VS 2008 Need A Database Or Alternative?

Feb 27, 2010

Im currently developing an app, in which there is a list box which will contain between 200 and 3000 items. These items are loaded into the list box from a .txt file. Now on the same form i have Picture boxes x 6 Textboxes x 5..The contents of which changes with each list item selected, and to do this i have the code attached to the list box, heres a snippet of the [code] but at the moment with 178 items on the list the total code is pretty big, and i get the feeling it would run faster if loaded dynamically.Am i right in thinking that? Especially when the list has 3000 items, thats alot of code to have attached to a listbox.And how do i go about making the code dynamic, im looking round the forum and seeing ADO database mentioned alot and that seems to be the answer at least for the text fields, would that also work for the picture box fields?

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C# - Alternative To Firing A Stored Procedure 368 Times To Update The Database?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm working on a .NET component that gets a set of data from the database, performs some business logic on that set of data, and then updates single records in the database via a stored procedure that looks something like spUpdateOrderDetailDiscountedItem.

For small sets of data, this isn't a problem, but when I had a very large set of data that required an iteration of 368 stored proc calls to update the records in the database, I realized I had a problem. A senior dev looked at my stored proc code and said it looked fine, but now I'd like to explore a better method for sending "batch" data to the database.

What options do I have for updating the database in batch? Is this possible with stored procs? What other options do I have? I won't have the option of installing a full-fledged ORM,Additional Background Info:Our current data access model was built 5 years ago and all calls to the db currently get executed via modular/static functions with names like ExecQuery and GetDataTable. I'm not certain that I'm required to stay within that model, but I'd have to provide a very good justification for going outside of our current DAL to get to the DB.

Also worth noting, I'm fairly new when it comes to CRUD operations and the database. I much prefer to play/work in the .NET side of code, but the data has to be stored somewhere, right?


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Large Database File (mdb) Takes Time To Load In .net So Alternative?

Feb 8, 2011

I have 4k records in access database. And one of the field value contains ~100 lines each so and one other field has ~25 lines. So total database size reaches ~30MB and it takes lot of time 15-20 seconds to load the database in vb.net using odbc [URL]..and updating of any other small fields also takes time due to database being large

So as an alternative I used rtf file (txt files were not preserving all the newline characters). So these file are around 5-10kb only. But for 4k records and 2 fields I have now 8k files. And copying of these 8k rtf files is taking huge time for 5MB transfer it takes an hour or so.So is there any other alternative for storage of this data. So that it will be portable and easily loaded/accessed/updated from vb.net?

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VS 2008 Sendkeys Alternative?

Nov 10, 2009

hey been looking around for an example of Sendmessege to send keys, but all you find is the basic notepad example, can anyone please show me the way to use Sendmessege to sendkeystrokes to any application (i have the hwnd)

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VS 2008 Alternative To A 2 Dimensionable Array?

Jul 24, 2009

I'm writing an app that reads zip files from a folder and then displays them in a listbox. As a user clicks on one of the zip files in the list they can see a particular file that is located inside the zip archive in a textbox. The way I'm doing this now is to read the files from the folder and store the zip file name and the file associated with it into a two dimensional array. Kind of like this:

Dim a_files(500, 1) a_files(0,0) = name of zip file in folder a_files(0,1) = name of a particular file in the zip file The problem is that there may be more than 500 files so the array has to be scalable. I know you can use 'ReDim Preserve' to resize the right element on the fly, but I need to resize the left element. I've looked at collections, but I can't see an example where they can be multidimensional. Does someone know of an alternative way to store these values that would have the flexibility I need?

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VS 2008 FolderBrowserDialog Alternative In Web Application?

Apr 20, 2012

On our intranet website, I need to give option to user to specify the location where they would like to save files. The files would be generated by a background process. Is there a way user can specify the location? I can not use FileUpload since that requires file to be specified. I notice that FolderBrowserDialog is for clientserver vb.net app and not asp.net.

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VS 2008 Which Controls To Use For Db View, Asp Alternative

Aug 8, 2009

I have a vb application ive been working on and its pretty much complete. I posted in the asp section but we couldn't get it figured out there so im reverting back to vb so looking for some help.I have a vb.net app I created and I have an internet browser embedded in it calling an asp page. the asp page is just a simple file that searches an access database. I used the asp page because I wanted to display the results with graphics and tables so I used html for that.Everything technically works except I am running it on a local intranet and the asp file is located on a server that is REALLY slow so it is taking 20-30 seconds to get my results. so, my question is, Are there any other options or ways I can do the search within the vb app itself so everything stays local and I don't have any speed issues. I can't install IIS on the local computer because the IT department is strict unfortunately.I don't HAVE to use "html" but I would like it to look nice with graphics and html was the only way I knew how to do that.

