VS 2010 : Read Text File And Store Certain Blocks As Variables?
Dec 24, 2010
My text file is a settings file and I know I will be adding more to it in the future, right now it reads "autoplay=false;mintray=false;"I am currently using probably the most inefficient way to check both of those settings:
if contents = "autoplay=false;mintray=false;" then
elseif contents = "autoplay=false;mintray=true;" then
elseif contents = "autoplay=true;mintray=false;" true
elseif contents = "autoplay=true;mintray=true;"
How can I read the file, find each word from the equals sign to the semicolon, and store each of them in a variable identified by the text before the equals sign? Something like this:
contents = "autoplay=false;mintray=false;"
autoplay = "false"
mintray = "false"
Also, how can I edit the settings in the text file without having to overwrite everything every time I save to it? For instance; finding mintray in the text file, and changing mintray to true instead of overwriting the file with "autoplay=false;mintray=true;".
This is my current
Dim fs As New FileStream("C:myfile.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim d As New StreamReader(fs)
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Oct 16, 2011
Is there a class or something I can add to be able to read an email?I really want to be able to make a real email client (like outlook).Is it possible with vb.net?
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Feb 19, 2012
I am unable to read from the text file in VB. I want to read the contents for text file and store them in array. See my code below and the text file. How should I read this text file.
'Purpose : This program will read student name & final marks for a set of students from the text file and then calculate & display class average, class standard deviation, number of students above class average, name of student with highest mark, number of students with A's(90-100), B's (80 < 90), C's (65 < 80), D's (50 - < 65) and F's (<50).Calculate for standard deviation of a set of numbers:Step1. :Find the average Step2. : Square the difference between each number and the average
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Jun 22, 2011
Im creating a game like CityVille where you create a city and such. The game allows you to name your city and such and because I dont understand how to use the settings thing to save stuff I want to use a text file. I want the textfile to look like this:
city_name: namehere
money: moneyhere
plots: plotshere
population: pophere
smallhouseowned: numberhere
How do I make VB read the file and put the information in the right variables?
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Jul 1, 2009
I have to text file in the following format :
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
Word[tab][tab]Word[Carriage Return]
I want to get all the words before the tab into one array or to create a new text file and the all the words after the tab into another array or create a new text file too.
Here my function to get the words before tab into an array :
Protected Sub MakeWordListBeforeTab()
Dim filename As String = "D:lao�0001.txt"
'read from file'
I wrote the above function to get all words before tab but I got all the words into array. I've been trying to use the Split method above. What is another method to split those words ?
I know this can be done with regular expression but I don't know regex yet. If you can show me how to get this done with regex it'll be awesome.
View 2 Replies
Jul 19, 2011
Im working on a somewhat major program for my work. Just in short, im reading in a text file but i then want it to break the text file into blocks. I will put a quick snip of it here:
So i figured id see what the pros could tell me. I have a couple good links, one for a regex cheat sheet but i just dont have a very good understanding of regex.
View 5 Replies
Oct 21, 2011
I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.
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May 3, 2012
I'm developing an app for WP7 and Win7 that will get info extracted directly from particular websites. The app will download the HTML source and parse through it to find the required strings. The strings may not have tags. note multiple instances of the string needs to be found. I've tried a few very rudimentary ways, and although they work, they are extremely slow.
View 4 Replies
Jun 11, 2011
I want to read a HTTP Post that comes from a server to a website. I am trying to write a script that basically parse the HTTP post that comes in as text format and read the variables in the text file then add them to a database.
