VS 2008 Get The Treeview To Show The Relative, Relationship, Key?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm working with VB2008 and I was wondering how to get the treeview to show the relative, relationship, key ect....vb6 Example

Treeview.Nodes.Add Relative, Relationship, Key, Text, Image, SelectedImage

I would like to be able to use the treeview this way but if there is another way can someone let me know, I have searched the net and have looked in a few books and cannot figure this out.

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Designer Doesn't Show One-To-One Relationship Lines

Oct 16, 2009

I have two tables in my database: Table1: Table1ID [Primary Key, Auto Number] Name Surname Table2: Table2ID [Primary Key] BirthDate HireDate I have created a one-to-one relationship between these two tables [Table1ID <==> Table2ID]. When I create a dataset using these tables, designer doesn't show one-to-one relationship lines? It shows one-to-many relationship lines. Is this normal? Is it always shows every relationship type like that or my one-to-one relationship wrong? I'm using VB.NET 2008 Express, SQL Server 2008 Express .

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VS 2008 : Load A Xml Into The Treeview To Show Cities/states?

Sep 12, 2009

I have a treeview control on my form, i am trying to load an xml into the treeview to show cities/states (example at the bottom of the page)The xml that treeview is loading from looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Group name="US States">


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VS 2008 Treeview Control Doesn't Show Images?

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to setup a treeview control to display all drives and folders on the PC. So far I can display all drives and folders but the images will not show except rarely. I am using an imagelist with 4 images (index 0-3). The code below is used to load the drives in the treeview control. I have tried using every type of image possible from bmp to png and nothing. I have tried the Appllication.EnableVisualStyles() which I now know isn't needed in vs 2008. I am also having problems with a picturebox in another form that shows nothing but a shadow of the image. I suspect this may be a setting somewhere maybe in vs 2008 but am not able to find one.

Dim drive As Integer = 0, dir As Integer = 0
For drive = 0 To oDrives.Length - 1


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Write A LINQ To Objects Statement Where The Relationship Is A Grandparent, Parent, Child Relationship?

Feb 3, 2010

Basically, I am trying to write a LINQ to Objects statement where the relationship is a grandparent, parent, child relationship. (You could also call it a Master Detail relationship.)

Dim coverages As New List(Of Coverage)
Dim coverage As Coverage
For Each rl In oClaimsPolicy.RiskLocations


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VS 2008 - Checkbox On Treeview - Collapse And Expand Treeview When Click Plus Sign (+) On Treeview

May 14, 2011

I have a problems with my application..

1. collapse and expand treeview when i click plus sign (+) on treeview, treeview didn't expand subfolder but when i click image, treeview expand it.

2. showing path that i check on treeview when i check the treeview then i'm click the button, then return path that i check

This is my code..

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VS 2008 One-to-one Relationship

Jan 4, 2011

I have two tables which need to be connected using a one-to-one relationship. In SQL Server 2005, how would I add this relationship to the database diagram, do I just leave the relationship blank? Is there any pre requisite queries I have to add? How do I connect these tables in VB? .. the same way I would connect a one-to-many?I need the Student table to be linked to the Class Table where One student can be in only 1 class.

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VS 2008 Many To Many Relationship In A Dataset

Jun 17, 2009

I'm new to both SQL Server Express and VB2008 Express or any other kind of language for that matter..I'm trying to create a form using a typed dataset created using the Data Source Configuration Wizard that contains two main tables and a third that creates a many to many relationship between the first two.Is this possible as when I examine the dataset in the Data Sources window, the middle table shows up as a related table under each of the main tables but neither shows a third related table.How can I show synced data from all three tables on my form. Is this possible using the Configuration Wizard or does it have to be done in code?

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VS 2008 Many To Many Relationship In A Dataset?

May 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a form using a typed dataset created using the Data Source Configuration Wizard that contains two main tables and a third that creates a many to many relationship between the first two.

Is this possible as when I examine the dataset in the Data Sources window, the middle table shows up as a related table under each of the main tables but neither shows a third related table.How can I show synced data from all three tables on my form. Is this possible using the Configuration Wizard or does it have to be done in code?

