VS 2010 Counting Control Types On A Form?

May 9, 2010

I have a form with four chart controls on it and i would like to count them at runtime but i'm hitting a snag.

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart Then
Label1.Text = ctrl.Controls.Count
End If

the count is returning zero when it should be returning 4 - what am i missing?

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VS 2010 Counting TextBox-es In TabControl?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a problem with summing up the number od TextBox-es placed on several TabPages of a TabControl. The next line works fine without TabControl:

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VS 2010 : Counting Instances Of A Query In LINQ?

Sep 24, 2011

How would I go about counting the number of times a given query occurs inside of a text file using LINQ?I need to search through the attached file and see how many justices were appointed by each president, and then create a new text file displaying the following:

presName, justiceCounter 'president name ordered by first name, number of justices appointed
I pretty much get how to do everything except for keeping an accurate counter within the LINQ query. However, I do feel confused about the order in which I should write this code, as in where I should keep my counter for how many justices a given president has appointed.

My output is displaying like this:

Abraham Lincoln,111
Abraham Lincoln,111
Abraham Lincoln,111


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Forms :: "Counter" On Form Quits Counting When Form Loses Focus?

Mar 15, 2009

Most of my experience in Visual Basic programming is in VBA. I'm currently trying to build a VB.NET Windows application that basically consists of a form that has one button and one label. When the button is clicked, the label should serve as a "counter" that counts from 0 to infinity until the user closes the window with the "x" button. I do this by putting a loop with a sleep statement in the onclick sub. The loop iterates the integer that is displayed in the label and does a "Me.Refresh".The problem is when the window loses focus. When it loses focus (when I click off of it), the counter stops. Even when I click back on it, the counter doesn't resume.

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VS 2010 : Counting Number Of Occurrences Of Element Within An Array Or Arraylist?

Mar 13, 2012

there are any nifty in-built .net methods that can essentially return either the number of occurrences of each element in an array, or simply return the modal value.

View 7 Replies

Which Application Types And Languages Include The BackGroundWorker Control

Jul 22, 2010

I used BackGroundWorker control on a Windows desktop program. It worked great and I would like to use it with other languages. Which languages does it work with -- ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF, Class libraries (dll), console applications, services,
WCF? I see that it is in the System.ComponentModel namespace. Is that used by more than Windows desktop programs? If it's not used everywhere, is there an equivalent class on other platforms?

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VS 2010 - Adding Tab Control To Form

Oct 17, 2010

When I am trying to add a QTabControl to my form, I get this error:
Type universe cannot resolve assembly: System.Design, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a

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VS 2010 : Adding New Control To A Form?

Nov 16, 2011

I wrote a simple application to help me with my work the interface looks like this:i use a button to add a new custom control every time by the following code :

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim NewGard As New GardControl
NewGard.Left = x
NewGard.Top = y


but after the form's lower end is reached, the added controls appear like this:spaced greatly & exponentially from each other despite the y coordinate is accurately increased every time by 41?

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VS 2010 Add Control To Form Titlebar?

May 27, 2011

Does anyone know how i would go about adding a control (a button) to the windows title bar area?Sort of like firefox does.

I'm doing this so i can remove the Toolstrip Menubar at the top of my application to give it my "working area".

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VS 2010 Control Outside Form Boundaries?

May 26, 2012

[url] How is this done? Is it a control of that form? Or is it a splashscreen or something like that?. I've tried by doing that with another form instead, but the first form will get unfocused, and i want the main form to be always focused.

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VS 2008 File Types Can Be Played In Windows Media Control?

Dec 27, 2009

I am trying out the windows media player control within the VB design view, and I tried to add an .avi file to it. When played however it does not show the video, and plays the sound with the visualiser effects instead.

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Timer Control On Child Form Crashes VS 2010?

Sep 7, 2011

I've created a form that has a timer control. When this form loads it counts down before running a procedure. Simple.

Now I want to subclass this form in a new VB.NET project to so that another form inherits this form (an it's timer functionality) and runs a different procedure on this new form.My problem is that when I create the form in my new project the timer from the parent form seems to be running and when it's time is up it runs and code and crashes the VS environment.

