- Importing A Spreadsheet?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a form that allows a user to import a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is generally static when it comes to column headers, but now the users want to be able to include an optional column (called Notes). My code crashes when I try to read the column from the spreadsheet if it doesn't exist.

Dim objCommand As New OleDbCommand()
objCommand = ExcelConnection() 'function that opens spreadsheet and returns objCommand
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader


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Importing Data From Excel Spreadsheet?

Jun 22, 2010

I am reading data from an excel spreadsheet. The column data which i am reading from my spreadsheet reads as follows:

var char


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Importing Data From Excel Spreadsheet Into SQL Database

Oct 8, 2010

I am new to VB.NET. How to import data from excel spread sheet into database (SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005) by clicking a button in windows form application using VB codes (visual studio 2010).

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OleDbException Saying Spreadsheet Is Full When Inserting To Excel Spreadsheet

Nov 11, 2011

I have a VB.Net program that reads in a flat file, and then parses line by line, formatting the data into different spreadsheets in an excel workbook (each line can be any 10+ different record types so I parse and put in appropriate excel sheet).

For smaller sized flat files (under 10mb), the parser works great. However, I am trying this on a file that is over 120mb (400k+ lines). While running, I will get an OleDBException saying that the spreadsheet is full. Now I am pretty confident that Excel can handle a much larger data set than a flat file. So I assume this exception is not giving me the true story as to what is really occuring.

I open a connection, and then parse each line in the file, inserting each row into the excel file. I assumed it would be bad performance wise to open/close the connection between each insert. Could this be causing the issue? Any ideas what I need to do to handle such a large file? There are cases where the flat file can be over 500mb.

To actually do the insert into excel, I am just doing the following (I construct an sql query based on the type of row and values parsed):

Dim conn As New OleDbConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + ExportLocation.Text + "" + importFileName + "-PVF.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"""


View 1 Replies For Spreadsheet...?

Jan 2, 2008

I have a application which takes data and writes it to a MS Excel spreadsheet.Am using MS Excel dll"Interop.Excel" for this.Now i want to support same functionality for "OpenOffice calc" also.[code]...I have searched on Google regarding this, but am not able to get relevant information about OpenOffice Calc DLL's info and equivalent class for 'Excel.Application' with some sample code.

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Read From Spreadsheet

Apr 16, 2012

i want to explore vb abit more and i want to create a VB application similar to a cash register in a cafe or a bar, mainly for touch screen computers/systems. I want this to be for a bar and have a vague idea on how to do it.

i dont want to assign a price statically to a button e.g 'Button1' = "Fosters 2.00" because prices are subject to change, i know this may be possible using a database but i have no clue about them, is there anyway to use excel maybe? and say 'button1' reads from the spreadsheet cell 'C1'.

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Spreadsheet From DataTable?

Oct 20, 2009

In my app, I'm downloading a spreadsheet from FTP, moving the data read from thespreadsheet to a DataTable, and, depending on certain conditions, emailing a new spreadsheet (one that contains certain rows from the 1st spreadsheet).My problem is creating the spreadsheet that will be mailed. I can't seem to work out how to add the row from the DataTable (originally from the spreadsheet that was downloaded) into the spreadsheet that's going to be mailed.DS.Tables(0).Rows.Add(ObjSheet.Range(workTable.Rows(i)) - 1)Is what I've got at the moment, but it's not working. workTable is the DataTable where the rows from thespreadsheet were copied to. DS is the DataSet where I'm putting the rows from the specific selection.

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Accessing Data In A Spreadsheet?

Feb 6, 2012

So I'm a little rusty on my VB.NET skills, but I decided to take up a project to get me working in it again. Problem is I've hit a slight road block and I was hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.I have a spreadsheet (or 3, but they could be combined if that makes it easier) that contain interest rates. I need my program to use user-input to select which interest rate it needs and then calculate and output the grand total, without the end user ever seeing or even being aware of the interest rate table.

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Add Spreadsheet Control To A Form

Jun 28, 2011

I'm trying to add the spreadsheet control to a form in VB but I can't remember what reference or file I need to load to get the object in the toolbox.It has been a while since I used it last and that was in VB 2008.I looked and loaded several microsoft interop files from the .net reference menu but none of the seemed to work.

