VS 2008 Exiting The Event In The Proper Time?

Sep 19, 2010

I had designed a simple form with Groupbox and some checkboxes (colors)where I need to program the following :When I checked one checkbox in this collection I need the previously checked checkbox to be unchecked and the new one to be checkedbut what I'm getting is not like this where after writting the following code :

Private Sub obj_checked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkred.CheckedChanged, chkblue.CheckedChanged, chkbrown.CheckedChanged, _
chkgreen.CheckedChanged, chkwhite.CheckedChanged, chkyellow.CheckedChanged


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Get Proper Time Format From DateTimePicker?

May 12, 2012

I have a DateTimePicker to display time (for example) as 05:00:00 AM or something like 07:00:00 PM. When I save my form's data, I'd like to save the time as 05:00:00 or 07:00:00, dropping the AM/PM extensions.

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VS 2008 : Save The Data When Exiting?

Apr 6, 2011

i manage to get my dropdown list working, but when change related data in the built program, it does not save it when exiting the program. How do I save the data when exiting?My database name is Database1.sdf?

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32 Bit Application Crashes When Exiting On Windows 2008 64 Bit

Jan 4, 2011

We have an application that works well on XP/Pro, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server (32 bit) but is problematic on Windows 2008 Server (64 bit). The application uses an unsigned activeX control which may or may not be related to the problem. To install we need to add the program name and regsvr32 as DEP exceptions. Once that is done the application installs correctly and operates normally except when the application closes.

If a user clicks the 'exit' button our code basically says 'unload me' (where me = the main form of the application) and there is no code in the form_unload section of the program.

Everything works well on every Windows platform except Win 2008 64 bit where we get

Application Name: PDFPrint.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4d238253


After we continue to close the program we see a message box with run time error 216 at 00002B24 message.

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VS 2008 - Exiting Opened Windows Program?

Mar 31, 2009

I know you can open a windows program like calculator but is there anyway if calculator is open i can close it with code ?

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Closing/Exiting DOS Windows Visual Basic 2008?

Jun 24, 2009

after running what i wanted in the DOS command prompt with:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd.exe","/C C:gds2asc.exe C: emp.gds C: emp.txt")

How do i exit or close the command prompt window?

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VS 2008 Handle Click Event Of Component During Design-time

Feb 10, 2010

I have a UserControl with a Panel (Panel1). The UserControl has a property Items (type ControlCollection) that returns the Controls collection of Panel1.Via a custom CollectionEditor, I tell the designer that it should add my custom controls called Item (inheriting Control). For the sake of example, the Item control is just a control with a random background color:[code]The custom CollectionEditor creates new Item controls using the DesignerHost service (and its CreateComponent method), so that they appear as actual components in Panel1, selectable during design-time just like any other control.It might be a little hard to see (because the colored Items are docked to the top), but I have selected the red item, which can also be seen from the Properties list.

As you can see in the code, I attach a Click event handler to each item as it is added to Panel1. When clicked, a MessageBox shows the color of the item. Obviously this is just for the sake of this example, but the point is that I need to be able to click an item and something then needs to happen.This works fine during run-time. I can click each item, and the MessageBox shows.The problem is that it does not work (quite obviously) during design-time. When I click it during design-time, it is simply selected (as any other control) and of course does not register any Click (nor MouseClick) events.But, I need the Click event to fire even when in design-time! Clicking an item corresponds to selecting it, and when selected (even in design-time), some other panel (not shown in this example) should be brought to the front so it gets visible. Now, I have created lots of things very similar to this (clicking an item during design-time), but there has always been one major difference: those items were not actual controls on the form. Instead, they were drawn manually on to their parent (and they only looked like separate controls). Obviously there was no design-time support for those 'items' (as they weren't controls), but I could handle clicking them quite easily: by handling the MouseClick event of the parent, I can check the location and see if it falls within an item. If so, that item was 'clicked' (artificially).This time, the items are actual controls, and this method does not work (the parent does not receive a MouseClick event either).So, does anyone know of any way to do this? The only way I can think of right now (although I have no idea how to implement it) is to somehow 'listen' to changes in the designer selection.

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Convert A Set Of Julian Days Into Proper Date Time Format "dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS"

Jun 27, 2012

I need to convert a set of Julian Days into proper Date Time format dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS Problem seems to be that they are Julian Days FROM a certain date, im assuming the standard 1970? Below is my code:


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Trigger An Event At The Time Selected In The Date Time Picker

Dec 23, 2010

i'm using a date time picker with format set to time. i want to be able to trigger an event at the time selected in the date time picker

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Date Time Picker And Event To Trigger With Just Time

Dec 22, 2010

i'm using a date time picker and want an event to trigger with just the time so it will trigger every day at a certain time. can anybody help

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Vb 2008 Not Getting In Proper Way?

