Assigning Values And Calculation In VB 2005?

Feb 28, 2009

I want to assign values to ifitems in a combo box B brand "ex. Focus = should be $200": items in comb box C "specific years ex. 2006" ANDuse this information to calculateInitialPrice

1. The "InitialPrice" is the default price for the selected brand and model of a car in 2006. I'ved used this code but it's not working.. or am not understanding.


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VS 2005 Store A Calculation To Use Later And Obtain A New Calculation

Dec 19, 2009

I need to store a calculation to use later and obtain a new calculation


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Assigning Values And Calculations?

Feb 28, 2009

i used this code to assign the brand dbs to a value of 200

[code]Private Sub xModelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xModelComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
If xModelComboBox.Text = "DBS" Then


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Assigning Values Into An Array?

Mar 2, 2009

I have a text file which I open and then read in 1 line at a time and split up. I then takes each component part from the split string and assign it into a variable as I go.

I then want to specific varaibles and put them into an array and build the array.

Can I read in each element and assign it directly into an array or is this was best.


I seem to be getting an error when I try and directly add items into an array

' myCarrier(98).EZY_Both = myCarrier(98).EZY_Both + 1 '
Structure Carriers
Public BA As Long
Public BA_Lev3 As Long


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Assigning Values To Cards?

Apr 27, 2009

basically i've gotten myself into a mess with some last minute project work. shame on me and all that but thats college students for ya. basically i seem to be having problems assiging a simple integer to some pictures in an array. now. basically its a card deck. i've looked this up so many times yet nothing comes to me that fits my code or the way i've been taught. in any case i've got an imagelist and put it into an array to symbolize a deck. now. as i'm doing blackjack i need each card to have its own value. so obviously 2 of hearts value = 2, king = 10 what i've done is created a function that calls on a string. and used a select case to give a value based on the filepath of the image. however it failed hoplessly. heres a piece of the code:

Sub getcardvalues(ByVal card As String)
Select Case card
Case "decklist.images.item(2club.png)"
value = 2


despite this seemingly simple solution i can't seem to pull out the path of these cards as a string. the array simply gives me a number and the actual picture dosnt want to be a string. so my question is this. how can i pull the image path out of the array (eg: deck(1) = decklist.images.item(3club.png)) and turn that into a useable string?

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Array Of Objects - Assigning Values?

Dec 26, 2009

I am having a problem with objects and arrays of objects. Basically obj_stored holds how many objects I have stored in my text file, in this case t shirts. line(y) is an array that holds each line that has been read from the text file. I then use this to assign values to my array objects properties. For example I know the first line is the color of the first t shirt, second size, third price etc. Then I know the next line will be the color of a new t shirt. There are 6 t shirts in the file.

Dim t_shirt(5) As Clothing.t_shirt
Dim t_shirt_purchased As New Clothing.t_shirt
For x = 0 To obj_stored
t_shirt(x) = Clothing
t_shirt(x).color = line(y)
y = y + 1
t_shirt(x).size = line(y)
y = y + 1
t_shirt(x).price = line(y)
y = y + 1
MsgBox (t_shirt(4).size)

My problem is it seems to be resetting these values after it has finished. Im creating the object each time and assigning values to it's properties but when it's finished it all resets and says 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object'. I'm new to OOP and was wondering what sort of approach i would take to doing this, if the one i am taking is wrong.

So I am aiming to:
Read everything in from the text file.
Create new instances of the objects depending on how many t shirts are stored, (5 t shirts = 5 objects)
Assign the values to my objects properties.

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Assigning Arrays Values From File

Jun 3, 2011

im a newbie here, im taking intro to programming wth VB in college and im having problem with the homework here's what im supposed to do


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Assigning Values To Class Array?

May 1, 2012

Am getting error in development code "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference." when assigning value to string array where Array is defined in a class.

Here's some sample code to illustrate problem.

Module FieldNames
'Budget Departments
Public Class GLD


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Assigning Values To Variables From Another Form?

Dec 3, 2011

I'm passing a value to another form and later on use that value that is assigned to a variable.

Here is the code.
mode = "notime"
Dim ld As loadingPage


CurrentMode doesn't have a value. I don't know why. CurrentMode is a global variable.

