VS 2008 Selected TreeNode Location (X,Y)?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to have a small control follow the selected tree node. However, I cannot find a way to get the location of the selected node (in relation to the tree control itselfI know I could use the mouse pointer location, but I wanted the control to 'snap' to near the selected node by using its exact visible location.

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Way To Get Selected TreeNode

Sep 1, 2011

I need to grab the TreeNode that's selected when someone right-clicks on it. The TreeView.selectedNode() returns the top-most node, and disregards the child nodes.

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Display SUM Of A Selected Treenode In Label?

Dec 13, 2009

I have a tree view with a parent node. parent node will have 2 or more child nodes and the nodes data will come from a access database table. if I select any one of the child node with the mouse it will display the SUM of the child node's data in a label control below the tree view control. the access datable table might look like this [code]...

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Display SUM Of A Selected Treenode In A Label Control?

Mar 31, 2009

I want to do like the picture. Select a child node and it displays the sum of the titleid associated with it in a Label Control. I add my project here so that you can take a look at, what I am trying to do.

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VS 2008 - Copying Selected Folders Into Specified Location

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying copying a selected folder and it's contents into a specified location. Now I have managed to be able to copy the contents, into a folder using the code between "With" and the first instance of "Msgbox" with some alterations. I have also, with this current code been able to create the folder with it's name into the specified location, however the contents are not moved as well and I get a empty folder.

Public Class Form1
Private thrdCopyFiles As Threading.Thread
Private WithEvents CopyStuff As New CopyFiles
Dim AddonPath As String
Dim WoWPath As String
[Code] .....
I had to replace the first two instances of AddonPath, with AddonName.

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Save A User Selected File (FolderBrowserDialog) To A Location Selected In Another Dialog (SaveFileDialog)

Jul 5, 2011

I'm creating a BASIC application, and I can't figure out how to save a user selected file (FolderBrowserDialog) to a location selected in another dialog (SaveFileDialog).

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VB 2008 Save Location - Images Will Save To The Folder That Selected In The Textbox1.text From The Folderbrowser

Oct 17, 2009

I'm trying to make it so the the images will save to the folder that you selected in the textbox1.text from the folderbrowser this is the code's I have tried


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VS 2008 Custom Treenode At Design Time

Dec 22, 2010

I'm currently working on a treeview but want to add custom nodes at design time, is this possible?Also the treeview is part of a control, so i have created a control designer and added a custom design time form to add my custom nodes, but can't seem to get the nodes into the treeview in design time, and serialize into the form automatically?All my custom tree node is is an extra integer at the minute, but more properties will be added later if I can get this working.

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VS 2008 Left Click Deselects Treenode?

Aug 11, 2009

I am using the following code to deselect a node:

Private Sub tvwBlueprints_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles tvwBlueprints.MouseClick Dim node As


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VS 2008 Select TreeNode Using Fullpath (of Node)?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a treeview that is populated. The user will have some node selected in that treeview. A refresh function is called, and the program remembers the full path, so that after the treeview is cleared and repopulated, the same user selected node can be reselected for them automatically.

I have the full path of a tree node. If the full path is "nodea odeb odec" how can I automatically select that node using code?

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Get Selected Textbox Location Coordinates?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a form called main with 10 number of text boxes.my second small form called popup & I want to appear right corner of selected text box. Ex - when I click 1st text box, I want to appear the popup next to the firs text box, then I click 2nd text box I want to move popup to 2nd text box.

so I used

New Point(10 + Me.Location.X + SerchTextBox.Width + SerchTextBox.Location.X, 20 + Me.Location.Y + SerchTextBox.Height + SerchTextBox.Location.Y)

the problem is I have large no of textboxes & difficult to changed each textbox name each place.

If I can get selected textbox coordinates X & Y its easy & compact. How can I find selected text box location.

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Getting Pixel Value From A Selected Location In A Picture Box Display

Feb 15, 2010

I am writing a program in VB 2010. My computer is an E Machines dual processor Intel Celeron running at 1.8 gb/sec with 2 GB of RAM. I have a 1680 X 1050 display and the graphics driver in the computer is fully capable of utilizing this display. I am running Vista Home Edition.

The purpose of the program is to analyze a large number of infrared and visible light images from the geostationary satellites GOES East and West. Note: These images are TIFF and range in size from 400 KB to 70 MB. The pixels are either 8 bit or 10 bit depending on the image type.

The program allows the user to select a series of images from a file folder. These images are then displayed in a picturebox. A map covering the same area is also available to the user. The user may then move the cursor, via the mouse, to a selected location on either the map or in a picture. With a left click that location in terms of image coordinates is used to compute the geographic coordinates of the selected location. These coordinates are then displayed for verification purposes. So far, all of this works properly.

The next thing I need to do is to determine the brightness value of selected pixels in the displayed image. Because brightness is related to temperature this permits a detailed examination of cloud temperature and density in each image. By making this measurement at several different wavelengths (provided by images taken at different wavelengths) the program will then compute the atmospheric extinction factor at each selected wavelength and from that derive the atmospheric transparency function.

Here is where I have run into problems. I cannot find a way to extract the pixel value from the selected X, Y values input either by cursor position or by direct entry. I have tried the various approaches described in the documentation but I either get errors or a pixel value that is unrelated to the image. The following is a section of code that I am currently trying.


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VS 2008 Round E.Location To Nearest Grid Square Location?

