VS 2010 Difficulty Accessing 'disposed' Form?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm having a strange difficulty. Here is the order of events:User presses button on form1 New Form object is created for from 2 New form object '.show' command is fired Form 2 opens correctly In the Load Event of Form 2, the form attempts to do various things in a try, catch, finally clause On catch, I close form2 down '.close' as it cannot be used as something has gone wrong with the execution However, my problem is this. It is acceptable for things to go wrong on the from 2 load event which is why I have implemented the try - catch functionality. However, when I close the form2 down as a result of the problem, a real error ocurrs 'Cannot access a disposed object' and the VB IDE refers me to Form1's '.show' event for Form2.

It is almost as if the form hasn't fully 'shown' before I am closing it down. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is here? Do I need to close down Form2 ourside of it's Load event handler so that Form1 thinks it has loaded correctly?

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VS 2010 Cannot Access Disposed Form?

Feb 8, 2012

If TextBox1.Text = "Welcome!" Then
End If

I receive "Cannot access a disposed object (Form1)" when the error arrives.

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VS 2010 HTTP GET Request Difficulty?

Apr 10, 2012

Okay, i've tried httpwebrequest, webclient, and a couple of others methods; using the headers parameter of each to set headers and then either opening a response stream or simply setting the system.net.webclient method to download a response into a string. Put simply, how do I make a simple GET request with a few headers and read the data back! I am very, very stuck in a hole right now..

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VS 2010 Accessing Same Form But For Different Actions?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a datagridview on a form and this shows up my list of suppliers. I have a textbox which when i click shows up the supplier list and from there when i double click on a row, the supplier's name is shown in the textbox. The thing is i have to do same on the same page for search purposes which got its own textbox. But the cell double-click event already contains code that will display it in some other textbox like i mentioned previously. What i thought is to make another form with a datagridview. So this datagridview will be used to display the supplier's name in search textbox. But what if i have to access this form several times. Do i have to create several forms everytime?

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VS 2010 Accessing Unloaded Form

Jan 18, 2011

Im quite new to VB.Net so, this is what i have. A simple "console" form. Its just a form with a ListBox in it. To add stuff to the ListBox, i have to open the console, to let other forms know what the ListBox there is.


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VS 2010 Difficulty Storing Textbox Input Into Jagged Array?

Jun 14, 2012

Recently I started a project with the goal being to have text that was inputted into a textbox stored within a three dimensional jagged array. The idea is that every time a button is pressed, whatever text that is inputted into the textbox is split into separate elements, where each word occupies its own element in the array. So for example, if a poem were entered into the textbox and the button clicked, each word of the poem would be assigned to a discrete element in the vertical dimension, and each line of the poem assigned an element in the horizontal dimension. After the text is stored into the 3D jagged array, the text should be cleared from the textbox and a counter should then ensure that on the next button press, the new text inputted into the textbox is stored in a discrete element of the array. Below is the code I have written so far, but I know that I am far from having anything might accomplish what I have just described.


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VS 2010 : Multithreading And Accessing Other Routines/form Properties?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm writing a really simple file updater which downloads files off from a website and saves them. The download routine is working well, except that it freezes the project while attempting to connect to the host. Easily solved with threading except now when I try to access other form items such as text boxes, labels, form caption, it says I am not doing it in a safe manner and prompts an interrupt in debug. I did some reading on it and I'm still not sure what to do, I'm very new to vbnet and it is still a little confusing to me.

Error: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Form1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO


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Form Being Disposed While In Use

Sep 22, 2009

Using VB 2005 with .Net 2.0.

I have a form which loads another form, does a little initialization, then hides itself and shows the other form. When the user finishes with the second form, it returns back to the first.[code]..

I thought it might be a timing/speed thing (somehow the server was too fast to load or unload the form), but I put a 5 second sleep between every line of code and that didn't help at all.

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Form Being Disposed Of Randomly

Dec 29, 2010

Protected Overrides Sub LoadForm()
'StartProcess might be causing an error (error msg is issue with loading config, which would be incorrect)
[Code] .....

I can run this 100 times under the exact same conditions and it seems like 40 times it will crash with the following error:
"Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'frmImportExport'."

It will either die on
'within StartProcess()
Dim __Delegate As New _Delegate(AddressOf StartProcess)
Dim D As New _Delegate(AddressOf SOPERATION)

The form isn't being disposed manually anywhere that I see, and this code is being executed on formload. It's a subform that is to be displayed within a main form.

