- Convert Below C# Dynamic Data Context Registration Code To VB?

Aug 8, 2009

In particular the MetadataProviderFactory Line... I can't quite seem to figure out how it should look in VB.

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Move Dynamic Picturebox Based On Context?

Nov 9, 2011

When i press W, i'm creating a dynamic picturebox of a bullet but i have no clue how to make it move to the target.I can create myself a picturebox and call it picBullet1, but what about bullet 2, 3,4 etc? what should i read/learn?

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Dynamic Context Menu Strips - Reacting To Click Events?

Sep 27, 2009

I am adding items to a context menu strip from a list of items in a database when my form loads. This all works fine until I come across the issue of 'How do I react to the user clicking on one of these menu items?'

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Create Product Registration Code?

Jan 15, 2012

I have an application and an sql server.i would like to add Registration Code for the system.that should include the number of user

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See The Registration Code Entered For Visual Basic?

Aug 12, 2010

I recently downloaded Visual Basic Web Developer, Visual C# 2010 Express, and Visual C++ 2010 Express asI intend to learn ASP.NET, C#, and C++ after I have learned more about VB.NET (wish me luck, haha.)I am creating a text file with all of my registration codes, but I did not keep my registration code for Visual Basic (neither in records norn email.) I have tried re-clicking the 'Register Product' button, but I just get a message saying that I havealready obtained a key. Is there someplace I can go within the program to view my code?

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Source Code Of A Computerized Registration System?

Jan 26, 2009

The Source Code Of A Computerized Registration System And Computerized

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VB2008 Express Edition Registration Code?

Apr 5, 2011

I have 16 student machines who can not access the windows live login during the school hours due to filtering restrictions. They need to register Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition within 30 days or the product becomes useless. The registration process wants them to login to access the keys. Is there an alternative way to obtain the keys as a group, rather than one-by-one?Everything I've found redirects to the 2010 version, but the 2008 version works with our textbooks.

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Input A Registration / Login Code Into An Ecommerce Application

Mar 28, 2010

im trying to input a registration/login code into an ecommerce application whereby a customer shall be able to create a new account using their unique email, first name, surname, and a password. If the customer has an account, s/he will be able to purchase items by logging into the system using his/her email and password

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Data Binding - Verify From Registration?

Nov 15, 2011

Private Sub frmRegistration_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
cmd.Connection = cn
cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Registration"
[Code] .....

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Easier To Convert C# Asynchronous Socket Code Into .net Than Convert .net Code To C#?

Dec 8, 2009

my project was intially mandated to be done in c#.however a large contributor to the project wrote much of the business logic, which he knows well, in difficult would it be to convert the following c# code into


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Login Form And Registration With Sql Data Base?

Feb 13, 2011

how do i make a login and registration form with a sql database so you can login on any computer in vb

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How To Convert Dynamic Html Page To Pdf At Runtime

Jul 17, 2006

i have to convert html page(report which is dynamic in nature i.e. different for different user to pdf at runtime how can i do that.

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Making A Prototype "registration Code Generator"?

Mar 4, 2011

I need alot of help... I was making a prototype "registration code generator" that creates 25 character GUIDs and outputs them to a listbox. then after it outputs, it does this:

For Each s As Object In ListBox1.Items
For Each z As Char In s
If counter = 4 Then
counter = 0


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Vb 2008 Get The Registration Code For Vb 2008 Express Edition?

Apr 9, 2012

registration code for vb 2008 express edition.

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Right Click Context Menu - Code Works On Form NOT Over Web Browser

Sep 4, 2009

i have a form with a webbrowser in it, now below is the code i use to generate my context menu, however it only works on the form NOT over the web browser, that has its own right click menu. is there a way to disable the browsers right click and have my own work over the whole form? [Code]

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Error: The CLR Has Been Unable To Transition From COM Context 0x4cefd8 To COM Context 0x4cf148 For 60 Seconds

Aug 20, 2009

When bulk renaming files (14000 of them) i get this error: The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x4cefd8 to COM context 0x4cf148 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations.

