VS 2010 Crystal Reports Assemblies?

Apr 17, 2012

I'm wondering if it's possible to check in the application start if the system has the correct assemblies installed to my application to work?Let me explain, i have a application that uses several reports, and to solve the problem of the first time open report, I run in another thread a dummy report. This works fine if the user has the crystal reports installed but if it doesn't the app stops working.

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Deploying Crystal Reports - Adding Crystal Reports To The Setup And Deployment

Jun 21, 2010

I am working on VB.NET(Visual studio 2008)..I completed developing my application and i need to deploy the application. I tried it and faced problems in some areas like adding crystal reports to the setup and deployment. I created a setup file to my application and everything is fine except crystal reports...its showing the error like; An error occurred in crystalDecisions.Reports, crystalEngine threw exception.

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Crystal Reports In 2010 Won't Appear

Oct 1, 2010

I already installed crystal reports in my vb 2010. (i got it from the sap website) but crystal reports won't appear in the toolbar. i could add a new report, but i can't put it in my design form cause just like what i said, there's no crystal reports in the toolbox. i already checked crystal reports in the customize button of toolbar, but still it won't appear.

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Crystal Reports In Vs 2010

Jan 15, 2012

I want to create a report based on some criterias such as dates or names. For example, the user will select the dates from a combo box above and the report to be displayed in some type of container such as a panel for example. Is that possible? My software is like some inventory program, basically just counting no of items in the container and the ones that were delivered. Then at the end of the report, I need to mention the number of items that are still in th container and the ones that were delivered.

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Difference Between Crystal Reports In Vb - Create Crystal Reports In Vb?

Apr 14, 2009

tell me wat is the difference between crystal reports created in vb and in vb.net??how to create crystal reports in vb??

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C# - Crystal Reports In 2010 Now Is Not Working

Apr 8, 2011

We had our Crystal Reports report sheets in 2008 working and when we moved to 2010, some of them which their datasources were binded to dataset and datatables are not working.

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IDE :: Installing SAP Crystal Reports 10 For .NET 2010?

Jun 17, 2012

I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional, version

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.0.30319 RTMRelMy Labtop runs WinXpSp3 Pro, version
5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600
Physical Mem 1024 MB

Processor X86, Intel 1862 MhzVS installation did not have Crsytal Reports, so i downloaded this single file from [here] as shown in the photo:After installation completed, i could not find the crystal reports any where in the VB2010, so i changed the .Net Frame work from Client profile to .Net framework 4.0 as i found in some blogs, but still did not solve the problem any how.[URL]..

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Using SQL Query In Crystal Reports On .NET 2010?

Mar 24, 2012

I'm using MySQL with Vb.Net 2010 and Crystal Reports and to be honest I'm a complete noob when it comes to using Sql Queries. The problem is, I want to generate a report that will show the service fee from a transaction a person made while also showing the items bought, and their quantity and prices, basically a bill. I created a command from the data source I created in crystal reports and it contains this query:

SELECT t.transaction_code,t.fee,t.service_type,t.date_sched,total_bill, s.item_code, s.quantity_sold, i.item_description, i.price, CONCAT(p.fname,' ',p.mi,' ',p.lname),p.address FROM tbl_transaction AS t, tbl_sale AS s, tbl_item AS i, tbl_profile as p WHERE t.transaction_code = '{?trans_code}' AND s.transaction_code = t.transaction_code AND i.item_code = s.item_code AND p.id='{?p_id}'


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VS 2010 Crystal Reports UFL DLL Limitation?

Nov 20, 2011

Is there any kind of limitation on UFL Dlls that are being used on crystal reports? Such as connecting to webservices, using interops, etc?

the UFL dll is working fine, once i started debuging it i noticed that i could not call the webservice, not even create an instance of the SoapClient.I did test the SoapClient from an Exe and it did work fine, just not inside this dll.


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Crystal Reports Download And VS 2010 Ultimate?

Jun 12, 2012

Apparently Crystal Reports doesn't come with VS 2010 Ultimate like I thought it did. When I went to create a new report, I got prompted to download it free and install it. Then, after installing it, I tried to recreate a report and got the same prompt to download it again.

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VS 2010 Crystal Reports 2008 DLL Development?

Nov 17, 2011

does anyone knows how to develop dlls for crystal reports 2008?My OS is Windows7 x64 but i would like to develop dlls for x64 and x86, i won't mind to compile them separately.