I've searched high and low but have only found references to making sure the timer is disabled at design time. I've done this on the parent form but in this parent form's Load event the timer is enabled.... the purpose of the form. So when the child form loads it is enabling the timer. How can I work around this? Can I enable the timer from the child form? Timer is not visible when the child form loads so how do I manipulate it?

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VS 2010 : Get Form To Have Control Box But Not Be Movable From Original Position?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a form that I want to have a control box so you can close it at any time but I don't want it to be movable from its origainal position. It opens maximized and I want it to stay maximized. I've tried all the different FromBorderStyle options in properties and I've tried all the SizeGripStyle properties though I can't say I've tried all the combinations possible between those two but whatever I've tried I can always click on the border at the top and then the form breaks free from its starting position and when it does the vertical scroll bar disappears.

How can I have this form stay in place with the vertical scroll bar and the control box and not break free from its starting position if someone clicks on the border at the top? If I try FromBorderStyle None then I don't have control box to close it. I was looking at the form events list and I noticed when I break the form free by clicking on the border that that is a ClientSizeChanged event.

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VS 2010 Get Control Collection From Mdi Active Child Form?

Feb 23, 2010

After getting the current mdi active child form, how can I get it's control collection so I can access their data?

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VS 2010 Get All Types In A Structure?

Jun 27, 2011

Basically I have a system that will take an unknown structure (that should be marked serializable) and attempt to serialize it to a stream. However, before the system will do that, I want to know if there's a way to check every single variable/property to make sure that all the types are serializable.Anyone know a way?

EDIT: For now, I was able to do this:
Private Function IsSerializable(ByVal obj As [Object]) As [Boolean]
If obj.GetType.IsSerializable Then


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C# :: Determining Object Equivalence For Value Types, Reference Types And ILists?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a class with a Property called 'Value' which is of type Object.Value can be of any type, a structure, a class, an array, IList etc.My problem is with the setter and determining whether the value has changed or not.This is simple enough for value types, but reference types and lists present a problem.For a class, would you assume that the Equals method has been implemented correctly, or just assume that the value has changed every time the setter is called?If I did assume it's changed, then perhaps I should assume it for value types as well, so that the behaviour is consistent.

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VS 2010 PropertyGrid, Getting Custom Types?

Sep 28, 2011

I've been following this article:and have everything working.Under the Support for Custom Types section, it introduces a collapsable type for the spell check options. The option are added together to produce a string that is displayed in the grid in the Spell Check Options row. Is it possible to get this string directly from the 'AppSettings' class or do I need to add another property and copy the code from the ConvertTo and ConvertFrom functions?

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2008 - Use Different Types Mouse Pointers In .Net For Each Form?

Mar 28, 2009

How Should I Use Diffrent Types Mouse Pointers in .Net for Each Form? How Should I Play a mp3 sound File From "D:My Locationsound.mp3"? How Should I Create an Set up File in VB.Net 2008? How Should I Make a Form Shaped Round? How Should I Use The Mouse as Mouse Touch Event?

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VS 2010 Using API Functions - Understand Data Types?

Sep 29, 2010

I freely admit that I tend to avoid using API calls as much as possible I wish to use this API call


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Desk App - End The Details That The User Selects And Types From The Form?

Oct 19, 2010

i am trying to design and code a simple help desk program. i would like it to send the details that the user selects and types from the form i have designed (see picture) and also to send the username, computer name, servername and a copy of the windows event log for the previous 15 minutes, to a designated email address in pretend I.T. department.

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Converting Multiple Numerical Data Types In 2010?

May 7, 2011

I'm having a bit of an issue with this program I have been working on for my class. It's a future values calculator, that takes a single data type, decimal data type and a integer data type does the formula and then spits back out the Future value. What i'm having difficulty with is converting the string over.

Public Class Form1
'Define the Module level variables
Dim FutureValueInteger As Integer


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Intellisense For Enum Types In Visual Studio 2010?