Feb 13, 2011

why vb 08 help are not getting in proper way. instead getting help for vb 2005 which is not compitable with vb 2008. i m user other vb 8 user must be facing similar problem

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VS 2008 Proper Syntax To DELETE?

Dec 21, 2010

Is this the correct syntax to delete a record from a dataset? [code]

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VS 2008 Proper Use Of Resources For A Class?

Jun 8, 2010

I am not sure of the proper, or best, way to use Settings and Resources. For now I use the default project wide My.Settings and My.Resources. I have a class that I would like to reuse in other projects, so adding project wide settings or resources in each project doesn't sound proper, nor does creating constants and variables within the class itself.I'm guessing there is a way to give a class its own resource file, and maybe even settings file, but I'm not sure how to do it. I tried adding a resource file with the same name (but with .resx extension) and I got a weird error saying I was trying to edit a resource that is apart of another project. I continued, but it didn't seem to be what I wanted and I wasn't sure how to access that new resource.

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VS 2008 RichTextBox The Proper Solution?

Jun 20, 2009

I want to display some text for a user - blocks of text about "vendors" - that can be scrolled.

I might want the first vendor to be a different color - or be bold.

I might want certain fields in the "text blurb" about each vendor to be bold - or underlined - or a different color.

In VB6 I would have used a RTB - would that still be the solution??

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VS 2008 How Many Proper Payloads Server Received

Aug 24, 2009

I took a look at System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 class about using a checksum for a UDP program i am making.Basically i want to use it, to ensure the server is receiving what the client sends it, in a way that the server can make note of it receiving properly without having the client keep track of how many proper payloads the server received. The reason i need a checksum is because the client is sending a random hex payload, so i cant have the server predict what it should receive the same way as i have it working with the sequence number.I dont fully understand how i could implement this to my code. I believe i should make a public property in my packet class, but im having trouble implementing it with the way i coded my program. [code]

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VS 2008 Proper Way To Pause/resume A Thread?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a thread running on my application that checks a database every so often to decide whether or not to update nodes in a treeview.

Each treeview node represents a document and I have an open button that opens the document for the user.

When the document is opened, I wanted to suspend the thread that refreshes the node list until the document is closed.

I have MyThread.Suspend and MyThread.Resume. But the document viewer is on another thread.

I created functions for suspending/resuming the thread in the application. I have delegates in the viewer to call those functions from another thread. But I'm still getting an Error. "Thread is not user-suspended. Cannot be resumed" or something of the like.

But I realize that Suspend and resume are obsolete functions, so what class or objects should I be looking into and if it didn't take up too much of your time, a small example as well?

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VS 2008 - Displaying Proper Columns In Console Game?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm making a console game that shows some data:
#: Item Name Item Slot Cost Item Price
in that order. The thing I want to do is to make it come out in nice even columns...but I can't seem to make it do that. It comes it out in nasty uneven rows that don't look attractive...

Basically, here's what it looks like now:
1. Sword Slots: 2 Price: $40
2. W. Stick Slots: 4 Price: $1
I want to get each column to line up nicely with the other (since I control the size name).

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VS 2008 Proper Way Of Working With Percentages And DataGridView And Dividing By Zero

May 31, 2011

What is the proper way of working with percentages and DataGridView and dividing by zero..In my code I am attempting to divide two numbers, sometimes one of the numbers is zero..Then I need to add a column to my datagrid, I think i need it to be decimal? So i can sort it later. I had it as a string and everything worked fine excpet i couldnt sort properly.[code]If I change column to Double it handles it fine, then i am not sure how to read the value as a percentage?

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Adding Proper Number Of Pictureboxes To Array Control [VB 2008]

Aug 10, 2009

My application has no static number of pictureboxes. I want to add picturebox to array control.


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VS 2008 Proper Syntax To Identify A Text Document For SAVEAS Method?

Dec 10, 2009

Using Excel Automation classes I am seeking to save an Excel file as a delimited text file. The examples given in the MSDN library refer to versions older than Express 2008 with (apparently) different syntax options for FileFormat.Based on the snippet shown, I get a COM exception error (800A03EC). Other variations produce the same error.

Am I improperly applying the Automation features?
Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop


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SHDocVw.ShellWindows Not Giving Me The Proper Result For The Internet Explorer In Windows Server 2008?