I know how to do the second part but I am unsure about how to read the text file variables that comes from the HTTP Post
The HTTP post that get sent looks as below
No Insurance
I am trying to write a code for this and have the code below
How do I get the variables in this text file, mainly start after ":" and the last 3
View 2 Replies
Oct 3, 2009
I'm trying to make a program that can read .mp3 data (Such as Artist, Album, Year, Track number, etc), but I need to be able to do two things that I have no clue how to do:
1. Read starting from a specified string (E.G, On one line it states: [code]
2. Read until a specified string (E.G, On the previously stated line,I need to read starting from what I said, up until.
View 8 Replies
Feb 5, 2011
I'm trying to read a big text file (60mb, 5 million lines) into my program.I'm using this
I can't get it to work using this code, when I run it it uses about 100% cpu and all my memory. What code can be used to read a text file this big?
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Jan 21, 2011
I'm trying to do is read a text file from a certain line to the end of the file. For example, say the text file is:
My Name
Is Tyler
I would like to be your friend. Would you be mine? I like dogs, cats, and basically any animal. I play the tuba and am in a band at college. I go to UMass. Do u like UMass?
(none of the above info is true FYI)
My code would look like this:
Dim hello as string= io.file.readlines(c:/text.txt)(0)
Dim everyone as string= io.file.readlines(c:/text.txt)(1)
Dim myname as string= io.file.readlines(c:/text.txt)(2)
Dim istyler as string= io.file.readlines(c:/text.txt)(3)
But say I wanted it to read from line 4 to the end of the file? The entire description I would want to save as one variable. How would I do this?
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Aug 16, 2011
Anyone using any simple and free methods to read text from PDF files?
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Jan 13, 2010
I have a txt file and what to read it in a variable in vb.netSo for example :
txt file contains:
View 5 Replies
Nov 24, 2010
I have a huge text file that stores a huge matrix. The size of the file has 120GB. There are tremendous rows and 25 columns. I am only interesting a coulple of columns, say column 3, 6, 8, 13, 20. How to create a small matrix which contains these columns. I want to find a effective way rather than read the entire file.
View 1 Replies
Aug 14, 2010
how to read text from a online *.txt file ? i know how to read text from a local *.file
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
View 10 Replies
Feb 17, 2010
Following is the code that I'm using for reading data over a .NET socket. This piece of code is run by a single separate thread. It works OK the first time, on the second iteration it stops at "client.Receive(buffer)" and never recovers from it. Initially I was using recursion to read data but changed it to iteration thinking that recursion could be the source of problem. But apparently it is not.
View 1 Replies
Feb 17, 2010
Following is the code that i'm using for reading data over a .net socket. This piece of code is run by a single separate thread. It works OK first time, on sencond iteration it stops at "client.Receive(buffer)" and never recovers from it. Initially i was using recursion to read data but changed it to iteration thinking that recursion could be the source of problem. But apparenlty it is not.
View 1 Replies
Apr 6, 2011
How can I read an online text file(just a textfile that is uploaded online) in a Textbox or a label in visual basic 2008? This is all i could find and when im using it with VB2010 it says:"A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll"
View 1 Replies
Jul 1, 2010
im making a game that reads text files off of an ftp server. everything is working great. except for the fact that i cant read more then the first line of the players text file. how would i use substring to, for example, look for 'inventory' and get all the info under 'inventory' and above the next title?
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Dec 4, 2011
I have a notepad txt file that has two columns of data. Vb reads data having one blank space (this is in column one) but ignores any other data beyond two blank spaces. in addition to being able to read the second column, I want to store the data thats in the column 2 in a separate string.
View 5 Replies
Jun 28, 2010
Okay, so I've been looking on the web for a way to read only ONE line out of a text file. Recently I've gotten by by creating separate text file for each line (such as a text file named, "Username", another named "Password", instead of creating a single text file with both the user name and password.) Now I am faced with having to do this. I want a quick and easy way, VB won't let me do open file as input #1 for some reason. I just need the second line of text out of this text file. What is the quickest and easiest (and painless) way of doing this?
View 8 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
How would I go about reading a textfile, finding values and using the values in the program?Now I want the program to read the text file, find [1], use the first line after [1] as value for a variable, and the second line as value for another variable. After that I will run some code with the values and then do the same thing again for [2] etc.
