VS 2008 If Statement Returning Null?

Feb 4, 2011

I am still a newbie with VB. If I return a number the if statement works fine, with opening the new form and updating it as needed. Id the if statement returns a Null from the database it crashes.


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Sql Select Statement In Vb Returning Value When Its Supposed To Be Null?

Apr 3, 2012

My code seems to behave a way I don't understand. Sometimes it returns null as expected and sometimes it returns a value when its supposed to be null. How can someone explain this? Here is the code that selects from access and displays the result in a messagebox:

cmd5.Connection = cnn
cmd5.CommandText = "SELECT receipt_num " & _
"FROM brought_coffee, farmer where crop_year= " & yr & " and " & _
"brought_date=#" & dtt & "# and farmer_centre='" & ctr & _


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VS 2008 Select From Excel Returning Null Data Instead Of Real Data?

Dec 22, 2010

I typed this question once already, hit preview, and somehow never got the preview and lost what I typed. It has been that kind of a day.So here is my quick overview then I am going shopping. I am using OLE DB to select from an excel spreadsheet. It has over 15000 rows and 33 columns. Sometimes even when a cell is not null, it is returning a null value. If I just do a "select * where [termination date] is not null", for example, it will return no rows even though I can see with my own eyes that sometimes termination date is not null.

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Dataset Returning Null Value?

Jan 11, 2012

Public Sub checkemail()
sqlcheckemail = "select Email from WEBUSER where Email='" + TBEmail.Text + "'"
Dim dscheckemail As New DataSet


if u see the one that i've commented is the one i already googled at tested...so now if the email address exist in the db..everything works wonderful..but if it doesn't exist the code should process the one that does not satisfy the first if statement...but now i'm getting the result as "There is something" eventhough the email does not exist in the db...

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DateTimePicker Returning Null Value

May 4, 2008

This may seem like a dumb question, but how do you set a default date for the datetimepicker or set today's date as default in the table?

For some reason the control (every instance I've inserted so far) returns a null value when I try to update rows without selecting or entering a specific date while the program is running. The date columns are required, and in at least one case I need the date to automatically return today's date.

In the properties I have chosen "values" for today's date, past dates, even future dates, but I keep getting the following error:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.NoNullAllowedException' occurred in System.Data.dll

When I review the details, VS tells me that the date column in question does not allow nulls. If I select a date while running the program, I don't get this error, so it seems like the default value is not getting set.

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VB Function Returning Null?

Apr 3, 2009

is it possible for a VB.net function with a return type of integer to return null ?

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C# - Returning NULL In IE But Working In FireFox?

Jan 4, 2010

I have this function correctly linked in an external .js file...

function SubmitAge(age, UpdatePanelID, HiddenAgeID) {
$get(HiddenAgeID).value = age;

and am calling it like this from an onClick of an a href="#" ... html tag (tags removed, please scroll right as stackoverflow has the greatest difficulty in displaying simple content, 7th display related edit,


Why on earth is HiddenAgeId, clearly passed just like UpdatePanelID, is returning an "Undefined identifier Error"??? its perplexed me to the point where i have no room to move! have i missed something guys?edit: Update: turns out it works perfectly (as it should) when i load it up in FireFox, but has the resulting error in Internet Explorer, this is not a browser compatibility issue, it should also work in IE, but it doesn't!

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OleDbCommand Select Returning Null

Feb 16, 2011

Having trouble importing a value from a .csv file to a .csv file. This this done because data needs to be massaged and the data file renamed. This is a user interface. Do not want to have the user touch the .csv in any way except upload to the application so the applicaiton can do manipulation. Either way here is the issue.

There is a column in the original .csv file that contains a zip code. The first row of the .csv has a value of 17003 in the zip code column. In the second row of the .csv the zip code column has a value of 11746-9984. The value in the zip code column from the second row always comes back as a Null value. My guess is that the OleDbDataAdapter is defining some kind of Schema. Again, the first row containing the zip code column probably insists the value must be numeric. When the data table field is established it probably gets defined as numeric. If that is true and the second row of the .csv zip code column is not numeric that must cause the zip code value to be Null.[code]...

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C# - JavaScript : Returning NULL In IE But Working In FireFox?

Jun 9, 2009

I have this function correctly linked in an external .js file...

function SubmitAge(age, UpdatePanelID, HiddenAgeID) {
$get(HiddenAgeID).value = age;

and am calling it like this from an onClick of an a href="#" ... html tag (tags removed, please scroll right as stackoverflow has the greatest difficulty in displaying simple content, 7th display related edit, thanks stackoverflow)

a href="#" onclick="SubmitAge(24, 'ctl00_MainContent_arFrom_upAgeRange', 'MainContent_arFrom_HiddenAge')" runat="server" 24 /a

yet, i am getting this error, and its being called on the first line of the SubmitAge function (line with $get(HiddenAgeID)... etc...)

