XML DataSet - Writing To Selected Element?

Apr 26, 2011

Public Class Form1
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim xd As XDocument
Dim Qual1, Qual2 As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

How do I make it so when I click the button it saves to the selected element that is selected in cb

My question is my code for populating employee information based on the name selected in the combobox cb works, However I need to be able to write QUAL1 and QUAL2 to the employees whose name is in the combo box.

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Linq To XML: Writing Xsi Into An Element?

Feb 25, 2011

Just playing about with LinqToXml and I need to form a xelement as follows:

Dim xe As XElement = _


This creates an error here: xsi:type "XML namespace prefix 'xsi' is not defined"

Is it possible to write this in Linq to xml?

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Writing To Specific Element In XML?

May 28, 2009

i have a xml file thats looks like this:

<Item xmlns="Element1">


And then i want to add 1 SubItem for every item in my listbox to one specific element without touching the other code. I already have the code for saving listview items to xml.

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Writing To A Certain File (essentially Creating A New XML Element)?

May 7, 2012

I'm making my own ToDo program, and I need to add the ability for the user to create a ToDo item. When they do this, I need to be able to add in an XML element/section in a list file.My XML file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Say if a user created an item with the name 'papers' and due date 'Tomorrow', I need to be able to make another list element like above and insert it before the </list> tag. Basically I'm asking how can I write to my XML file at a specific position (at the end before the </list> tag)? Is it possible just to go to the end of the file and go back a line?

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Basic Search Doesn't Compare Selected Element With Textbox Value

Sep 17, 2011

I've been having problems with a really basic search routine that I have used successfully before but now for some reason does not. I have a text file that looks like this: Spindly Killer Fish, fish, spindly, aggressive, dangerous, grey, Sect.B Tank.1, 20 It is then loaded into a two dimensional array with comma separation. This is all fine and with the following nested for loops it works also, it just doesn't seem to compare the selected element with the textbox value. [Code]

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Writing XML From Dataset?

Jan 16, 2011

why this does not output any data to the xml file?

'this displays all records
Me.SQLString = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM FlightDetails", DBConnection) ' WHERE FlightDetails.ReportNumber=BeforePushback.ReportNumber", DBConnection)
'establish data adapter/data table


There is no exception or error thrown, the debugger just skips over it.The FlightDetailsTable contains data as it is bound to text boxes on my form. I just don't know why the data is not written as xml to the file.The file created contains this line '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>' and that is all.

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Writing Data From Dataset To Database?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to write data back to my database in my project, but it keeps disappering when I make any changes to code. I can build the project, add data, close the project and build it again and the data is still there. But as soon as I make any changes to anything, on the next build, all of the data is gone.

The table will not be bound to any controls in the final project, but for testing purposes I have a datagrid control that it is bound to. My code started as follows:


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Why Cant Dataset Not Be Replaced By Datatable Reading And Writing Xml

Sep 27, 2011

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim xmlfile As XDocument = XDocument.Load("devices.xml")
Dim reader As XmlReader = xmlfile.CreateReader


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DataSet.WriteXml Not Writing Rows In Correct Order?

Mar 12, 2009

I have an XML file that is being updated via ASP.NET. The user should be able to add new nodes to the XML file AT ANY LOCATION in the node tree.

The XML file is read into a DataSet using DataSet.ReadXml(filename).

A new row is added to the appropriate DataTable, using InsertAt(row, index).

I have confirmed using a DataGrid, and using a loop (For Each dRow in Table, Response.Write..) that the new Row was inserted into the table at the correct spot (in my example code, the 3rd position).

However, The WriteXml() method is writing the node to the END of the XML tree! I can't get it to see the tree with the node in the correct location.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim sXML_Lesson As String = "test.xml"


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Writing To Specific Cell Located In DataTable From DataSet?

Aug 14, 2011

I'm trying to write to a specific cell located in the datatable, which is from dataset. I know that it would be datagridview1.rows(xx).columns(xx).value=(""). But how to do it in a datatable

Public Class Form1
Dim ds As New DataSet1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim TestValue As String = "test value"
[Code] .....