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VS 2010 Get SAP Crystal Reports To Work With VB2010?

Jun 17, 2012

I have Visual Studio 2010 Professional, version Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319 RTMRel


After installation completed, i could not find the crystal reports any where in the VB2010, so i changed the .Net Frame work from Client profile to .Net framework 4.0 as i found in some blogs, but still did not solve the problem any how.

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VS 2010 Visual Basic 2010 And Crystal Reports 2010?

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to import CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, and CrystalDecisions.Shared. I'm getting a green line. What might be the problem?

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.NET 2010, Crystal Reports, Column Totals In A Group?

May 18, 2011

We are using VB.NET 2010 with Crystal Reports to generate reports for our project. The reports are filled from Data Sets that are filled from Arrays. As far as that goes all is working great.Where we are running into a headache is when we try to total up a specific column in the generated report. We have created a Group called EMPLOYEE that creates grouping by employee name. We cannot seem to figure out the necessary steps to get our AMOUNT column (Numerical field) to total in the EMPLOYEE group or anywhere else for that matter. No luck with Google (may not know what to look for...) no luck here and no luck with my CR book...

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Get Start With Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm very new to Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 hence, kindly give me step by step instructions to do the report on Windows Form. I'm using SQL Server for my Database (SQL Server 2008 Express) and Visual Studio 2010 Prof

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Use Crystal Reports 2011 In Visual Studio 2010?

Feb 17, 2012

I want to use crystal reports 2011 in visual studio 2010. How can i use it?

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VS 2010 Get Start With Crystal Reports For VB 2010?

Feb 27, 2011

I'm very new to Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 hence, kindly give me step by step instructions to do the report on Windows Form. I'm using SQL Server for my Database (SQL Server 2008 Express) and Visual Studio 2010 Prof.

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Crystal Reports For Visual Studio 2010 Runtime Edition?

Aug 24, 2011

I have Visual Studio 2010 installed on a 64-bit OS with Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 (obviously 64-bit edition as well). When I installed the runtime, their installation notes stated that if you develop 32-bit applications, you need install the 32-bit runtime, which I did. Testing the application and all is well.

However, this application is going to be distributed as x86 and x64. Now I have not yet converted my project to 64-bit, but should I now install the 64-bit runtime? How is this going to affect my 32-bit installation and report designs?

Secondly, when I distribute my application to the end-user, will they also be required to install the Crystal Reports runtime? Also according to their installation type (32-bit/64-bit)?

Lastly, I want to convert my project from x86 to x64. I understand you set this option by Build > Configuration Manager > (project) x64. Is it ok if I duplicate the entire project folder contents and setting only the duplicate project as x64?

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Page Setup During Print Preview In Crystal Reports For VS 2010

May 10, 2012

Is it possible to see the page setup during print preview of crystal reports during run time?

Because there are times that we need to set the top and bottom margin of the report.

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Sql - Upgrading Old Crystal Reports Project To Visual Studio 2010?

Jan 5, 2012

I have to update and old VB project made with Visual Studio 2005 that uses Crystal Reports to Visual Studio 2010. I've installed the Crystal Reports plugin for VS 2010. I can compile the program under VS 2010 but when I run it and try to generate a report I get many errors popping up from the Crystal Reports Viewer. When I compile and run the project in Visual Studio 2005 (with the old Crystal Reports plugin that comes with it) everything works fine.

The problem is caused by SQL Expressions that are SELECT statements that are not enclosed in parenthesis. This is a problem because there are ~250 SQL Expressions like that in the report file (and it's not the only report with this problem). When I look at the .rpt file in Crystal Reports 10 and use Database -> Show SQL Query the SQL Expressions have parenthesis around them despite there being no parenthesis around these statements in the SQL Expression Editor. When I do the same in Crystal Reports 2008 the SQL Expressions don't have the parenthesis included.

Is there a way to make Crystal Reports 2008 or the plugin in for VS 2010 automatically include the parenthesis around SQL expressions, or was this feature removed? If it was removed, is there anyway to enclose the SQL expressions in parenthesis other than editing each one manually?

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Creating Reports In Crystal Reports That Is Integrated Within Visual Studio 2008?

