VS 2008 Put Null Value In A Field Number

May 15, 2009

I have in my DB a few number fields, but I would like put null values or empty values in some of this fields...

I had try this but without results:

If valorcolocardebito = 0 Then
valorcolocardebito = Nothing
End If


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VS 2008 - Default Date Versus Null Field

Aug 26, 2011

I have the following
If Trim(txtConfirmationDate.Text) <> "" Then
sqlinsert2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CONFIRMDATE", CDate(txtConfirmationDate.Text))
sqlinsert2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CONFIRMDATE", VB.vbNull)
End If
Unfortunately, it writes "01/01/1900" to the database. How do I get it to just leave the field as NULL?

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VS 2008 - How To Insert Null Value Into SQL Server DateTime Field

May 7, 2009

How can I achieve this. Insert Null Value into SQL Server DateTime Field?

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Check If A Field In A Data Table Is Null Before Creating A Textbox Bound To That Field?

Feb 24, 2010

I am building a data based application using VB 2008 an SQL Express. I need to create textboxes on my form using code, (With & End With) method. I need a simple code string that will allow the app to check if the field to wich the textbox wil be databound is Nul, If so the textbox will not be created.

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VS 2008 DateTimePicker To Be Blank If DATABOUND Date Field Is Null?

May 4, 2009

How can I get this to happen? I googled around and it seems setting the CUSTOM FORMAT to " " when the field is null will work but not for a BOUND datetimepicker.

View 12 Replies

Error When Field Is NULL

May 2, 2010

I using ADO to get som values from a SQL DB one off the fields can have the value NULL And if i use:

txtinfo.Text = RS(

Then i get an error.I have try with IS NULL - but that dosn't work

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Remove Row In CSV Where Field In Row Is Null?

Nov 1, 2010

how to delete row in a CSV file where there is a null value in a partcular column? I am using VB. There are three columns I am using Post Date, Account Number, and Credit Amount. I want to delete all rows with null values in the Account Number column. I am very new to VB, took one class. I am using the Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser?

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Set Date Field To Null Value?

Dec 12, 2011

I am using visual studio 2010. I have a text box bound to a sql datetime field.I have to be able to either set or clear the text box. I can set it to any date fine, but when I try to clear it I am unable to save the record.i am using the binding navigator to save.

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Test For Null Value Of A Field In An ADO Recordset?

Oct 24, 2010

Question is: How to test for null value of a field in an ADO recordset.Using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - VB.NET

ADO Connection to ODBC database

I am working with a table that contains about 10,000 records of which I need to do additional processing on about 1500. The records I need to process are qualified by the field'Cataloged' = True. The problem I have is the table allows for True, False or Null values (I have no direct control of the table to change from allowing Null) for the field I need to test.I run into errors when the value of the field is Null and need to figure out how to determine its Null state prior to trying to qualify the field as True or False value to prevent the errors.

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.net - Checking For Null In Date Field?

Oct 25, 2011

I have an ASP.NET application that crashes when a null date value is returned.

The code line is:

excelWorksheet.Cells("A" & xlRowCounter).Value = IIf(IsDBNull(dRow("sysdate")), "", Format(dRow("sysdate"), "MM/dd/yyyy"))

Error message:

ERROR: System.ArgumentException: Argument 'Expression' is not a valid value.

How would I check for a null date, and replace it with "" in my app ?

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Dealing With A Null In A Varbinary Field

Aug 3, 2009

I'm trying to test a varbinary(max) field to see if it's null. I'm trying to figure out if it's a null or not in the select statement, hoping to avoid having to do this locally for every row of the returned dataset. This is the SQL I'm using,


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Display Null Value From SQL Image Field?

Dec 30, 2009

I use following codes to display image from sql server. [code]...

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Have A Field In A Datatable (dt) That Can Be Integer Or NULL?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a field in a datatable (dt) that can be integer or NULL.

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Insert Null Value In Date Field?

Nov 22, 2010

i have a maskedtextbox which will accept only date in the format of "DD-MM-yyyy" no i want to insert this date in my db. i have done this successfully.

Now i want to insert null value in through that maskedtextbox .

View 6 Replies

Setting First Field In A Combo Box To Null?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a databound ComboBox on my form. Is there any way that I can make the first field blank.

I can do this with a DropDownList in the HTML part of .Net but is there a way to do it for a ComboBox?

View 2 Replies

SQL Record Search But Field Is Sometimes NULL?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to do a SQL query to see if an Address already exists in my database. My addresses are structure like this:


Sometimes line2 and line3 are NULL values in my database.I am using .NET TableAdapter and DataTable to make my query. When I try to pass in my line2 parameter (@line2) it is equal to a string with value = nothing. My database does not interpret this as NULL and says the records don't match, but I know they do? How do I pass in a string = nothing and have it compare to a NULL value in the database as being equal? I have tried string = DBNULL.value but won't compile.I have done similar comparisons with integers etc. using integer = Nullable (of integer) but this does not exist for strings.

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Getting Null Value Of Hidden Field At Server-side

Feb 18, 2011

I am calling a Java-script function, in that i am passing the value of hidden field, that hidden field i want to use at server-side, but the value of hidden field is null.[code]...

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Insert Null Value From A Textbox At Numeric Field?

May 17, 2012

Why when I try to save a null value from textbox at sql server 0 is saved?