The following code above does write to column 3 row 1, but if you say .rows(1), i get "there is no row at position 1". So, in summary if I have 7 columns, and I created a second row I want to write to column 3 and the 2nd row.

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Forms :: Choose Item From ComboBox And Save Selected Value To DataSet

Dec 23, 2009

I have a problem with a combobox. I have a form (with information about clients) with textboxes binded to a dataview. One of the columns in the dataview contains a number that tells me what kind of client it is. I don't my users want that my users have to fill in a number in a textbox, but I want them to choose a item from a combobox. De selected value should be the value that is actually saved in the database.

This is my
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
cmd.Connection = cnnVraagbaak
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
[Code] .....

De Datasource is the information in my combobox. With Databindings I'm trying to bind it to my dataset (or view, that doesn't work either) with clients. Every time I get a NullReferenceExeption. The moment I remove the line cbo.DataSource = dsRelatie.Tables("Relatiesoort"), I don't get an error, but it doesn't work either.

That dataset is filled (I've checked) and also the derived view. The column Relatiesoort exists. What do I have to do to make it possible for my users to choose an item from a combobox and save the selected value to the underlying dataset?

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Asp.net - Element 'system.webServer' Has Invalid Child Element 'rewrite'?

Feb 14, 2012

I have a number of rewrite rules for a lot of things that I did in IIS7, like removing trailing slashes, canonnical URLs, lowercase lettering, and such. IIS altered my web.config, and everything works fine on the website, like it should. But in the Visual Studio web.config, the opening < rewrite > statement is underlined in blue, and at the bottom of VS, it says that the element 'system.webServer' has invalid child element 'rewrite'. But this is how IIS made it. I didn't do this manually. Should I be concerned with this VS error, or should I just leave as be, since it's working how it should work? Here's an example of my web.config:


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Make Webbrowser Not Click On Element But Grab Element Name?

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?

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Randomly Pick An Element From An Array And Can Only Use That Element Three Times

Mar 11, 2010

I need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times.

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VS 2010 Check For Element Or Keep Trying Until Element Is Found?

Feb 21, 2012

I have been doing well and also I am a noob I know it and you know it a lot has started making sense and I am evening figuring new things out without using Google but of course I have hit another snag in my program so here goes

I am waiting for an email to arrive (the page automatically refreshes) and then I want to click the link (I do not need to click to open the email or anything like that) I also have the code to click and navigate to the address reason being it was the only way I could figure out how to stop it opening in a new window on IE

So my only problem is I need a way to check every x seconds for the element and then if its there proceed with my code and if its not wait and then check again or however this is done in VB.If this is not the way its done please point me in the right direction the code I am using to find and then navigate to the link is

Dim emailpageelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each emailver As HtmlElement In emailpageelements
If InStr(emailver.InnerHtml, "https://twitter.com/account/confirm_email/") Then


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Reference Structure Element By Element Name?

Jun 7, 2011

I want to be able to reference an element in an array of structures by the name of the element in a visual basic 2010 function. For example

Public Structure myStruct
Public element1 as string
Public element2 as integer
Public element3 as boolean


Is it possible to reference a structures element by the element's name in a similar way to that shown above. The code shown above does not work, as the expression obj(i).[elementName] does not work as hoped.

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Filter A Dataset Using A Number Different Inputs, Selected By A Number Of Check Boxes?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to filter a dataset using a number different inputs, selected by a number of check boxes. I have all the text base rowfilters working, but I can not make the date filter work unless I hard code the datetime into the code. The database is MS Access and I am using VB2008 to show the data. I would like to be able to use a DateTimePicker to set the filter date (without the time part) Also I would need to remove the time section of the datEnterDate. I cannot change the structure of the database fields. Also the datEnterDate is MM/dd/yyyy, because I'm in England I would like to use the format of dd/MM/yyyy if possible


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Child Element Of XML Element Is "" When There Is A Space In The XML Document?

May 23, 2012

I have the following XML:


I am accessing the name of the child element like this:


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Using LINQ To Return Element In Collection, Would Like To Return Nothing If Element Not Found?

