VS 2010 Combobox And Parent Columns?

Jan 16, 2012

I am using the following code which populates a combobox with Location Codes from a table called tb_StoreLocations.

Dim SQLStr As String
Dim dtTableData As New DataTable
Dim dbDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter


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VS 2010 Combobox That Is Connected To A Datatable With 3 Columns

Jul 6, 2010

I have a combobox that is connected to a datatable with 3 columns. When i click a button i want 3 values from the selected item to be transferred to another datatable.The easiest way without any hassle to do this is via the Combobox.Text, Combobox.SelectedValue and....eyy nowhat?

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Combobox Child In Listview Parent

Aug 11, 2009

Is there any way to have a combobox inserted into a cell in a list view? Here is what I have:


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VS 2008 Parent Child Combobox?

Nov 16, 2010

have a form with 3 comboboxes and 3 Bindingdource dropped on, Now I can manage to have the first dropdown box display a list of manufacturers ok then when one is selected to display the range of products made and be able to open a form etc based on that, but what I really want to do is in the 3rd combobox display a list of models of the product in combobox2... Is this possible?. I have spent hours trying to figure this out and looking on the net but all examples only point to 1 parent and 1 child..

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Combobox With Multiple Columns?

Sep 6, 2006

I'm filling a combobox from a dataset that has three columns, DealerID, DealerName, DealerState. I can only get one column to display. show two or more columns in a combobox? My code follows:

adapter.Fill(datList, "tblDealerID"))
Dim drDealer as DataRow
For Each drDealer in datList.Tables("tblDealerID").Rows

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C# - LINQ To SQL Join Two Tables To Select Parent Table Twice Based On Two Different Columns From Child Table?

Aug 23, 2010

I have two tables Employees and CafeLogs. Some employees can be cashiers and also customers at the Cafe shop.

Table structures:

Employees: EmployeeId(PK) , FirstName, LastName
CafeLogs: LogId (PK), CashierId, EmployeeId, Value, => CashierId and EmployeeId are the data from column EmployeeId of Empoyee table

Table relationship:

Employees 1:N CafeLogs (CashierId (FK))


Right now I know how to select only LogId, Employee's name, and , Value, not with Cashier name yet.

Dim query = From log In db.CafeLogs _
Join emp In db.Employees On emp.EmployeeId Equals log.EmployeeId _
Select log.LogId, emp.FirsName, emp.LastName, log.Value

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How To Concatenate Multiple Columns Into Combobox

Jan 29, 2010

Does anyone know how I can go about concatenating multiple columns from a table to populate into a combobox? I have 4 columns from which I need the data to show up in 1 line when clicking on the dropdown/combobox list. I'm not sure if I have to deal with the display member or the value member.

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VS 2008 : Multiple Columns In ComboBox?

Apr 2, 2010

i just finally got my code, with the help of you guys, working to fetch column values from my database and display it in a ComboBox.

Now i am thinking to myself that simply displaying a customer's surname just is not enough due to repetitive issues etc. What i propose that i should do is have multiple column values in a the combo box. For example

CustomerID, Surname, Firstname

My current code is:

con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:My DropboxDocumentsTaxi Service ProjectDatabaseTaxiProjectDatabase.accdb;")


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VS 2008 Add Database Columns To A ComboBox

May 11, 2009

I have this code here:


I know there is MyDataTable.columns How can I get it to put the columns into a ComboBox so i can select them?

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VS 2008 DataGridView ComboBox Columns?

Nov 9, 2010

So i have a datagridview with two combos, when the form it's created i fill the first one with all the MainValues, and the second one with all possible values for the MainValues (called SecondValues) (1..N).Now my issue, when the user selects one value from the first combo i want to fill the second combo with all values related to the selected MainValue, i can do this for example by filling the datatable again with a parameter that filters the data, but if the previous rows have different main values, the dgv throws errors because it doesn't find the binded ones in the new filtered datatable.

How can i handle this? One datatable for each line?! Other thing, i'm using the SelectionChangeCommited event for handling the values change (in theEditingControlShowing), but if the user uses the keyboard to select the values the event doesn't behave in the same way or the way that i need. The values in the combo are numeric values (1001,1020,2010,3010), when the user select one of the values, i need to fill another cell in the same row with the number selected plus some string, example combo:1001 cell:1001XPTO. So if the user presses 1 in the keyboard the combobox selects the 1001 and fills the cell with 1001XPTO, but if i keep pressing the keyboard to select the 1020, by pressing 0 and 2, i get the 1020 selected in the combo, but the cell remains with the 1001XPTO.