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Made Empty Or Null Field In Datagridview

Nov 15, 2009

I key-in data from textbox to datagridvie..........the date data the format datatable is:


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Select All Records Where A Field Is Null Using LINQ?

Jan 25, 2012

I've got a table that caches calculated values for certain dates. I want to use LINQ to select all rows where the calculated value fields are null.But when I use isNothing I get an error that LINQ can't translate this into T-SQL. Is there a way to select null values with link, like this...?

Dim var = From rec As Record In myDataContext.Records Where IsNothing(rec.calculatedValue) Select rec

Other posts on stackoverflow mostly discuss how to avoid or check for null values with LINQ.

Note: I can't just set cacluatedValue's default to -1 to flag records whose calculated value has not been set (and then select those records) because I run queries that sum/average the calculated values. Selecting nulls seems cleaner and less bug-prone.

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Setting Date Field To Null With DataTables?

Mar 31, 2010

Im writing an app which connects to a SQL Server database, via datasources / datatable.When Im looking at my .xsd I can see DataTables containing DataColumns. Each DataColumn has a 'NullValue' property which defaults to '(Throw exception)'.Because I have nulls in my tables I have gone through the fields and set all System.String fields to NullValue = 'Empty', System.int32 field to NullValue = 0.

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VB Expression For Finding Null Value In DataRow Field

Jan 29, 2010

I require the expression which determines if a Data Item in a DataRow is null.

Required Code

If MyDataSet.Tables("MyTable")Rows("MyRow").Item("CheckingItem") [IS NULL] Then
'[Do Something]
End If

Attempted Code Resulting in Thrown Exceptions

I have attempted the following code which resulted in the exceptions posted under them.

If CType(ds.Tables("MyTable").Rows(0).Item(2),System.String) = "" Then
Me.lblOutput.Text = "Good"
End If
System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.

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Cannot Leave Field Null When Running Insert Statement

Jun 8, 2009

I have the following query that I use to create a new record in a database. If I leave any field on the form blank, for example, it throws the error "Memo.Lastname" cannot be a zero length string. Other than that the query executes appropriately.
Private Sub cmdSaveMemo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSaveMemo.Click
If Len(Me.txtMemoID.Text) <> 0 Then
[Code] .....

View 2 Replies

DataRow Not Produced Via DataAdapter.Fill If A Field Is Null?

Apr 20, 2012

I there a way to set up my DataTable so a field (or all fields can allow nulls if you can't set just 1 field) so oIDbDataAdapter.Fill won't leave out DataRows where a field contains a null value?

Dim oSqlCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim oIDbDataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter
oSqlCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand( _


View 14 Replies

DateTimePicker Bound To Nullable DateTime Field But No Null?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a date time picker bould to a Nullable Datetime field in a sql server datatable. The ShowCheckBox option is set to true. If the user unchecks the checkbox on the datetimepicker I would like to the field to be set back to null in the DataTable. The default behaveour does not seem to do this and there is no specific event for the uncheck.

Private Sub dtpCertDate_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dtpCertDate.ValueChanged
If dtpCertDate.Focused Then


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Insert NULL Into Database If Form Field Is Empty Using ASP.NET & VB?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a form and stored procedure that inserts the data from the form. It works fine except that if a field isn't filled in it doesn't insert a NULL into SQL it inserts "".

I've tried a few different ways but none seem to insert NULL, the one below still inserts "", can anyone point me in the right direction?

Here is the required part of the code, if you require more just let me know.

Dim rdr As SqlDataReader
Dim cmdInsert As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
cmdInsert.CommandText = "spPersonalDetailsInsert"


So if I enter nothing into address1 field it should write NULL to screen but it always writes NOT NULL. What does an empty form field equal? in classic ASP it was always "".

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Inserting Empty String Field As Null In Access?

Jan 4, 2012

I have a couple of textfields in a Windows form. One of these textfields is allowed to be NULL. When I enter a value for every field, it is all inserted, no problem. When I leave the field (txtGewicht) blank, I can't seem to be able to insert NULL in Access Database.

If Double.TryParse(txtGewicht.Text, 0) Then
klant.Gewicht = Double.Parse(txtGewicht.Text)


This is what I get:

"Cannot set column 'Gewicht' to NULL, please use DBNull instead"

So I changed 'Nothing' to DBNull.value, but it then tells me that System.DBNull cannot be converted to type Double.

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VS 2005 What Approach For Passing Null Value To Date Field

Mar 25, 2009

i'm not 100% sure about sql server but i think it doesn't accept null value for date type columns but in oracle, a date column can accept a null value. and since i'm using oracle, this is causing some problems because in my form, a textbox item bound to a date column will not accept a null value. reading thru some threads, it would seem that it is not possible to pass a null value to a date type in .Net.


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Pass A NULL In A Parameter To A DateTime Field In A Stored Procedure?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a stored procedure which updates a database using the parameters I supply but I'm having trouble passing a NULL to the stored procedure

The field I need to make NULL is a DateTime field

DB.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", NULL)

This gives me the error 'NULL' is not declared. 'Null' constant is no longer supported; use 'System.DBNull' instead


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VS 2008 Auto-number To Long Relationship - Get A "no Matching Field Type" Error

May 26, 2009

When i try to stablish a relationship in dataset designer of these two types i get a "no matching field type" error I'm working with an accdb database

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