Jun 18, 2009

I found one problem Windows Server 2008. please refer the following code. it gives me the "ieplorer.exe" while i am running this code in XP or 2003, but while I am running this code in Windows Server 2008 it is not giving me the proper result. it gives me Explorer.EXE" insted "ieplorer.exe".before run this command you have to add reference of shdocvw.dll in your project. i am using the VB 6.0

Dim IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim MainIE as SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim sws As SHDocVw.ShellWindows


de my MainIE Object will set to my Previously stored handle( In TmpStoredHandle) . Does anybody know that how can i get the existing IE(Opened Internet Explorer) detail with the help of SHDocVw.ShellWindows in Windows Server 2008? with this API i can get all the opened windows with Its handle

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Excel Not Exiting?

Nov 24, 2011

I've previously posted with regards to searching for a string within Excel, although the replies were enough to get my application 'working' the solution was riddled with over-complicated methods.Therefore I bought some books and figured it out for myself and came up with the below (which works like a charm may I add).

Dim oExcel As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim oBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim oSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


None of these (even if combined) make ANY effect whatsoever.I have also saved the workbook on exit, again to no avail.

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Exiting A Loading App

May 22, 2011

Trying to exit an application but can't seem to kill it without an error."An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The form referred to itself during construction from a default instance, which led to infinite recursion. Within the Form's constructor refer to the form using 'Me.'"The form hasn't loaded yet, it is still in the process of looking for a file to load, if the user doesn't want to specify a working directory, that is their choice, but I need to close the app since it can't continue without it.I'm stuck in a class and can't get back to the main form without it continuing to load everything up. I wan't to force a shut down. [code] I was trying to get back to the main form without loading any more from the class to kill it there. [code]

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Exiting A Program?

Mar 2, 2009

I have a project that has three windows running at the same time, and exiting anyone one of them leave the others windows running.What is the best way in the code to stop the whole thing executing?

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IDE :: Exiting Out Of Intellisense?

Mar 14, 2010

I find myself frequently turning off Intellisense because it adds wrong choices to my code. For example if I try to type "i " (without the quotes) it causes "int " to be put into my code. If I type "for " it may put "form " into my text.

Reaching for the ESC key constantly slows down my typing. (It's such a long way to reach for small hands). Is there an alternative way to exit out of intellisense without the highlighted choice being placed into my code, or is a way I can define a different key for this purpose?

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Saving A Value Even After Exiting?

Nov 30, 2010

I want to make a button that opens a program. Just for the sake of this post, we'll call the program Notepad.I want the users of my program to open Notepad, but not everyone saves Notepad in the same location. Is it possible to save a value (and the text in the TextBox) so the user doesn't have to retype it every time the program loads?

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.net - VB2010 - For Loop Exiting?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a simple for loop with the following code

For i As Integer = 0 To 4
Snake(i).X = (120 - 20 * i)
Snake(i).Y = 120
SnakeBody(i).Location = New Point(Snake(i).X, Snake(i).Y)
Snake(i).Facing = 3
Next i

But for some reason I unable to debug it. I place a breakpoint on the line Snake(i).X = (120 - 20 * i) and When I try to see what the values are the second time the loop iterates it simply exits the loop.

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Application Not Exiting Completely?

Oct 23, 2010

the application I am developing does not exit completely. i.e. the process can be seen in the Task manager. This happens only when I click on the [X] button on the title bar of the window of my MDI form. If I use the File >> Exit in the menu of my application, it exits without leaving any traces. I have used the "End" method there. But the process stays when I click the [X] on the control box on the title bar.

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Variable Not Retaining Value When Exiting Sub

Jul 14, 2011

Why a public variable is not retaining it's value when exiting a subroutine.

I want to search through an array and if a condition is hit then the subroutine exited (thereby holding the index value of a variable named MarkerNo)[code]...

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ASP.Net Event Only Being Raised Every Other Time?

Mar 9, 2010

I have an ASP.Net web user control which represents a single entry in a list. To allow users to reorder the items, each item has buttons to move the item up or down the list. Clicking on one of these raises an event to the parent page, which then shuffles the items in the placeholder control.Code fragments from the list entry:

Public Event UpClicked As System.EventHandler
Protected Sub btnUp_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles btnUp.Click


It originally looked in testing like every other time the value for sender (verified by its properties) that reaches UpClicked is of an adjacent ListItem, not the one I've just clicked on - the first click is always wrong, then the second for the correct control.At present,testing appears to show that the button's click event is just being ignored every other time through.Breakpoints on the click events within the control simply aren't being hit, though the events are definitely being established.

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