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Sep 19, 2009
OK, I am trying to create a "payroll" program and I want to be able to have end users add information to a file and have the program read that file
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Jun 14, 2011
I'm calling a 3rd part app which 'sometimes' works in VB.NET (it's a self-hosted WCF). But sometimes the 3rd party app will hang forever, so I've added a 90-second timer to it. Problem is, how do I know if the thing timed out?
Code looks like this:
Dim MyProcess as System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(MyInfo)
What I'd like to do is something like this
If MyProcess.ExceededTimeout Then
MyFunction = False
MyFunction = True
End If
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Aug 11, 2010
Before I begin I would like to mention that I am not a noob in VB, it's just I've never had to do anything this complex before.Basically what I want is to have a program that you can load a txt file in, have it copy key words, and paste it in a textbox so I can use it later on.So in this text file, there is a bunch of info, but I am only needing a certain part.Here is an example of a text file (actually a .dat file, but is easily read):
s t y l e T h e m e d s h y - A l p i n e V i l l a g e S e t S t y l e & h y - a v p o s t 1 H a n g 3 , V ¯s t y l e T h e m e d s h y - A l p i n e V i l l a g e S e t S t y l e , y - a v p o s t 1 H
View 14 Replies
Dec 15, 2008
I have a text file that has a list of certain values and I need to read each one back to the correct variable.
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May 24, 2011
I have a data in the below format
number = 4
length = 7
force = 100
Now I want to read it in a format that it will check the string 'number' or 'length' or 'force' or whatever and stores this data into specified arrays or listboxes. Like a force() array or listboxforce.items()
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Dec 2, 2010
I have a list of files and all of them have a different size. I need to upload them in chunks of 250Kb (or less if it's a small file or if it's the last chunk of a file).What I would like to do is read a bunch of chunks (lets say 15 chunks), in a separate thread, and then store the chunks of data in some sort of list. This list must be available to other threads.
An upload thread (I don't need help with uploading itself) takes the first chunk from the list and marks the chunk as "currently being uploaded". When the chunk has been fully uploaded, then the chunk is removed from the list. A second upload thread takes the next available chunk in the list that has not been set to "currently being uploaded", etc. There are a total of 10 upload threads working at the same time.
As soon as a chunk is removed from the list, then a new chunk of data is read and added to the list.Does anybody know what kind of list I need or how I should do something like this? I don't expect people to write out the code for me, but I have no idea where to start with this.
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May 25, 2010
I have developed a vb.net dll (.net 3.5) which does the following :
- I have data of several stock market companies.
- They are stored in several folders under a main folder.
- These files are random access files.
- There can be around 4000 files in total for example.
I wrote a program which reads a current csv file and stores contents in array. Then I store name and path of companies in folders (which I was talking about). Then I match one company from csv (stored in array) to companies in user's folder (again reading from array). If found I insert data in the file (random access file). This whole process takes for eg. 2 min my system. A similar program was written years ago by someone in powerbasic which takes slight less time if run one but if run for multiple csv files it takes only a few seconds doing the same thing for other files. When I do the same thing (by writing code to .net dll) and making a dummy app to run it, no matter how many times I run it takes same time. And is way slower than the earlier one (PB) one I was talking about. But if I paste the same code in my win (.net) app and not use .net dll then it runs a bit faster.
I need to show status so if I pass my form's label reference to .net dll and it updates it does that slow down process a lot. As I mentioned I am trying to process the files and it takes longer in .net. What should I do to get best performance? Unfortunately due to unexplainable reasons I cannot change the format or use a db. The files which I am reading/writing (random access files) are use by other products so I have to stick to that format. What I am doing is storing the location of those files in array so that I don't have to search folder again. that is not taking time. But opening reading and writing files is time consuming if I am doing it for few thousand of them. A similar program in powerbasic (developed years ago) runs fast. Running code thru .net dll is slower than running it thru program. Why?
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