VS 2010 : Difference Between SendKeys.SendWait And SendKeys.Send?

Jul 28, 2009

What is the difference between SendKeys.SendWait and SendKeys.Send?Send obviously will just send they key immediately, but does SendWait actually wait for the message to be processed or does it also send it immediately?The function's name itself is just confusing. Which one should I use if I want to send keystrokes to a 3rd party app immediately, or is there no difference? To me, a few milliseconds is a big difference.

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SendKeys.SendWait("%1") Too Fast : Slow Down The Send Rate?

Apr 7, 2009

The application I am working with ignores the ALT key and just sends the 1 Keys because they are being sent too fast. I need to know if there is a way to slow down the Rate at which it sends the keys to something like 50ms?

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SendKeys.SendWait Method In Different Program?

Apr 13, 2012

trying to find out what i need to do to use the "sendkeys.sendwait" method in other programs. I found a method using C# but I need a solution for VB. The one I found for C# was this

//using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public static extern Int32 SetForegroundWindow(int hWnd);


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SendKeys Not Working - SendKeys Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression

Jul 2, 2010

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
CheckBox1.Checked = True
While CheckBox1.Checked = True
End While
End Sub

That is the code, the error is "SendKeys is a type and cannot be used as an expression."

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VS 2008 SendKeys.Send() Method Does Not Send The Keys Fully Correct All The Time

Nov 9, 2009


Now as you can see it is sending the textbox1 text and then pressing enter then sending textbox2 text! Theres quite a few problems in that but before i discuss note: This code is in a Timer. Problem #1: It does not send the keys fully correct all the time because its trying to send them all at once! So i want it to send them 1 letter after the other with 200 ms sleep in them! Problem #2: The sleep is not working: The reason i know is because even after it did the first textbox1 text it didnt wait that 2000 ms!

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SendKeys Underlying API Or API Equivalent To SendKeys?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm looking for the underlying Win32 API call that the DotNET Framework invokes on a SendKeys.Send or .SendWait call, or a Win32 API Equivalent to SendKeys. I've already experimented with SetKeyboardState which seems like the way to go, except that it does not raise any kind of keyboard event that causes the set keystates to register with an active application or the OS (at least not until another key is pressed; for example I can meddle with the keyboardstate before events process on a natural keystroke, but I can't invoke a keystroke programmatically).

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Send Keys To A Control On My Form - SendKeys.Send NullReferenceException

May 9, 2012

I am trying to send keys to a control on my form. But I am getting a NullReferenceException and I don't know why. The code is about as basic as it gets: [Code] The error reported is object reference not set to an instance of an object but Send is a shared method so doesn't need an instance. Strangely if I ignore the error it works fine and F4 is passed to the control. I know there was an issue with sendkeys and UAC but I thought this had been solved (I am using 4.0 framework).

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Cannot Send Keystrokes Via Sendkeys

Mar 25, 2009

Dim NotePadProcess As Process = New Process()
NotePadProcess .StartInfo.FileName = "notepad"
NotePadProcess .StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal


I am trying to send some keys to a program that I launched, but every time i send the keys focus is not on the program and the keys are sent to the wrong program. Is there a better way to send keys to a program or a way to set focus on a certain program?

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Delay A SendKeys.Send?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm making an auto typer that has multiple textboxes from different forms to send and it looks like this[code]...

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Sendkeys.send But With Mouse?

Jul 23, 2009

Can u do tht with mouse?


' something like this - mouseclicks.click("{LEFTCLICK}}") idk the real code so...

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Using SendKeys To Send To Another Application?

May 16, 2011

I cannot find any solutions so far using the MSDN search, so I'll just ask the question here. I am trying to make a "bot" so to speak for a game that I play so that I can automate movements and macros. I've never used Sendkeys method yet until today so I am very unfamiliar except for the articles I have seen on the MSDN.

Basically, the game I play I can manually set macro keys like spacebar to perform task. What I want to do is have my application automate this process on a timed basis. Like, every 2 seconds send the key of spacebar to the other application (MapleStory.exe).


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VS 2008 SendKeys.Send?

May 26, 2010

im pretty new to Visual basic, but im trying to make a auto pinger for i can keep seeing if server's are lagging or if its me, so I'm wondering how would i go about making SendKeys.Send send to command prompt:


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Send Only One Line In A Textbox On Each SendKeys.Send?

Aug 27, 2011

I'm making an auto-typer and I need it to only send one line of a multi-lined textbox at a time. It looks like this right now;

If Label1.Text = "1" Then
Timer2.Enabled = False
End If

I want the Textbox2.text to be entered one line at a time and then to sleep for the desired time.

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Sendkeys.Send Sending To Many Characters

Mar 18, 2012

This is my first post of your forum, and I'm very excited to see what there is to learn in here :-) But first i have a problem with auto program for a java chat. I want it to select the window by it self, and send the keys of a textbox, this is what i got so far:


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Sendkeys.send While Shift Pressed?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm using the function sendkeys.send(). I'm using it in a cell of a grid because everytime I write a letter, I deactivate an activate the control, and when this happens the whole text is selected, and I want the cursor to be placed at the end of the text. In order to to this, I use: SendKeys.Send("{end}") It usually works fine, but when I'm pressing the shift key to write capital letters, it doesn't work. I've tried to send other keys with that function while pressing the shift key. If i use

I get an A, like when I use

Should I disable the keyboard input before using the sendkeys instruction, and how should I do it?