Apr 27, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Prof. In C# I can create my own Enumerator and use it like this:MyEnum value = Now, Intellisense will suggest a value of MyEnum. In VB, when I write:Dim value As MyEnum = I get a huge list of every types. When starting to write my enumerator value (could be a word like "sunny") it filters out some types but I would like to have it like in C#. Anyway I will use the MyEnum type and no "String nor Objecte nor IntPtr...".

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VS 2010 - Private Types In VB - Store X And Y Position Of A Pixel

Jan 20, 2011

In Vb6 you could make a private type by doing the following:

Private Type PointAPI
X As Integer
y As Integer
End Type

Vb.Net doesn't support this. I need it to store the x and y position of a certain pixel. I know i could just declare an x and y variable but i would rather use something like:

xyCentre.X = 5
xyCentre.Y = 10

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VS 2010 Application Development - Supporting Two Types Of Databases?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to design a application which can support two different types of databases same time e.g; when we install, it will ask which db it has to support and based on initial selection it should work with any db without changing anything in the application.In short it has to be developed keeping in mind that user may have either MS SQL or MySQL. It should support both.

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VS 2010 Casting Between Derived Types Throws InvalidCastException?

Dec 14, 2010

The following Code throws the InvalidCastException error. What I wish to know is why and what the standard workaround is for this situation.

Module Module1
Interface IFooBar
End Interface
Class Foo : Implements IFooBar
Public Shared Widening Operator CType(ByVal Val As Foo) As Bar
Return New Bar


What I would like is the line B = C to work without me having to know what type of object C currently is. I need to find a way to get this to work so that i can finish a function I ma working on so that it will excecute correctly on any new object which implements the interface and boasts an Operator CType function to cast it to the type used in the function.

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VS 2010 Isnot Requires Operands That Have Reference Types?

Mar 4, 2012

First post here so Im sorry if im posting in the wrong place. Im trying to build a simple poker game which requires the program to recognise hands of each players. Luckily there are 3rd party solutions such as pokereval. However my problem comes when i try to convert a C# ported version of pokereval by Keith Rule, into vb.net. The following error shows up referring to the line with the *.


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VS 2010 Operator '<<' Is Not Defined For Types 'Char' And 'Integer'

Mar 14, 2012

I am trying to convert a piece of C# code, and I ran it through a converter, and had to make some changes.I am now running into this error:

Operator '<<' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'Integer'

The code is:

a += CType(URL(k + 0) + (URL(k + 1) << 8) + (URL(k + 2) << 16) + (URL(k + 3) << 24), UInt32)
b += CType(URL(k + 4) + (URL(k + 5) << 8) + (URL(k + 6) << 16) + (URL(k + 7) << 24), UInt32)
c += CType(URL(k + 8) + (URL(k + 9) << 8) + (URL(k + 10) << 16) + (URL(k + 11) << 24), UInt32)

The error occurs on each of the (URL(...) << X)

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Coloring Of User Types In Visual Studio 2008 And The Future 2010?

Oct 8, 2009

I have an issue with Visual Studio's support for coloring User Types in VB.NET, I'm an C# developer that have been forced to code in Vb.NET by political rules in my organization, and I really misses the support for coloring user types in Vb.NET, I had hoped that this would be solved in Visual Studio 2010 and well in the beta they have added Vb.NET User Type coloring, but the coloring is the same for all user types I cant't have one color for interfaces and one for classes and so on.

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VS 2010 ListView / Resize Images / Image Types / Click Action?

Jul 20, 2011

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form3
Const IMAGE_DIRECTORY As String = "C:images"
Dim files As String() = Directory.GetFiles(IMAGE_DIRECTORY)
Dim max_length, i As Integer
Dim s, fname As String


I simply want to have a list of all graphics saved in specified folder displayed as miniatures - this suppose to be a sort of an image browser - it does not have to be done using ListView, so I'm open to any suggestions.

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Asp.net - Double-clicking On A Form Control In VB 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler?

May 8, 2012

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting?I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

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