VS 2008 VBNET2008 TreeView Coding?

Jan 29, 2011

The Sales Manager requested the customer Order transaction to be display like Windows Explorer.I am using TreeView controls and having problem doing the coding as I have not done it before.Listed beow are the SQL String and the result of it. And also the display on TreeView.

SQL String :
SELECT OrderID, OrderDate ProductID
FROM Invoices WHERE (CustomerID = N'Chops') Order by OrderID, Orderdate


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Needs Similar Coding For Treeview?

Dec 26, 2008

I want similar coding for treeview, where for linklabel is as follows.

Private Sub LinkLabel8_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel8.LinkClicked
WebBrowser1.Navigate(Application.StartupPath & "\source\test.html\")


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NullReferenceException Was Unhandled When Coding With Treeview

Feb 22, 2008

I am new to vb.net 2005 and am desperate in need of solution as I faced error on the following codes.

Public Class Form1
Private PreviousTab As TabControl
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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VS 2008 Converting Application From VBnet2005 To VBnet2008?

May 17, 2011

I have a problem with converting an application I made with VBnet2005 to VBnet2008 ,How should I do it?The VBnet2008 should recognized the code written in vbnet 2005, doesn't it?

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VS 2008 VBNET2008 EXCEL Declaration Not Working?

Apr 1, 2011

In my VbNET2008 window application I include a EXCEL Spreadsheet and it generate 2 error messages when I declared the WorkBook and Worksheet.

Here are the error message:

Error 3 Type 'objExcel.Workbook' is not defined.
Error 4 Type 'objExcel.Worksheet' is not defined.

Here are the coding that generated the error messages:Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Dim objExcel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application = CType(CreateObject("Excel.application"),Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application)
Dim objWorkBook As objExcel.Workbook = CType(objExcel.Workbooks.Add, objExcel.Workbook)
Dim objWorksheet As objExcel.Worksheet = CType(objExcel.Worksheets(1), objExcel.Worksheet)

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VS 2008 VbNet2008 Determine TabControl Page?

May 30, 2010

I am back with new problem using TabControl in VBNET2008 Window Application I am trying to figure out how to determine logically either TabPage1 or TabPage2 header button is clicked on.

The TabControl has 2 Pages:
TabPage1 Text = Display Orders
TabPage2 Text = Edit Transaction.

I need to know which one is clicked on in order to write the routines.

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VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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VS 2008 VBNET2008 EXCEL 2003 - OLEDB To Retrieve EXCEL Data To DataReader?

Jan 22, 2011

I am trying to retrieve the data from EXCEL 2003 spreadsheet from row 8 onwards because from Row 1 to Row 7 the row is merged columns from A1 to K1, A2 to K2, A3 to K3, A4 to K4, A5 to K5, A6 to K6, A7 to K7.

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VbNet2008 TabControl Page?

Jun 3, 2010

I am back with new problems relating to TabControl Page. On the TabControl there are 2 Pages which are : PagDisplay - Contail DataGridView (ReadOnly)PagEdit - Contain TextBox controls for editing data from PagDisplayThe System Analyst specification is after editing the data at TabPage2 when the user click on PagDisplay on TabControl it will activate the Function FCheckData to validate all the textbox data on PagEdit. If there are invalid data, Function FCheckData will return FALSE.When FCheckData = false, it should return to TabControl1.PagEdit page but I don't know how to do it. Here are the incomplete coding.

dim bolEdit as boolean = false
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged


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Debug Programs That Run On VBNet2008 Still Running?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a small program on the menu written in VB6 retrieve data from Acess run very fast and now want to switch to VBNet2008. VBNet2008 conversion is still normal, but when running the menu does not appear that waiting in line, then click on the menu bar of this menu appears, but not the font is in Unicode data is available. Expect you to help debug programs that run on VBNet2008 still running good access Menu fast as running on VB6. Also supported is Unicode font on VBNet2008 does not function for unicode font. Attach program with VB6 and VB2008.


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VBNET2008 Application Compilation Procedures?

Sep 12, 2011

I am using VBEt2008 to develop application. After completed development. I do not know how to compile the applications.brief me of the procedure and steps to compile the application.I tried to look for options at the Menu ToolBar and also the TookKits options and in vain.

