VS 2008 String Replace Error?

Nov 30, 2009

I have a simple little function that is providing the following error when I try to replace left and right parenthesis values with empty string values. Does anyone know why this error is happening?

ERROR: parsing "(" - Not enough )'s.
If number.Contains("(") Then
number = Replace(number, "(", "")
End If

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Replace Error - String Cannot Be Of Zero Length

Mar 13, 2009

I am receiving the following error when trying to replace spaces with %. "String cannot be of zero length. Parameter name: oldvalue" Dim Keywords As String = "test abc" Dim sqlkeywords As String sqlkeywords = Keywords.Replace("", "%") I have also tryed sqlkeywords = Replace(Keywords, "", "%") and it just returns the original.... test abc.

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Replace Multiple Substrings Within A String - Error In Function?

Jun 16, 2010

I found this function that replaces multiple substrings within a string on the internet but it gives an error on one of the parameters.It doesn't like this one:

ByVal ParamArray FindChars()) As String

Can you look at the code and correct the error since I don't yet know about explicitly typed parameters?

Public Function ReplaceMultiple(ByVal OrigString As String, _
ByVal ReplaceString As String, ByVal ParamArray FindChars()) _[code]......

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String.replace - Replace The New Format YYYY-MM-DD Back To YYYYMMDD In The Code

May 5, 2009

The file reads in parameters and two of the parameters used to be in Date Format YYYYMMDD but will now permanently be in format YYYY-MM-DD. This change, I believe, is stopping the import of the file from working. I would like to replace the new format YYYY-MM-DD back to YYYYMMDD in the code. If possible I'd also like to see some output so I know that the old format has been replaced with the new format. The code is below. I added the two rows with .replace code in green in expecting that to be enough but it is still not working.

Sub Main()
Dim R1, O1, P1, C1, strDateFrom, strDateTo, strRunDate


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VS 2008 Replace A String In A File?

May 30, 2011

I have a file, i am using ReadAllLines to read all the lines in this text, then for each line I want to check if it contains a certain string if so I want to insert below this line another line without changing the rest of the file.

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[2008] String Replace In RTF File

Jan 12, 2009

Dim input As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(Application.StartupPath & "dcm.rtf")
Dim output As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(Application.StartupPath & "dcm" & denumire_folder_destinatie & "" & denumire_fisier_destinatie)


Is not replacing the stings and if i try tu change the strings for example "[filiala]" with "01filiala" etc... it's not replacing all of them!

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VS 2008 - Releasing File To Allow More Editing In String Replace

Jun 1, 2010

Trying to use a str = Replace, but having issue. Seems that after it does the first string replace it will not let go of the file or the Dim or something???

'Make first file
Private Sub MakePwdFile()
Dim fso, inputFile, outputFile
Dim str As String
fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'1 means for reading
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Find And Replace A String Within A Text File?

Dec 25, 2011

I have to find a string in a huge text file ( ~ 50MB) and then replace it.Since it's quite huge I tend to open the file and then read line by line, and then replace the necessary line(s) (rather than "readall" the file of course).My question is how to replace the whole line?Let's say I found the line that should be replaced . I know I can create a copy file and copy all lines into there ... but I'd prefer to replace the line in the original file rather than creating a copy instance.

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Replace String - Replaced One Blank Line And " Replace By "

Apr 7, 2009

Suppose i have two strings which is given below.


Where ever i find , it should be replaced one blank line and " replace by "

When i migrated the data from MYSQL to SQL Server 2005, i found few problem in one of the column. In MYSQL indicates as new line and " indicates as ".

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 - Regex Replace To Replace Double Quotes With Nothing?

Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to think of a regex replace to replace double quotes with nothing. Example:

hello("hi there") would become hello(hi there)

"hi" would become hi

"example "3" would become example "3

-edit Maybe an easier way to explain this is, replace all " that do not have a backslash before them.

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Options To The User In A Menu - Create Sub-string - Replace A Word In The String

Feb 28, 2010

Problem: Your task is to take input from the user in string and give the following options to the user in a menu.

1- Find a String
2- Create sub-string
3- Erase a portion of a sting
4- Replace a word in the string
5- Count number of words and characters in the string without spaces.
6- Capitalize first character of each new sentence and convert the rest
of the characters to lower case.
7- Sort all the words in alphabetical order. (Use Bubble sort algorithm to perform sorting).

To perform all the above mentioned tasks you can only use pointers. Create a function to perform every task.

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Replace Letter In A Changing String With Another String...

Sep 16, 2011

i am making a l337 speak generator..Lets say I input bob12321 (although i can input anything)I would like to make the program replace the "b" with either [code]How would i do that... I tried string.replace - but it says character A cannot be turned into long (on a seperate word)[code]

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Search For A String And Replace With New String Program?

Apr 27, 2011

I have a non standard text file, ie its not delimted etc, its pretty much free flowing. What I want to do is to search for a specifc string eg. "xyz123" and then replace it with what a user types into a text box, lets call the text box and its contents "txtreplace".

I am trying to replicate a find and replace function essentially, but will need to tailor it later on down the line, but this will be a starting point.

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Why Can't Do String.Replace() On A IO.File.ReadAllText() String

Jul 11, 2009

I am using System.IO.FIle.ReadAllText() to get the contents of some template files that I created for email content. Then I want to do a Replace on certain tokens within the files so I can add dynamic content to the template.Here is the code I have, it seems to me like it should work just fine...

