VS 2008 Read These Values From XML With XElement?

May 2, 2012

im having problems with reading these values from XML with XElement Im trying to get Each value between <month> and </month>



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Read Xml Files Which Contain Namespaces With Xelement?

Jun 9, 2011

I have the file xmlcontents.xml with the following content[code]....

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Creating A Child Class Of XElement That Still Keeps A Reference To Original XElement And Preserves Tree Structure

Dec 20, 2010

I'm working with a class that inherits the XElement class.The new class is called MXElement.It adds some new functionality to it for navigating through the XML tree, as well as some more information regarding attributes, but that's not particularly important.My problem is that I have an XML Tree filled with XElement objects.However, when I create a new MXElement object from the XElement object before, it is just a copy of that object. This means that any changes that I make to this object will not effect the original tree.I suppose what I'm asking for is a way to build in the functionality for my MXElement class and keep references to the original XElement objects.If possible, I would really prefer to keep MXElement a child class instead of building a lot of extension methods for XElement.

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XElement.Add(XElement) Automatically Adds Namespace To Child Node?

Nov 4, 2011

I am using XElement to manipulate my xml file: to find target node and then add child node to it. But now I have one problem. Let's say my xml file looks like this:

<Report xmlns="MY_NAMESPACE"


The second <ReportItem> is the newly-added one, but sadly this is not a valid file (my parser is complaining in the further processing of xml file). So how can I make this new item look exactly like the existing one, without any namespace? This has been driving me crazy. I spent a whole day to figure out that I need to add the curly brackets so that it will find the target node (it doesn't work like what the link above says that it adds and searches the default NS automatically), but now it adds something unnecessary?

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Adding XElement As A Child Of An Existing XElement Linq?

Mar 6, 2012

I would like to add a XElement into an existing XElement as a child

Dim myDocument As New XDocument
myDocument.Declaration = New XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "no")
myDocument.Add(New XComment("XComment"))


What is the best way? There will be at least one rule but there could be as many as 4 total.

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Adding Xelement As A Sibling Of Xelement Without A Parent?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying figure out if this is possible. Basically, I need to create an XElement and then add one or more siblings to that XElement, but without a parent. I'll add that list of XElements to a Parent later, but need some flexibility in building this and other lists of XElements before doing so. Is this possible?

So I would have something like:

Public items As XElement = <ItemA>Something</ItemA>

And then I need to add an element so that the result looks like:

<ItemB>Something Else</ItemB>

That result is what I need to pass around as a single object. I've messed arounnd with IEnumerable(Of XElement), but there is no .Add.

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Conditional XElement Content / XElement Or XAttribute

Feb 15, 2011

I'm building XML based on some data pulled from a database, and thought to try building the XML with LINQ2XML. The data is coming from a few different places, so I've been building the XML by sections, based on what I have populated in DataTable objects. Using the XElements and XAttributes, I can get one or the other, but I was wondering if anyone had insight in how to make the determination of whether to use XElement or XAttribute at the point where the XML is being built.[code]So it's in that LINQ query that I need to determine if ValueToParse, for example, has a valid value (non-empty). If it does, then I can add the node and it's value. If it DOES NOT, I need to add that named node, but with an attribute of 'xsi:nil="true"',The caveats are that that there are some descendants which repeat over different parents (for example, there's an AddressDetails section which contains AddressDetail elements. These AddressDetail elements can contain 0 or 1 Contacts groups of Contact elements, so adding a node to the Contacts node isn't a straightforward option as it would be if there was only ONE Contacts element).I don't usually USE LINQ, but it SEEMED like a good idea at the time XD

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VS 2008 Read CSV And Save Values?

Sep 13, 2009

I need read csv file in this format each line (value1;value2;value3;value4) and save each value to separate variables.

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VS 2008 Read CSV Values / Assigning To Text Box?

Aug 22, 2009

Before I start great forums, from what i've seen browsing unregistered this place is a treasure trove of information; however, after searching for what I need I could only find threads that seemed way to complicated or irrelevant, so...Essentialy I have created a program in which values entered are saved to seperate text files depending on which tab of a Tab Control they originate (from text boxes). I'm pretty new to VB but i managed to save the values of each text box to a .txt as CSV, essentialy all values will only ever be decimals (as currency) or dates. Example code for one of the .txt's:

ResourcesTermInformation.txt", Me.tbTIAutTermWeeks.Text & ","
& Me.tbTISprTermWeeks.Text & "," & Me.tbTISumTermWeeks.Text &


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VS 2008 Read Csv File Into Dgv - Text Versus Numeric Values?