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ComboBox Populated And Displayed With Multiple Columns

Nov 8, 2010

I have seen something like the following in many software. Combo box populated and displayed with multiple columns (for example stock code, stock description). But now I am only able to populate with stock code. May I know how to achieve this? I know it can be done by calling a form (And I can do whatever coding in this form) out when clicking on the combo box. But I am looking for better solution, or is it possible to populate the whole datagrid into the combo box as source instead of only the data.

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IDE :: Add Rows To An Unbound DataGridView That Has Combobox Columns?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a datagridview that has 1 combobox column (it will eventually have between 1 and 3 more) but I can't find anything anywhere on how to add rows to this column. I create the columns:


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Understand ComboBox And The Use Of Columns (or Equivalent) In .NET For Instance?

Apr 28, 2011

I'm trying to understand ComboBox and the use of columns (or equivalent) in .NET For instance, I have a bound form with a combo box and a table that i want to feed it. In the table I have EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName. I want the "Bound Column" to be the EmployeeID, but the combo box to display the last and first name of the employee. This was very easily obtainable in VBA but is giving me some grief in VB.NET. I've played around with the datamember and valuemember properties of the combobox but have not had any luck.

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VS 2008 Datagridview With Unbound Combobox Columns?

Dec 14, 2010

I am working with an Unbound DataGridView. I would like to vary the contents of a second combobox based on what is selected in the first. I have code to add the columns and populate the first combobox, but I can't figure out how to do the second one since it can (and usually will) have a different list for each row AND the list must change when the selection in the first is changed.

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Adding/removing Datagridview Columns Based On A Combobox?

Oct 26, 2011

The user picks x amount of scenarios from the combobox, and x amount of columns appear in the datagridview. If the user changes the number of columns from x amount to y amount, the columns should be added/removed respectively but currently when y amount is chosen x amount of columns are in the datagridview.

I'm not sure how to do this, I've tried using an IF statement under the .SelectedIndexChanged event but the code adds columns until it reaches as high as it can go, then pulls an error saying too many columns.

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Concatenating Multiple NonNull Columns Into Combobox Text Property?

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to concatenate nonnull multiple columns from a database into the text property of a combobox. Right now, I'm receiving an "IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled name, address1, address2". The line, "cboFreight.Text = drFreight("name" & ", " & "address1" & ", " & "address2")" is where the error is occurring. Here is my code for this section:

Dim drFreight As SqlDataReader = cmdCorrespFreight.ExecuteReader
While drFreight.Read()
'If "address3" <> "" Then
If IsDBNull(drFreight("address3")) Then


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Forms :: Concatenating Multiple NonNull Columns Into Combobox Text Property?

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to concatenate nonnull multiple columns from a database into the text property of a combobox. Right now, I'm receiving an "IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled name, address1, address2". The line in red is where the error is occurring. Here is my code for this section:[code].....

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DB/Reporting :: PopUP Form Refresh Combobox On Parent Form

May 31, 2008

I have a parent form that has a combobox. Whn the form loads I get the data from the db and bind to the combobox. that works fine and here is the code I use in form load to cause this to happen: [code] Now if there is not an Account Type, I have a button that will pull up a small form to allow the addition of an account type. The popup form adds the data back to the database just fine, but I am now trying to get the combobox to refresh its data. So I call a public Sub that is located in the parent form to from the popup form to accomplish this task and I have walked the code and the sub is called and appears to work correctly, but the new data never appears in the combobox. Here is my public sub that i call to try and refresh the combobox on the parent form. [code] But when I go back to the parent form, the combobox is not updated with the new account. How can i get the combobox to refresh from the database with the new data?

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Call A Member Through Its Parent's Type That Shadowed A Parent Class Implementation?

Aug 3, 2011

This is a challenging one that got me stumped while I was coding today. Suppose I am running the Sub Test1() and Test2() and would like to print out the value of the Shadows method of the instance of the object I am passing in to TestCall() (see below - it is clearer) using the following restrictions:

Can't change the contents of Class A, B, and C
Can't change Sub Test1() and Sub Test2()
TestCall() can't have an if, select case etc. statement that tries to figure out the type


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VS 2010 : Call Sub In Parent Form?

Feb 8, 2012

I am trying to create a project in VB 2010 like I have in VB6. In VB6 I have a parent form which opens a child form. The child form displays calls (customers) on a spread sheet control that are on hold. The user selects the call in the child form, it calls a sub in the parent form passing a record number to identify the customer. The parent form then "pulls" up the call and and connects the user to the caller with all of the customers information.So, I haven't done this in VB NET and I have searched to see if this would be done the same way in .NET as it was in VB6, but I haven't found much decisive information. Is a parent/child form the way to do this?

