VS 2010 - Command Prompt Path Was Not Default

Mar 27, 2012

Command prompt's path wasnt default. How can we change that path. In mine it writes "c:usersusername>".

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Pen Command Prompt Using Vba Without Knowing The File Path?

Jan 22, 2009

Is there a way to open Command Prompt using vb.net or vba without knowing the file path?. Is there a command like Open cmd.exe

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Administrator Command Prompt Through VB 2010?

Jul 28, 2010

I have this problem where is wont let me create and files through the command prompt via echo xxx> C:xxx in Visual Basic. If I do it sepoaratly and run the command prompt as admin (This is not using vb at all) then it will work. I have tried putting my vb app to require previlidges at both levels at different times, not at once, and I still got the same thing.So is there a way I can use the comman prompt through vb, but also making the command prompt being an admin without turning off UAC?The code that will not work is this.

Shell(Environ$("Comspec") & " /c """ & WDir & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.exe"" --output=xml """ & WDir & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.xml""")

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VS 2010 Command Prompt/Debug In VB Form (With Pictures)?

Feb 13, 2012

Someone made a program with this box in it and acts like a integrated command prompt, what is this?

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VS 2010 Passing Variable To Open Command Prompt

Jun 21, 2012

I am trying to do a runas command but it will not let me pass all the variables instaead it brings up a command prompt asking for a password how can I wait for the command prompt to come up and pass the command variable to the console? variable I need to pass is aPwd


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VS 2010 : Create A Program With The CMD (command Prompt) Window Inside Of It?

Jan 30, 2011

Basically, I am looking to create a program with the CMD (command prompt) window inside of it.Along with a drop-down list, containing a few pre-made codes.For example;Is the easiest way to kinda accurately show what i'm attempting.Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txtResults' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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VS 2010 Pass Multiple Strings To A Command Prompt .exe Program?

Dec 16, 2010

I need to open up a cmd prompt, then run a file called adb.exe which opens a shell to communicate with my android cell phone...

Heres what I need:

My Form1

Label1.Text = "adb.exe shell"
Label2.Text = "su"
Label3.Text = "mkdir /etc/folder"


Heres the problem... I can execute any normal dos command automaticly, but once i open the ssh prompt (adb.exe shell), i dont know how to keep putting commands in there...

The commands are stored in strings, and i need to take the commands from the strings, and type them into the command prompt like above.

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Command Prompt 'Copy' Command Equivalent

Apr 24, 2011

In the Windows Shell, there is a command that looks like this: copy /b fileA.zip + fileB.jpg fileC.jpg..Is there any equivalent function in VB.NET? I already know this works: [code] But I would much rather have a built-in function to work with. Here is what I am trying to do: url...Also, this doesn't just work for pictures. It works for any binary file. Is there any way in VB.NET to tell if a file is binary or text?

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Hide Characters In SET Command On Command Prompt?

Feb 6, 2011

Is there a way to hide the characters of a "set /p password=Enter Password:" command? Or any new strand not using the SET command i could use instead?

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Use Of Command Prompt With VB

Apr 19, 2009

I need to sort my code to work for Visual Basic 2008 Express Version, I am trying to open the Command Prompt through Visual Basic and make Visual Basic run through the Command Prompt. By this i mean i need Visual Basic to Send Messages from a text box on my design to the command prompt, e.g to make my program go through the command prompt to do the basic hide files in a picture.


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How To Set Password Using Command Prompt

Dec 24, 2009

I am not a developer but I like tweaking with system, I am recently trying to create an app that can reset admin password, but the problem is that I am not able to run the following command from standard account.

net user user_name * I know it is because of security reason but there must be some way so that software developer can tweak it, can someone guide me..[URl]..

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Run DOS/CMD/Command Prompt Commands From .NET?

Apr 21, 2012

The question is self-explanatory. It would be great if the code was one line long (something to do with "Process.Start("...")"?). I researched the web but only found old examples and such ones that do not work (at least for me). I want to use this in my class library, to run Git commands

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Stop App From Command Prompt?

Feb 22, 2009

Before posting this question I have carried out a few searches on this forum but I am afraid I am struggling because I am very new to Visual Basic and although I do have some programming background, yesterday was day 1 and I took a web tutorial and watched a few video tutorials. (Long way to go!).

OK to the question and I know I should really not ask 2 but It's better to get them both in one post I think.

I want to build a small utility to run a form in full screen to basically hide an old application running in the background.

My old application is a database (Non VB code) which works very well but while it batch exports a lot of data the software displays some pretty ugly windows, I want to call my VB utility from a command prompt with 1 or more switches to display some meaningful text about where it is in the routine.