My code is as follows:

Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim asd As List(Of String) = FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles("D:Music").ToList
Dim rs As New ADODB.RecordSet("SELECT * FROM Songs", My.Settings.Files_Database__Connection)


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Convert A Two-table Exists Query From SQL To Linq Using Dynamic Fields In The Subquery?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to query old Access database tables and compare them with SQL Server tables.They often don't have primary keys, or they have extra fields that had some purpose in the nineties, etc., or the new tables have new fields, etc.I need to find records - based on a set of fields specified at runtime - that are in one table but not another.So, I do this kind of query all the time in SQL, when I'm comparing data in different tables:

dim fields_i_care_about as string = "field1, field2, field3"
'This kind of thing gets set by a caller, can be any number of fields, depends on the
dim s as string= ""


It tells me it can't convert a Boolean - Is there any way to do this without Linq expressions? They seem far more complex than what I'm trying to do here, and they take a lot of code, and also I can't seem to find examples of Expressions where we're comparing two fields in a subquery.Is there a simpler way? I know I could do the usual EXISTS query using JOIN or IN - in this case I don't need the query to be super fast or anything. And I don't need to use a DataTable or DataSet - I can put the data in some other kind of object.

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What Is The Data Context Property

Aug 12, 2010

I was reading the MSDN manual, I was reading about the about the binding.source property. I got a little confused because the manual started taling about the data context property. My question is what is the data context property ? Whenever I look through the properties of an object ( either textbox, datagrid etc ) I can't see this property listed anywhere.Could it be that the version of visual basic that I'm using ( which is Vb 2008 express ) doesn't include this property.

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Context Menu Data Dynamically?

Apr 15, 2009

I'm using a context menu strip that gets its data items from code that grabs filenames of .BAT files in a pre configuired directory. I need to execute code depending on which toolstrip menu item is clicked, i kno how to do this is the items are hard coded but not when they are dynamically added at runtime

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Use Partials And Stored Procs On The Same Data Context?

Oct 25, 2011

I'm working with system using Linq-2-SQL as its data layer, but which uses stored procedures to do the actual CRUD operations - the stored procs are configured against the CRUD methods for the data class in the model designer.These are all working just fine.Now we want to use partial classes to extend the functionality of our data classes to apply validation, and hold parsed versions of some of the database properties.

However when I create a partial class for one of the data classes, the datacontext stops using the methods configured against the dataclass and defaults to its own operations. This happens even if the partial is empty other than the just the class declaration.

I would guess that this might be because the method signature for the insert method stops tying up to what the datacontext is looking for, but I can't see any overrides available to help fix it.Is there a way around this so that I can use Partials and Stored Procs on the same data context?

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Convert Excel 2007 Macro Code To Correct VB 2008 Code?

May 26, 2010

i recorded the following macro in excel 2007:


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.net - How To Write Dynamic Code

Sep 11, 2009

For example i got a class and its got its own properties and i am passing the name of the class and the name of the property to be called to a function Say for example exp is the variable which i am passing which contains a value = "ClassA,Property1"

Function Property2BCalled(byval exp as String)
dim classname = split(exp,",")(0)
dim propertyname=split(exp,",")(1)
dim value= classname.propertyname
End Function

I wanna do something like that,given above.

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Getting The Dynamic Code Execution?

Aug 23, 2010

i'm building a basic server program that I want to recieve commands and execute them sent from a client program and I'm using my home network to test it out. I've got no problem with the communication between the client and server programs and have used a simple Send Text function to communicate to the server program which simply brings up whatever text was sent in a message box.

I've decided that constantly updating the program and transferring the new EXE file just doesnt work as I have to keep starting and stopping the server program to do that just to update the list of commands it recieves. So say for example I've got a button on my client program that tells the server to open the cd-rom draw on that computer, it sends this in the form of simple text openCDdraw" and when the server recieves this, it pops open the cd draw and so on and so on... but I thought a better way of doing this may be to say have the commands listed in a SQL database and when the server recieves a message it searches through the database to find the correct command and executes the code associated with the command.