Error:Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object

i've copied and pasted my WATCH windows in visual studio .net (vs2010 beta 2 using vb.net & c#) while the execution breaks inside teh SubmitAge .js function...

age 53 Number
UpdatePanelID "ctl00_MainContent_arTo_upAgeRange" String
HiddenAgeID Undefined identifier Error

Why on earth is HiddenAgeId, clearly passed just like UpdatePanelID, is returning an "Undefined identifier Error"???

edit: Update: turns out it works perfectly (as it should) when i load it up in FireFox, but has the resulting error in Internet Explorer, this is not a browser compatibility issue, it should also work in IE, but it doesn't!

View 5 Replies

Linq Expression Returning Null Rather Than Empty Set

Nov 18, 2010

I am finding this weird issue. When I do this > activities.Where(Function(a) (Not a.IsDeleted And a.ParentId = 100) It returns an in-memory query & when I try opening it up, it throws a object not set exception. This only happens when there were no items which satisfied the condition. Shouldn't it be returning an empty set? When there are items satisfying the condition, then it returns a list & works all good.

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PictureBox Image Location Returning Null

Jan 5, 2012

In my VB.NET application when I try to get the image location using picturebox.ImageLocation (path), it is returning null. I have to use that path string in filestream's parameter to open it. Since it is returning null, I couldn't open the file (image) in filestream. The following error is coming:
"Path cannot be null"

This is my code:
Dim path As String = Picturebox1.ImageLocation
Dim filestrm As FileStream = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)
Dim arry(filestrm.Length - 1) As Byte
filestrm.Read(arry, 0, filestrm.Length)

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C# - Returning List Of Null-terminated Strings From External Function Into .NET

Mar 29, 2012

I am trying to call an external C++ function using VB.NET (answers in C# are fine, I can convert back) which returns a list of device names. This comes in the form of a pointer to a null-terminated array of null-terminated char arrays (correct me if I've misunderstood what I'm dealing with) with a function signature:

long GetNames(char*** names)

Most of the answers to similar questions I've found have involved something more like:

long GetNames(char** names, int length)

It appears from what I've read that I need to give it an IntPtr but I'm uncertain as to how this should be initialized, and in my case I don't know the length of the array. At the moment, in the VB module, I have:

<DllImport("MyExternal.dll", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl)> _
Function GetNames(ByRef names as IntPtr) As UInteger
End Function

I've tried calling the function by passing an IntPtr initialized as IntPtr.Zero or using Marshall.AllocHGlobal, but I always get an AccessViolationException.

Any ideas on how I should be calling this function and how I get the return value into a managed string array would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: I've found a sample function call in native C as follows:

char **tmplist;

View 2 Replies

IF Statement Always Returning False EVEN IF Condition Is TRUE

Mar 26, 2009

I'm not reciving any errors at all this is Still my homework on the Compound Intrest and it's due tommarow and well an if statement isn't working

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim decAmount As Decimal = 0D


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Get A Compiler Warning For Functions Returning Value Types, Without Return Statement

Jul 21, 2009

I've just been burned again by the fact that there is no compiler warning when you fail to return a result in a Function that returns a Value type. I wrote the function:

Public Function CompareTo(ByVal other As MessageIndex) As Integer Implements System.IComparable(Of MessageIndex).CompareTo
End Function

which performs the CompareTo Function for two integers, then throws the result away and returns 0, because I forgot to either assign a value to CompareTo, or use Return, and that isn't flagged by the compiler because it's valid VB for a Value type.

I happen never to use "FunctionName = ReturnValue" because it hides information from maintenance programmers and also because I think it's insane .

Is there any way I can get the compiler to issue a warning whenever my Functions are missing a Return, whether it's a Value type or not?

View 11 Replies

Insert A Null Value In A Parametrized SQL Statement?

May 28, 2009

Now that I've switched over to parameterized queries, everything is great except along with handling all the special characters that would otherwise disrupt an all text SQL stament, it's handling the word NULL. My code basically does this for every variable used in the entire SQL statement:

If strCallName = "" Then
strCallName = "NULL"
End If


and that worked great for my old all text ones because leaving the word NULL out of single quotes would tell it yeah, that's actually null and pass it a true null value. Now with parameterized ones, it's literally passing it the word NULL I tried just leaving the string empty but then when I try to execute the command, it says that the parameter cannot be a zero length string. So how do you give a null value to a a parameterized query and make it actually send that to the database in the statement? Would strCallName = vbNull work or would it still say it's a zero length string?

View 10 Replies

Cannot Leave Field Null When Running Insert Statement

Jun 8, 2009

I have the following query that I use to create a new record in a database. If I leave any field on the form blank, for example, it throws the error "Memo.Lastname" cannot be a zero length string. Other than that the query executes appropriately.
Private Sub cmdSaveMemo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSaveMemo.Click
If Len(Me.txtMemoID.Text) <> 0 Then
[Code] .....

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Date Cannot Be Left Null In Update / Insert Statement

Oct 14, 2009

In every date field I have, I cannot update it if it is null. For instance, I have the following query and it will throw an error if the date fields are Null or zero lengths. Any ideas? I try and parse and get the following error: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. if i don't, it throws a null error.[code]

View 7 Replies

Return Null Values In Short Circuit If Statement?

