VS 2008 : Searching Through All Regex Matches?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm searching through an html page and I want to put all of the Regex matches into an array? How would I go about doing this? I see the Regex.Matches but I can't quite understand how to use it an MSDN sucks when it comes to explaining it.

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VS 2008 How To Save Regex Matches To Txt File

Mar 9, 2011

Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://www.web.com")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse


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Find All Regex Matches

Jun 28, 2010

[code]I am trying to return all number values that match the regex yet this only returns the first one when there are more after it.

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Why Is Regex Dropping '-' When Getting Matches

Jan 7, 2010

Trying to parse this and return the following 3 items: [code] Using this regex expression below I get the matches, but drop the leading "-" at the front of each grouping. I get the "-" in the middle of the group though. [code]

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How To Find Regex Pattern Matches

Mar 12, 2012

I am working on my application to extract the value from my php page using with the regex pattern. I can extract the value using with the mystrings1 tags with no problem, but I can't be able to extract mystrings1 and mystrings2 tags in the same line.


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Iterating Though Regex Matches In Regular Expressions?

Feb 1, 2011

I am just can't get my head around this.I've got this Regex:

(?<=Photo:)(.+?)(?=Stock)|(?<=Stock Code:)(.+?)(?=Make:)|(?<=Make:)(.+?)(?=Model:)|(?<=Model:)(.+?)(?=Year:)|(?<=Year:)(.+?)(?=Price:)|(?<=Price:)(.+?)(?=Description:)|(?<=Description:)(.+?)(?=Photo:)|(?<=Description:)(.+?)(?=Page:)


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Rename Files In A Folder Who's Name Matches A Regex Pattern?

Aug 22, 2010

Rename files in a folder who's name matches a regex pattern ?[code]...

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.net - Replace Content In A String Based On Regex.Matches MatchCollection?

Mar 5, 2009

I've been working on this RegEx for the past day or so and I think I have it worked out so that it returns the data I want. First a little background.I have a content editor that users will be able to edit web pages. They can format text, add links, etc.. standard content editor stuff. When they click save, the editor provides the ability to get the content (editor.Content) and put it into a string. What I want to do is get any links (<a> tags) and find out if they are internal or external links and if they are PDF files.

Here is the Expression I've come up with:


With this, I am able to separate the domain (if it has one) and the path out. Then, I loop through the matches...

dim matchColl as MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(editorContent, regExString)
For Each m as Match in matchColl
If m.Groups("domain").value <> myInternalDomain and m.Groups("domain").value <> "" then
'this is an external domain... do some stuff


My question is this... the parts where I 'do some stuff' to the values, what would be the best way to get that back into my 'editorContent' string? I could probably put the editorContent into a StringBuilder and do a whole bunch of replaces on it, but is that very efficient?So, for example, with the PDF, I want to specify that it open in a new window (target="_blank") and for the external URL, add some javascript code into the onclick attribute.

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C# - Regex Pattern That Matches SQL Object (table/function/view)?

Apr 3, 2012

Question:Given a SQL string like

SELECT value1, value2
FROM TABLE_0[code]...........

for each strObjectName in tables, to check whether or not the view depends on this object.But this fails on table_12 (and results in cyclic dependencies) for example, because tables contains "table_1". Aaargh.I need a regex that can check if the view definition contains a function name, table-valued function or another view...

For checking with

But it fails, plus it doesn't account for object names embraced in brackets, like


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Regex: IsMatch Fail On A Particular Word Even If Matches Found In String

Jan 30, 2012

i have to search a string for a few words eg, dog, cat, lion but i want regex to fail if lizard is found in the string even if it contains cat, dog or lion.ismatch(pass) "dog|cat|lion" "This is not your average cat!"ismatch (fail) ??? "This is not your average cat! It's a lizard."??? - here the regex statement is unknown word spaces and boundaries or lower/uppercase is not a concern. I run the string through Replace(" ", "").Trim(" ").ToLower before handover to Regex.

