VS 2008 Input Text Into A .dll And Then Read It?

May 31, 2010

1) Is it possible to input text into a .dll and then read it with some similar code.

Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "
For Each line As String In lines

2) categorys inside a dll.

For example if the "line" string equals to car then find the category black and display it's contains. I would like the .dll to all contain this information. Both the car and the category. All i want is the main .exe to read the information.

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Format Text Read From Line Of Streamreader Input Before Appending To Richtextbox?

Jan 1, 2010

I am reading text from a file (*.TXT) 1 line at a time using streamreader. As I read that input, I am looking for specific starting and ending character strings ("<" and ">") . When I find those strings, I would like to select the characters between those string and have it set to BOLD and BLUE before appending that input line to the contents of a richtextbox.The only way I have found to do this is to first append the input line to the richtextbox then use the richtextbox.selection (color and font) methods to change the text.

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Read File Input Instead Of Manual Textbox Input?

Sep 28, 2011

My objective is to, instead of entering in the data manually into the text boxes, I want to read in a textfile. The Calculate button will contain the code to read in the file and assign it to the appropriate textboxes. Save the separate file in the \bin\Debug folder.

The text file just needs to have 3 integers on 3 separate lines.The code I posted works without and errors, but.I am having some trouble integrating the Stream Reader.


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Input Text From A Text Box On A VB 2008 Form To A Word 2003 Doc

Oct 12, 2009

I have a form that has a web browser to display the word doc. I want to be able to edit this word doc with a text box. How can this be done. I searched for this online and came up with this: [URL] But I'm not really sure what to do with it.I have some code: Public


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Input Text From A Text Box On A Vb 2008 Form To A Word 2003 Doc?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a form that has a web browser to display the word doc. I want to be able to edit this word doc with a text box. How can this be done.[URL]

Class Form1
Dim oDocument As Object


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VS 2005 Read User Input Using Textbox But It Only Can Read Character And Numbers?

Jan 2, 2010

I know how to read user input using textbox but it only can read character and numbers. Is it possible that I want to read user input equation?


User type A+B
User put range of A and B.
1.25<A< 3.56
2.45<B< 9.87

I failed to read the equation using textbox. Is it there are other ways that can use to read equation input A+B?I am using VS2005 and VB.Net. I really new in this programming using VB.Net.

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VS 2008 Pop Up Box With Text Input?

Jul 22, 2009

How do I do a pop-up box that allow user to input text inside in a windows application?omething like a pop up box that allow user to input their userID and password.

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Save Input Text [VB 2008]?

Jun 11, 2011

I am coding a program and I want it to save what the user types in for next load up.So for example...

User types 'hello' in texbox1
User closes program.
User opens program few days later.
User sees in textbox1 it says 'hello'

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VS 2008 Text Box Input Validation?

Mar 14, 2010

I have text box where scores are to input between 0 and 100, they user also needs the option to enter a text word such as bye or BYE. I having problems getting the validation to work here is what i have so far please let me know what I'm doing wrong.


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VB 2008: Text Event - Read A Text File Till The End And Stop It?

Aug 5, 2010

i am working on read line by line . At each line that my app read , i added a event . How do i read a text file till the end and Stop it? there is how it work :


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VS 2008 User Input From A Text Box Into Code?

Apr 14, 2010

How do I get numbers typed into a text box to be feed into my code and then the code to be ran?Below is the code that I want the information from a text box to be fed into. With the (0, 50) being the numbers.I will have a form set up like this, A button labeled Generate. 3 Text boxes total, 2 of them side by side with one being low and one high. For example The user will input 5 in the low box at 100 in the high box. Hitting generate the numbers will then be inserted into code and the result being shown in the 3rd text box.

Now what is the code that I'm looking for that will help me take information from TextBox1 and TextBox2 and insert into the (XXXX, XXXX) field in my buttons code?

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Creating User Input With Textbox.text Input Then Displaying In Messagebox?