Jul 1, 2011

How can i return null values in if statement above. This statement is not working if condtion is false its retruning me 0 value even if condition is false

dim d as nullable(0f Decimal)
d=(if(_dr("value") isnot dbnull.value,Convert.toDecimal((_dr("value")),Nothing)

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Sql Server - Handling Null Strings When Concatenating Select Statement?

Nov 9, 2011

I have this simple-minded query:

select a.str_number+' '+a.str_name+' '+a.str_suffix+' '+a.str_apt AS addr from mytable

This query works as long as none of the concatenated values are not NULL. If any is null, the address does not show.

I tried this:

select IsNULL(a.str_number+' '+a.str_name+' '+a.str_suffix+' '+a.str_apt AS addr,'') from table

What I would like to accomplish is to replace NULL with empty space if the value is null but I still get no values.

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Asp.net - Returning In Oracle INSERT Is Not Returning Proper Value?

Mar 15, 2012

I have an ASP.NET web application (VB.NET) using an Oracle database. On an insert, I need to get the identity of the inserted row back. I am trying to use RETURNING, but I keep getting a value of 1 returned.

Dim strInsert As String = "INSERT INTO L.TRANSACTIONS (LOCATION_KEY, TRANS_CREATOR, TRANS_EMAIL, TRANS_PHONE) VALUES (:location_key, :trans_creator, :trans_email, :trans_phone) RETURNING TRANS_ID INTO :ukey"


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VS 2008 Returning Only ONE Value?

Apr 29, 2010

Many times, I query my database for get only one value (one unique row).

I allways use this

Dim ConexaoBD As OleDbConnection
Dim DsDados As DataSet
Dim Dt As DataTable


I think this code in unnecessary for get only one value, and I believe thats a easy way to do it.

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Returning A Function Vs. Returning Variable Name?

Dec 12, 2011

My brain may just be fried since it's the end of the semester, but my teacher kicked this back to fix and resubmit...she said that I am "returning the name of your function rather than your variable name".

Here is my code for all 3 forms.


These are forms to calculate the cost of getting a cell phone package.

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VS 2008 Returning Value From Function?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm attempting to create a function that will get the User Accounts from the registry. I then need to loop through those users and commit specific actions on each one.Here's my function:

ublic Function UserAccounts() As String
Dim userskey As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows


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VS 2008 Finding And Returning A Value From String?

Sep 21, 2009

G:DevelopmentDOT NET DevColony_4ImagesBattenhallAve_Plan.bmpand i want to find and return the value after the last '' for example in the string above i would want to return:BattenhallAve_Plan.bmp

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VS 2008 LINQ Not Returning Results?

Mar 3, 2010

So, I'm not really sure if I have this setup properly or not. This is my first attempt at utilizing LINQ and I am trying to return data directly from an XML file.Here is my XML structure:

<folder lbl="_localhost" abs="C:\_localhostapache2triadhtdocs" unc="C:\_localhostapache2triadhtdocs" tag="default" />
<folder lbl="Programming" abs="D:\_prog" unc="D:\_prog" tag="default" />
<folder lbl="Anime" abs="D:Anime" unc="D:Anime" tag="default" />


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VS 2008 Returning To Login Menu?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm currently writing a program which uses a Log In Screen. When the program is exited it returns to the Log In Screen before the user can Quit. However the person that logged in before hands details are left within the screen. I have explored using the form load function to clear the text fields and a few other ideas, however to no avail.

Is there a specific event/function I can use to write in some clear text box code for the Log In Screen?

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VS 2008 : Function Returning Variable Array?

Jan 31, 2010

I should be able to pass an array of numbers, calculate average, lowest number, highest number, and standard deviation.the function returns an array containing the results. I dim public data

Public dataArray() As Double
Public DataIndex As Integer = 4
Private Function CalculateData(ByRef dtArray() As Double) As Double()


I get an "error Number of indices is less than the number of dimensions of the indexed array" stats()If I add a dimension there like stats(Dataindex) I get an error "Value of type '1-dimensional array of Double' cannot be converted to 1-dimensional array of double".

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VS 2008 Way Of Returning Datatable Data As List?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a Business Logic Layer that contains function that return datatables. I'm writing a function that will return just the records that begin with the string passed in. this is what I've come up with so far:

Public Function FetchBusinessAreas(ByVal area As String) As List(Of BusinessArea)
Dim AreasList As New List(Of BusinessArea)
Dim dt As DataTable


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[2008] Returning Field From An Excel Workbook?

Jan 26, 2009

I need my program to be able to look through an excel workbook and return the data in a particular field.

My work book has multiple sheets relating to different products.

I want to search by the item code of the product then return the list price of the product.

I have googled it but can only find examples of returning specified rows of data not a single field!

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Error On Returning List Of String 2008 Desktop Application

Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying to create a ntier desktop application using vb.net 2008.I'm trying this [code]...

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