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.net - Grabbing All Regex Matches Of "$#" From A String?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a string that contains multiple instances of a dollar sign followed by a positive number. I need to grab each instance out using regex. Here's an example of a string:

"This that $1 who $2" Here's what I have so far using vb.net: Dim wordSplitMatches As Match = Regex.Match("This that $1 who $2", "($d+)+")This works great for grabbing the $1 but how do I set it up so that I get multiple groups with all the matches in?


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Searching A List Box And Returning Matches To Another List Box?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a school project i am working on wich i am to build a program that randomly generates 500 alpha-numeric numbers (license plate numbers). the program needs to be able to search the 500 numbers and based on given criteria (a text box) that you put in return the matching results to another listbox. I got the 500 plate numbers to generate on form load but have been searching thru my textbook and cant seem to figure out how to take the imput from the text box and search the list box. Not asking for a ton of help but just a point in the right direction. i attached the assignment i was given from instructor.


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.net - Why Is Regex Dropping "-" When Getting Matches

Oct 2, 2009

Trying to parse this and return the following 3 items:

-30.25 31.46 -27.46 31.74
-24.57 32.03 -16.86 32.88
-13.82 33.19 -9.69 33.62

Using this regex expression below I get the matches, but drop the leading "-" at the front of each grouping. I get the "-" in the middle of the group though. Here is the expression I currently use.

Dim regex As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("{0,1}d{1,2}.{0,1}d{0,2}{1}-{0,1}d{1,2}.{0,1}d{0,2}s{1}-{0,1}d{1,2}.{0,1}d{0,2}s{1}-{0,1}d{1,2}.{0,1}d{0,2}, RegexOptions.Singleline)


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VS 2008 - Parse Through Text And Only Get Certain Matches

Oct 28, 2009

I'm trying to find a good way to parse through text and only get certain matches, like say someone puts the text "My name is Bob" in a textbox, then it puts the text "<Tag>My name is Bob</Tag>" in another textbox, and my problem is, if that person were to put..."My name is </Tag> Bob" in the textbox, when the RegEx match is found, you would only get "My name is" as a match. So how can I make sure that the text input no matter what it is will not interfere with the <Tag></Tag> when using the RegEx:

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Searching Line To Line For A Regex?

Mar 14, 2012

Im trying to combine "contains" with a "Regex" and I just cannot get the right syntax down.


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VS 2008 Filter The BindingSource Based On Text Matches Between Any Of The Fields In The Child Table

Jul 16, 2011

I have a database with a table that is a child to many other tables. I am using this child table as a datasource for a datagridview. I am using comboboxes to display specific fields in any parent tables, instead of the user seeing the foreign key. Everything is fine. However, I would like to filter the BindingSource based on text matches between any of the fields in the child table and the corresponding fields of the parent tables.


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Concatenating A Variable With A Regex Group Match In Regex.replace?

Apr 5, 2012

I am having an issue where I am using regex.Replace to replace part of a string. The basic idea is that I want to capture the beginning of the string then replace the end of the string with a value from code. For an example pretend I have a string that says "Test Number " followed by number and I want to increment that number. I capture the "Test Number " but when I try to concatenate that capture with the new number it treats the capture ($1) as a literal and replaces the entire string with $1[new number].


This will output "We are on Test Number 2", as expected. how I can use a variable in the replacement string portion of the Regex.Replace when including a captured group?

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Regex: Take Text & Some Special Characters Between The Xml Tags Using Regex On C#.net?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to take the text and some special characters between the xml tags.. My input file contains:


now i want the Regex to take text and the special characters between the tags <line>,<inline>..

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Increment Regex Match Using Regex.Replace

Jun 21, 2012

I'm creating a program in VB.NET to output multiple images. Some images will have the same file name. If there is multiple files with the same name I want to add "_1_" to the end of the file name. If the "_1_" file already exists I want to increment the 1 to be "_2_". If this file already exists I want to continue incrementing the number ultil it doesn't exist. So for example "filename", filename_1_", "filename_2_", etc. Here is the code that I have tried


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Regex Builder That Actually BUILDS RegEx From A Highlight

Nov 17, 2011

I've been working straight since yesterday trying to get this to work. I'm a noob to RegEx and I've tested out about 5 different RegEx "builders" but each of them require you to navigate through the options to build the Regex...each of them has failed when I try to use them.Is there an application out there free/paid where you select the line you want to grab and the RegEx is auto generated from that highlight rather than having to try to build the line of code? [code]

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VS 2008 : Searching For A Database?