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VS 2008 Write Data To Resource Or Alternative?

Oct 22, 2010

Well this listbox contains sensitive data not very important but i dont want the end user to be able to see what the listbox contains, therefore i have hidden the listbox But my question is how do i store this information i could easily write it to a text file i know but the user could locate the text file. So i attempted to create my text file as a resource and that failed as i can read from it i cant write to it. More simplistic question. I have data i need to save from a listbox but if i save it as a text file the user could still access it and i dont want the user to be able to acesss the file i would like it to be internal because i also dont want the user to be able to delete the file?

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VS 2008 - Alternative To The MdiWindowListItem For Window Navigation In An MDI Application

Aug 9, 2010

I've made an alternative to the MdiWindowListItem for window navigation in an MDI application. It consists of each window being added as a toolstripbutton to a toolbar, similarly to the Windows taskbar. I don't use any of the mechanics I should probably use, such as for loops catching each child window etc etc. Instead I look at window titles and do a lot of string manipulation and using counters etc.

I'd like to get rid of my method and use something a little more technical. I'd like to have the same effect, but to be able to add toolbar buttons relative to the MDI children as opposed to looking at window titles and such, because I've also got a plugin system that allows users to create their own windows and add them as mdi children. But, if a plugin is added, it doesn't get added to my toolbar taskbar thing because the titles are all user defined and I cannot control them.

So, basically, I want something exactly like the menubar's MdiWindowListItem feature, but using my toolbar idea. I want all MDI children to show up in it, including the 3rd party windows.

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Alternative To SQL CE?

Jul 15, 2010

I've created an app (VB.NET) where each installation of the app works with a single local database on the PC. No multiuser and no ability for the user to change databases - the database is effectively part of the app, with a fixed scema, only the data will change.At the moment the database is SQL CE. It has about 30 tables with some simple relationships between the tables.

I'm wondering if there is an alternative to SQL CE that might be faster in this scenario. Although SQL CE is excellent and easy to use, I get the feeling there is perhaps an unecessary overhead when using it for something simple - and it does seem a little slow when my app is doing complex stuff that interacts a lot with the DB. In my prototype I actually loaded the 'database' tables from text files into Arrays and developed subs and functions to perform the database searches etc. It was blindingly fast but I realised it wasn't a scaleable solution because it was an 'in-memory' database. A compromise would be to 'page' data into array when needed, but it all gets horribly complex and that's probably why some very clver people have created SQL CE !

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.net - Namespace With An Alternative Name?

Jan 27, 2011

Using VB.net, I have a namespace which I'd like to rename for the future. However, I'd also like to keep the old obsolete namespace for a time to ensure backward-compatibility for our consumers for awhile. Is there a way in .NET to have two namespaces, one ordinary and one that merely is an alternative name for the other?


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Alternative DateTimePicker?

Apr 2, 2009

From the WINDOWS Date & Time settings FORM is this accessible as an alternative

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Alternative For Each - In Loop ?

Mar 31, 2012

Below is the code for a linked list search I have tried to implement in to searching through each of the elements of htmlelements .For some reason If element.InnerText = (item) will only work if if is only a string ("example") .Are there any other ways of Implementing the for each loop to search through my item linked list?

Original code for searching for 1 string

Private Sub block()
Dim elements As HtmlElementCollection = webBrowser.document.All
Dim word_found As Boolean
word_found = False


This is the Loop for item I have tried to implement but is not working ,because of the for each loop .The value of element.Innertext = "" or null when I try to use one of the linked list item[If element.InnerText = (item)] is used and only have a value when a string is used to [If element.InnerText = (google)]

Private Sub block()
Dim elements As HtmlElementCollection = webBrowser.document.All
Dim word_found As Boolean
word_found = False
Dim item As LinkedListItem = words.Head


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Alternative To A Combo Box?

Apr 28, 2010

I've encountered a problem in a application that I inherited. It contains a combo box that loads information.The problem is that there are more data that the control will hold (32767

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Alternative To Uri.EscapeDataString?

Nov 6, 2011

Is there an alternative to Uri.EscapeDataString? I'm trying to upload an image, by converting it into a base64 string, but I need to use Uri.EscapeDataString on it first, and if the image is big then Uri.EscapeDataString will say that the URI is too long.

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Asp.net - Alternative To TidyCOM

Dec 31, 2011

My clients web application is using TidyCOM to clean up dynamically created XML files from a SQL database query. With this TidyCOM, they are not able to upgrade the web application to .Net 4.0 framework. Is there an alternative to using TidyCOM so that these dynamically created XML files are validated correctly?

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Best Alternative For QueryString?