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How To Re-open A Form That Has Been Disposed

Oct 5, 2011

How do I re-open a form that has been disposed?I tried using GC.Collect() which did not work.I have 2 forms.The first form being the main form and the second being the secondary form. I open the secondary form with form one.Form 2 two opens and after I am done with it I close it.Now I want to open up the second form again and BAME! Error.Cannot access a disposed object.

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Open A Form Once It Is Disposed?

Jan 9, 2009

i have a query. i created two forms a and b. if i click ok button in form a , form b should open. and i did it. but again if i click the button it says that i can open a form once it is disposed.

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VS 2010 Code Bug (Disposed Object?)

Oct 4, 2010

I am using the following codes:This code triggers my transport sequence. I am not having any variable sequences.


What is going wrong? I reach the error at the first instance of "transport.Show()"

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Close Form = Cannot Access A Disposed Object Error?

Jul 17, 2010

By default my app loads the activation form. On the form load it checks if the license is valid and if so i want it to close/hide the registration form and open the form that starts my app.

When i try to do this it crashes my app with the following error


Cannot access a disposed object

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'check if a valid license is available


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Opening Form In Design Mode - Cannot Access Disposed Object

Feb 22, 2012

When try to open in design mode a form (VB.NET), in which I have a custom UserControl, I see the message from Visual Studio:

Microsoft Visual Studio
The control MyNamespace.MyUserControl has thrown an unhandled exception in the designer and has been disabled.

Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'SplitterPanel'.

Stack trace:

And the form is not displayed in designer. What to do?

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Hiding A Form Produces "Cannot Access Disposed Object" Exception

Apr 12, 2011

I am trying to write a program that takes the input of a CSV file, makes modifications, and prompts the user on how to handle certain modifications.

I have the parsing of the CSV file complete, the handling of most of the string manipulation down, and the user interface complete, except when it comes time to move onto the next record.

I had it display the form as a modal dialog, and used me.hide() once it was over to continue with the program. However, when it gets to the next ShowDialog(), it says that the object has been disposed! I've tried a modeless dialog, with a while loop that waits for a boolean to be flipped by a button on the dialog being clicked, but that, as predicted, did not turn out so well and just shot the processor load to 100%.

One thing I notice in looking around is that I have everything based on the "home" form, the initial one that comes up when the program is run. Is this incorrect coding? Does this require the prompt being on a child form?

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Accessing Datasets Loaded In Main Form From A Child Form?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a program I've been working on for some time now and I'd like to try to streamline it somewhat. I have a main menu form that has a split panel, in the left panel is a treeview that displays forms you can open and when one is selected, it opens in a child window in the right panel. Each time I open form I called DWNForm, it does a series of dataset loads which are the populating items for a series of listviews.

What I would like to do is have these datasets load once during the mainMenu load and then have the DWNForm be able to access the datasets once it is called from the treeview selection.

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Accessing Variables On A Parent Form From A Child Form

Aug 13, 2011

I have an array of variables called VolumeArray(12) which is declared as publlic shared in the main form1.I have a second form2 which allows the user to input various values. When this form2 is closed, I need the data the user has entered to update the values for VolumeArray(12) within Form1.

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Difficulty Converting From Vb To .net?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and Excel 2007. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to convert an office excel project into a vb.net project. I wanted to take the ugly windows 98 style buttons I currently have in my spreadsheet and replace them with controls on a new tab on the ribbon. I can make it that far, but I didn't anticipate the large gap between languages.

The code below is supposed to take a bunch of information from a windows form and insert it into a new row on sheet12, sort the table of info, and name the range. Right now visual studio show no errors until I actually try to run the code at which point it says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." regarding the code "oSheet.Rows("1:1").Copy()" I don't think I understand declaring my variables in vb.net.


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Tic Tac Toe Difficulty Level?

Apr 9, 2010

In my tic tac toe game I'd like there to be three different levels; easy, medium, and impossible. There are 2 forms; the difficulty level form and the main game form. When the game first starts the user will be prompted with the difficulty level form which contains 3 radio buttons; easy, medium, and impossible.

I've coded three different functions based on the difficulty level; easyMove(), medMove(), and impMove(). These have all been coded in the main game form. How could I run the respective function based on the radio button that was selected in the previous difficulty level form?

