VS 2008 String Between Two Or More Objects?

Jan 25, 2012

However I do not want to make like 100 blocks of code made of If statements doany idea that this could be done. Like for example

Dim str1 as string = "X" or "O"
If btn1.text = str1 and btn2.text = str1 then
Messagebox.Show("Blah Blah")


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VS 2008 - How To Refer To Objects Via String

May 9, 2011

I have lots of labels that I need to refer to.
E.g. label1 = listbox1.selecteditem.tostring & "123"
label2 = listbox1.selecteditem.tostring & "123"

I have 20 labels which i need to repeat the same process for. What I found was this code which always gives me the null reference error.
CType(Me.Controls("Label" & i), Label).Text = "what i want here"

I have stated dim i as integer = 1
And later i = i + 1 until it is 20.

I've tried i.tostring and cstr(i) when referring to it but it keeps saying it doesn't exists even though i have labels 1 to 20 named label1, label2 etc. on my Form.

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The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects Not String Objects?

Jan 18, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Using conn As New SqlConnection("Database=Clinic_Management_System;Data Source=.SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|Clinic Management System.mdf")
Dim cmdRecord As SqlCommand


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VS 2008 Inherit ListView - Dispose Of Two Objects When The Form's Disposing Of It's Objects

Feb 7, 2010

I have a user control that inherits the FW ListView and I need to dispose of two objects when the form's disposing of it's objects. Here's what I've concluded already, am I on the right track?


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.net - String Where In LINQ To Objects

Jun 5, 2012

I have a linq query like that:

Elementos = From b In Elementos Where b.Value.IdGrupo = 0 Select b

"Elementos" is a dictionary(of long, MyObject). MyObject has approximately 50 properties.

The problem I have is that I have a new requirement to accept string parameter with a "where" condition. Something like "property1>10 and property2 like 'anystring' or property3<=25". (That means any property could have a condition. I have string and numeric properties.)

I'd like to keep using linq, adding the condition as it comes. I'm aware that it could produce an exception if the condition is misspelled or something, but that's acceptable (by try catchs). I wouldn't want to parse the string to build parameters or anything.

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Get List Of String From Objects?

Aug 26, 2011

I was wondering how I could go about getting a list of string from a list of objects, while removing duplicates[code]....

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In .NET String.Format Is Accepting Objects Of A Type That Don't Match The Format String

Jul 7, 2011

I have a function that is getting passed a String and a DataRow.The String is a custom formatter. The idea is to do this

String.Format(passed_in_String, DataRow("ColumnINeed"))

The reason this is being done is at this point we have no idea what the column contains.However, if the formatter is "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" and the DataRow("ColumnINeed") is an integer containing 42, String.Format is returning: MM/dd/yyyy In this situation I need it to throw an exception instead of returning nonsense.Is there anyway to make String.Format throw an exception if the object does not match what the format string is expecting?

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Checking Objects Type By String

Apr 15, 2011

How find an object's type when it is a subclass of another object and I only know the string value of the object's type's name. I created the following classes:
Public Class word
End Class
Public Class noun
Inherits word
[Code] .....

Then, in my code I create a new properNoun and check to see if it is a properNoun, noun or word:
Private Sub checkTypes()
Dim pn As New properNoun
MsgBox("Is a properNoun: :" & TypeOf pn Is properNoun) 'TRUE
MsgBox("Is a noun: :" & TypeOf pn Is noun) 'TRUE
[Code] .....

I correctly see that pn is a properNoun, a noun and a word. The problem is, using 'GetType' to check pn against a string value, I can only see that pn is a properNoun, not that its parent classes are noun and word. Is there a way to check pn against the string value "noun" or "word" and get back a positive result, indicating that pn is indeed a noun and a word as well as a properNoun?

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Convert String To Gridview Or Other Objects?

Aug 24, 2011

I want to convert a string to a Gridview.

So I tried this[code]...

But the strGridView had a blue underline that says string cannot be converted to GridView so I tried this[code]...

But now it is giving the error gvwName cannot be converted to Integer.

Is it really being converted into an integer when I cast it like this?

How should I convert string into a gridview or another objects like checkbox?

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Creating A String From A Collection Of Objects?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a question. I have a class of Cars that I need to display in a simpli-ish string if they will be sold or not base on their number.


