VS 2010 Image Editor - Standard Selection Tools

Dec 4, 2011

I have a picturebox with an image in it. I want to 'select' a section of this image (like standard selection tools in other image editors) and place it in another picturebox... The piece I want to select is a square and I have the coordinates.

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Tools - Make A Nes Rom Editor

Sep 23, 2011

I want to make a nes rom editor and i dont know where to start.

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VS 2010 Check Selection Is Image Type?

Dec 14, 2011

Is there any easy way to check if a selection made by a user from the browser is an image type and not any other file type. I could check for extension types i.e. bmp, jpg etc but what I would like to know is whether there is a generic term.

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VS 2008 - Text Selection - WYSIWYG Blog Editor ?

Sep 5, 2011

I'm working on a WYSIWYG Blog Editor, I'm having an issue with my text selection. I've added a couple of graphics to illustrate. My code is selecting the text and putting it back into the textbox, but it's adding extra text. I can't quite figure out how to get it to select the intended text and manipulate it correctly (make it Bold or Italic and so on,) and then show the text in the two windows (one is the Textbox and the other is a webtext box) correctly.

Below is my code and my 2 graphics.

Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
boldstart = "[ b ]" 'variables to hold formatting
boldend = "[ /b ]"
wboldstart = "<b>"
wboldend = "</b>"
clearrtf = ""


Every thing works up to the point when I try to manipulate the text, it then puts more text in. I have been trying to find info on how to clear the text box and then re-insert the text with the text formatting. Side note in my graphics is a small graphic that is just there as a marker for me, it has no affect on the actual program.

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Web Browser Tools - Add Controls, Ie Like In Fire Fox Tools/Options?

Jun 9, 2009

is there a section on how to add controls, Ie like in fire fox Tools/Options

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Standard Icon Image For Toolbar

Jun 11, 2011

Iam creating a Inventory System on vb.net and I need some image for like new,search,delete copy cut edit etc can any Help me from I get all this Images, I try to search in google bt I did't get

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Standard Image In Picturebox1 And Another Picture In Picturebox2?

Sep 2, 2011

i have search on google many hours but i dont find what i want.I have 1 standar image in picturebox1 and another picture in picturebox2 where i load it manually.I want to compare to see if there are a BIG diference like people, dog etc.My algorithm always say is diferent when found diferent light. I want to find a big diference to return true.


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Create An Image Editor With Program?

Dec 17, 2009

Can I create an image editor similar to Windows Paint with Visual Basic.net 2005. I have tried to create one that can draw lines. But I feel little uncomfortable with my code.

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Can't Capture Message Of Standard Output (Stdout) And Standard Error

Dec 15, 2011

I build program to launch application(launch application can as local profile or can as network credentials) using Advapi32 "Create Process WithLogonW".but I got the problem, I can't capture message of standard output(Stdout) and Standard Error(stderr).could everyone help me how to capture message and the code?

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Drawing Tools In Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 18, 2012

I am unable to find line , oval ,rectangle etc Drawing tools in Visual Studio 2010 I am also unable to find VisualBasic.PowerPack

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VS 2010 : When And Where To Create Brushes (and There Graphics Tools)

Jan 18, 2012

For some reason I could never get over the look of my application, and the Microsoft controls together. Just never looked right. Nor were the controls exactly what I needed. By creating controls I can pretty much custom fit them for my application, and I love it.My question is with drawing these controls. I have 12 of them now in my current project, so I would like to make them all as efficient as possible. The biggest set back to most of them is the drawing can be a little extensive, or at least to a point where they could be more efficient. At the moment, under each paint event I have the brushes created by using blocks and then the drawing happens within them(I create all brushes first, then do the drawing, vice versa with disposing them). My question however came up when I was creating my most recent control, a SimpleList.

I experimented to see(though I'm not sure how exactly to track performance) but instead of recreating the brushes and pens etc in the paint event, I put them at the top so they're only made once, and destroyed once, rather being made and destroyed every time my control paints. My common sense tells me this is a better way of going about this but my experience can't back that up. is this the way I should be going about user drawn controls?, is there any limitations to this?(like would it be okay if I only had a limited number of brushes etc) and is the performance even that greatly impacted by making these changes that it's worth my while?