Feb 28, 2009

We heard a lot about the vulnerabilities of using QueryStrings and the possible attacks.Aside from that, yesterday, an error irritated me so much that i just decide to stop using QueryStrings, i was passing something like[code]....

View 8 Replies

Getting Alternative For Outlook?

Jul 11, 2010

My VB application also needs to manage simple appointments in an agenda, however one user has no MSOutlook. Someone knows of an alternative calendar tool, with which I can do this?

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Is There Alternative For Timer

Jun 9, 2011

is there an alternative for timer?

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Looking For A Alternative To SendKeys?

Jun 8, 2010

So I've been doing a lot of reading today and apparently SendKeys isn't very reliable anymore.Does anyone know of another alternative to it for what I need:

The application works by the form being positioned over a open window, notepad, word, excel etc and it then determines what it is over, notepad, word, excel etc and then reads the file, and does some processing using SendKeys at the moment.Though I do believe I could probably change the later at some point. The problem I'm having right now is when I try to send the Alt + Tab to change focus it's working roughly 12% of the time.If you are wondering I ran it 50 times and it worked 6 of those,thus the 12%.I'm thinking that is rather unacceptable.This is what I'm using which should work: SendKeys.SendWait("%{TAB}")

XP Service Pack 3 and vb.net 2005

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Sendkeys Or An Alternative?

Aug 30, 2010

First off, using VB2010. I'm in the process of upgrading some applications from VB6 to 2010 and haveing a great time of it. The current application I'm working on is using Sendkeys of which I have changed over to the WSH.Sendkeys of which is pretty decent. Basically the program is copy and pasting the current open file, reading some data and saving it as a different file type. It also has to change xls files to csv and then saving it to the format as well as a smiliar thing with word. Thus the reason for the copy and paste as it's changing the extension to a dot date (for example, test.830).This is the flow of how it works for a text file (most basic)

1. changes focus to notepad

2. Select all Copy to ClipBoard

3. Open Programmers File Editor and a blank file

4. Paste in text

5. Save as code.date extension to the directory

Excel files obviously have a few extra steps.

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System.Web Alternative In The .NET

Sep 22, 2011

I need a good alternative for System.Web that is included in the .NET 4 Client Profile. Currently all of my frameworks are included in the client profile, except System.Web. What is a good alternative?

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What Is The Best .net Alternative To Dde For File Associations

Aug 13, 2009

I have an MDI Windows Forms application (.net 2008) that allows the user to associate various file types with the application. I currently do this with a registry entry something like this, that causes the application to load and access the file name via the command line:[code...]

In the pre-.net version of the application, I used DDE (ddeexec in the registry). If an instance of the application was executing when a file was double-clicked in Windows Explorer, it would open the file without starting up a new instance of the application.

Now that DDE has been deprecated by Microsoft, what is the best way in .net for an executing MDI application to open an additional file when the file is double-clicked in Explorer, as opposed to starting a new instance of the application?

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Alternative For INKEY Command?

Sep 23, 2007

I'm running Visual Basic.net. I used to use the INKEY command, available in older DOS versions of Basic, to allow the user to change the flow of a program by touching a keyboard key. It seems to be available only in Visual Fox Pro. Is there an alternative for Visual Basic?

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Alternative To InnerHTML/outerHtml?

Oct 24, 2011

If I wanted to make changes in page site (using with WebBrowser, and only the user will see it) I would do it:

Dim Rstring As String = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml
Rstring = Replace(Rstring, "Some Text To Replace", "<B>Some Text To Replace</B>")
WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerHtml = Rstring

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Alternative To Transaction Lock?

Mar 20, 2012

In my project i am using begin transaction commit or rollback changes. but this causes lock to the tables in that particular functionality.

So if the any other user does any other functionality those locked table are not available until the transaction is completed. I want to know if there is any alternative to transaction which insures data security but the tables are not locked out.

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Alternative Way To Display Rows From A DB

Mar 14, 2003

I assume that this is not possible.Could somebody please suggest an alternative way to display rows from a DB in a nice way. (with word wrap)

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Alternative Way To Save File?

Mar 15, 2010

in my database i have an admin form, where it allows you to do admin stuff.Example: Allows you to enter price per membership, and change it.Problem i'm having is how would i save it, since all previous files had more than 1 records, so it would be in the form of:

FilePut(1, OnePerson, NumberOfRecords + 1)

Since this file will only cosist of one record, i don't know how i would save it.i tried FilePut(1, OnePerson, Index) But it doesn't work.

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Any Alternative Available For Control Array?

Aug 16, 2009

I was just wondering if there is and alternative for control arrays in .net as these were quite handy in vb6?

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Application.DoEvents Alternative?

Jun 6, 2011

Any good alternative to using DoEvents in VB.NET

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