Mar 3, 2011

I would like the following function to return Nothing if the element with the specified key is not in the collection. Instead, it returns an error - something to the effect of "no element found"

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of MyType)
Public Function FindByActivityKey(ByVal searchValue As Integer) As MyType


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Web Element Associated With Form Element

May 24, 2012

I would like to associate a web page element, a textbox for example, with a textbox in my form. When a user types something in the textbox, I would like it to be like he types it on the webpage.

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Using Write Start Element And Write End Element In VB For XML Code

Oct 2, 2009

I know I can create XML ouput in Example 1 as follows using the following code in Example 2. How do I create the same output in Example 3?[code...]

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DataSet Editor - Allows The User To Edit A DataTable In A Strongly-typed DataSet

Mar 15, 2010

When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet. What's the best way to do this?

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IDE :: Dataset Code Behind Datatable.ColumnChanging Event Firing / But Dataset.HasChanges Property Not True

Jan 28, 2010

I have code running in the Datatable.ColumnChanging event in my dataset. This dataset underlies a form and conventional drag/drop controls are in place for data entry.when the event triggers and runs, I am running code in the form that checks the dataset.HasChanges property. It is showing False. But this is immediately after the ColumnChanging event has been triggered.Okay, I see by others posts and MSDN that .HasChanges will only be true after moving off the row with the changed column. I have also noted lots of discussion about the advanced binding property of DataSourceUpdate Mode, but that does not address this issue.I guess I can do this by checking the state of the row for the binding source. Just seems odd that the event behind the dataset can be triggered and that does not change the dataset.HasChanges property.

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System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet DataSet)

May 14, 2012

I have tried everything I can to get beyond this error which shows below as <<<<< error here. It is trying to fill a dataset from a data adapter. If I change the SELECT statement to just SELECT * FROM xTable I get the correct number of records in each table. But anytime I try with a more complex statement I get the error message shown below which indicates System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet. I've completely erased all data and entered a new set of test data so I know there is no problem with relationships. Each table has primary key which is foreign key in other table. IS there something wrong with the Imports section: Imports System


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Save A User Selected File (FolderBrowserDialog) To A Location Selected In Another Dialog (SaveFileDialog)

Jul 5, 2011

I'm creating a BASIC application, and I can't figure out how to save a user selected file (FolderBrowserDialog) to a location selected in another dialog (SaveFileDialog).

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.net - Copy Data From Dataset To A Type Dataset Using Automapper?

Aug 24, 2010

i am trying to copy data from a standard Dataset to a Type Dataset (XSD) of same table structure. i want to use Automapper to do that one. So how can i do that using automapper?

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Fill A DataSet On Application Startup And Use Dataset Other Form?

Jun 5, 2010

I need to pick all data in my application from my database and use it in my form

my question : how to pick all data in my application then i use it

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Loop Through Dataset Updating Data From Results Of Another Dataset

Jun 22, 2010

I have two Datagrids, One grid has all the customers garments on it with style number and contact length. The other grid has the users who have garment issued to them. the style number is in both grids. I need to loop through the users grid and say if the contract number is 1 from the first grid then the contract date on the second grid will be todays date + 365 days (year contract) I have looked at using a stored procedure and also a for each command but I am just getting stuck with it all. [Code]

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Saving Dataset To Database Which Has Imported Rows From Another Dataset

Jan 4, 2011

I have a problem saving a dataset which contains rows that i have imported from another dataset. i can successfully view the imported rows in a gridview but i cannot commit the rows back to the database.

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Way To Check Comboxbox To Make Sure Of Selected Items Has Been Selected?

Sep 1, 2011

In my Windows Form I have a ComboBox that is filled by a Stored Procedure with a list of names. I have the Combobox set for AutoComplete to "Suggest" and From "ListItems". When a user starts to type in and the AutoComplete does not find any matches in the listitems the user can tab out of the ComboBox and leave what they typed in the combobox even though it is not one of the Valid Items. Is there a way to check the Comboxbox to make sure of of the selected Items has been selected?

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