WPF DropShadowEffect Performance, Looking For Replacement?

Sep 29, 2010

wpf application was running very slow. I was using the performance profiling tools for wpf from windows and noticed my hardware IRTs per frame where very high (100+). that this is caused by some effects. After disabling some effects i found that this was the cause...

<DropShadowEffect Direction="45" Color="#DDDDDD"/>


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Apply Effects Such As DropShadowEffect Class To TextBlock Run Element In WPF?

Jul 7, 2009

How do I apply effects such as a DropShadowEffect class to a TextBlock Run element in WPF?

Think of it as a way of highlighting certain areas of text in a TextBlock where the Run element is located, but applying an individual effect to that area instead.

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Replacement Of Csocketplus In Dot Net?

Mar 23, 2012

when i used vb6 i used csocketplus on winsock. i need a replacement of csocketplus , i need to create array in network socket

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What Is The Replacement For Char* In .Net

Apr 8, 2011

i have a C++ DLL. What i am doing is that i am passing memory address to my C++ dll where it write message on that address and i want to read the message from that memory address.

Here is my C++ function.

int _stdcall Test(int res, wchar_t *text)

Now in my C#.Net test app .. if i use unsafe char* .. i am getting proper output.

static extern unsafe int Test(char* msg);


Now implementing in vb.net i am getting jst 1st character by using stringbuilder.

Private Shared Function Test(ByVal msg As StringBuilder) As Integer


What is the replacement for char* in .Net ?

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.net - String Replacement Excercise?

Jun 28, 2011

How to replace this string so that after the replacement work the string will be free of any spaces?

This is the string:

dim InitialString as string = "Hello world

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C# WebBrowser Control Replacement?

Apr 17, 2010

I've been working on a project that requires that I can go around webpages with different proxies, user-agents, and clear cookies. Now after looking all around the net, it looks like there are some solutions for each of these, but I can never get them working. I was wondering if there was a wrapper for this control that fixed all of these problems or even just a different control I could include.

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C# - A GINA Replacement In A .NET Language?

Dec 16, 2009

I only found one GINA replacement called pGINA but it is in C++ which I don't know at all.Does anybody know one in either C# or VB.NET?(I'm writing software for use at work to control what employees are doing)

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Character Replacement In LINQ?

Apr 26, 2011

I was trying to put together a solution to:Insert spaces between words on a camel-cased token..Essentially, he wants to turn 'ThisIsATest' into 'This Is A Test'. I thought, 'Oh, that's easy, I can do it with LINQ' but I struggled with it. [code]Is the path I started to go down, but I'm having trouble getting the results into something I can work with. I even added the .ToString to try and get back an array of Strings, but I'm still getting an error.[code]I believe that means I'm getting a collection of System.Char, System.String instead of just a System.String like I want.

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Character Replacement In Strings?

Nov 30, 2010

How fast can I replace characters in a string?

So the background on this question is this. We have a couple of applications that communicate with each other and with client's applications through sockets. These socket messages contain non printable characters (e.g. chr(0)) which need to get replaced with a predetermined string (e.g "{Nul}"} because the socket messages are kept in a log file. On a side note, not every log message will need to have characters replaced.

Now I started off on this little adventure reading from This MSDN link which I found from a different post from this site.

The current method we used...at the beginning of the day...was using string builder to check for all the possible replacements such as...

Public Function ReplaceSB(ByVal p_Message As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder(p_Message)
sb.Replace(Chr(0), "{NUL}")


This so far has been the fastest way I have found to process these messages. I have tried various other ways of going about this as well like converting the incoming string into a character array and comparing along with also trying to loop through the string rather than the chrArray.

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Replacement For Win Sock Keyword In Vb9?

Aug 18, 2011

replacement for winsock in vb9?

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Replacement Of App Config File

Jun 29, 2010

I need to develop an project in VB.Net 2005 or 2008 and SQL 2005 for the database. It is not possible to create an App Config file(To create an connection to the Database).Is it possible to use/create an connection with similar functionality, and what is the replacement of this function.

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String Replacement Isn't Applying

Jun 6, 2009

I have the following [cod]e...

But the label still shows the [b]! It doesn't want to delete itself..

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Variable Replacement In WMI Method?

May 5, 2011

I am trying to execute a command that works with hard coded variables, but when I try and replace the name test below with selectedname, I cannot get the syntax for escaping the command. The basic idea is I am using WMI to query the app pool names and then selecting one and storing in the slectedname variable, which works when I test with a msgbox(selectedname) line. It also shows up when I am stepping through, but does not get passed to the bottom command. The function where I am trying to execute the command is

Private Sub Stpbtn_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Stpbtn.Click
Dim selectedname As String


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VS 2010 NewIndex Replacement?

Feb 7, 2011

does anyone know what i can use in place of the NewIndex since it doesn't seem to be able to update that from my VB6 code?

lstARCurrent.AddItem strStatus & " - " & strApprover & " " & strStatusDate
lstARCurrent.ItemData(lstARCurrent.NewIndex) = (.Fields("approval").Value)

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VS 2010 What's A Replacement For E.Argument

Jun 18, 2012

What's a replacement for e.Argument?I swapped from a Background worker to manual threading and I don't know what to use here?

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What's The Replacement For Oracle.Connection

Apr 27, 2011

I have a vb.net program that is failing, but giving no errors. I've just discovered that the code I am using is deprecated. But what is the replacment? (That seems like something useful for MSDN to list, but I'm sure not seeing it.)

Private Sub SetConnectionToDB(ByRef oCMD As OracleCommand)
Dim connectionString As String
connectionString = My.Settings.ImportDataConnectionString


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.net - URL Encoding - Illegal Character Replacement?

