VS 2010 StackOverflowException In Richtextbox?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm trying to read the lines of a richtextbox into a string array but no matter how hard i try i keep getting a stackoverflow exception. This is what I currently have (Notes is the name of my Richtextbox):

Dim newarr() As String = Notes.Lines Before that I tried:Dim newarr() As String = Notes.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine) And also: Dim newarr() As String = Notes.Text.Split(vbCrlf)Nothing I try is working!! Where am I going wrong??

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VS 2010 Increasing Stack Size - StackOverflowException

Jan 30, 2011

I'm writing a program that solves sudoku puzzles, but it keeps giving me StackOverflowException. I've tried to make it as efficient as possible, and cleaned up my code, but it still does this once it reaches a certain depth of recursion. how I can increase the stack size so that it can handle this recursion?

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How To Fix 'StackOverflowException'

Feb 19, 2010

When I run my project I get "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll".[code]

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Feb 23, 2010

So.. In my program I have a WriteToFile() function which ouputs the last item of a listview to a text file.I have these two class-level variables:

Dim sw As IO.StreamWriter
Dim fs As FileStream = Nothing


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Error - StackOverflowException Unhandled

Mar 20, 2009

The exception is thrown in a defined class when trying to call a Sub procedure.

The main Form1:

Imports TeenyStudent.Student
Public Class Form1
Private students As Array = Array.CreateInstance( _
GetType(Student), 20)


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Forms :: System.StackOverflowException?

Apr 14, 2011

i have a radiobutton, when checked it populates damage list, and a combobox. when a value is selected form the combobox is calls this code


the line "Damage_List.Items.Clear()" is giving this error An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
it also says make sure you do not have infinate loop or infinate recursion

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StackOverflowException In A Child Form

Aug 5, 2009

i'm writing a program that has two forms. i call the second form with this code

If Label2.Font.Bold = True And Label2.Visible = True Then
CollEdit = Coll(2)
Me.Enabled = False


and when the second form exits, it does this:

Private Sub frmCollEdit_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
'get back the collection
Dim retColl As Collection, i, j As Integer, pix(MaxPix) As String


my problem is thus:

when the second (child) form is closed, the declaration

pix(MaxPix) As String

throws the stackoverflow error. MaxPix is a constant =200.

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StackOverflowException Was Unhandled Warning

Apr 4, 2012

how do i programmatically change datatable and tableadaper components name property in my dataset.xsd ?
this my code:

Partial Class DataSetBimeh
Partial Class bimeh1DataTable
Private Sub bimeh1DataTable_Initialized(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Initialized


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Random System.StackOverflowException Error

Apr 27, 2010

I get a code from a app and i would to test it alone: this is a xor decrypter. Sometimes it works well and often it makes me cry with System.StackOverflowException from Public Sub New(). there is lot of line (0 to 999) like this [Code].

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StackOverflowException In System Generated Settings

Mar 17, 2011

That Settings file was obviously generated by VS2005, but I am getting exception when executing the project.The properties for the project for your reference.Am I missing something or I have to recreate the whole solution to fix this?

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System.StackOVerflowException Occured In Mscorlib.dll?

May 15, 2010

I have two Datagridviews, Datagridview1 populates from and excel workbook the user selects. After that the user does a verification on the data. The Requirement I have is for the two grids to mark any records in yellow that are the same so the user knows what needs to be done.

I did the code to match the Cell Contents as there was no other way.Datagridview2 is the sartting point, the value in colum 9 is what needs to be found in Datagridview1 so i loop through the rows, colums by column, It finds the first lot and marks them yellow but then stops with the error. It does not run through all the entries.

My Sample code:'Button click event calls te public sub Datagridview2RowCounter

'Declare Current row position of grid 2

Dim Datagridview2CurrentRow as integer

'What text it should find and mark

Dim BookData as string


This is basicaly what i did but it stops after the 7th or so time it passes through all the code. I have more that 3500 rows of data to verify each time the workbook is opend, that is why i need to mark the Cells in yellow so i know what has been done.im stuck, everything works fine in the whole app, from importing data from excel into datagridview to the marking of other fields for some other reason, This is the ons that does not want to work.

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VS 2005 StackOverflowException In Socket Client?

Apr 6, 2010

I'm working on a simple socket client application that transfers files from one PC to another. The flow is as follows.