If it was on the same form it wouldn't be a problem but because it is on a different form I'm unsure of how to do this.

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Rate The Difficulty Of Making Program?

Mar 3, 2010

I just started with VB.NET using Murach VB.net 2008 book and i want to make this program for my work, please tell me what knowledge needed to make this program beside VB.NET: want to make a program for my supervisor which Lists the name of every employee in our division. the program should be accessed by any computer in our division using LAN. each employee will have user and pass to enter this program they only can view their data with charts showing their attendance, productivity , etc, supervisor will have master account where can edit the info.the supervisor can send private message like e-mail to each employee. all the info should be saved in database so it can be used to compare the employee activity for each year.

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.NET One Dimensional String Array Manipulation Difficulty?

May 14, 2010

I am having some problems with manipulating a one dimensional string array in VB.NET and would like My objective is to get 4 variables (if possible) from a file path. These variables are: myCountry, myCity, myStreet, Filename. All declared as string. The file location is also declared as string. so I have:

Dim filePath As String to illustrate my problem, and what I am trying to do, I have the following examples:

1- C:mylocationisUKBirminghamSummer Road his house.txt.


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DialogResult - Difficulty Using The Response To A Message Box Question

Apr 15, 2009

I am working on an application and have encountered difficulty using the response to a message box question. I am trying to call one form if the user clicks yes another form if the user clicks no, please have a look at my code and see if you can see where i am going wrong because no matter whether i press yes or no the frmTransactionMenu is being shown and never the frmExit

Dim response As DialogResult
MessageBox.Show("Would you like to complete another transaction", "ANOTHER TRANSACTION ?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)


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Difficulty Connecting To Remote MS Access Database On LAN?

Jun 6, 2011

I am currently developing in Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Basic) and I have no problem reading, editing, saving, etc. to a 2007 Access database that is stored locally using the following code:

Dim NotifyDS As New DataSet()
Dim NotifyCon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
NotifyCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|DataSettings.accdb"

Ultimately I am going to be installing this program in my office on multiple computers, but would only like to have one "server" program where the database is installed. All of the other computers will have access to this one database over the LAN. For some reason I am unable to access this remote database file over my LAN. I have tried all sorts of things (including a username and password for the server computer),


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IDE :: Difficulty Using Existing Projects Added To A Solution?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm not sure if this is really a VB IDE issue, or a more general VS10 issue, but I couldn't find any other relevant category to post in, so here goes!I have several VB projects which I want to use in the same solution in Visual Studio 10. I created a project (& corresponding solution) which will reference them and added the existing projects by right clicking the solution in solution explorer choosing 'Add->Existing Project'. Then I went to the containing project's Properties window and added references to the existing projects, so they could be used by the project.


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Accessing A Form In A Different Project?

Nov 30, 2011

how to access a form in a different project but within the same solution? Say I click a button on one form to display another form which is a part of the same solution but resides in a different project.

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Accessing A Threaded Form?

Apr 11, 2011

i created a threaded form class that i call when i know an update is going to take a while....it is a simple form with a label and an animated marquee progress control. the code is listed at the bottom....whenever i try to set the message, it says i cant do it with error "{System.InvalidOperationException: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'MessageLabel' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on." from my form (in my SAVE function, i put the following line:[code]....

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Accessing Controls From Another Form?

Jan 19, 2011

how can i access the controls that i made from another form? i'm also going to also use function (on the same form as the controls) that access that controls?

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Accessing Database From Another Form?

May 17, 2012

i started using VB 2008 recently (with perl background, its a big leap) and having a problem with database.i am trying to access a database that is attached to a different form. i managed to get my code to work if i was writing on the same form.example of code that will work just fine Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Accessing Dataview In New Form?

Jul 31, 2009

I have a form where I open an Access database with 3 tables. I have defined datasets and dataviews for these three tables in the main form. I want to open a new form and access and update the tables using the dataviews I've already defined. When I try to access a record from the dataview using the new form, it's not defined. Can I pass the data between forms or do I need to redefine it in the new form? This is the first time I've tried to use multiple forms.

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Accessing Tabs Within A Form

Apr 5, 2010

I have two tabs on a form, and I would like to know how can I display the second one when a button is clicked? The name of my tab control is tabSurvey.

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