Feb 19, 2012

If my Category and Forum selection is incorrect I am sorry and feel free to move it. I'd like to have the users input in the message box that will show. For example: There is a textbox and the user puts in their name as Bob. Then the message box would be: What my main goal is, is being able to include the users input they type inside the textbox inside the message box.

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VS 2008 Checking For Newest Text File For Input?

Dec 4, 2009

Can I set this function so that if the local settings.txt exists, it will NOT be overwritten unless the mapped file is newer?

If IO.File.Exists("C: empsettings.txt") = False Then
IO.File.Copy("K: empsettings.txt", "C: empsettings.txt")
ElseIf IO.File.Exists("C: empsettings.txt") = True Then


Currently modifying a program that is being used by several staff. Each time they restart it, it starts the latest build.

I have a settings.txt file that is needed for the latest build(not on all pc's yet, original version has the settings written in the code) and updated as needed.

If local PC doesn't have settings.txt, it is copied, if it does have settings.txt it gets overwritten by the mapped copy on each run.

Wanting to let users keep their 'personalized' local settings.txt, unless I add a new feature to the program that requires a change to the mapped settings.txt file.

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VB 2008 - Read From Text File And Display In Text?

May 26, 2008

how to do this for vb6 however i am using vb 2008 and the code for vb6 does not seem to work.

I have designed a form with a text box on it, and a command button underneath. The idea is to run this as a sort of stiky notes section.

I want the text box to read rich text into the textbox (C:\\stickynotes.rtf")

Then i have a command button underneath which i want to save the content of the rich text box to the rtf file (C:\\stickynotes.rtf). This is so that the user can edit and ammend information.

here is some code i have so far

Dim fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader("C:\\stickynotes.rtf")

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VS 2008 Read Text File And Put Text In Textbox?

Jun 24, 2010

im trying to have the user press a button and a window pops up to select a file. then it reads the file and puts it in a text box. how could i do this?

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VS 2008 - Read Text File - When Click Button Add Text From Combobox Is Added To Text File

Jan 4, 2010

I have one combobox, two buttons (Add and View) and listbox. When I click button Add text from combobox is added to text file. This is code for Add button:


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VS 2008 : Use The TryParse Method To Check For Letter Text Input?

Nov 9, 2009

Is there any way to use the TryParse method to check for letter text input?For example, a user needs to input a name in a text box. Is there anyway to check that input are all letters?

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VS 2008 Dynamically Change Label Text From Textbox Input?

Nov 16, 2010

Is there a way that a label's text is updated each time the input of a textbox changes? The textbox and the label are on the same form. I looked everywhere but didn't find a solution that worked.

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VS 2008 Keyboard Input To Text (in Keybord Hook-class)?

May 16, 2010

I'm using a barcode reader which emulates a keyboard with swedish layout. I'm using RegisterRawInputDevices to create a lowlevel hook, catching windows messages and checking which device that sent the keyboard input. If it's the barcodereader, I would like to store the input. I receive the key input one by one in this class - how do I translate this into a string? If the character to be sent is an #, then the keys sent are Shift+3.

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2008 - Read Certain Text In A Text File?

Dec 13, 2009

I want my program to read certain text in a text file. For example if I have a text file that contains the following info..


I want my vb.net application to get that the account variable is equal to blah, and the password variable is equal to hello.

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VS 2008 - How To Read Delimited Text

Dec 3, 2009

After some thinking, I think I figured out how to read delimited text. I was just curious as to whether it'd be better to use StreamReader.ReadLine or File.ReadAllLine or if it matters at all? I'm assuming the ReadLine method would be better if I'm working with a larger file since ReadAllLine would store the entire thing in memory? Here's my code - I'm reading from a text file and displaying into a listview.