Aug 26, 2011

I am creating reports in Crystal Reports that is integrated within Visual Studio 2008, and I noticed that some of the features are disabled. One is the ability to link tables with a Right Outer Join or Full Outer Join. I also cannot "Show SQL Query" in Crystal Reports. Is this something I can enable or do I have to purchase or upgrade?

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Generating Reports Without Crystal Reports?

Dec 1, 2011

How can we create a report in vb.net without using any crystal reports

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Crystal Reports With .net?

Sep 26, 2011

I am preparing crystal reports using vb.net 2008 with ms sql server 2005.everything is showing fine.. except that i want my report to be multiple column... I cant do this using "format multiple column" option because the data is not shown in details section. Actually i need to group the data in data.

e.g: i am preparing a warehouse report to know how much quantity of which products are left, products with 0 (zero) value are not displayed..

I want my reports to be as follows: item1 item_quantity item2 item_quantity item3 item_quantity

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Adding A Reports Application Or A Crystal Reports Application?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm using VS 2008 to develop a solution which will report on data mostly contained in SQL Express databases, across two servers. It will be used by up to about 10 XP clients. I am unfamiliar with the Reports Applications. Will I need to buy extra licenses to use a Crystal Reports application? Why are they both included in VS? What is the basic difference between them?

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.net - Connecting To Crystal Reports 4.6 From VB?

Jul 26, 2009

How can I connect to a Crystal Reports 4.6 report that connects to SQL Server 2005 as a data source, using Visual Basic?I don't want to specify the connection string in the report. I want to pass the connection from VB. Is there any way to do this?

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.net - Images In Crystal Reports?

Jan 28, 2011

I am working on Windows Forms Projects.I am creating a report for customers.The report data is pulled from a "CustomerDetails" table.A field in the table is called "CustPhotoName", this holds a string which relates to an image file.

I Currently have a report set up which runs for a single customer by passing in a customer ID. Then using the passed in ID to populate a Dataset with an ImageRow and then a sub report with the image from the dataset.

I am wanting to set up this report where I can pass in an array of customer IDs and produce the reports (1 page per customer with image (if CustPhotoName has value))

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.net - Unable To Use Crystal Reports In Asp.net?

May 14, 2009

I have created reports using Crystal Reports in my asp.net application(vb). It was fine. But when I run it in another system, the report loading fails. So I modified my code like this.

sub Loadreport()
Dim sreport as new ReportDocument


When the control comes to the line:-


it jumps to the catch block showing "Invalid Report path". But initially, the code was not showing any error. I haven't changed the path.

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.net 2008 And Crystal Reports 10?

Mar 29, 2011

I made a program in VB .net 2008 that has a form in which there is a Crystal Report Viewer object. Here is some code:


1. Some reports show tens and hundreds of thousands or records (they are required to do so, so no work-around is possible), thus the time it takes for the Crystal Report Viewer control to actually show the report is very long. I would like to display like a waiting dialog window WHILE the report is loading its records telling the user to wait for it to load.

2. Another idea would be to show the number of records currently loaded (and continuously updated as the report loads them) from the total number. This is actually shown in my reports when i open them with Crystal Reports 10, but NOT with the Viewer control on the form! How can i make it show this?

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C# - Populate Crystal Reports With SQL?

Jun 30, 2010

Since there doesn't seem to be any way to load old VB6 (ActiveReports) reports in .Net, I need to recreate dozens of reports in .Net. I'd like to do this in the least painful way possible.In VB6, the original authors simply did something like this for every report:

adoConn.ConnectionString = globalConnectionObject.ConnectionString
adoConn.Source = ReportFunctions.GetAllUsers()

GetAllUsers() returns an SQL string which selects a bunch of fields; those fields are then used in the report.Now:How can I do something similar in .Net (either using the built-in Crystal Reports, or the built-in "Microsoft Reporting Technology")?I can't get "Database Expert" to recognize globalConnectionObject (an ADODB.Connection object); and if I fill a dataset and do


It tells me "The report has no tables."How do I populate a Crystal Reports report!? (the connection string/data location is not known at compile time)

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Compile Crystal Reports Into An Exe

Jun 5, 2011

I've recently made the switch from the Data Report to Crystal Reports 10. I've rewritten the reports our software uses and they are working fine in a nominal reports location.I have heard that Crystal Reports can be compiled into a single executable file which can be called through vb.net, rather than loading the report from a location.

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