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VS 2010 Handling The Parent's Events?

Jan 28, 2012

I am trying to make a UserControl or Component which can be dragged from the Toolbox onto a container control such as a Form or a Panel. Its purpose is to change the behaviour of that container. In particular, I would like to add functions to the container's painting and mouse actions. I DO NOT want to have to write code for the container itself -- that's the whole point of the Toolbox object.

I can do this by getting a reference to the object's Parent (or Host in the case of a Component) and handling its events, as this example illustrates:


However, I have heard that handling the events of a parent control conflicts with OOP principles. So I would like to know, does that objection apply in a case like my example? If so, what are the drawbacks? And what alternative techniques are available?

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VS 2010 MDI Parent With Transparent Objects?

Aug 8, 2011

I'm doing a new interface for my app and I'm using MDI forms. On the parent form I want some objects like Labels and ToolStrips with Transparent BackColor but even when I change the MDI Client BackColor to Color.Whatever or the BackgroundImage and apply a Transparent Object it just doesn't get the color behind it but gets DarkGray instead .

I changed the MDIClient.BackColor with: Me.Controls.OfType(Of MdiClient).First().BackColor = Color.Red

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.net - Parent/Child Relationships Failing When Getting Data From Parent Class With Multiple Forms Open?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a main form, and some sub forms, and each sub form can have some sub forms. When I have multiple sub forms open, and I try to get data from the parent form, it returns the data from the wrong parent form.For example I have two instances of Mainform.subform running. If I do something like this in a child form of one instance of the subform. It returns data from the other subform.

dim l = Mainform.subform.listofdata

Edit:I am using visual Studio 2008. Winforms, form designed using designer. In my mainform I am doing this

Protected Friend frmMain as Mainform
frmmain = new mainform

In frmMain I am doing this

Protected Friend frmsub as new Subform'
frmsub = new subform


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VS 2010 Count Childnodes Of Parent (Treeview)?

Sep 26, 2010

how to count the Childnodes of the Parent? I have several Parents, but I need to count only the children of a specific Parent. Means not all the childnodes. I know that I need to use the .count.

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VS 2010 How To Make Treeview Parent Icon

Feb 2, 2011

I tried a few different way but just can't see to get it. Seems if I set the parent icon to what I want, selected and unselected, it also changes the children. What I am after is to have a parent icon that does not change regardless if it is selected or unselected. But the children will follow the icons for selected and unselected. If I don't add a third icon it all works fine, so how do I add one to parent but not change the children?

Private Sub tvFolders_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) Handles tvFolders.AfterSelect


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VS 2010 Nested MDI Parent/Child Forms?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a MDI project that has a parent and several children forms. In some of the children forms I would like to make one of the forms to be a parent form with children. On this child form I wanted to make a tabbed MDI, which I can do, but I have found out that I can't make a child form a parent, from what I have found.

Is there any way to get around this? (As in nested MDI forms.)

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VS 2010 Parent-Child Form Using DataGrids

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to create a simple parent-child form in VB2010. I use a datagridview for each table/datasource and each is bound to the parent/child table and each table grid fills correctly. What I want is the parent-child relation to enforce filling the child table with only rows that fulfill the current row on the parent. I have created a DataRelation in the form load, but it will not permit a relation between tables in 2 different datasets. If I attempt to place both tables in a single dataset and define the PK-FK relation in the SQL Server I cannot create 2 separate datagrids from the same dataset.

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Releasing A Child From A Parent Control Without Knowing The Parent(WPF)

Apr 10, 2010

I would like to know if there is some simple code to release a child control from it's parent control, without having to name the parent control. In pseudocode, I'm looking for something like this:


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Creating A Parent-Child Window Form In VB 2010?

Aug 4, 2011

I am trying to create a simple parent-child form in VB2010. I use a datagridview for each table/datasource and each is bound to the paretn/child table and each table grid fills correctly. What I want is the parent-child relation to enforce filling the child table with only rows that fulfill the current row on the parent. I have created a DataRelation in the form load, but it will not permit a relation between tables in 2 different datasets. If I attempt to place both tables in a single dataset and define the PK-FK relation in the SQL Serve,r I cannot create 2 separate datagrids from the same dataset.

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VS 2010 - Resize A Label So Its Smaller Than The Parent Container?

Nov 18, 2011

I'm looking for a way to insert a label into a flowlayoutpanel without it having to scroll horizontally. Therefore, autosize is out of the question. I have it right now so it doesn't exceed the flowlayoutpanel using the


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