Now I can retrieve the information fine in to a string variable ("Dim a as string, a = dr.getvalue(3)") but where do I go for there? This is the problem see. My apologies if I've gone a bit long winded on this one but thought it necessary to explain what I'm doing. I've heard of dynamic code execution but when I tried a project I found on the internet it had been coded in C# and I don't know any C nor do I want to as I'm a VB veteran and have updated myself with the way of .NET now so am not going to start all over again with learning C. Does anyone know of an easier way of doing this? Static code is so easy to do because it is typed straight into the coding sections and I had already thought about creating loads of subs/functions to execute each command but again that involves updating the EXE file every time so there must be a better and easier way of doing it.

Can I also just point out that this little project i'm working on is not for a TROJAN or whatever that old NETBUS program used to be called, it is simply so I know how to do it and can use it for other things that I'm working on and through. Also I'd just like to know how to retrieve and execute code from a database or text file.

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VS 2010 Convert VB6 Code To VB2010 Code From "The Most Amazing VB6 Code Ever" Thread?

Jul 19, 2011

This code was posted in Chit Chat and everyone is saying how great it is. I just have Visual Studio 2010 and no familiarity with VB6 so I thought it would be good to convert the code to Visual Basic 2010.


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Can't Data Bind To A ComboBox In A Context Menu Item?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a context menu strip (named cmnuRtxtIT) that pops up by right clicking on top of a rich text box in a VB 2008 WinForms application. Context menu strip cmnuRtxtIT has one item named ToolStripMenuInsertFld. This last one has one dropdown item named oolStripComboBoxFlds which is a ToolStripComboBox type. I do the following in the form's Load event to bind ToolStripComboBoxFldsto an Sql database:

Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dta As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT pkID, txtFlds FROM ApplicationFields", goConn)


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Error - System.Data.Function Is Not Available In This Context Because It Is 'Friend'

Feb 25, 2011

I'm currently trying to create a NEWID() function in my DataContext in LINQ using the solution here, however, when adding the partial class to my DataContext.vb or a separate DataContextPartial.vb, I get the error System.Data.Function is not available in this context because it is 'Friend'.

I've come across this when accessing data types before and that was in easy fix of setting it to Public, but I'm not sure where the properties for function could be or how to change them.The code I have is converted to VB.NET from the C# in the linked answer above:

Partial Public Class CMSModelDataContext
<[Function](Name:="NEWID", IsComposable:=True)> _
Public Function Random() As Guid


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Convert Wia1 Code To Wia2 Code To Use It Under Windows 7?

Jul 18, 2011

Dim wiaManager As WiaClass = Nothing ' WIA manager COM object
Dim wiaDevs As CollectionClass = Nothing ' WIA devices collection COM object
Dim wiaRoot As ItemClass = Nothing ' WIA root device COM object
Dim wiaPics As CollectionClass = Nothing ' WIA collection COM object[code]....

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Code For Dynamic Control Events?

May 3, 2011

I have never dealt with dynamic control events before. I have a variable number of a controls each created at runtime. However I don't know how to code events for each control as they should do different things. I've looked at WithEvents and AddHandler and know I have to use Sender however not sure how to use /where to put eg. MouseEnter 1 panel when there's several.

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Reduce Code By Using Dynamic Queries?

Jul 3, 2011

I use the following code to fill the Table1 dictionary with the information found within the LINQ query.[code]....

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Context Menu Strip Not Appearing On Data Grid View?

Oct 10, 2011

I've done this many time before, but for some reason I can't get it to work this time.I'm trying to get a ContextMenuStrip associated with a DataGridView. I've defined each to the form and in the properties of the DataGridView I've set the ContextMenuStrip property equal to my ContextMenuStrip name (cmsDictionary), defined the onClick event code, but when I run nothing happens.

The program was originally code with a dynamically added context menu but it was popping up all over the place and I wanted to remove that and just let the grid manage it.

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