I'd like to display a simple string like this:Cars to be sold: 1, 3-5, 7-8, 11, which is based of the .Sell value.Is there some kind of heuristic to create this kind of string in .NET or is it just a bunch of for/each and if/then and redimming of arrays?

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Dynamically Create Objects Using A String As The Name?

Aug 7, 2010

Is there a way to dynamically create an object using a string as the class name?I've been off VB for several years now, but to solve a problem in another language, I'm forced to develop a wrapper in this one. I have a factory method to dynamically create and return an object of a type based on input from elsewhere. The provided input is meant to be the class name from which to create an object from. Normal syntax means that the entire class has to be explicitly spelled out. To do it this way, there could literally be hundreds of if/then's or cases to handle all the available class/object choices within the referenced libs:

If c_name = "Button" then obj = new System.Windows.Forms.Button
If c_name = "Form" then obj = new System.Windows.Forms.Form


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String - .net Casting 2D Objects To 1 Array?

Nov 2, 2011

I am running into a simple issue for which I cannot find an effective solution.

I need to convert 2 D array of objects to 1D String.

Dim saRet(,) As Object = Nothing Dim fileLineArray() As String = Nothing
SaRet = xlrange.Value //it gets values assigned as objects
In a loop....
fileLineArray(i) = Cstr(SaRet(i,0))

I get the error, index was out of bound. ToString isnt able to convert 2d array of objects to 1 D.

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ToolStripComboBox + Objects Default String Value?

Mar 12, 2010

I am using a ToolStripComboBox to list some data. I am populating this combo with some custom objects:

For Each obj As myObject In myObjectList


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Access Objects By Using Their Names As A String, Instead Of A Object?

Mar 15, 2012

I don't know if I explained this in my title, this is what i want to do. (In VB on a active server page) I have 5 buttons called but1.....but2. Right now I have the following code to make them invisible


Is there a way to access the objects by using a string, example


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C# - System.String Formatting (Numeric Objects)

Mar 22, 2012

I am using standard String.Format method. It is using numeric objects.
Console.WriteLine("obj1 = {0} and obj2 = {1}", "obj1", "obj2");
I want to use named indexes.Like this
Console.WriteLine("obj1 = {o1} and obj2 = {o2}",
new { o1 = "obj1", o2 = "obj2"});
How I can use same last code?

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Linq - Create A Concatenated String From A List Of Objects In 3.5?

Apr 27, 2012

I figure I should use 'Aggregate' but apparently I am getting it wrong First I get a list of my Entity objects Dim employers As List(Of myEntity) = (New XXXX()).getZZZ(userName, userType) Then I figured this would be a way to put all the names in a string Dim names as String = employers.Aggregate(Function(current, [next]) current.Name & " " & [next].Name)


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Retrieving An Instance Of An Object By Using A String Representation Of The Objects Name?

Aug 7, 2009

I want to retrieve an object by using a string representation of the objects name. For example lets say i want to change the font of 3 labels on a form programatically. Instead of changing the font property for each individual label like so:

Label1.Font = FontDialog1.Font
Label2.Font = FontDialog1.Font
Label3.Font = FontDialog1.Font

I want iterate through the labels in a For..next loop like so:


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Working With Generic List Of String Array Objects

Apr 7, 2010

I'm writing a program that reads a directory of xml files (not well-formed), parses the xml, and dumps the data into an Excel Workbook.The file contents are similar in that they have many common xml nodes/attributes.Some files have additional nodes/attributes.The xml in these files represent configuration settings for a Web Application, one file per user.The expected output is a worksheet with a column for each node/attribute combination and a row of node/attribute values for each user.I'm just about finished with the program, but I've run into a bit of a snag.As the final step in the process, I need to loop through a generic list of array objects (that represent a user row) and send the array elements to Excel.I don't know the correct syntax to get the array objects out of the list and have been unable to find sample code specific to generic lists of array objects.[code]

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Make Objects From The ToolBox Using Code Instead Of Changing Existing Objects Invisible Then Visible Later?

Dec 5, 2011

make objects from the ToolBox using code instead of changing existing objects invisible then visible later?

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Sql - Error The SqlParameterCollection Only Accepts Non-null SqlParameter Type Objects, Not Int32 Objects?

