VS 2008 Show The Letters That Have All Ready Been Entered?
Apr 25, 2009
I'm making a hangman game (yes everyones starting point) and got the basics running. I've added so extras to it, such as reading in random words from a text file, only allowing capitals to be entered, an option of guesses the phrase etc. All very simple but a nice way to learn.
Anyway, I want it to show the letters that have all ready been entered between each guess. I want to do this by using an array and making sure the same letter cannot be entered more than once into this array.
So far i have the following:
Sub Main()
Dim GuessLetter As Char
Dim LettersGuessedArray(26)
and i do not know why. I want it to output the letter entered from the array "LettersStoredArray".
how do you restrict letters from being entered into a textbox?I know it invloves textbox_TextChanged but i don't know who to do so.
Edit: I figured out that Letters(25) = (a b c etc...) can be used but how to not enter the letter? Uhm.. Like, the user enters "a" and the program recognizes it using an IF statement. How will it NOT enter the letter into the textbox?
I'm keeping track of some things that are numbered and others that are lettered; while NumericUpDown is perfect for selecting numbered things, I need an analogue for selecting lettered things. The obvious choice would be a listbox that just contains all the letters of the alphabet. But I need to show only the appropriate range of letters, so if I want to use a listbox, I need to write a function that populates the listbox with the first n letters of the alphabet; if n > 26, it should continue with aa, ab, and so on. How do I do this?
I have a textbox which controls the interval of a Timer control. How do I filter out letters? Is it possible to restrict entry to numbers only (like if you enter a letter or a space, nothing happens)? Is there a property of the textbox that can accomplish this?
I am creating a Calender application using the monthly calender control.I am trying to implement a search for the calendar so a date can be entered into a text box which intern moves the calender to show the date entered. I have been try to figure this out with no luck, is it even possible to do?
[code]I have this type of xml file how i can access this xml file into dataset and i want to print name into textbox1.text and class in textbox2.text and rollno into textbox3.text how to do that ???
We need to show the value entered and the number that it is compared to in the textbox and concatenated to the binary array. This is the code that I have so far: Public Class Tester Shared array1 As Integer() = New Integer(14) {} Dim count As Integer Public Sub Main() Dim i As Integer [Code] .....
Im trying to do a lab that will obtain 10 numbers from the user using an InputBox() function, store them internally in a one-dimensional array, and then compute the average of the numbers and sort them in reverse numerical order. The program should control that 10 numbers (no more, no less) are entered, and that the numbers are fully validated as integers.
If the user enters non-numeric data, then an appropriate error message should be shown, and that number should be allowed to be re-entered as a valid number. Then all the numbers should be shown as a list in a 'message box'. So far I can get everything but the message box to show the list of numbers entered.
I created a usercontrol which has a Textbox and a Label. Setting the (boolean) textvalidity property we can toggle the icons on the label to show if the user has entered a valid input.
Sub New() ' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent()
The problem is... when the control is used... the constructor initializes it to true (According to my code) so the icon is already displayed.
I am trying to show message when user didn't enter any data in datagrid and click on save button it should display message please enter the required fields but I am using this code for this purpose.
For Each cell As DataGridViewCell In DataGridView1.Rows(DataGridView1.RowCount - 1).Cells If cell.Value Is Nothing OrElse cell.Value.ToString = String.Empty Then MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Required Field(s)!", "ITPCHR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop) Exit Sub [Code] .....
When I click on save button without entering data it give me message please enter the required fields but when I enter the data in datagrid it didn't save data and gives same message please enter the required fields.
Is there a way to make NumericUpDown control hide decimal places but still can show if i entered manually?For example, i want to set NumericUpDown DecimalPlaces to 0 but when i enter something like 6.52, it remains 6.52 and not rounded to 7.
I have an access form that shows a data table. when the form is opened, I want to filter the data in the date column to show only the records that don't have a date entered into the field.
i have a textbox full of names and names can only be less then 20 letters so if there is a line with more then 20 letters how can i delete it with code ?
I want to get letters to each harddrive I have recognized in WMI . I give an example:I have:
1x HDD (400 GB) Samsung (fixed) - 4 partitions (one of them is for Linux, the biggest problem!) 1x HDD (250 GB) Seagate (external) - 1 partition
And in Windows I can see 4 harddrives. So the thing: How can I get exact letters belonging to Samsung, and letter(s) belonging to Seagate? Make sure, that user can have more drives and more partition (maybe Linux too) ... I can divide my Seagate too, like 20 GB and 230 GB ... you know. I've checked much things in WMI like Win32_DiskPartition, but it does not help me so much ...
I want to check for the letters of the given string. for example: the string = Visual Studio next is i want to check per letter of the string. next I want to change V to x
I was wondering if anyone here has an idea how to decrypt French letters.I've managed to decrypt English ceaser cipher but have no ideas how to begin with for French as it does not include the letters K and W. So I will have certain letters translated wrongly.
I am using ASCII, c = char, Asc(c), using the ASCII numbers to decrypt.
I'm retrieving some norwegian letters for my application. I know that the norwegian letters has something to do with:iso-8859-1 But I have no idea how to implement it in my application.
we're doing a hangman game in VB 2008 and we are using an input box to enter a word that will be stored in the variable "word".How do I set it that the input box will only except letters of the alphabet. We are dealing with manipulating strings in class.I tried using the KeyPress event but that failed miserably.
I'm trying to produce every possible combination of the letters in a word, however I've been very unsuccessful at figuring this out. I can't seem to grasp what I need to do to get this working, I've been at it for the last four hours or so.for example, the word "one" would produce: one, oen, eon, eno, noe, neo.
how do you search a string for capital letters, is there a function I can use to return to me how many capital letters are in a string? I have tried searching this but as yet not stumbled across a function. Most functions I found converted lower case to upper case Etc. I thought InStr might be the one but still looking for information on that one. I did find something along the lines of .char.isupper but the textbox is .text A password 'rating' tool of sorts of which I use a counter so if I enter "STRing" in the textbox for example it will return a 3 add it to the counter and continue with the little algorithm which my rater uses to add up things such as numbers or special characters to get a final score and that indicates to the user how strong the password is.
Quick question here about how to get it to accept capital and lowercase letters. I am running code that has certain Customer Types such as "T". It returns different information for that customer. There are only 3 types "T", "R", and "C". The rest return the default information. When I enter "t" into the textbox it returns the default information, not the information for "T". How do I go about getting it to accept "T" or "t"?
I'm rather new here (actually just made this account in hopes of getting this question answered. I'm currently attempting to try and get text from a textbox to change the letters to numbers. A weak encryption if you will.Example:jack and jill ran up the hill in numbers would be say j=30 a=20 c=99 d=200 ect
I need that a particular column in a DGV necessarily be written in capital letters, without the user having to press "BloqMay"... for the rest of columns the user will write normal.
I have a program which records the phone numbers I dial into one program into its own textbox. But whenever I use numlock to type the phone numbers in, it appears as "abc, etc" in the recording program.
i have a Program that filters out Text from a site but when Characters like:� � � � are there it makes them to: ?How can i make them show right in the Program?