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VS 2008 - How To Manage A Class Relationship

Apr 23, 2010

how to manage a class relationship I have these objects: A Layouts collection which implements a BindingList of Layout.A Parameters collection which implements a BindingList of Parameter. Each layout is to hold a set of settings, as defined in the Parameters Collection. Each layout should have a setting for every parameter, but the choices are constricted to the list of possible settings, kept in the Parameters object. For each setting there is only a single value. So it would look like this:

Layouts' Layouts; Collection [BindingList(Of Layout)]
Layout 1' Layout; Collection [BindingList(Of ...?? )]
Color Red' Parameter Key, [referene to parameter object..or..?]
Time Hour

Now, when I create a Layout object, I shall be restricted to chose one setting from each parameter, as already defined in the Parameter object, and assign to my layout object. And if I add/remove parameters, parameter settings, or the setting values, that should reflect in each layout; set to a default value, or deleted.

what type of class/object relationship shall I use for this Layouts collection in respect to the Parameters collection? I have no good understanding of the terms such as "inheritance", "implements", "interface", "abstract class" etc.. So I'm not able to see what concepts I need to study to make this come together nicely. Of course I could make a bunch of manual methods that keeps track of these things, but I have a feeling that I should make some type of relationship between these collections, which can make this somewhat easier..? I want to keep the collections as BindingLists down to the lowest level, in order to have two-way databinding with the UI controls.

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VS 2008 DataGridView - DataSet With 2 Tables And Relationship

Jul 2, 2010

I'm going to describe this as simple as possible, and it a typical setup for a database...

I have 1 DataSet, 2 DataGridViews (DGV), and 2 BindingSources (BS).
The DataSet has 2 tables and 1 Relationship (FK).

Table 1 is a employee table
Table 2 is timeclock data.
Both tables contain a column: EmployeeId

FK is linked to EmployeeId of both tables.

DGV1 has it's datasource=BS1
BS1 has it's datasource=DataSet and it's DataMember=Table 1.
Thus DGV1 shows Table 1.

DGV2 has it's datasource=BS2
BS2 has it's datasource=BS1 and it's DataMember=FK
Thus DGV2 shows Table 2 filtered by what's selected in DGV1.

Now when I use the mouse or keyboard to select a cell in DGV1, the relationship causes DGV2 to update to only show data from Table 2 where the EmployeeId row equals that from the selection in Table 1. With me so far?

Well all that works great. But what if I need to programmatically select a row in Table 1 to cause Table 2 to update? I've tried everything I can think of, but Table 2 NEVER updates when I attempt to programmatically select a row or cell in Table 1.

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Possible To Show Structure Of A Class In A Treeview?

May 31, 2009

is it possible to show the structure of a class in a treeview? if yes how

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Show A Form After A Click In A Treeview?

Jun 7, 2011

I wanna show a form when clicking on a node of treeview

for example when clicking on node 0 i wanna show a form like the treeview in ASP.NET(every node return us to a specific URL) and i have many nodes with children

I didnt find what i want when looking for that in the web.

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Show Child Nodes Of Treeview?

Sep 29, 2011

I have the following code for a treeview, It only shows a +sign against some folders, mostly system folders but not others, a mod to this code to show all childs, irrespective of how many levels the child folders exist?

Dim basenode As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode
If IO.Directory.Exists(path) Then
If path.Length <= 3 Then


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Show The Files In The Particular Folder Using Treeview?

Jan 11, 2010

show the files in the particular folder using treeview but i dont have icons for all files windows select the icons for particular files can i select in the same way

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Show Folders / Files Hierarchy In TreeView

Mar 5, 2008

Any code snippet they could post that will take a specified folder & show the files & subfolders hierarchy in a TreeView?

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Show Specific Form Using TreeView Control?

Jun 3, 2010

I am attempting to show a specific form using a treeview control, the nodes of which have their tag value set to an instance of the Form I need to show. The code I have in the DoubleClick event works great for the first time I show a form, but after that I get an object disposed exception. As you can see, I tried handling it by resetting the tag, but that didn't work. Is there any way I can show the form more than once without going through a switch statement anytime the exception comes up and resetting the tag to the right type of form? I'd like something nicer looking like the way I show the form.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim fm2 As New Form2()
Dim fm3 As New Form3()
TreeView1.Nodes(0).Tag = fm2
[Code] .....

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Show The System Folders Of Computer In Treeview?

Dec 11, 2009

i need to show the system folders of computer in Treeview

My computer


like this

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Show Top Of TreeView In Panel After Expanding All Nodes

Oct 23, 2009

I do have a TreeView inside a splitterpanel-control. After executing the ExpandAll()-Method, a scrollbar appears on the panel and the first nodes are no longer visible, because the panel scrolled down to the bottom-nodes. How do scroll back to the top-nodes programmatically, because I want the user to see the first nodes on the top?

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Show Child Nodes Every Time Treeview Is Loaded?

Oct 15, 2011

The child nodes are there when first populated but when drives are changed or re loaded a second time, that is when they are missing, so how do I reset the nodes to show child nodes every time


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VS 2008 Positioning A Form EXACTLY Relative To A Label?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to position a small form that will have its top left edge exactly lined up with the bottom left edge of a label. But I am finding this to be impossible to accomplish because of some magical hidden offset that exists somewhere ... I don't know where.