Oct 13, 2010

I read a csv file into my .net program using ado.net and display it in a datagridview.In the file I have two rows. The first column is a component id, and it is supposed to be numeric. But the user can edit the csv file before having my program load it, and accidentally put text there. That is something I want to edit when he presses a button to add the data to the database. So let's say he puts a value of A in the first record and a value of 1 in the second record. Or vice versa. What is displayed in the dgv is a blank in the first record and a 1 in the second, or 1 in first and blank in second. If both csv records are A, then what is displayed in the dgv is an A in both the first and second records. I don't understand what is happening. The fact that there sometimes is a numeric in the column makes it think it is a numeric field and therefore only display numerics and blank otherwise, and the fact that there's always text in the column makes the code know it is a text field?

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Read The Latitude And Longitude Byte Values From The DEM File (retrieving Binary Values)?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a DEM file(Digital Elevattion Model File) and I am trying to open the file,where we have Latitude and Longitude values inside the DEM file.And, Now I have opened the file using Filestream and Read the file using BinaryReader.But, I am having a trobule in getting the values of Latitude and Longitude.I am getting Byte values randomly as 1,202,31,271 etc.But, we dont have latitude and longitude values more than 180,and also I am not getting 16 bit UInt values.For example, the values should be like Latitude 20.00416666666667 and Longitude 39.99583333333333.So,read the correct Byte values of the DEM file.The code I have used till now is:

Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream("C:UsersadminDesktopHeader and DEM fileE020N40.DEM", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim rd As New BinaryReader(fs)
Dim convertDB As UInt16
For i = 0 To rd.BaseStream.Length


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VS 2008 - Read A 16bit Binary File (tif Image) And Pixel Values Of The Image Ranges From 1200 To 4500 - EndOfStreamException Unhandled Error

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to read a 16bit binary file (tif image) and pixel values of the image ranges from 1200 to 4500. I tried to use BinaryReader using ReadUInt16 but I get EndOfStreamException Unhandled error. ReadByte method works fine with an 8bit tif file. I do not know how to read a 16bit image file using binaryReader. Shouldn't I use ReadUInt16 since values of pixels range from 1200 to 4500?


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C# - Get InnerText From XElement?

Mar 19, 2011

I have an XML file I need to parse, but only for the text, not the HTML. Here's an example of a node:

<highlights><![CDATA[<ul style="color:#000000;font-size:small;font-family:verdana,geneva,sans-serif"><li>Classy &amp; elegant purse hooks</li><li>Choose from various styles<br></li><li>Stable and reliable</li><li>Makes a great gift! </li></ul> ]]></highlights>

As you can see, the CDATA has HTML code in it, so when I do element.Value I also get the tags. Is there any simple way to get just the text?

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How To Set An Empty XElement

Dec 22, 2009

Im trying to add a Xelement to an XElement. But when I tried to add this XElement to the empty XElement VB throws "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" The Bold line code throws the exception

here the sample code: Private Sub Button_OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_OK.Click


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XElement And An XPath Expression ?

Feb 1, 2010

I have an XElement and an XPath expression that selects a node from it. It works fine in the original program that I wrote it in but doesnt work if I paste it to another program. I've checked the references and import statements.

I think the problem might be that the original program had the code within the class of a wpf window while it was moved to a abstract class where it doesnt work.[code...]

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Get Only Direct Descendants Of An XElement?

Aug 4, 2009


In this case, children includes all the Parent elements and all of the Child elements. What's the best way to grab only the direct descendants of <Root>?

Should I write a LINQ query that selects elements where parent = <Root>? Or is there some built-in method I'm missing that can get this for me?

EDIT: I had some confusion between XElement.Elements and XElement.Descendants. As Ruben Bartelink pointed out, XElement.Elements will give me exactly what I was looking for.

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Test To See When An Xelement Exists?

Mar 6, 2009

I'm reading an XML file that looks like this[cod]...

The resulting List(Of Vehicle) is then bound to an ASP.NET ListView control where the data is rendered. All goes well if all the desired nodes are present. For example, the Mileage node is conditional and is absent sometimes. Whenever the node isn't present I get a "Sequence contains no elements" error.

I've tried everything I know to get things working properly. Is there a way to test if an XElement exists?

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Typecasting XElement To String?

Jun 11, 2009

I am trying to retrieve a value from an xml file via the XElement and pass it on to a function for further logic testing / et al but keep getting an eror: Here is the code I am using

dim path as string = "C:UsersPaulmyfile.xml"
dim doc as xelement =xelement.load(path)

'This is the line that i would like to convert i.e the sdr to string ? dim sdr = from d in doc.descendants("BOOKS") Select d.Value

when I pass the value sdr, I get an error 13 "Conversion from type "WhereSelectEnumerableIterator(Of XElement, String) to type string is not valid. I have also tried to pass it as an object but can not seem to be able to typecast it to string.

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Use For Each Loop With A Where Clause For XElement?

Oct 5, 2010

I am tring to write a for each loop that loops through the descendants of an xml doc but only the ones that satisfy a criteria.[code]...