Dec 24, 2010

I am doing some url redirections in a project that I am currently working on. I am new to web development and was wondering what the best practise was to remove any illegal path characters, such as ' ? etc.I'm hoping I don't have to resort to manually replacing each character with their encoded urls.

I have tried UrlEncode and HTMLEncode, but UrlEncode doesn't cater for the ? and HTMLEncode doesn't cater for '

E.G. If I was to use the following:

Dim name As String = "Dave's gone, why?"
Dim url As String = String.Format("~/books/{0}/{1}/default.aspx", bookID, name)

I've tried wrapping url like this:

Dim encodedUrl As String = Server.UrlEncode(url)


Dim encodedUrl As String = Server.HTMLEncode(url)

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Charecter Replacement In Given String And No. Of Places

May 9, 2011

to resolve this problem. User inputs a string and no.of replacement positions. for ex: l=7 and f=1 (L means length of string and f means replacement chars)


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Powerpoint 2011 VBA Image Replacement?

Jul 18, 2011

So I have a Powerpoint presentation. It contains numerous images on it, referred to by image X. (So it's the same image but on multiple pages) These same images on different pages/slides have different width/height attributes associated to them. So even though they're the same image, they may not be the same size.

So there exists a scenario where an image exists on a lot of the slides. I want the ability to replace all of them at the same time (quickly) without having to go through each slide and separately replacing X, one at a time with the new image.

Is this possible? (yes/no)How would this be accomplished? (abstract - high level explanation is only required)

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Replacement For Byte Array 'Take' Member?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm using .NET Framework 2.0 for my application, but I need to get a part from a byte array.Normally I would do this (ByteArray.Take(Amount).ToArray), but Framework 2.0 doesn't have a Take member. Is there a replacement for this?

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System Tray In Shell Replacement?

Jun 14, 2011

First of, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, I'm knew here and it looked like the right place lol.

Ok on with my problem. I am writing a replacement shell (for windows 7, if that makes a diffrence) in VS proffesional 2010 (in vb.net obviously lol) and i've hit a road block. I cant work out how to create the ystem tray for storing notify icons in. I'm totaly lost.

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Text Replacement In Multi Files?

Jun 22, 2012

m currently learning vb.net. I have a program that replaces text in files but right now it only does it with one single file. I wan

Dim myfilein As String = Application.StartupPath + "\website1\website1.html"
If IO.File.Exists(myfilein) Then


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VB6 Replacement For StrPtr And VarPtr Is Not Supported

Mar 4, 2011

I am trying to convert a method from VB6 to VB.NET and having some issues with StrPtr and VarPtr not being supported in VB.NET anymore. Here is the method having a problem. From what I know, I am looking to get the memory location of the objects to pass to the SendMessageCDS() method.


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VS 2008 Assembly.LoadWithPartialName Replacement?

Nov 16, 2009

i am loading an assembly with reflection through a partial name ... in this case "system"


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Accented Character Replacement For Search Then Reinserted Afterwards

Apr 12, 2010

Basically my issue is that users would like to search for a french word that has accented characters but without typing in the accented characters and then have the actual accented word appeared highlighted if found... So for example they would type in "declare" but in the result sets it would look like "déclare" and if found "déclare" would be highlighted.

My first thought was to just simply replace the characters with a regex but then I remembered that I would need to re-insert the replaced characters after the search... I was thinking of then using some sort of character map that would track position and the character so that when the search was finshed I could put the result set back to the way it was.

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GetHostByAddress Obsolete ... But Replacement Doesn't Always Work?

Feb 25, 2012

When using: vb System.Net.Dns.GetHostByAddress it states that it is obsolete, and to use GetHostEntry instead. But for some IP's this errors whereas GetHostByAddress does not... for example:


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HTML Tag Replacement Regex Not Quite Working Correctly?

Sep 14, 2009

This is a follow up to another question of mine. The solution I found worked great for every one of the test cases I threw at it, until a case showed up that eluded me the first time around.My goal is to reformat improperly formatted tag attributes using regex (I know, probably not a fool-proof method as I'm finding out, but bear with me).

My functions:
Public Function ConvertMarkupAttributeQuoteType(ByVal html As String) As String
Dim findTags As String = "</?w+((s+w+(s*=s*(?:"".*?""|'.*?'|[^'"">s]+))?)+s*|s*)/?>"


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Replacement For Random Access File In VS 2010?

Sep 3, 2010

The application reads information similar to a DXF file. For purposes of discussion, the data consists of lines, those lines have endpoints, x1,y1,x2,y2. Within the file those lines create "paths", in other words, they are connected. There can be many separate paths within a single file. However in the original file, the geometry is not in any particular order, the paths are not indicated.

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Sub-like Operating System Windows Replacement Shell?

Dec 13, 2009

im working on a replacement shell for windows xp, question is i made a little scripting langrges and i want the user to open this script up just like windows opens exe files, and how do i put icons on the foum and make new files and add files to that foum.

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VB 2010 - Is The reporting Services in VS a Suitable Replacement?

Mar 24, 2010

I use VB in Visual Studio 2008 Pro. I've created a few solutions using the Crystal Reports tools. I found them easy to work with & easy to do things, (export to different formats, refresh reports, write an automated service that ran & saved reports, etc...)Is CR in VB 2010? If so - which version of VS 2010 do you need to buy to get it?OR - is the reporting services in VS a suitable replacement? Is there a viewer / preview like the CR tools? Can you create a standalone app to refresh reports & export them to different formats? Which version of VS 2010 would I need to purchase to get these?At home - I use Win 7 media centre (a fantastic piece of software). Are there any development 'goodies' in Visual Basic 2010 for Win 7 Media Centre?

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