VS 2008 Saving Classes Past Close

Jan 4, 2010

I have created several classes and i wanted to know who to store the data enclosed in the classs. For Example [code]If i wanted to store that value past the close of the application, how would I? I already know I cant use the settings class. And what if i have multiple new classes.

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VS 2008 Handle Saving User Control Settings On Form Close?

Dec 27, 2009

What is the correct way to handle saving user control settings on form close. I have a tabcontrol that a user can add tabpages during runtime. The user control has a few controls (listbox,combobox,textbox) How can I save the created tabpages and the data in each control in the usercontrol? Below is how I am calling my usercontrol

Public Class TabPageEx
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TabPage


I seem to be a little lost as most documentation seems to suggest that I can not save usercontrol settings in the app.config. I have played around with the solution expl. settings tab without much success. But, then again I may be going about it all wrong. So, I am looking for a little direction on the best way to handle this on form close.

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Optimize Classes Before Serializing And Saving

Oct 24, 2010

Often it is very usefull to save data as a class by serialize and compress it. From few experiments I have noticed that
Class A
Public name as string
Public List as new list(of string) <---- empty
End Class

Class B
Public name as string
Public List as list(of string) <----- not instantiated
End Class

If I serialize and compress the 2 classes the class B uses less spaces once serialized and compressed. This suggests me that if a class contains a list that is instantiated but empty it is better to set that to nothing and reset as new when it is decompressed and deserialized. Is there any dll that optimizes a class to be stored (serialized and compressed) and restore it when it is decompressed and deserialized?

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VS 2008 Error: Input Past End Of File

Nov 12, 2009

I have this program that excepts user input and does some mathematical calculations. When the user hits quit, the program saves all values that are entered and stores them into a text file called values.txt. Then when the user opens the program again all the values are there. But when I run the program, sometimes it gives me this error:

EndOfStreamException was unhandled by user code

Input past end of file I don't know what could be the problem. Here is my code to load the values and then save the values:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


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Immediately Close Form After Saving

May 17, 2012

I have my form checked if it's dirty when a user goes to close it. If its dirty is true, the user is asked if they would like to save the data. When they click yes, the 'save event' is called. The problem I'm having is trying to get the form to completly close after saving. At the end of the save I put in me.close(), but another form closing event is triggered. Is this the correct way to dictate having the form close immediately after saving the data or is there a better way? If it is, I must have it placed in the wrong part of my code. Immediately after the "success" dialog box is displayed, I am asked if I want to save the data again.


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Saving A TextBox On Close And Reloading

Mar 24, 2010

how i can make it so if somebody enters information to a textbox in a form. how can i make it so when they reopen the application theyre text is there.

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Open A File And Change Stuff, Then Close It Without Saving The Changes, The Events Still Fire?

Mar 17, 2010

I am using about 5 different filesystemwatcher routines total. I am using the following

filewatch.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime Or NotifyFilters.LastWrite
AddHandler filewatch.Created, AddressOf addfile
AddHandler filewatch.Changed, AddressOf addfile
filewatch.EnableRaisingEvents = True

However, there is one problem with it... whenever I open a file and change stuff, then close it without saving the changes, the events still fire. I am opening excel workbooks in code, then use xlsWB.Close(SaveChanges:=False) to close them, and the event still fires, where the file isn't really changed so it should not fire.

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[2008] Notify Icon When The User Clicks The Close Button That It Doesn't Close The Form?

Jan 17, 2009

I have set up a notify icon for my form. I want to make it so that when the user clicks the close button that it doesn't close the form it just takes it to shows the notify icon. They can exit the program from the notify icon. Can someone tell me how to keep it running?

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Close Windows Calculator In .net 2008 When Application Close?

Aug 30, 2009

how to use windows calculator in vb.net 2008?

use System.Diagnostic.Process.Start(calc)

its working but i want when application close it also close this calculator how?

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VS 2008 When Close The Main Form All The Forms Close?

Aug 30, 2009

my web browser is my main form and it has a number of sub forms , how can i set it that when i close the main form my sub forms dont close ?

At the moment when i close the main form all the forms close

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RTF Close - Add A Close Button To Menu Strip That Will Just Close The Currently Opened File

Jan 16, 2009

I'm currently in the process of building a text editor type program, and have run into a brick wall. I haven't done VB in years, so I may just need a little reminder on some things. I have coded everything so far as far as opening files, saving them, changing fonts, colors, etc. However, I'm looking to add a Close button to my menu strip that will just close the currently opened file, and not the entire program, while also ask the user if he/she would like to save before closing the file, and then if they select yes, it will show the save dialog, and if not, it will go ahead and close the currently opened item.