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VS 2010 Add Crystal Report Tools To The Toolbox?

Feb 7, 2012

in my old projects when i had create a project it comes with the crystal report's tools in the toolbox .

but now in the 2010 when i Create a new project a crystal report tools doesn't come with in toolbox , With science there is crystal report in my pc .

all of all how can I add a crystal report tools to the toolbox manually .

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Add Standard Button To Toolstrip / Make Toolstripbutton As Standard?

May 27, 2009

I usually use standard button and do the settings like causevalidation etc if required.

i decided to use toolstrip and inserted some buttons but end up that it doesn't do the validation for control and also doesn't call leave event of textbox control.

so my question is, anyway to use regular button functionality for toolstripbutton or there is a way to add regular button on toolstrip.

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Make A Simple Image Editor Were You Can Draw And Edit Images

May 27, 2011

Is it possible to make a simple Image Editor were you can draw and edit images in vb.net? If so how would you do that? (Its would also have to compile the image as well into an image format)

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VS 2010 Mean And Standard Deviation?

Dec 14, 2011

I seem to figure out why my code is not for finding mean and st dev because the code i wrote for finding the sum is working and mean = sum/N so im confused i think i might have the wrong formula/code for standard deviation tho..i just found it online..

Private Sub btnDisplayMean_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayMean.Click
Dim Mean As Integer
Dim Sum As Integer
For J = 0 To MyArray.Count - 1


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Making A Simple Image Editor And Added Zooming And Drawing With Mouse Position Like A Pencil?

Sep 11, 2009

Im making a simple image editor and I added Zooming and Drawing with mouse position like a pencil. My problem is When I zoom the image and try to draw on it, everything becomes offset and the lines i drew are not even close to the mouse. Here is My code ( Just add a button1 and Picturebox1 with an image)

Public Class Form1
Dim pen1 As Pen
Dim x1, y1, x2, y2 As Integer
Dim gr As Graphics


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Fast Image Selection / Coloring

Jan 13, 2011

I have a bundle of tiny pictureboxes on a form. The number is specified by the user, but it could be up to 100, or so. The user can select any set of these pictureboxes by a variety of means. I want to change the image to show the selection state of the pictureboxes, and I'm looking for the best way to do that. The pictureboxes each shows a bitmap. The brute force method would be to have a selected image and an unselected image and just swap them, but it seems like there ought to be a way to do something significant and reversible to the image, such as inverting the colors, that might be smaller that having a second copy of each image.

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Image Converting - User Selection For Type

Feb 21, 2009

I an working on image converting program. I need to convert a file that the user selects in an openfiledialog to the following file types in a folder that the user selects:
The user will select which type they want to convert the image to.

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Get The Standard BackColor Of A Standard TabPage?

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to add a TabPage containing a UserControl to a TabControl at runtime, because the number of TabPages to add are determined at runtime.

The UserControl (objDataInfo) is just two Textboxes, two labels and two Radiobuttons, nothing too exciting...

The TextBoxes have their Anchor properties set to Left, Up, Right so they scale with the width of the usercontrol.

The TabPages are added in the constructor of the form, which takes the number of tabpages to create (n) as an argument:

Dim cList As List(Of objDataInfo)
Public Sub New(ByVal n As Integer)


So... How can I get the standard BackColor of a standard TabPage?

(I tried leaving out the usercontrol all-together, but the TabPage still has a gray background...)

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VS 2010 Standard Thread Vs Background Worker?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a application which processes 1000's datas.. for each processing it needs to update gui and db and many variables in my application. So what i have planned is to use 50~90 background worker with my own algorithm of thread pool, synchronization and thread close.So here is it efficient in terms of memory and performance. just confused what to use.. backgroundworker componenet or standard thread.

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VS 2010 Target Frameworks Change Standard

Feb 16, 2011

Each new project VS sets the Frameworks to 4 Client. How do I change it that it always chooses Full?

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Paste A Image Selection From Paint In A Imaeg Control?