Dim confirmUrl As String = Request.ApplicationPath & "?v=" & reg.AuthKey
Dim text As String = IO.File.ReadAllText( _
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("sign_up_confirm_email_text").Replace("~", _


For some reason I cannot get the %%LINK%% and %%NAME%% Replace() calls to work properly. I checked to see if it was encoding-related, so I made each file UTF-8. And also used the forced encoding overload of ReadAllText(String, Encoding) and still no dice.

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Replace All String In String Variable?

Apr 18, 2011

how can I replace all string in string variable like

dim str = "I am testing and testing and testing"
After replace with "and"

How can I replace all with case insentive not case sensative?

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Replace Characters In A String With Another String

Sep 23, 2011

I.E. replace "http:adf.ly/random"to "adf DOT ly /random"..Removes http: and changes . to DOT and adds spaces.

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How To Replace The String In .net

Jul 9, 2009

my string is like this
tFunName= t11+t1* t2% t11
i want replace t1 to Text1
tFunName= tFunName.Replace(tControlName, PropertyValue)
But result is come like this -> Text11+ Text1* t2% Text11

But i dont want like this i want replace exact t1 Only and i want result like this t11 + Text1 + t2 + t11

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Asp.net - String Replace Not Working At All?

May 3, 2012

I am reading a text file and I need to replace a few areas with new text that I marked with {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}. So I load in the text, save it to a string variable, and then use String.Replace but it's not working.

For i As Integer = 0 To 6
fileText.Replace("{" & i & "}", DisplayStudentData(i))

I put all the data items into an array, then did this after loading the text file:

fileText = String.Format(fileText, dArr(0), dArr(1), dArr(2), dArr(3), dArr(4), dArr(5), dArr(6))

Is this a good way of doing it?

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Check And Replace String?

Apr 30, 2011

I have a string, lets say "((HRARNT*50)/100) + ((HRA*10)/100)"

And, i have value for HRA, HRARNT in a DGV and i want to replace it with its value to get "((5000*50)/100) + ((3500*10)/100)"

But, problem arises when it replace HRARNT with "3500RNT" as it got HRA value in DGV.

Now, i want it to first check if its prefixed or suffixed with +,-,*,/,),( then only it should replace with its subsequent value from DGV.

Though, first i tried placing HRA,HRARNT in [] and then replace, which worked fine, but users don't want to add [].

How to implement above logic?

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Replace (string)aaa To Aaa.ToString()

Jul 6, 2009

I just converted a VB.net solution into C# solution. But lots of variables have been coverted like:

string var1 = (string)1;
string var2 = (string)intVar; //intVar is a int value

I just want to convert all (string)XXXX to XXXX.ToString() by using some Regular expressions or some other replace methods.

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Replace A Line In A String?

Dec 5, 2010

I was just wondering is there an easy way to replace a line in a string where I don't know what line it will be and I don't know what will be on that line apart from the first three characters which will always be:


And that shouldnt be anywhere else in the string.

This string will be the contents of an email (read in via an EML file) I then need to change the line that says 'To: <someones@email.address> to a series of addresses then save them eml again.

I have read then entire email in and stored it in a string and can save again just struggling on the replacement of that line.

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Replace A String With Space?

Apr 21, 2011

I want to Replace a string with space here string is comming from DB, here string looks like as followes (This is my first name : "rama" and my second name : "krishna") so now i want to replace the above String as ( This is my first name : rama and my second name : krishna ) So i want to replace " this with Space..

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Replace All Of One Character In A String?

Oct 14, 2010

In VB6 and Vb2010 you can replace all of one character in a string.Is there a way to replace multiple characters in the string.

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Replace An Integer Value With A String Value?

Dec 8, 2010

Im working with a file and need to set the value of a variable from an integer(which it is in the file) to a String(to be consoled out). Im receiving an error in the if statements.

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Replace An Occurence In A String?

Apr 13, 2010

For example "blah blah blah blah blah Academic Vice President blah blah blah"How can i get it to read "blah blah blah blah blah Provost blah blah blah" ; without using a replace or remove method. I've attempted but can only capture the word "Academic Vice President" as a substring, but don't know how to remove and replace it within the larger whole string.Any idea's what I'm missingHere's my attempt:

Public Class Form1
Function TitleUpdate(ByVal N As String, ByVal O As String) As String
Dim S, S2, S3 As String ' what people type in


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Replace String Beetween From-to?

Mar 30, 2011

If I paste text to textbox. And there is many times "random #1" "random #522" "random #402" as example. Those are beetween quotes.

So, how I can replace all "random #" with random number to specific text like "Example #1" "Example #2" "Example #3" and so on.

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Replace String In File?

Dec 3, 2010

How to replace string in file, or clean file ( i don't want delete, and make new)?

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Replace Text In A String

Jul 3, 2011

What would be the easiest way to replace 1 instance of a text string instead of all of them using the replace function? I want to replace the first occurrence of the string only.

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Replace Text In A String?

Nov 22, 2009

What would be the easiest way to replace 1 instance of a text string instead of all of them using the replace function

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Replace The Whole Word From A String?

Dec 22, 2010

i need to replace the whole word from a string.

for example. String= "Hi VBFriends, I am learning VB 2010."

i need to replace only VB as C#.

if i put String.Replace, its changing as "Hi C#Friends,I am learning C# 2010."

i used regex, Word boundary but not worked, below my code.

Dim sHTMLStream As String = "Hi VBFriends, I am learning VB 2010."
Dim oColl As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches("sHTMLStream", "\bvb", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
For Each sTemp As Match In oColl

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