VS 2008 Organizing Information From A Text File In A List?
Feb 8, 2012
I'm trying to make a program so I can open a text file, take the information in that file, and organize it in a list, but I can't figure out how to do it exactly.In visual basic, how would I change this:
<NAME>Joe Somebody</NAME>
Joe Somebody
I want to be able to ignore "<NAME>" and "</NAME>" and output "Joe Somebody" into the organized list, but I don't want it to work only with Joe Somebody. I want it to work with other names too. I also want to be able to edit that information, and export it the same way as the text file.
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May 18, 2010
Basically my program creates a text file based on whatever is contained in the 6 list boxes. What i need it to do is load the text it created back into the relevant list box. text file looks like...
Consignment Number-----Shippment Method------Expected Departure Date
CC33-1EA------------Express Air-----------18/05/2010
View 10 Replies
May 21, 2009
I need to be able to know how to save information in my forum to a text file.
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Apr 15, 2010
how to load the information from a textfile into a textbox
View 20 Replies
Sep 4, 2011
I've been working on a calculation program and it needs to access both a list of constants and a list of variables. So far during development I've used local .txt files and read from them using a StreamReader that accesses them directly using the full path.Obviously that won't work for a published version as there's no guarantee that the files will ever be put in the same place so I'm looking for a way around that.
I've managed to get the constants file converted into a .resources file but the conversion seems to have changed the order of the constants, ie: Pi was first in the original file but is now second. The rearrangement doesn't seem to be alphabetical either as the next pair of entries start with s before we move back to p. Is there any way to force resgen to preserve the order of the elements? Is there a different method I should use?
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Jun 4, 2010
I have a program that needs to display a playlist of songs, for a band performing someplace, from a .txt file. The songs in the file are listed as follows:
All You Need is Love-Beatles
The first line is the song's title and group name. The second is the songs genre. The third line is the songs length, 4.25 is 4 minutes and 25 seconds.upon clicking a button, I need to display a playlist from this .txt file based on the number of minutes the band has to play, minutes entered into a TextBox, and the songs genre, selected from a ComboBox. The songs cannot repeat and must be random.I have already coded the program to read the .txt file but have not clue where to start with the rest.
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Dec 12, 2010
I have a forum with three text boxes and one button. I need to place various lines of text into textbox1 from a list of information.The list contains hash codes and user ID and various ofter pieces of information without spaces or punctuation. Most of the information I don't need. However, I do need the first 25-30 characters and last 25-30 characters from each text.
Lets say this is the text:
Simmon_unit32=sub4g36ff&product= shipment29664KL49Loc% 6679KM94
I need to place the above line of text into textbox1 (this I'm doing through cut and past, so not a problem). Then, click button1 and have everything before "&product=" display in textbox2 and everything after "Loc%" display in textbox3. The line of text will usually not be the same number of characters. There may be 10 characters before and after those words of 50 characters before and after those two words. So, how do I create a substring or loop (or something) that will read the line of text and display what I need in textbox1 and textbox2, regardless of the amount of characters in the line of text?
[edit]Unfortunately there are multiple & and % signs in the texts. In fact, there will most likely be an & sign somewhere before "&product=". However, "&product=" only shows up once. As far as the % sign goes. There will be 3 or 4 of them in the text. To make matters more difficult, "Loc%" also shows up multiple times in the text. But, I only need the information that displays after the very last % sign to appear in textbox3, if that helps.I'm using visual basic 2008, in a Windows forms Application.
View 6 Replies
Mar 13, 2012
I have added information from a file to be displayed in a list box. I am displaying two pieces of information per line (reward and reward cost)They are being displayed correctly, but they are not aligned properly, for example:[code]I have used a fixed string length when saving the names to the file (.dat)I am just wondering if there is a function that would sort the alignment out?
View 26 Replies
Nov 15, 2009
I am trying to read from a file that was created with a stream writer the names line from the text file that contains data for name, phone number, pager number, cell number, voice mail, and email.What I need to do is read and load the names from the file into a list box, and then from the list box be able to choose each name and have the information (phone, pager, cell, etc.) show up in text boxes that goes with the specific name.
View 4 Replies
Jun 26, 2010
how do i read the first line of text of every text file in a folder and populated in a list box. Also how do I get it to show the file name in a text box when you select an item in the listbox
View 1 Replies
Oct 28, 2010
I need to load a large txt file that is in a fixed width format. There are over 45K lines, so speed is important.I need to load one of the fields into a dropdown box and have another field (label) display the text of another field in the related line.I could import the file to an access db if needed, but would rather not as i also want the txt file to update from a link on a regular bases. So having it in a DB would be more work to process that part.[code]
View 1 Replies
Jun 16, 2012
I need to be able to select a title from a listbox (lstBooks) and I need the data from a comma delimited text file (books.txt) to flow into a form (frmDetails)when I click the UpdateToolStripMenu button. Program is attached.
Attached File(s)
Test.zip (100.45K)
Number of downloads: 7
View 2 Replies
Jan 2, 2010
I have a text file containing 10 pieces of information. I want to read the information from the text file and put it in text boxes on a form, so that the user can view the information and edit if required. What is the best way of approaching this?
View 4 Replies
Jan 28, 2011
Im using visual basic 2010 and im building a program that will basically, you click on something in the list it will automatically open a .dat file pull the information that it needs, and then proceed to enter it into a box on the right. Well heres my issue i know how to do everything else but i cant seem to imitate this image, i need to know how i can make a list like this where the whole row is selectable, and the items/subitems are divided.