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How To Close One Form In A Project And Note The Entire Project When Using Me.close() In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I am really new to Visual Studio and VB and I am having trouble closing a single form:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub

When I use Me.close() associated with this button it closes the entire project and not just the single form can anyone.

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VS 2008 : Modal Form Hide Instead Of Close - Main Form Does Not Close

Mar 20, 2009

I have a main form that has a button with which a smaller form is shown. Think of the smaller form as the Find/Replace dialog in many applications, such as Notepad. It's important that the form is (what I believe is called) modal. What I mean is that it always stays on top of the main form. I ensure that by calling the Show method with "Me" as the owner argument. Whenever the small form loses focus it will not disappear into the background but stay visible (albeit out of focus). If you don't understand open up Notepad and have a look at the behavior of the Find/Replace dialog.

Here's my problem: instead of actually closing the form when the X is pressed, I want it to simply Hide itself, so its position and the state of any controls (checkboxes etc) is preserved automatically.To achieve this I simply cancel the FormClosing event and Hide it:

Private Sub Form2_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing


To show the form, I use the following (note the (Me) to make the main form the owner of the form; this ensures that it remains visible even when it is out of focus):

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

Now. When I run my project, and open the Form2 (small form), then hide it again (by 'closing' it), I can no longer close the main form (Form1)! It seems the main form cannot close when the small form still exists (albeit invisible)...?? When I don't use the Me argument in the Show method, I don't get the behavior I want. I know I can set the TopMost property to True but that will also cause it to become visible on top of all the other forms, even windows not part of my application.

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Use LINQ To Filter Collection Of Nested Classes To Yield Dictionary Of Unique Properties Of Those Classes?

Jan 23, 2012

I have two classes, one nested in the other. [code]Neither "Name" or "ID" are unique between operations and records.I wish to construct a dictionary using LINQ = Dictionary(Of String, Of List(Of Integer), whereby the keys are uniqe examples of Names in my collection and the values are the collective set of distinct IDs that are associated with those names.

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VS 2010 Structure Classes So That The User Interfaces Though A Single Class While The Supporting Classes Are Hidden From Their View?

Jun 13, 2012

How can I structure my classes so that the user interfaces though a single class while the supporting classes are hidden from their view? I think its best understood in an example:

Public Class MyInterface
Public Economic as EconomicClass
Public Sub New()


So you might ask why am I even separating them? It's strictly for others who will be working with this interface. I need to funnel them though a logical structure:


This way everything is already handled for them in the background and they only need to run the method they need. I don't know if I can have it both ways in VB.NET.

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[2008] Rewrite Class (Saving TreeView Data) For Saving Listview Data

Mar 9, 2009

rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.

Option Strict On

''' <summary>
''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be
''' persisted to xml for later retrevial.
''' </summary>


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VS 2010 Calling Subs And Functions Within Classes That Are Within Classes?

Oct 24, 2009

Here is some example code of what I mean:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as Object, e as systemEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Derived Classes Cannot Raise Base Classes

Jul 10, 2009

I m trying to raise Click event of Textbox explictly but I m getting "Derived classes cannot raise base classes" error.[code]....

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Tow RTB Copy Past?

Jan 6, 2009

I have 2 richtextboxes how can i identify in which richtextbox the data is to be paste /copy /cut

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Cannot Draw On A Form Past 291, 266?

Feb 14, 2011

I have an "application" that consists of a form Form1, with the following code behind it:

Public Class Form1
Dim xDown As Integer, yDown As Integer
Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
Dim p As Pen = New Pen(Color.Black, 1)
Dim r As New Rectangle


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Copy/past And Delete In .net?

Dec 31, 2011

my Dos Command ..

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()
openFileDialog1.Filter = "deb filesFiles|*.deb"


when my btn click then "tempfile" copy ok but its delete before my shell command execute....So How I Can Delete "tempfile" After my Shell command ececute...

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Cut And Past In Another Text File?