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App Reads A Spreadsheet Into A DataSet With ADO.NET

Jul 23, 2010

I'm writing an application in 2005. The app reads a spreadsheet into a DataSet with ADO.NET and uses a column of that table to populate a ListBox. When a ListBox Item is selected, the user will be presented with detailed information on the selected record.One part of this information isn't in the DataSet. I have to compare a column from the spreadsheet with several external data sources to determine the nature of the record in question. Here's where I have my problem.This comparison has to search through 9.5m rows in a SQL table at one stage. I've checked and there's no way to "shrink" the query down as I'm already only searching absolutely essential data.What happens is that the application never visibly does anything. The CPU usage shoots up to 100% regardless of what it was at beforehand and the system's performance becomes almost unbearably slow.Can anyone suggest a way I can improve this situation while this massive query is running? I was originally going to write the contents of the 9.5m rows in the database table to a text file which I'd then read from, but after 6.5m rows, I got an OutOfMemoryException.

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Calling Up An Excel Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2009

if any of you have called up excel spreadsheet data within your app. Is it at all possible instead of calling up access and the like?

And just before some overzealous person puts "we will not do your work for you blah blah blah......" Im not asking you to write it for me, im just asking if its possible, has anyone succeeded in doing so?

Id rather not use VBA script if possible, Id like to create my own app and use a spreadsheet that has all my workings on already - sorry if its a bit noobie to ask such a daft question but one of my friends is going to be opening a restaurant soon and asked me if i could do a little prog for him using his excel stuff

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Converting 1200 To 12:00 On A Spreadsheet

May 31, 2011

I'm trying to use a macro to convert a 4 digit entry by my spreadsheet user into time format hh:mm, so for example 1200 into 12:00, but only on certain ranges of cells. So far i've got the following script on the code for the excel sheets i want to use it on, as oppose to in a module, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.


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Converting Excel Spreadsheet To .exe?

Jul 3, 2012

am doing a application on excel spreadsheet converting to .exe

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Create An Excel Spreadsheet?

Mar 31, 2011

I am having trouble creating an excel spreadsheet and then importing data from a textbox file with heading 1 going in a1, heading2 going in a2 and the data being entered in in b1 and b2 etc.

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Displaying An Excel Spreadsheet?

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to write a program that will display an excel spreadsheet in Visual Basic. My goal is for the program to display this Work Order Form I have designed in excel and to modify user, date and auto assign a work order number. After that is done I would like to print the excel form. So I guess my questions are:

- How can I display an excel spreadsheet in win forms

- How can I print the spread sheet after it is modified

- Is there a better way I should be doing this

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Excel Spreadsheet To Axspreadsheet?

Jul 19, 2010

ive got excel spreadsheets that i would like to open in my windows forms as part of my program,ive put an Axspreadsheet on my page but how do i open up an excel file into it. Looking at opening the whole of the data so all the worksheets and workbooks and what not. User only need to "look at it/browse it" so to speak.elimintate a problem wit hreading a writing issue to excel ive got, using different pcs and get and im not allowed to set up a "trusted area", so everytime i open the excel file itself i get an error saying cant use the "characters ! %&*<>

" and is your filename less than 218 characters.ive finished coding for today, so will be on tomorrow.

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Finding The Next Row In Excel Spreadsheet?

Apr 15, 2012

Ive been trying to figure out how to find the next empty row in an excel spreadsheet.My project is a VB project, written in Visual Studio 2010 Express.What i need to do is open the spreadsheet (that is predefined) and find the next available row. (in column A through to S)My code so far for this little part of my prject is:

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlworksheet As Excel.Worksheet


The same as "Selection". I get a blue line for "ActiveCell" Doesn't work.

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From DataSet To Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 19, 2009

In my latest project, I'm iterating through an Excel Spreadsheet and importing the information from it into a DataSet row for row. Based on certain conditions (namely, the text in a certain column on the spreadsheet). For certain conditions, the app is to write the row into a new spreadsheet and email that spreadsheet as an attachment to a pre-defined email address.


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How To Incorporate The Spreadsheet Into A VS 2008

Jun 22, 2010

I particularly like the Publish facility within VS 2008 (VB). What I actually want to do is use the same facility for a Spreadsheet. I.E. I have a Spreadsheet with a chunk of VBA code behind it.

Is there anyway to incorporate the spreadsheet into a VS 2008 VB project so that I can use the "Publish" facility to distribute updated versions of the spreadsheet from a web page (As created by the Publish Wizzard)

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How To Insert Row At Top Into Excel Spreadsheet

May 7, 2010

I am taking a pre-existing excel spreadsheet and inserting a blank row at the top. This part works, the part I am having problem is the fact that based on the code I have, I have to open the spreadsheet so when you execute the code the spreadsheet opens. Then when done, close it. When I try to close it wants me to save the document, even if I call the save method. This whole process should happen behind the scenes so I really don't want the spreadsheet opening.