Client sends message to Server
Client Listens for response
Server responds with command
Client sends file or message to Server
Client Listens for response

This sequence will repeat thousands if not tens of thousands of times. It runs great on my dev box but when I load it on another machine I get a StackOverFlowException. I know why I'm getting the stack overflow. It's because I have a Listen subroutine that calls a Send routine. When the Send routine is done it calls the Listen routine again. The process works for about 614 iterations and then bombs out with a stack overflow. I guess my question is, how can I code a socket application that can send-->listen-->send-->listen thousands of times without blowing the stack?

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An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException'

Feb 1, 2010

i tried getting rid of a few "dim msearch as new" etc. which is what the error msg comes up with. but it just keeps making it worse.[code...]

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System.StackOverflowException In Datagridview In Virtual Mode

Nov 7, 2011

Put a datagridview in vb .net 2010 form, then on the form load, put this code.


Run the project. After some seconds, it crashes with System.StackOverflowException.
Someone have an idea of what happens? Seems a bug.

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An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred In Sys

Jun 24, 2009

At first it was when I was trying to output to a text file, I disabled that for testing purposes and now I'm getting it randomly again.. Here is the code that always seems to throw the exceptio:


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Fix An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred

Feb 5, 2005

why this error comes up it has happened in most of my projects and i don't know how to fix it.An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in Unknown Module.

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'System.StackOverflowException' When Writing Data To SerialPort At Higher Baudrates?

Nov 24, 2010

I am writing a serial application using VB .net Framework V4 , where I use a background worker to Read a file and send it to a serial port using SerialPort1.writeLine method. The BackgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged Event handler sub Updates the Line Number to a TextLabel and adds each line sent to a RichTextBox using RichTextBox1.AppendText() method on main form (Form1).

The problem arises at 115200 Bauds (and higher),may be because now the text is updated real fast on the form an unhandled Exception in BackgroundWorker1.ProgressChanged Event handler sub occurs. Otherwise at lower baudrates ex: 9600,19200 etc. Application Runs Perfectly Fine.


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An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred In Mscorlib.dll

Dec 20, 2010

I am getting a stack overflow exception during the process of my program. yes I have used recursion method in my application and can't see any other logic to get the data. Scenerio is I need to present the data in the grid as BatchNo|Parent|Date|Qty|Cost columns. I have stock history and old stockhistory table(17 million records).

Public Class Form1
Dim dtAgeing As DataTable
Dim sTransdate As String
Dim dcCost As Decimal


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An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred In Mscorlib.dll?

Apr 1, 2009

I am Using Visual Studio 2008 Express edition (.NET Framework 3.5) ... I got this Error when Using A recursive Call To a Function .. I have 3 Background Workers Which Select Data From Database With Status =0 , Take The file Name And File Path Asssosiated With That record, and Then Copy it to other place and on successful completion update the status to 2 otherwise to 3 . and again searech for other record having Status 0 and so on ..

i made a method for selection of record from database every worker call this function . Now I have a check when dataset is filled i checked is there any row ? if yes then it do the rest of work otherwise agin call it self to search for the record...ECURSION.. In Case of records with status zero , It works Fine But in Case of no records Which have status zero it recursively calls itself For approx 1.5 mints and then throws The Exception That " System.StackOverflowException occured in mscorlib.dll at line "DataAdapter.Fill(Dataset,Table)" . I have no Idea what to do with this ..

Eventhough I have Encloesd It in Try...Catch Blocks but It didnt Cath It .. I serached The Internet and msdn social help for it and i found that it occurs most with infiniteloop or Infinite Recursive calls. i know it is due to my recursive call to the SelectData Function But i have no option without it?And One thing more that this project i mean the exe of this project is concurrently runs with another project Which add data to the databse about Filename Filepath and status =0 for Fresh entry..

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Error : An Unhandled Exception Of Type 'System.StackOverflowException' Occurred

Jul 13, 2009

I am working on a multi-form code. For some reason, this randomly began happening just about the time I finished my code. The intial form loads just fine, but when I go to click on any of the selected buttons, the code crashes. and I get an unhandled exception of type 'System.stackoverflowexception' occured. Does anyone have any ideas? I have checked for any subs calling subs that call subs and I don't have anything of that nature. It is breaking at the point that is bolded and underlined.