Oct 4, 2009

in my text file i have lines like this

Fixture Type : Agilent SimPlate Express


and output 2 should look like this

0.0 28 Blue (2 02.50 03.0) WX_EN_H 132111 -71225 0 0

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How To Recognize Time Past

Sep 1, 2009

How do I make my program know that time is passing and interact with it? Currently I'm trying to use a method like this:
Imports System.Globalization
Private Sub CurrentTime_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CurrentTime.Tick
Dim date_info As DateTimeFormatInfo = _
ToolStripLabel1.Text = Now.ToString(date_info.ShortTimePattern)
End Sub

That sets the current time to ToolStripLabel1.Text it looks like: 10:25 PM. Then I made another timer, realizing I couldn't interact with Toolstriplabel1.text because the time contains " : and PM", and this timer does this:
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
TextBox48.Text = Val(ToolStripLabel1.Text)
End Sub

Basically it takes the value of toolstriplabel1 which would be "10" it gives a variable 1-12 in accordance with the current time. Then I have another timer that handles the main process, and in My.settings I have a variable:

So I was going to use My.settings.12hourspassed as a variable such as My.settings.12hourspassed = My.settings.12hourspassed + 1 - whenever the time (textbox48.text) goes to 12.
Private Sub Timer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer.Tick
If Val(TextBox48.Text) = 12 Then My.settings.12hourspassed = My.settings.12hourspassed + 1
If Val(TextBox48.Text) = 12 Then TextBox48.Text = "1"
End Sub

The problem is that I cant do textbox48.text = "1" because another timer is making it the value of the current time.. So whenever textbox48.text = 12 it constantly does: My.settings.12hourspassed = My.settings.12hourspassed + 1...

I know that this method completely skips an hour and such.. accuracy isnt all that huge. Any way to tick off whenever 12 hours have passed? and if the program is turned off a way to compare the current date with the date the program turned off at to see how much time has passed while the program is off?

View 14 Replies

Iterator Wants To Go Past Final Value

Nov 5, 2010

Dim Test_Output As System.Byte = 0
For test_value As System.Byte = 0 To 255
Test_Output = test_value
Next test_value
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Exception occurred: " & vbNewLine & "Test_Output is: " & Test_Output.ToString & vbNewLine & ex.Message)
End Try

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.net Loop Through This Month And Past 6 Months?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying loop though this month until past six months using vb.net and get the the month as integer and year only and pass this to my sql statement. but cannot seem to figure it out..so far i got this :

Dim dtNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim pastSixMonths As DateTime = dtNow.AddMonths(-6)
For i As Integer = dtNow.Month To pastSixMonths.Month

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C# - Send An E-mail With A Past Date From .NET?

Sep 10, 2009

I tried to accomplish this via a MailMessage.Headers.Set call, in VB.net. See below:

Dim objMail As MailMessage
Dim objSMTPClient As SmtpClient
objMail = New MailMessage()
objSMTPClient = New SmtpClient()


To be clear: I am not doing this with malicious intent. I am working on an e-mail integration component that utilizes both UIDs and a "Last processed" date to locate the first new e-mail to integrate. I want to test cases where multiple e-mails have the exact same date/time - as the e-mail integration module should handle those situations flawlessly. If I could simply fake the date this way, I could send as many e-mails as I wanted that matches a certain date/time, rather than trying to send them with an automated script - hoping they will all be received within the same second.

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Choose The 'blank' Value, It Will Not Let Me Past That Field

Aug 7, 2009

I have a combo box defined as a drop down list for a numeric field and have possible values under items. One of the values I have is a blank value (at the top of the items list) in case the user needs to leave the value as null. However, when I choose the 'blank' value, it will not let me past that field. I tried changing the 'data source update mode' to 'Never' and it let me past the field but then of course it won't save ANY of the values I choose.Is there any easy way around this without having to change the field to a string? I have several like this.

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Copy And Past In Grid Veiw?

Dec 19, 2009

how to allow copy and past in the grid veiw.

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Cut And Past The Line In Another Text File?

Oct 2, 2009

in my text file i have lines like this

Fixture Type : Agilent SimPlate Express


but this code remove all the heading and writ in another file. I want to keep the oroginal file in original format but without the line which dont follow the pattern.

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Error - Input Past End Of File?

Oct 5, 2011

We have a demo program that was written and compiled in May of 2006, last used successfully during the summer of 2009. This program is stored on the development PC and a laptop, both WinXP PRO.The developement tool was VB 2005 Express Edition.Now we have revisited the demo program since there is a possibility of restarting the project. Today the demo program fails on both machines with the error - Input past end of file.

Unfortunately the original developer is no longer on staff or available to question. This leaves us to wonder if a Windows Update may have broken the once working code. Could this be possible and what update is the culprit?

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