Feb 3, 2010

I`m developing an appication which works with a mssql server database.At this stage I don`t have a problem connectiong to a database, because it`s on my computer.But the release version will be installed on few computers, when after installation user will have to choose the correct database to use with the application. I know how to find a working instances of MS SQL server in LAN, but after choosing an instance how to choose the correct database?

1. How to show databases availabale in th instance?

2. How to separate database designed for my application from all other databases in chosen instance?

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VS 2008 Searching A .mdb Database?

Jun 11, 2009

how to add and remove entries from a database and now I need to know how to search it. I'm going to be scanning a directory and subdirectories and adding all files found to the database. I need to check if the file has already been entered into the database before adding it.

I though it'd be simple and would just require looping though each entry and checking the item for each entry. I played around with a while loop a bit and ran into some problems. Like when the database is empty.

I don't want to half-ass some code that seems to work, since that'd probably be slow and inefficient.

Also what are the technical terms for a column and row in a database. I'd to use the proper terms in the future.

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VS 2008 Searching Using SQL Comands?

Apr 13, 2010

Now that we have that part out of the way lets start with the question.I am attempting to create a small application which will use data form CSV or TXT file and display it in a DataGridView.But what I am interested in is if I would be able to use SQL commands to search through the imported file. Commands like (SELECT, FROM, WITH etc.) and then poplute the DataGridView with the results.

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VS 2008 - Query For Searching Customer ID

Jan 20, 2011

I'm currently in the middle of attempting to create a query that will be used so that the application user will be able to search the a customers id number. I'm completely new to adding queries using the query builder so I've become slightly stuck on trying to get this to work currently. I have a database which is set up and in this case the table is called 'cid' which defines the customers id column in the database, this is a primary key and the column has a data type 'AutoNumber'. I've become stuck as I'm not sure what I would have to put into the filter to make this query work.

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VS 2008 - Searching For The Next Occurrence Of The Search?

Apr 27, 2009

this is what I've got so far:

Dim find As String
Dim search
find = InputBox("Enter Search Text")
search = MyRichTextBoxEx1.Find(find)


But how can i search for the next occurrence of the search?

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VS 2008 Searching A Large String?

Jun 27, 2009

I haven't programmed for some time, so I'm a little rusty Basically I'm storing HTML within a variable, and I need to count the amount of times a specific element appears e.g. <h3 class=r> for now.

I thought of using a for each loop, and passing the string above into the parentheses of the loop (using a variable ofc) however for many reason's, I don't think this has a chance of working (won't bother explaining why, as I assume you can guess). Then thought of using the .Contains method of the string class, but I simply can't think of how to use it with what I'm trying to do.

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VS 2008 Searching A Sequential File

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to get a program running that loads a sequential file such as "records.txt" into a two dimmensional array and searches the "records.txt" for the data that the user enters into a text box. Not quite sure how to go about doing this.

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VS 2008 Searching Database With Date

May 21, 2012

I have a simple customer database as follows :


There are total 50 rows of customer record in my database.. I have just drag the customer database from my data source windows into my form to get all the required tools with datagrid window. I want to add the date search box on my form to search customer between the date specified in textbox. eg : From 14.05/2003(textbox1) to 25/05/2010(textbox2) After putting the date , as I click search button the customer database should be shown between selected date.

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VS 2008 Searching In Listbox Item

Sep 13, 2010

i have this code [code]i want it to return me only 1 value which is the exact text as textbox1.text.

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VS 2008 Searching In Listbox Item?

May 15, 2010

i have this code

For Each sWord As String In listbox1.Items
If textbox1.text.Contains(sWord) Then

but the problem is if the textbox1.text value is ( new text ) and the list box have like 3 items

new text

it will return me 3 values i want it to return me only 1 value which is the exact text as textbox1.text ( new text )

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