Public Class Add_Description
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "


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VS 2010 Flickering Richtextbox?

Jan 28, 2011

For some reason while using syntax highlighting, my RichTextBox flickers alot.

Public Shared Sub SHSet()
Dim words As New List(Of String)
If ScriptEditor.RichTextBox1.Text.Length > 0 Then
Dim selectStart As Integer = ScriptEditor.RichTextBox1.SelectionStart
ScriptEditor.RichTextBox1.Select(0, ScriptEditor.RichTextBox1.Text.Length)
ScriptEditor.RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.White


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VS 2010 Get First Line In RichTextBox?

Sep 11, 2010

I need my app to enter each line of a richtextbox for a different field in my webpage.

Currently what iim thinking is:Get string of first line in RichTextBox Enter string into webpage Delete first line in RichTextBox loop

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VS 2010 Link On RichTextBox?

Apr 22, 2012

When i write a url in a rich textbox it automatically takes the link style (underlined blue font). I want to know if it possible to make it clickable. I mean to open the url in the browser when i click on the link.

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VS 2010 Printing RichTextBox?

Jun 26, 2010

I am following this threadbut when I print the page is blank. Even though there is text in the RTB. What am I missing

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VS 2010 Richtextbox Coloring?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a program that appends text to a richtextbox.I do it like this :RichTextBox1.AppendText("[" & Now.ToLongTimeString & "] <" & Username & "> : Hello World !" & vbNewLine)

I know the username.Now, I searched google to color the username (the text between '<' & '>').It works, for the first line at least.As soon as I add another line, only the first line stays colored.How would I do that so it colors every line?

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VS 2010 Richtextbox Colorizing?

Apr 6, 2011

im trying to make my richtextbox colorizing, its like visual basic coding text, where public, there its blue, where dim there is blue and etc... Im using this

Dim mystring As String = "html"
If rtb.Find(mystring) >= 0 Then
Dim my1stposition As Integer = rtb.Find(mystring)


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VS 2010 RichTextBox Formatting?

Apr 9, 2011

I've developed a MySQL chat app that I have in my program. It works perfectly, however all of the text is the same color. I use a silver-on-black scheme. I'd like to do 1 of 2 things, whichever one is.. er.. "more possible". The first option would be simple - alternate each row's back color. So that one row would be silver-on-black, the next row would be black-on-silver, and so on alternating. Each row is separated by a "vbCrLf". The second option would be to merely bold or turn to white the info text. Here's the format of the chat messages: [{time} - {user}] {message}. I would want [{time} - {user}] to be bold and white. Are either of those 2 options possible? Well, I know they're possible

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VS 2010 RichTextBox Selection?

Apr 29, 2011

When setting the selection of a RichTextBox, the selected text is highlighted even though I set the HideSelection property to True. Once the RTB loses focus then the selected text is no longer highlighted. Programatically setting the focus to another control doesn't hide the selection, only physically clicking another control will hide it. So is there a way I can make the RTB not show the selection right from the start?

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VS 2010 RichTextBox&ComboBox?

Nov 2, 2010

i've a question: in a form i've a combobox that inside it are lots of names, and beside it i've a RichTextBox with a text that is generated when i click a button in this same form...using a phrase to examplify the text that i'm talking about, "soccer is the best sport in the world" and inside the combobox i've "soccer/football/golf/tennis" then i would like to know what code i should use to the same text that was generated, substituting only one word, and that word must be the word contained in the corresponding combobox...

example: in RichTextBox i've "soccer is the best sport in the world", then i pick in the combobox the world "tennis", i want a code that after i click the button, transform this phrase to "tennis is the best sport in the world".

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VS 2010 Searching Up Through Richtextbox (not Down)?

May 27, 2011

I've been trying to figure this out lately by looping a richtextboxfinds code replacing the integer with a value -1 than the integer before it after the starting string in that code. But for some reason I can't get it to loop through my text upwards.

It loops down through the text fine, however i'm not satisfied with that loop either, it seems a bit buggy.


The down search seems to take 2 clicks on my button handler to actually change the selected text that it finds, and then I used the code for an upward search, it would search one more down upon pressing my "search up" button, before not doing anything after that on the next click. So i'd assume something is wrong with the down search function as well.

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