Dim lines() As String
Dim parts() As String
lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:lah.txt")
For Each line As String In lines
parts = line.Split("|")
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 How To Read A Text File

Jul 2, 2009

I am learning Visual Basic and I have learned alot of it from the learning section included in Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 but I don't think I have learned alot. I am actually trying to make an extractor and importer for a game. I have the file called Frontened.MNG and I want to make a program that can open the file. Someone else had made the rxtractor but he doesn't have it now. The Frontened.MNG file contains bunch of .DDS files and I want to view them in the program and then be able to replace the .DDS files in the >MNG file and be able to Extract the files out of the .MNG file. I don't just want anyone to do it for me but teach me how to do it step by step. First I want to know is how to view the .MNG file in VB? It should be viewed in a listbox but I don't know how to read this file in VB. I know how to read a text file but I think this is a binary file and it is viewed differently.

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VS 2008 Read Html For Text?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm looking for a way to do this check the currect html that in (webbrowser1) for this text

by <a href="/text/text" if it found then continue loop or do nothing if there is no match to do something

I'm not looking to find a href i need it to have find the same thing with "by" before the href

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VS 2008 Read Variables From Text?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a txt file and what to read it in a variable in vb.netSo for example :

txt file contains:


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Read The Joystick Input?

Dec 28, 2009

i want to read the joystick input?is it somewhat like keyboard input?

Private Sub form1_keydown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
Select Case e.KeyValue
Case Keys.Right
TrackBar1.Value = TrackBar1.Value + 1


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VS 2008 : Get Program To Read All The Text From A Txt Document?

Jul 21, 2009

I am trying to get my program to Read all the text from a txt document saved on my computer?

Dim fileReader As String
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:Documents and SettingsOwnerMy DocumentsWord List")

What is going wrong is that when I try it it says that my access to that folder is denied for some reason. Also, how would I make it read each of the word in the file 1 at a time?

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VS 2008 Read All Text From A Console Application?

Feb 6, 2010

I was wondering it's it possible to read all the text being displayed from a console/terminal/cmd application (What ever you want to call it).

I would then want to echo that text in a text box.

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VS 2008 Read CSV Values / Assigning To Text Box?

Aug 22, 2009

Before I start great forums, from what i've seen browsing unregistered this place is a treasure trove of information; however, after searching for what I need I could only find threads that seemed way to complicated or irrelevant, so...Essentialy I have created a program in which values entered are saved to seperate text files depending on which tab of a Tab Control they originate (from text boxes). I'm pretty new to VB but i managed to save the values of each text box to a .txt as CSV, essentialy all values will only ever be decimals (as currency) or dates. Example code for one of the .txt's:

ResourcesTermInformation.txt", Me.tbTIAutTermWeeks.Text & ","
& Me.tbTISprTermWeeks.Text & "," & Me.tbTISumTermWeeks.Text &


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VS 2008 Read Encrypted .dat Into Text String?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm working on a way to authenticate users in my app, and what I've come up with is the following method.To write to a database, the user must have an account in SQL server 2008. However, I still want people to be able to view the application if they don't have access, but only read, they can't sync any changes. This is working well, as I have a string array hard coded containing approved users:


The one problem with hardcoding is that if I need to ever add a user later on, I'd have to release an update to the program. (which isn't hard as I already have updating built into the app, and users can still download updates even if they can't sync.)

What I'd like to do, is use an encrypted .dat file that contains the user names, and store that with the application, so that i could always be added to, and only one file would need to be downloaded.

I have code in place to encrpt and decrypt the .dat file (called users.dat) and this code works for single text entries in the file. I need to figure out how to load a list however into the array in place.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Dim userfile as String = "C:users.dat"
Dim Users() As String = Data.Decrypt(File.ReadAllLines(path))

Basically each line in the file will have an encrypted user name, and i want it to decrypt each line and store it back into that authorized user list.

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VS 2008 Read Text Of A Label From Anther App?

Apr 28, 2009

Is it possible to read a label's text property of another app?I know how to get the handle of the main window, and i got the code for the child.But the problem is that there's like 20 other labels on the window and when i use winID to get it's class, it's just "Edit", and it's the same for all the labels. And the title is the value of the labels text property.

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