Aug 2, 2011

I want to do the following

1) Copy a picture in paint (done Manually)

2) Select and copy a portion of it (Done manually)

3) Paste the selection to my image control via clipboard

in other words if in paint I copy a selected portion of an image how Can I get the selection in my vb application via the clipboard?

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What Is The Difference Between Visual Basic 2010 Express And Standard

Jul 31, 2010

I am looking to create an application that uses a remote mysql database, takes a picture from a live video stream, and also interfaces with an RS232 weighing scale. I'm just looking for a one or two sentence definition on what the huge differences are between VB Express and Standard.

I am a PHP developer and I have never worked with VB before (well maybe since high school 10 years ago). I am looking to either use vb or c++ to create this, but I have limited knowledge of any programming outside of web programming.

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Disable WebBrowser Control's Text Selection And Image Drag?

Oct 1, 2009

I have been googled for couple of hours but couldn't find a solution

I m doing a touch screen interface, to browser a page I used a webbrowser control, and in order to get ride of the ugly scrollbar, i m trying to use mousedown and mousemove event on the webbrowser to move the page around, it worked but when i m doing it, it select and highlight the content on the web too, how can i stop that?

do I need to create a extended webbrowser control by Inherits the orginal one?

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JavaScript - Change Image Source Based On DropdownList Selection

Nov 23, 2010

I want to be able to change an image depending on what is selected in the drop down box. I have this JS code to change the image. Simplified of course.

<script type="text/javascript">
function changeImage() {
var oDDL = document.all("ddlNAME");
var NAME= oDDL.options[oDDL.selectedIndex].text;
switch(NAME) {
[Code] .....

When I call this function I do it in my DDL implementation.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlNAME" runat="server" OnTextChanged="changeImage()" >

But for some reason the changeImage() is not firing. It is giving me an error saying
'changeImage' is not a member of 'ASP.default_aspx'

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Retrieve Image From Web And Show In Picturebox On Listview Selection Event?

Aug 12, 2010

whats the quickest and least application hogging way to retrieve image from web and show in picturebox on listview selection event?

Heres the code i have already which produces app lag for abut 3-5 seconds per image loaded, i think as it stretches the image to fit into picturebox (which is needed)

vb Private Sub bwGetScreen_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles bwGetScreen.RunWorkerCompleted

For l As Integer = 0 To ListView2.Items.Count - 1 'start download selected If ListView2.Items(l).Selected = True Then Dim fileid As String = ListView2.Items(l).SubItems(5).Text.ToLower Dim recordid As String = ListView2.Items(l).SubItems(6).Text.ToLower + 1 urlpic = "http://se-board.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display§ion=screenshot&full=1&id=" & fileid.ToString() & "&record=" & recordid.ToString()


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Using System.Drawing To Make A Selection Tool, And Cropping An Image In .net?

Sep 4, 2009

If i wanted to crop an image in VB.net, how would I go about doing it? I am trying to let the user drag out the box they want (system.drawing.rectangle), and it will automatically remove the edges surrounding the box.

My first problem is primarily the fact that I cannot make the system.drawing.rectangle visible. It is not displaying at all, I am setting its location and height programmatically, but nothing is showing up. I know there is probably something fairly obvious I am missing...but I cannot seem to find it.

My larger issue, however, lies with the cropping itself. I cannot find any crop methods, at all. Is there a hidden one I am missing? Or must I code it myself? How would I go about doing this? It ought to be able to output to a bitmap image object.

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VS 2010 Express There Is No Editor Available

Apr 26, 2010

Just upgraded from VB 2008 Express to VB 2010 Express.When I double click on the .vb file under the solution explorer I get "there is no editor available for filename.vb".I've tried repairing, removing and reinstalling. Nothing seems to work.

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VS 2010 Making A Map Editor?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm making a map editor but I have a few problems.I dont know how to make it that when you click the 'picMap' it will draw the tile-image on the x and y you clicked.

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Making A Simple HEX Editor With VB 2010?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm making a simple HEX Editor with VB 2010. As a result I am trying to automatically leave a DataGridView cell after entering two characters and move onto the next cell

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