VB.Net compared to VB6 and what will I be missing from VB6? 3) With VB.NET 2010 "ultimate" edition is it possible to make stand alone apps or they will be depending on net anyway even for the EXEs?

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VS 2005 Option Explicit On; Option Strict On

Feb 24, 2010

what does these two code means in vb.net: Option Explicit on Option strict on i think option explicit means the compiler is not going to do any kind of conversion and i need to do all of them by the code;also it becomes case sensitive i.e;


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Error When Migrate From Vista To Windows 7

Jun 8, 2011

I get the following error when I run my vb2010 progrm on windows 7 machine:Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154. It ran fine on vista. there is no option on the compile to target x86. It is related to an active x flex grid

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Migrate Delphi 2007 Component To .NET?

Jul 12, 2010

I have generated a component in Delphi 2007 Code Gear and I need to migrate it to .NET to be used by VB.NET platform.I generated an ActiveX dll but I have been told that only the declaration of the class is visible in .NET.Actually the component I have generated is inherited by another component of which I have only the .dcu files. My new component is exactly similar as the parent one except from that I have overridden the constructor create.I wonder why the .NET, although it accepted the component, it did not provide the inherited properties, methods etc.

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Migrate From Access Db To SQL 2005 Database

Jun 1, 2010

I have an Access data base back end that contains only the tables that was created in the year 2005 (by someone no longer here so cannot answer much about past and I am not very familiar with Access). When I use SSMA 2005 for Access v4.0 to migrate to SQL 2005 a table with images (defined as OLE Object) the ones that appear in the Access table as bitmap will work fine, there are ones that appear in the Access table as "Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Photo" or "Picture" that will not. I set up a data source and used tableadapters in a VB Windows Form and used data binding by dragging the column from the data table and dropping it on a predefined picture box on the form (this basic method works fine for all the other columns in the table). I am using Visual Studio 2008.

The Access database is over 130 megs and we are migrating it to make it available across a network to multiple and sometimes distant sites. [Code] I have used all the extensions defined in Photo Editor and this .obd is just another one I have tried to see if that makes any difference. I tried moving the array to a variable defined as an Image and then moving that to the picture box and that failed too. [Code]

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VS 02/03 : Migrate A Sql Server Database To Mysql?

Apr 19, 2009

how i can migrate a sql server database to mysql? I have an app (developed with VB 2003) that it works with a big DB SQL server. But the user wants to migrate to MySQL.

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Create A Button With A MenuStrip Option Like One In MS-Office "Save As" Dialog As Below Picture?

May 10, 2012

How to create a button with a MenuStrip option like one in MS-Office "Save As" dialog as below picture?

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