Add Multiline And Rows To Textbox In Codebehind?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm using VS 2010 and .net 4. I'm trying to figure out how to make a textbox be multiline and set the rows in codebehind.I'm trying to figure it out for a user control that i'm working on. So in the properties passed through the to user control it will set the textbox to be a multiline or not.

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ASP.Net Button In Codebehind That Calls Codebehind Function

Jul 27, 2010

I'm using Telerik RadControls, in my codebehind I have the following function, a portion of which adds buttons to the footer.


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Multiline Textbox - Assigning Each Line Of The Textbox To A String

Apr 28, 2011

I have a multiline textbox that has wordwrap set to True I am assigning each line of the textbox to a string Lets say I typed this into the textbox without pressing enter and it just wordwrapped to the next line Visual Programming is fun it would assign "Visual Programming is fun" to the first string however, what i want it to do is assign "Visual Programming is" to the first string and "fun" to the second if i would have pressed enter after "is" then it would have done what I wanted it to do, but if i dont press enter and just let it word wrap it does not do what i want it to do...

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ASP.NET : Iterate Through Multiline Textbox?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm trying to iterate through each line of a multiline textbox. Something like:

For Each line In Me.txtBox1.Lines
Response.Write line.Text

Is there any neat way to do this, or will I need to write a character-by-character parser and look for carriage returns?

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Autoscroll Multiline Textbox Possible?

Feb 13, 2008

I have a multiline textbox that while a file is read in some data is echo'ed out onto the textbox. Is is possible to programatically scroll the object down to the bottom? Changing everything over to a combobox and then changing the selected index would essentially do what I want, but the user needs to select/copy a bunch of lines.

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Can't Set Textbox Multiline=true?

Oct 29, 2009

I'm trying to make a textbox at runtime, Dim t as Control

t = New Textbox
t.Multiline = True
t.Size = New Size(300,120)

I found out that you can only size a textbox when Multiline is set true. And that's the problem. When I use t.Mutiline = true I get the error " 'multiline' is not a member of '' "

I've searched the internet for hours without result.

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Get Text From Multiline Textbox?

Dec 22, 2010

I want to set some variables from lines on a text box.

The below code is what i want to do but unable to find a way to do it[code]...

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Multiline TextBox In A Gridview?

Dec 29, 2009

Using, I want to display multiline text in a gridview column.

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TextBox Won't Work As MultiLine?

Aug 9, 2011

Im using a Multiline textbox, and I split the content line by line to store each line in string array

My split Code : Dim A() As String = txt_Mobiles.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine)

But this is not working, it read all lines as a single line !!!

Note: I used this line of code before in another project and its work perfect.

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Access Database And Put It All In A Multiline Textbox?

Aug 12, 2011

how can i read the access database and put it all in a multiline textbox?

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Clear The Last Line In Multiline Textbox?

Sep 22, 2009

i have a trouble with clearing a particular line in a multiline text box have data inside

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Count Digits Are Same In Multiline Textbox?

Sep 26, 2010

how to modified in cazypennie coding..


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Count The Words In A Multiline Textbox

Feb 3, 2012

i am trying to implement a programme that counts the words in a multiline textbox as you type. I can get it counting the words until i press the "enter" key and tyoe a word. it does not recognise this. this is my code:


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Datagridview Cell As Multiline Textbox?

Feb 4, 2012

is there any way to set default cell style as multiline textbox?

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Enter Multiline Textbox To Access?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm trying to solve this problem but heading nowhere.I need to add multiple records to the only field I have in my Access (.mbd) database. I am using Textbox and have set it to multiline, when I submit these records to Access only the first record is being added and the rest are not.

Here is my code:On Button Click:

Public Class Form2Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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Forms :: Multiline Textbox With XML And Dataset?

Apr 20, 2009

Ok, as in my other post i asked this!!

If TextBox7.Text.Contains(ComboBox1.Text) Then
If ComboBox1.Text = "" Then


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Multiline Textbox Export To SQL Table?

Jun 5, 2009

I'm trying to take a multiline textbox and simply export the data out to a table in SQL. Each line in the textbox should be a new record in the table.Here's what I have so far:

Protected Sub btnMultiLineTestSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnMultiLineTestSubmit.Click

Dim sArray() As String
sArray = Split(txtTest.Text, vbCrLf)
For Each i In sArray


How can I find out the value of the current item in the array?

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Prevent Mouseclick In Multiline Textbox?

Jul 8, 2011

I have spent the last hours trying to make an easy fix for this. Setting it to enabled=false is no good in this case. What I was looking for is a way to prevent the user to place the cursor in a multiline textbox. This is a read only textbox, and the user can't type anything in it, but for some reason he can still place the cursor in it, that is what I try to prevent.