So here's what I got, if I can manage to pilfer out only the relative portions... For the sake of simplicity, I'll focus only on the horizontal positioning below:

Dim FrameSize As Size
Dim TargetHorzFramePos as Single
FrameSize = SystemInformation.FrameBorderSize


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[VB6] Treeview Nodes Click & Show Specific Data In Several Text Boxes?

May 22, 2006

How to do: on Treeview nodes click wanna show data in several Text boxes utilizing the below sample code

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Visual Bbasic 6 Sample Window Application
' To run this project Add 3 differnt text boxes and


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VS 2008 Resize Of Parent Form Keeps Relative Size/Loc Of Child Forms?

Sep 17, 2010

I want a set of child forms to keep their relative sizes and locations to their parent form when parent form is resized. So if one child form is opened and covers the lower right quadrant.. it will remain a quadrant for whatever resize is done on parent form.

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VS 2008 - TreeView Populate The TreeView.nodes With The Default Nodes Via Properties

Mar 14, 2010

I'm running out of walls to bang my head against. Okay new windows form with a textbox, button and TreeView Populate the TreeView.nodes with the default nodes via properties


I want to click button1 and have the name of the childnode? Node3? placed in the textbox. Not via selection, I can do that. But via index or item number. The code I have is as follows


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VS 2008 Auto-number To Long Relationship - Get A "no Matching Field Type" Error

May 26, 2009

When i try to stablish a relationship in dataset designer of these two types i get a "no matching field type" error I'm working with an accdb database

View 2 Replies

Treeview - Display The Selected Contents Of Treeview Into The Listbox?

Mar 2, 2010

i have a treeviev and listbox.i want to display the selected contents of treeview into the listbox.my code is working for file but not for folder. means i want, if the all contents of folder ABC(i.e all files) are selected then in listbox i want to show the only path of folder not the seperate path of each file.

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Relationship Between Three Tables?

May 17, 2012

I use Visual Basic 2008 Database is Mysql Three tables:


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Relationship Between VB And BASIC?

May 15, 2011

I remember we were taught BASIC (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language in school, when we were in 5th grade. It was purely in DOS-Mode and we basically used it for drawing. Then I learnt Visual Basic 6.0 quite a few years basic. I neve found a similarity between them

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C# - Internal Relationship Between Properties?

Jul 21, 2011

My issue involves relationships and cascaded effects between properties, and I'm wondering what best practices are on this.I have a class that contains a list of varying length of numbers. When editing the list, sometimes the user prefer to set a TargetSum, so that the program enforces the list will always add to this sum. I am accomplishing this by programmatically setting the final element in the list such that list sum = TargetSum. For example, if the user chooses to UseTargetSum, then sets TargetSum = 10, then creates a list of length 4, and enters 1, 4, 2 for the first 3 elements, then the final element is programmatically fixed to 3. The user cannot change the final element themselves.

I do this behind the scenes by handling all necessary events, such as a list element value change, list length change, and the UseTargetSum option change. For each event trigger, it recalculates the last element's value.It works but then there was a bug when loading saved data. If a list is loaded by sequentially adding the elements, the handlers modify each entry. Regarding the example, when the first value of 1 is entered, the handlers say "a value was just added, the sum should be 10, there is currently only one element, so it needs to be 10". So the first element gets changed to 10 behind the scenes. When the second element is next added, the handlers say "a value of 4 was just added, but the first element is already 10, so it should be zero." At the end of the load, the final list reads 10,0,0,0 instead of 1,4,2,3.

I know it is possible to rearrange the load procedure such that I get the correct list. For instance, I could avoid enabling the TargetSum event handlers until after all the data is loaded. The list would first be created as 1,4,2,3 and then the handlers would change nothing.

But this experience makes me wonder if I am opening the door for other sneaky side effects. It seems you should be able to load data without worrying too much about an implicit ordering. It also seems unusual to have "cascading" effects between class properties. Is there a more accepted approach?

The other alternative I'm considering is to only enforce TargetSum only inside UI forms. Ie, when you know it's a user making the change, then enforce the TargetSum, but otherwise leave the core class logic alone.That way database loads, etc, are left unaffected. But I guess the downside of not having ubiquitous enforcement is that opens the door of incorrect sums via some unforeseen complication.

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Cannot Find Relationship In Dataset

Mar 14, 2011

I have made a small "front-end" application for an Access databasefile.

I set up 3 tables with relations in Access, and added the database as a datasource in my project. I have done no database programming, and the app has worked nicely for about 2 years. It's a simple master-detail form with 2 datagridviews dragged from the datasource window.

Yesterday I opened the project to add a new form. The form is just a "setttings form" with no database activities.

When I press F5 - the main form do not start, and I get the error message "DataMember property '{0}' cannot be found on the DataSource." - where the property name is the name of one of the 2 relationships in the datasource.

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