Nov 9, 2009

I was using this old method of creating a bunch of rectangles when I need to get the location of a certain point within a grid so I could draw images on the grid. The thing is, I don't want to use rectangles, I want to be able to just round the location as if I were using rectangles. I need it to be able to round the point (66,70) to (50,50) so if you can imagine a grid and the mouse position being within that square in the grid, I need to get the location of the upper left corner of that square.

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.net - Set Mouse Pointer Location To The Selected Item In A Combo Box?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a combobox that drops up instead of down. I'm setting the selected item to the one on top of the list. I'd like to move my mouse pointer to point to it, so that the user that wants to click on that item doesn't have to move his mouse. I found how to move the pointer, it is with this command:

Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = New System.Drawing.Point(x,y)

but I need to know how to get the location of the selected item in the combobox.

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Copy An Entire Folder To User Selected Location?

Aug 11, 2011

I am trying to copy an entire folder and all of its contents that is in the same location as my program that is running to a user selected location. I started off by using a SaveFileDialog, but now I am working with a FolderBrowserDialog. Here is some code:

Private Sub BackupButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackupButton.Click
Dim sourcePath As String


But when I run the program, it works, but it does not copy the entire folder in the application startup location.. how I can copy that folder that is in the same location as my program to a user selected location?

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Set The Value Of X That Is The Location Of The Controls Inside A Selected Usercontrol At Runtime

Sep 8, 2009

I want to set the value of x that is the location of the controls inside a selected usercontrol at runtime. i want to set it to be 0 when there is no control on the usercontrol and i want it to be x += control.width. how can i do this, maybe how can i detect that there is a control inside the usercontrol.

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Add A Tooltip To A Treenode?

Jun 2, 2011

So i'm trying to add a tooltip to a treenode, But with no luck. I've tried things like: Treeview.nodes(0).tooltiptext = "Hello"

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Add A Treenode To A Listbox?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm trying to add a treenode to a listbox... say the TreeNode is named "Blue", when I add it to the listbox with Listbox.Items.Instert the output it gives me is "TreeNode: Blue"... How do I do this without having it bind the "TreeNode:" part to the output?

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Set And Run Treenode Tag Properties In Xml?

Dec 1, 2011

I am able to populate treeview from xml.

But now i am going to place the tag propeties at each node. And the tag content will be file path.

My code to generate from xml is as below:

Private Sub Frm_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim file_name2 As String = "C:UsersDesktopEngineering.xml"


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Using A Dictionary In A TreeNode Tag ?

Jan 28, 2012

I'm writing a bit of code that I want to populate a TreeView, which it does quite successfully, but I also want to put a Dictionary in the Tag of each Level 1 child node. Once the Tag has been set to the Dictionary, is there any way I can modify the dictionary, without redeclaring the Tag.For Each verse In Verses

Dim _verse = verse.ToString.Trim
Dim _node As TreeNode = New TreeNode(_verse.Split(vbNewLine).First & "...")
_node.ToolTipText = _verse[code]...

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Create, And Use An Inherited Treenode?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm confused regarding the MS examples for inheriting a treenode. I have created the following class to allow an addtion description field on the treenode:-


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DnD Treenode To ListBox And Back?

Feb 17, 2009

I have some code that allows me to drag a treenode into a listbox and then drag it back into the treeview as needed. When I drag a node out of the treeview, the node is removed from the treeview. When I drag it back, I need the node to be inserted into the same parent node/position it came from. I think I can save the node's FullPath property before removing it from the tree, then decipher it again when I re-add it but am looking for a cleaner way

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Find A Treenode Children?

Oct 31, 2011

I start with VB 2010 since a short time.I need to check in a Treeview if a node has children or not.In VB 6 there was the property clildren that allow to understand this.

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Get Treenode Bounds In A Treeview?

Aug 3, 2010

I know the node how can i get the bounds as a rectangle for a particular node on a treeview?

If it is not displayed i want nothing to be returned

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Populating Another TreeView From Treenode?

Jun 24, 2010

I built a treenode to be populated from my network drives, from this treeview I would like to populate another treeview to show the files when the first one is selected. For example, if the user were to click on the c:TestFolder then the second treeview would show the TestFolder, all sub folders and files.

Below is my code:
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class F_Treeview_Demo
Public IsSomethingChecked As Boolean = False
Private fbIgnoreClick As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Treeview Add Panel As Treenode?

Mar 26, 2011

how to add a panel control as a treenode in a Winform treeview control

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Way To Disable TreeNode Like .Enabled

Oct 4, 2006

Is there way to Disable TreeNode Like .Enabled = False..I need this so no one can change the CheckBox checked state

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Asp.net - Add Buttons With Events To A Custom TreeNode?

Dec 22, 2009

I extended treeview, treenode, and nodetype so I could have custom nodes. Certain nodes have image buttons on them allowing them to add a child node or delete the node. I can't handle any of the events from my buttons.Public Class ContentTreeView Inherits TreeView Public Event OnAddChild(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Public Event OnDelete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)


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Dynamic Add Treenode And Filepath In Form In VB?

Nov 24, 2011

I want to do a form that can let user manual add in or delete tree node.When they add in, they can set the name and file path.Then it will store in oracle database.Each time my form run it will go through my database then execute all node from there.

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Dynamic Add Treenode And Filepath In Form?

Feb 16, 2011

I dunno this can work or not..I want to do a form that can let user manual add in or delete tree node.When they add in, they can set the name and file path.

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