View 9 Replies
Jul 24, 2009
how to save information into a text file from runtime VB2005. However, I wish to be able to write the information into any kind of form of file that cannot be simply opened and read by anyone (such as text file can be). Is there anyway that VB2005 can do this?
View 2 Replies
Jan 1, 2011
I have a table being imported into my VB application that has 3 columns. I have written code to import the table, and have written code to display on the first column (country) in a list view.What I want to do now is have the user select / highlight an item in the list view, and have the third column (currency) related to that selected country appear in a text box when a button is clicked.Here's the code I've written that successfully imports the data and displays the first column:
Private Sub frmCountry_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
View 2 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
i have this assignment (task sheet attached) but i dont know exactly where should i complete from. i need to extract information from a text file. it involves a complex string manipulation. here is the code that i already did but i am not sure how can i extract the information i need from the appendix in the yask sheet. [code]
View 4 Replies
Jun 27, 2011
I am using VB and would like to build a text file that contains the user's computer specification, software, hardware and specifically the USB data.
How would I go about doing this?
View 8 Replies
Mar 13, 2011
I am trying to create a text file and write information to it.[code]...
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Apr 15, 2010
I need to read information from excel and them put them into a text file,I have the part for text file done and write to it but I dont know how to go and read from an excel file where every row is a diferent record, so I need to read the entire row and put every cell on variables so I can get my fixed text file done.
View 1 Replies
Apr 17, 2011
I am working with the formula for writing information to a text file. I have a program with 4 text box's and 5 radio buttons. I need to the program to write all of the info from the 4 text box's that the user has entered and the radio button that the user has selected.
View 5 Replies
Feb 5, 2012
When button 4 is clicked, I am attempting to write the information from listbox1 to a text file. It's not working. The textfile is being created, but nothing is being added. Either it creates the file, but doesn't add the text, or it tells me there's an IOException. and that the file is already in use...
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Dim path As String = "Directories.txt"
View 1 Replies
Jun 15, 2011
I am trying to right the information from a combobox into a text file so it can be saved. If the information in the combobox is John, Marry, Jack I would like it to appear in the text file like this:[code]
View 3 Replies
Apr 6, 2011
I need to add this line to a text file that is going to have other information added to it several times. I also need to add this line and have the number change every time the additional data is added.
View 6 Replies
Mar 19, 2009
I know how to load a txt file into a single text box, but im having trouble loading a text file with multiple output information into multiple text boxes using commas to separate the information.
123, Employee Name, Employee DOB
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Dec 13, 2011
The duplicates need to stay as they are in the text file. I just want the duplicates deleted from the listbox when viewed. How would I do that? Say there are two orders made by the same user. I only want the user to show up once in the listbox...
View 3 Replies
Jul 3, 2010
I am having trouble with this list box assignment. I am supposed to pull the information from a text file in the debug folder. The problem is the code looks perfect to me, but when I debug, the first line that starts with : lstSummary.items.add returns as being in the wrong format. The code is below.
Private Sub btnSummary_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSummary.Click
Dim strAccount As String
View 3 Replies
Jun 17, 2012
I am having trouble getting the Fiction.txt File to display. I don't receive any errors the program just does not seem to react. I think the problem lies in the creation of Fiction.txt.[code]....
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Aug 27, 2009
I am using VB2005 and trying to put an application together.What it needs to do is retrieve information from a binary file, possibly alter that information, and put it back into a new file.The file is a .wav file with data appened to the end. There is an additional section at the end of the .wav file which stores xml data.I have found that if I open this in a hex editor and make a 1:1 swap on any of the bytes that the application that the file is for can still read the XML.If I tried to add or remove characters from the XML then it would not read. I located a header byte and incremented it to resolve this.
This worked as an excellent bandage to do conversions where the data always needed to be changed to the same thing.What I have been asked to do is build logic that allows for different things to happen depending upon what data is contained within the file.The method that I am currently trying to impliment is:
Read through the file with a system.io.binaryreader
Searche for a bytestream that will signal data is coming
For example:
If System.IO.File.Exists("C: est estread.wav") Then
Dim findit() As Integer = New Integer() {&H3C, &H55, &H73, &H72, &H44, &H65, &H66, &H30, &H31, &H30}
Dim i As Integer[code].....
And then extract all the data till the end of element marker "<" It seemed like there should be a better way and I was looking for some insight. If I proceed with this method, I will have to read the file one time to gather the information and then a second time to write it all out with the header modified for length.This is my first experiene with working with binary files in this way.Also,I've been experiementing with building a string and slapping it back in at the end using the binarywriter.write(string) method.I noticed that it was putting in header characters before the string.These seem to change if I change the length of the string.At one point it was d0 07. Later it became e7 07. Does anyone know of a way to prevent this header from being inserted?
I tried a for each loop to grab all of the characters from the string, convert them to a byte array and deposit the byte array into the file, but the header remained the same. When I write the byte array generated from a system.io.binaryreader I do not get this header.
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Mar 6, 2012
I am trying to understand classes in VB 2010. I am a bit confused with displaying information from a list into a listbox.When I run the following code, the word collection appears in my list box. How do I drill down into 'hostnames' to display the info I want.
Public Class computer
Private _HostName As String
Public Property HostName As String
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