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SendKeys.Send() Very Slow On Windows 7?

Sep 1, 2010

On Windows 7 (UAC set to off), the Sendkeys.Send() runs as fast as windows XP when putting strings into Notepad (for example).

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Keybinder: Sendkeys.send Interacts With Hotkey

Oct 27, 2011

Okay so this is my code.


Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Static nVal1 As Boolean


The problem is whenever it sends the text to another forum using the hotkey it works fine, But if the GrpTxt1 text contains the hotkey name it spams it it because the key is sending over and over again because it contains "A" the hotkey in the text.

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SendKeys.Send (Keys.enter) Getting Numbers?

Jun 12, 2009

here is the code

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
SendKeys.Send("( )")


As you may see it is a "flooder", and i am just playing around with the program, evrything worked, until i did want to try it on msn, and i have to use the "enter" or "return" button. to send the text.insted of "pressing" the enter button and send it, it just writes the number 43? it is this line that i have problems with "SendKeys.Send(Keys.Enter)"

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Using SendKeys To Send A String Value That Include Brackets

Jul 13, 2009

I have developed a VB.NET (VS2005) application that performs a dependency check of VBA code to see where a selected procedure was called from. I want to add the facility to launch an application and to load the selected procedure into it's edit window. I can launch the application and, using sendkeys, I can open the application window, and the final thing is to use SendKeys to insert the function name. Now, here is the problem. Where the finction name contains parentheses, they get stripped out by SendKeys. For example where a function name is of the form "Scriptxyz(1)", then sendkeys sends the value "Scriptxyz1" to the application. I have the script name defined as a string and am using SendKeys(strName). How can I stop SendKeys from stripping out the parentheses?

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Program - Send.sendkeys(textbox1.text) As Many Times

Apr 4, 2010

I want my program to: send.sendkeys(textbox1.text) as many times as someone types in so for example if someone types in 20 it will send it like this:



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Use Sendkeys To Send Some Basic Auto-mation Commands?

Jul 29, 2009

I play Lord of the Rings Online and tried to use sendkeys to send some basic automation commands.Unfortunately it doesn't seem to get the keys I'm sending

AppActivate "Lord of the Rings: The Mines of Moria"
sendKeys (" ")
does nothing.


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.Net Sendkeys - My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("{F4}", True)?

Dec 27, 2006

I have a VB.Net 2.0 application, on my form I am using a Component ONE PDF reader control.I am trying to send to this control a F4 keystoke to close the navigation panel when it opens the PDF file. It is not working or not accepting the sendkey.I put focus on the control first. Code below:



My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("{F4}", True)

I have tried different variations of the Sendkeys with no success.

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[2005] Bringing Up A Hyperterminal Session And Using Sendkeys.send And ENTER

Jan 28, 2009

I'm having a problem when I'm bringing up a hyperterminal session and using sendkeys.send I'm using process.start and it will show the first dialog to make the call....all is fine. You click OK and another dialog pops up with a DIAL NOW button.


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Sendkeys.send - Time Out Between Every Key Send

Jul 4, 2010

How can I have a time out between every key I send ?


I don't want to use the sleep method, or to put each code under a timer ... Anything else that I could use?

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Sendkeys.Send, Send From Textbox?

Mar 26, 2010

i tried to code sendkeys.send(textbox1.text)but what it did was just pressing down the letter.i wanted to write Shift in textbox and press a button and it will press shift and not S-h-i-f-t

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VS 2008 - Program To Send.sendkeys(textbox1.text) As Many Times As Someone Types

Apr 4, 2010

I want my program to: send.sendkeys(textbox1.text) as many times as someone types in so for example if someone types in 20 it will send it like this:


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Sendkeys & Target - If The Target Of The Sendkeys Has Changed Between Sendings?

Aug 16, 2010

When using Sendkeys with vb.net, is it possible to tell if the target of the Sendkeys has changed between sendings?

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VS 2010 Pause Between SendKeys?

Jan 20, 2012

I have this code in a timer:
tmrRFR.Interval = 3000
Line2.Text = "testing"


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VS 2010 SendKeys Differences?

Apr 5, 2012

What is the difference between SendKeys.SendWait and SendKeys.Send?Send obviously will just send they key immediately, but does SendWait actually wait for the message to be processed or does it also send it immediately?The function's name itself is just confusing.

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VS 2008 Go Back To Basics And Edit Some "SendKeys.Send" Code

Sep 17, 2009

I have been trying to make a IM spammer (Yes, before you flame this is not a 4 item spammer with a start/stop and 1 timer and 1 text box.) I have been testing methods to "expand" the term "IM Spammer" when people mention VB with it. While I have doing many small things (Just some simple add-ons etc. etc.) thats not important. I have been trying to go back to basics and edit some "SendKeys.Send" code. currently I have been useing the basic...


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