Jun 23, 2012

I am getting this error, Not sure why it is happening "Error The SqlParameterCollection only accepts non-null SqlParameter type objects, not Int32 objects."I have tried with all sorts of possibilties, now try to enter default data as dummy data,

Using connection As New SqlConnection
connection.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DentalDeviceConnectionString").ConnectionString

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Modifying Objects Inside For Each Loop Sets Properties Of All Objects With Values Of Last One?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a program like this.

Module Module1

Public Class Mstr
Public Property Prop1 As String
Public Property Prop2 As String[code]....

But it is not working as I expect it to. You can see it from.The DtlsB properties of all three DtlsA objects are having values from last iteration.

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Random Objects - Let The User Input Objects To A Richtextbox 1 Object On Each Line?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to let the user input objects to a richtextbox 1 object on each line, and somehow use Random.Next to select pseudorandomly a few objects, the number 'few' inputted in a textbox.

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Child Objects Raising Events In Parent Objects?

May 1, 2009

long story short, I have created a ListView type control, using UserControls for the parent control and the ListViewItems. Most the of the control is written and works fine, right up to the point where I tried to replicate the 'Control.SelectedItems(0).Index' property and the 'SelectedIndexChanged' event.

Each child object knows its index value, and could pass this value via the SelectedIndexChanged event (assuming this is how it works in a normal ListView control -- user clicks on an item, and that item fires an event updating the selected index value in the parent object).

How does the child object raise an event in the parent object? I have a feeling this could be done with Delegates, but I'm still learning about their usage.

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VS 2008 Put Objects To The Top?

Feb 15, 2010

How can I "move" an object to the top and to the back?

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VS 2008 Using MDB For All All Objects

Apr 19, 2009

The plan is to use a database just a MDB one, which holds all text fields for all the objects in my application.For example (real dodgy example)Label1.text = "Select NewText from Table where [ID] =" & Label1.Name & " and [ENABLED]=1"..I want this to go for every single control in my application, which basically would allow any client to completely customize text fields in the app.Currently I'm using this so far to access the Data. But before I continue I want to see what you guys would do?[code]

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ASP.NET Cast ArrayList Of Objects To Custom Objects?

Aug 9, 2011

getting the following error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Object[]' to type 'OrderService.webdirect_WebLinesRow[]'. On the line

webdirect(web_companyID, web_locationCode, web_customerNumber, web_orderNumber, web_orderReference, web_orderDate, webLinesArray.ToArray(), o_Company, o_LocationCode, o_CustomerNumber, o_OrderNumber, o_OrderStatus, o_OrdDescrip, webRespArray)

I created the webLinesArray.ToArray() array as such

Dim webLinesArray As New ArrayList()

Am I missing an additional cast or something ?

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Compare Two Objects To Check If All The Properites Of Both The Objects Have Same Value Or Not?

Aug 28, 2008

I want to compare two objects to check if all the properites of both the object have same value or not. for this i need to use the reflection to enumarate through all the properties of an object and check the value of the property. To try the code just i have written a Employee Class having Two Properties EmployeeNo and EmployeeName. I am creating an object of the Employee class and need to write a function that can list the values of all the properties in the class.


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VS 2008 Clearing Objects?

Apr 8, 2010

When the program automatically clear object, and take them off from the memory? Is it take place when a procedure in which the object was declared ends?

Or should i do it by myself before procedure ends?

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VS 2008 Loading SQL Objects?

Jan 5, 2012

I am creating a sports bet program and have set up a database in sql server 2008 R2 with results for games including wagers, odds etc. I now want to display this data in a range of listboxes, textboxes and labels in my VB.Net program.I am quite happy to play around and learn myself however I would love it if someone could get me started by completing one of the simpler labels. This label has to display the entry in Team One in labelTeamOne.

show me how to do this? I have already imported the dataset using the database wizard so all I need is the code.

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Dispose Managed Objects In 2008?

Jun 1, 2011

In My application, I have an MDI form. From MDI form I open all forms as child forms. I have implemented IDisposable for all large objects like file stream DB connection etc. In the Form_Disposed event I dispose all unmanaged objects. After the child form is closed, all unmanaged objects are disposed but managed objects (controls and form) are not disposed and still in memory. I find it from .Net Memory Profiler ([URL]).

So I have write code to remove all event handlers of all controls and form. Now, When form closed, dispose is called and all event handlers and controls are disposed, but controls and form are still in memory.

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