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View The LAST Line In A Multiline Textbox?

Oct 12, 2009

I'm using a couple of multi-line textboxes to check output from my program, but it always scrolls back to the top of the box. Is there some way to set it so that it's always scrolled down to the end? Scrolling manually doesn't help because it just keeps resetting to the top.

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VS 2005 Reading From MultiLine TextBox?

Apr 28, 2009

I am using single line textbox to add and appened strings into multiline textbox.

Now, I need to check for words that are appended in multiline textbox.

I know that I can add these words into array, and then search array.

But can I search a multiline textbox, to avoid using array?

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VS 2008 Multiline Textbox To Listbox?

Mar 31, 2009

I have a multiline textbox with text that i want to add to a listbox. Each line in the textbox should be a new line in the listbox.

I had a problem when going from listbox to textbox but that was solved with

For Each item As String In EnDeCrypt.ListBox1.Items
EnDeCrypt.TextBox1.AppendText(item & Environment.NewLine)

Is it adaptable to do what i'm trying to do now?

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VS 2010 Multiline Textbox Into Array?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a multiline textbox that needs each line pushing into an array.

Do I need to use the Split command somehow?

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.net - Verifying If Multiline Textbox Is Visibly Full?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm trying to make my own control in for .NET using VB and I'm having problems achieving what I want to do. In fact, I'm making a control which inherit from the textbox class and the only modification I'm trying to bring to it is that if the control is visibly full, the user can't type anymore. So:

Scrollbars should never appear.The extended TextBox may be multiline or singleline.The extended TextBox may have different fonts and font sizes.Right now, the technique i'm using is graphics.measurestring to get a sizeF containing the width and the height of my string to compare it to the height and width of my textbox control. All this in the KeyDown event (I don't know of it's the best solution). I can get it to work fine for the width but I can't seem to ge the height right in a multiline textbox.

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Count Visible Lines In A Multiline Textbox?

Apr 25, 2011

I was trying back yesterday to count the visible lines in a textbox, which is multiline, and found this article: [URL] but... it didn't work... The code worked fine, but sometimes it returned like, 5 or 4, when I counted the visible lines, and there was 2.. If you know what's wrong/have any answer for this it would be nice :)

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DB/Reporting :: Cannot Save Textbox In Multiline Mode?

Jan 29, 2009

I am quite new to visual basic and databases. Im connecting to the database using the dataset wizard in visualbasic 2008. And then dragging each text field on to the form. Everything works well, saves etc., updates ok. Until I have a multiline text box , when I try and save, Iget errors highlighting the table update code and get an error saying it cant be converted to a string. I have changed all the max text limit on the database so its not that. It works ok if I set the textbox back to a single line mode. Does these databases support multiline textboxes?

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Display A Populated Listbox In A Multiline Textbox?

Jan 17, 2011

I've been ttrying to code an app that will act like the VB intellisense, without the added properties. In short, when I type (in a multiline RichTextBox), the letter t I would like the populated listbox show at that point (because "Then" is a word in the listbox) and if I click "Then" in the listbox have it "autocomplete" the word and display it in the color blue.

lstKeyWords.Location = rtb1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(rtb1.Selectionstart + 10)

lstKeyWords is the ListBox and rtb1 is the RichTextBox - This was the only way I could get the ListBox to show in the "almost" correct position?

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Display The Scrollbars When Needed On A Multiline Textbox?

May 18, 2011

I have a multiline text box which I only want the scrollbars to appear when the textbox is full.

I have tried this code but itdoesn't seam to work.

Private Sub txtBuilderDscpt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Static busy As Boolean
If busy Then Exit Sub


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Forms :: Maximum Row Number In Multiline Textbox

Apr 21, 2010

i am trying to put a maximum row number of lines in a multiline textbox. What i want is to achieve something like a console, with a maximum number of rows, with the top rows to dissappear and to keep always the last i.e. 500 rows. a note: for the textbox text i use the following algorithm

dim text
textbox.text = textbox.text & vbcrlf & text

the problem is that after a certain number of rows the program starts to get a little slow. So i guess if i put a limit to the rows i will fix this.

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Forms :: Remove Certain Text From A Multiline Textbox?

Apr 20, 2009

I have this [code]...

And what i am doing here is removing a peice of text from my multiline textbox (textbox7), But its not working..?

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Forms :: Replacing A Multiline Textbox With An Initial Value?

Apr 20, 2009

We want to Replace some text from a textbox (multiline) with = the text in our combobox and we want to replace it with its new one (in a textbox)

heres our code
If TextBox7.Text.Contains(ComboBox1.Text) Then
TextBox7.Text.Replace(ComboBox1.Text, TextBox1.Text)
End If

so that says, If the textbox(multiline) contains whats in our combobox, then replace it with the text in textbox1..

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