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VBNet2008 Retrieve Data From Excel To Fill DataGrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to retrieve data from Excel Spreadsheet to fill DataGridView for display prior to updating SQL SERVER using DataGridView Row individually.But the coding is not working as this is the first time I done the coding.

this code snippet generate this error message
If objSheet.Cells(excelRow, 0) = "" Then
Endif Exception from HRResult: 0X800A)3EC


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VS 2008 - TreeView Populate The TreeView.nodes With The Default Nodes Via Properties

Mar 14, 2010

I'm running out of walls to bang my head against. Okay new windows form with a textbox, button and TreeView Populate the TreeView.nodes with the default nodes via properties


I want to click button1 and have the name of the childnode? Node3? placed in the textbox. Not via selection, I can do that. But via index or item number. The code I have is as follows


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Hard Coding Vs Soft Coding

May 7, 2009

Say we have a DataGridView on the main form. I can chose to establish its properties by code or by selecting them in the Properties panel. Is there a difference between these two techniques, a loading time penalty in any of the cases especially?

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VS 2008 Tic Tac Toe Coding?

Apr 22, 2009

I Have a project to do for the class and i start to do it but i am not able to do the last part which is ( if there is no win, it should say drew) i do not know how.lp me on that and if you can give me easier way ti am using visual basic 2008 express.here is the codeode

Public Class Form1
Dim player As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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VS 2008 Api Response Coding?

Aug 10, 2009

I have developed an application for Windows Mobile Devices using Visual Basic 2008. One feature of the application, allows users to view records that are stored online, on the device. The application sends encoded data to an API, which is simply part of a server. The process I am using to send the data to the API is extremely simple. When you press the "Send" button in the application, it pulls the information needed, encodes that information in base64, and then attaches that information to the end of a URL. For example, it would look exactly like this when it was ready to send.


The data is then sent out by simply loading it into a webbrowser control. Once the data hits the API, the API Then sends a response back. And this is where my issue is coming into play. The API either sends a message back saying "Pass" or "Fail". If it Fails, It includes and Error Message. If it passes, it includes a "URL" which then has to be opened in a browser or in a webbrowser control.

I need to know: HOW DO I CAPTURE THE RESPONSE THAT THE API IS SENDING BACK. More Specifically, I need to know how to capture the URL that is being sent back from the API, so that I can open it in a webbrowser control.

Now, I feel like I need to be more specific as to what is going on. I am able to send the data to the API, and it is being sent exactly as it needs to be. It has been confirmed on the API side, that the response is being sent back to me. The only problem I am having, is trying to figure out what to do with the response, more specifically, how to view the response period. I'm extremely new to the entire API Deal. Without being able to view the URL That is being sent back, the feature doesn't work of course.


Public Function VARRecEncode() As Object
VARRecEncode = p1 & AccessPin
TextBox2.Text = VARRecEncode


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Coding For Next And Previous Button In .net 2008?

Jun 5, 2011

This is my coding for button Next and Previous but when I click on next it just goes to next like from pictures 1 and 2 to pic 3 and 4 but not any more because i have pictures in two imagelist upto 20 but it doesnt work and the coding for button previous also doesnt work same problem.

Next Button Coding
Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click
Static imagenumber As Integer


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VB6 To .NET 2008. Converting Design Before Coding?

Feb 2, 2011

i have to get this off my chest.Forgive me... I'm a relative newbie stuck in the vb6 world because of my job.vb6 to vb .net is a huge change in the way one has to program (and to think). I never could figure out the big picture of things with .net.Everything is a class..? What's with all of this... Class this, Interface to a class, inheritance (of classes) here, casting? polymorphism.

As a newbie to vb.net (I use 2008)... I just wanted to say this out loud and see if i can even get my terms correct. Vb6 is a good language for beginners but not a real professional language and (vb6) is effectively a watered down, lazy man's (quick and dirty) way of creating programs to solve some particular task.


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VS 2008 With Write To File Coding?

Dec 13, 2011

i have been working on a GUI to export verification data to a text file. I have it set up to work at home but I would like to adapt the code so that it will write the text file to the directory that I use at work also. I have the areas commented out where things that I have attempted do not work.


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Coding Palindrome Checker In VB 2008 Express?

Mar 9, 2009

I am having problems getting this program to run. It is a palindrome checker, you are suposed to enter a word or a phrase and determine weather it is a palindrome. The code is suposed to contain a Boolean valued function, and should display true or false if word(s) are palindrome.