See code below.
moApp.Visible = True
oWB = moApp.Workbooks.Open("I: estcsv.xls")
'When call the close, it still asks me to save the spreadsheet even though I called oWB.Save above.

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Incorporate A Spreadsheet Or Array?

Jun 11, 2011

This seems like it should be easy. I have an Excel file that has the information I need, but I don't want to need Excel to run my program. I need to be able to package that information with the VB code. I'm using VS 2010.

I know how to write a program to read Excel and put information into an array, but can I turn that information into something my next program can read independently of the original spreadsheet. This isn't something I have time to input by hand.

I'll try to explain this one more time so that it's clear as mud. I need to be able to incorporate an Excel spreadsheet or VBA code into a VB program so that it becomes independant of MS Office and/or (because it'd be nice to know how to do both) read information from the Excel spreadsheet and then save that array for use in a later program thereby removing the influence of Excel completely.

Finally, I'll explain my program and desired function so that somebody might be able to interperet my desperate ranting. I am writing a program that will require properties of steam to calculate boiler performance. I have found an example of the properties I need [URL] or I might be able to find other sources. I now need to roll that information into my own program.

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Print And Save A Spreadsheet

Jun 5, 2009

I need a tutorial for printing/saving/opening a spreadsheet. Is there a way to print a spreadsheet and save the spreadsheet and also open it?

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Save Program In Spreadsheet?

Oct 8, 2009

For the excel automation, actually what I wanted is a save button to save as a new spreadsheet and not opening from a exact one.

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Spreadsheet : How To Concatenate Certain Cells

Dec 16, 2011

I have a spreadsheet, in which I need to concatenate certain cells.Basically if the ID cell is blank then I need to concatenate the description cell with the previous description cell and delete the row.In your opinion what is the best way to do this:

a) Should I read the excel file into a dataset, process the dataset and write back to excel?

b)Should I directly Edit spreadsheet?

BTW the spreadsheet has 13,000 rows, hence the need for automation?

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Start Up Excel Spreadsheet In VB

May 28, 2012

I am exporting crystal reports information into an excel spreadsheet and now I am trying to open up excel so that the user can view the page but however I cannot SEE the excel file. in Task manager there is EXCEL.exe which shows that maybe excel opens up but the spreadsheet is not visible.


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Text Is Formatted As If It Were In A Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2009

User posts text into textbox/grid etc Button is pushed. The text is formatted as if it were in a spreadsheet. ie Only x words per row Each cell is of equal length and width.To put it another way; The first letter of the second word of the first row. should be directly above the first letter of the second word of the second row.

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WindowsApplication And Add A Spreadsheet Into Form?

Jul 21, 2010

how can I add a spreadsheet into my form

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Importing B.exe Into A.exe An Then Run B.exe From A.exe

Apr 11, 2011

for example i have a.exe and b.exe ( the a.exe is an vbApp, and b.exe is an executable file ), now.. it is possible to include the b.exe into a.exe and then running it from a.exe, for example importing the b.exe into vbProject and then running it without extracting it.

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Add Information To An Excel Spreadsheet Using 2008?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm creating an application in VB 2008 that will act as an interface for user's to add information to an excel spreadsheet. I am trying to determine the best way to do this, since I have never actually done it before. It seems like it should be simple, but as I am reading about it, I feel like it is a little more complicated than I had originally thought. I don't need to create the spreadsheet, I just need to add to it using this form as an interface.

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Append / Add Output To Excel Spreadsheet

Feb 24, 2011

I am creating a report and outputting the results to an excel file. Here is how it is suppose to work. I have a table called EMPID that has a list of employee id's. I loop through this table and for each EMPID, I run several queries. I would like to append the data that is returned to the spreadsheet so that the results for all EMPID's would be added to the spreadsheet. Right now, the way I have coded it, for each EMPID it overwrites the fields in the spreadsheet instead of adding/appending them to it.

Here is some code:
If EmpidDS.Tables("EMPID_Table").Rows.Count <> 0 Then
For Each dr As System.Data.DataRow In EmpidDS.Tables("EMPID_Table").Rows
'Set the variable EMPID to the current row EMPID
EMPID = dr.Item("EMPID")
'Check that table is not empty
[Code] .....

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