I also want to be able to send a switch at the end to close it completly.

Q1 - What is the best way to manage command prompt switches ?

Q2 - How do I make it close itself ?

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Windows Command Prompt With VB

Dec 18, 2009

Windows Command Prompt with VB

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Command Prompt "Copy" Command Equivalent?

Feb 10, 2012

In the Windows Shell, there is a command that looks like this:copy /b fileA.zip + fileB.jpg fileC.jpgIs there any equivalent function in VB.NET? I already know this works:Shell("cmd copy /b fileA.zip + fileB.jpg fileC.jpg")

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Open Command Prompt And Run The Command "netstat -a"

Oct 2, 2011

I'm starting to make a program that will run some commands, so i need some code that will open command prompt and run the command "netstat -a".

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A Command Prompt Like Code Snippet?

Apr 26, 2011

I am looking for an easy way to have a command prompt like interface for my form. The idea is to make it an interactive text interface. Here is an example of what it might look like > Hi Hello! > How are you? I am fine! >_So it's very much like a chat. BTW, I am not referring to what the example is, just the concept of a command prompt, that I can create a scrollback buffer for. Very much like a MSDOS prompt.

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Command Prompt Closing After A Second When Run The Program?

Nov 9, 2011

This is my first VB program, but how do i make the command prompt stay ?

Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
Module Module1


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Command Prompt Text To Textbox?

May 17, 2010

I would like to capture the command prompt text and place it into a textbox.


this starts the command prompt

But how does one capture the command prompt text and place it into a textbox.

From what I have learned just about anything is possible.

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Command Prompt Won't Show The Result

Nov 28, 2011

I'm working on some coding katas and managed to finish the algorithms and am now coding it?However, I can't seem to get Command Prompt to display the result.

Here's the code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;


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Communicate Between Command Prompt And Program?

Jan 2, 2010

I wanted to make a vb.net version of this trick used to hide files in pictures: [URL]

In my mind I have to use an open file dialog box to do this.

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Creating An Interface For The Command Prompt?

Aug 29, 2008

I would like to create an interface for the command prompt so users here do not have to type in everything. I would probably use a FileOpen dialog to pass paths, etcfor me would be a link to (or small sample code), that does something like register a .dll.

..open the command prompt in the background and register a .dll using the following: "regsvr32 C:WINDOWSsystem32UTA_CTL.dll".


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Execute Button From Command Prompt?

Mar 2, 2011

I am working on a vb.net project and i have a "start" and "Pause" Buttons on the FormPost.exe

I am trying to schedule a batch process to run every day in the morning at 4:00 AM.

How can i run a command prompt to execuite FormPost.exe and them click on "start" button, all via command prompt?

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Execute Commands Like In Command Prompt?

Sep 20, 2009

I know of the Shell method to run files, but how can I execute normal command prompt commands like nslookup, and capture the output as a string?

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Hide Command Prompt When Executing An EXE

Apr 30, 2012

Alright, so here's command I'm currently running. Upon executing, a command prompt apprears until the command is finished.

Is there any way to hide the command prompt?

"\path_to_exeTesting.exe ",
Arg2 + Arg3 + Arg4 + Arg5 + Arg6 + Arg7 + Arg8 + Arg9 + Arg10 + Arg11)

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Read And Write To And From Command Prompt?

Apr 28, 2008

I'm working on a small project that lets me read and write to and from command prompt, i have this code but one line does not work .Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...

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Read/Write Command Prompt

Mar 12, 2010

I have made an application that requires executing an external command prompt application, and I need to be able to read the result from its completion of each file it processes.

The external application works by specifying an input directory, it then scans for a series of compatible files and then converts them all one by one in a single command. I need to be able to read each line it writes and provide the appropriate feedback in my application. It would be nice if i could hide the window it creates too. Code I have tried working from:

Private Sub btnRead_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRead.Click
Dim CMD As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf GETCMD)


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Run Command Prompt Or Register Editor?

Aug 10, 2009

When I want to run command prompt or register editor I had this Error message: "The command prompt has been disabled by your administrator" I'm the administrator of the computer how can i re-enable the command prompt and register editor.

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Send Commands To CMD ( Command Prompt )?

Jun 24, 2011

In my application I have only one button . That button will open CMD then it will send a command into cmd , now after that command it requires an "enter key" to continue the process .I tried the shell command in order to access the command but then I couldn't press enter in cmd using my application

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Send Commands To Command Prompt

Dec 13, 2011

I am trying to send commands to Command prompt.The following code should open the text file I specified.However it opens several instances of the cmd window and also several copies of the text file. Sometimes the text file is not opened and if the file path is long, part of the file path gets inserted into my text file.[code]

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