Here is my code

Private Sub btnAnswer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnevaluate.Click
Dim Input As String
If IsPalindrome(Input) Then
txtAnswer.Text = "True"


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VB 2008 Coding Datagrid Checkbox Column?

Mar 11, 2010

logic on coding a checkbox column on a Datagrid on a Windows Form. What I want the Datagrid to do, is once the checkbox is checked on the Datagrid, to enable several other columns also on the Datagrid. I think I almost have it, but I cannot figure out how to id the checkbox.

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VS 2008 Coding An If Statement From An Array To An Event?

May 1, 2010

I'm trying to make a show/hide button. I want the show hide button to be attached to an object on a form. Right now I just have separate show/hide buttons set the 'visible' property to true/false respectively. I want to code something that will consolidate the two properties. But I don't know how to code an if statement into an event, in this case the click event.

I'm thinking I'd have to do something like create an array (which I'd have to read a tutorial on first) that would hold two numbers. So, if the object on my forum's default visible property is true then if the button was clicked once it would be set to false (1) and clicked again it would be true (2). So, the array would only remember two values (1 and 2) and I'd have to create something else that would remember the previous value (say, 2) and than get the array to spit out the only other value (say, 1) it holds. Then finally strip the value the array spit out and have it go through some kind of if statement that would set the true/false value.

Without posting the exact code I'd need to pull it off, how would I go about doing this? Am I on the right track, or is there a simpler way? I'm new to programming.

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VS 2008 Coding Multiple Buttons At The Same Time

Jan 23, 2010

I have 80 buttons and each of them will have the same code. I've coded one of the buttons. The code is a long one and is there any other way to code all of them at the same time or should I code it by copy and paste? The names of the button are in sequence, Button1 - Button2 - Button3 - and so forth until Button80

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VS 2008 Devexpress Tabcontrol Set Focus Coding?

Nov 30, 2009

I have a created a program that allows the user to select an option button and that button takes them to the correct tab. Ive set all the tabs to visable = false untill the option button has been selected. The problem i am having is setting the focus, so the button sgoes to the tab instead of just making it visable again.

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VS 2008 Form/BLL Communication, Best Coding Practice?

Apr 18, 2010

Question is related to rather simple programs typically presenting some data in a few datagridviews, charts etc. And consisting typically of a main form and one or two settings forms.I'm trying to program in a layered structure, pulling every bit of code out of any form class, and having a seperate "program class" for any form that I make. Now.. So far you can't complain on that I guess, but how to do this in best coding practice? In the form class I make a member object of the program class, hence making the program class a child of the form. Now I'm able to create events in the child class, and have handler methods in the form, without writing delegate classes (it seems). Now, that is fine, as it enables me to update the form controls with such events happening in the program class. However, how do I send events the other direction, from the form (parent) to the program class (child)? I guess I don't have to use events, I could just use the member object to access public methods in the program class directly, with passing of parameters from the form controls.. however, is that good practice? Or should I use events also that direction, and how to make that work, do I need to introduce delegate classes

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What Is The Coding To Blink Label.text In Vb 2008

Mar 21, 2010

i want to blink my label.text by using a timer..

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VS 2008 Any Coding For Which It Disables Entire Form Until Process Is Completed?

Jul 23, 2009

My form contains lots and lots regular expression and other things in one button. whch when pressed takes some time to process.. so the form kind of gets stucked while the processing is bieng done.is there any coding for which it diables the entire form until the process is completed? like disabling the entire form and showing a text "please wait ... processing data" so user can not use other buttons or features at the same time or it might get crashed.

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Coding Pagesetup, Print And Preview In MDI Text Editor So That It Works (2008)

Jul 17, 2010

How do you go about coding pagesetup, print and preview in MDI text editor so that it works (VisualBasic 2008)

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Treeview - Display The Selected Contents Of Treeview Into The Listbox?

Mar 2, 2010

i have a treeviev and listbox.i want to display the selected contents of treeview into the listbox.my code is working for file but not for folder. means i want, if the all contents of folder ABC(i.e all files) are selected then in listbox i want to show the only path of folder not the seperate path of each file.

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Displaying A Treeview In 2008?

Sep 28, 2011

I got some problems with displaying a treeview in vb2008. I want to display a company departments and got two access records: one for the top department and one for the sub-departments. The code looks like this:

ProgressBar1.Maximum = rsDepartment.RecordCount
ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0


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