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XElement And Namespaces [VB 2010]?

Dec 2, 2011

I have two XML files.



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Xml - Reading Childelement To XElement In .NET?

Dec 22, 2011

I've been trying to read an XML-file using VB.NET and after some (see 2-3 hours) googling and reading I've headed in somewhat the right direction, however now I'm at a stop and I can't find any answers that makes any sense to me.


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Read CSV And Save Values For Use?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm a "Moderate" skill programmer, and am upgrading some software I've written in VB.Net (VS2008, .Net 3.5), and need to be able to accomplish the following, which I'm not sure of the best way to go about doing: The software is an information reporting dashboard for a call centre. I have a csv file being created about every 10 seconds, extracted from the telephone software, the file consists of a list of "Skills" (basically telephone line types), the number of calls received on those lines, and the number of callers who hung up (and a few other bits of information I need, but once I figure the basics out, the rest should be easy), basically looking like the following:


I need to be able to read this csv, store the data, filter out the "Skills" to be report on (i.e. 1,2, and 5 only), add up the "Offered" and "abandoned" data associated with them and then display this information as one number (i.e. "Skills 1,2,5 - Offered: 4925, Abandoned: 13") (and then the same for the other "Skills"). This data could grow as more phone lines are added or some are taken away.I've got the code to read the data into an array working, but I've got stuck with how to filter and add up the data. I'm not even sure if I can do this with an array.

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Read The Values From An Array?

Nov 5, 2010

You need to read the values from an array. What Visual Basic flow construct would you need to use to perform that action? What are the important keywords to include in that construct?

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Read XML String And Get Values?

Jul 22, 2011

Using VB.Net, I need to read the following XML from a string variable (not a file) and pull the AuthNo, Client ID, Client Name, Supplier ID, and Supplier Name for each Dispatch contained within the XML.

I have looked at tons of examples on the web using XMLReader but I can't figure out how to pull the separate ID's and match them up with their appropriate Names and also matched up with appropriate AuthNo.[code]...

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IEnumerable<XElement>.Value() Extension Method Available In .Net But Not C#?

Jun 5, 2012

In VB.Net you can easily get the text value of the first child element of an XElement like so:Dim sChildValue = xeParent.<MyChild>.Value()Of course that syntax is not supported in C#, but it produces the same IEnumerable(Of XElement) result as the Elements() method. So we can rewrite the above like so:

Dim sChildValue = xeParent.Elements("MyChild").Value()This Value() extension method is handy because often you are working with small XML documents and you just want the first node that matches. (One thing that annoys me about this method is that it seems to return Nothing/null if the IEnumerable list is empty due to the specified element not being found. To work around this I have created my own ValueOrBlank() method that returns an empty string in that situation instead.)

My problem is that I can't do the same thing in C#:var sChildValue = xeParent.Elements("MyChild").Value(); // won't compile, can't find Value() method

I checked my references/imports and they match the VB.Net project where the same call works. Fortunately I am able to use my custom ValueOrBlank() extension method to accomplish the same thing. But I'm curious as to what's missing in my C# project. I tried right-clicking on the Value() method call in Visual Studio and clicking "Go To Definition" to see if the Object Browser could tell me where the extension method is kept, but it just shows the System.String class. Does that mean this is one of those sneaky VB.Net-only features that the compiler itself supports, like the XML Axis < MyChild > syntax?

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Read The Values Entered By The End User?

Dec 17, 2010

I have an EXE that creates objects based on params passed to it.Say I have textboxes named 57 and 21.I want to read the values entered by the end user.


How do I pull this data from the boxes?

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Can't Read Registry Values From A Service?

Mar 20, 2011

Within my service i have the following function in order to take some values from my registry[code]...

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Read / Write Hex Values In File

Mar 2, 2009

I'm new to VB.net and have only a few projects under my belt. This one has me stumped!! I need to open a file and search its contents hex byte by byte. (Similar to Hex editor). On finding a particular value I need to replace it with a set hex value then write and close the file. So far I have only managed to read / write the ascii equivilant.

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Read All The Values In EvType Column?

Oct 12, 2010

On my form I have a textbox called TxtSelectedEvType. On the other hand, I have a listview called lvwBatchHist which has two columns, BatchID and EvType respectively.

Now, I want to read all the values in EvType column and compare with the value in TxtSelectedEvType.Text, if they are the same write a message EvType is the same else call a function...


if TxtSelectedEvType.Text = (comparing from the column 'EvType' in lvxBatchHist) Then
MsgBox ("EvType Same", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Test")


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Read And Write Values From VB2008 To XML?

Nov 24, 2010

What I want is to have the ability for the user once the values are entered into the Textboxes, the user has the ability to save the values for retrival a some later time. This is what I have so far


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