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ListBoxes - Assigning Values To Each Index

Jun 29, 2009

This code below is from one of the different forms that I am using for a bigger project. I keep getting an error when it comes to the list box. Each index needs to be assigned a value and I can't get it to work!
Index 0=8
Index 1=15
Index 2=70

Public Class frmRegular
Private Sub btnCloseRegular_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCloseRegular.Click
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Xmlreader And Assigning Variables Values In .net 2.0?

Sep 8, 2011

xmlreader and assigning variables values in .net 2.0?

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VS 2010 Calculation From Textbox Values

Jan 25, 2012

I have 5 textboxes named as txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, txt4. Only numbers are allowed in these fields. I have another textbox named txtSubTotal which is calculated (SUM) from the values entered in the above five textboxes. What is the best way to calculate totals when numbers are entered or modified in any of the five textboxes?

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Assigning Text Box Values Dynamically In A Loop?

Feb 10, 2011

I have 20+ text boxes that are all named like:



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Assigning Values To Objects In A Drop Down List?

Apr 28, 2011

Im doing the same thing as him but in vb express 2008 what i have is a checklist box of 10 toppings, all of which can be selected, (no max or min) to put on a pizza, and i have 3 radio buttons grouped together for pizza size (S, M, L) i cant figure out how to give them vaules in which(for sake of demonstration) s=$5 m=$7 l=$9 and each topping is $0.25 then make them add up to an order total in a msg box or something like that

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Directly And Dynamically Assigning Values To An Array?

Jun 30, 2010

how to assign a 1-dimensional array value I get from a function directly into an element in a 2-dimensional array. An example would be

Dim Results(7)() as DoubleResults(0) = myFunction() ' returns an array with 5 doubles What is the correct syntax for this, if any? I'm still having a bit of difficulty switching over from Python arrays, which work a lot better, it seems.

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Reading MP3 Frameheader - Assigning Bit Values To Variables?

Dec 20, 2011

I am learning visual basic .net and I am attempting to translate some java source code to a project. The project reads mp3 details and then splits the file accurately according to the frameheader details etc.

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Using Variables In Assigning Values To Attribute's Properties?

Aug 10, 2010

i was wondering if we could assign variables into the values of attribute properties like say:

<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlType(namespace:="Result" + x)>

where x is a string with value "qwe" so basically we get the output:


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VS 2008 : Editing/Assigning Registry Values?

Feb 3, 2011

What im trying to achieve is editing the value of this key; But I've tried everything i can think of.. I've tried just entering the name and type etc. but nothing..I've decalred:

Imports Microsoft.Win32
and the code im attempting to use:
Dim regKey As RegistryKey


What i want it to do is create a key from the Drive Selection box i.e. 'H' then create two sub keys called 'DefaultIcon' and 'DefaultLabel' and assign values to their (Default) key but its not working.

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VS 2008 Read CSV Values / Assigning To Text Box?

Aug 22, 2009

Before I start great forums, from what i've seen browsing unregistered this place is a treasure trove of information; however, after searching for what I need I could only find threads that seemed way to complicated or irrelevant, so...Essentialy I have created a program in which values entered are saved to seperate text files depending on which tab of a Tab Control they originate (from text boxes). I'm pretty new to VB but i managed to save the values of each text box to a .txt as CSV, essentialy all values will only ever be decimals (as currency) or dates. Example code for one of the .txt's:

ResourcesTermInformation.txt", Me.tbTIAutTermWeeks.Text & ","
& Me.tbTISprTermWeeks.Text & "," & Me.tbTISumTermWeeks.Text &


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VS 2008 - Add Values And Show Calculation In Textbox

Jan 29, 2012

How do I add 2 text boxes together textbox one = $20 and textbox two = $40 and text box 3 adds both textboxes together to display = $60?

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Assigning Values To Label Or Text Box Or Anything Else / But DDL Or Radio Button

Jun 10, 2012

I am stuck on how to assign values on a label or text box.The issue is the following:I have two tables, one called A and the second one called B.Table A has tree fields: id, name, lastname...Table B has five fields: id, level1, level2, level3, level4..The idea is to save into level1, level2, level3 and level4. can be the same or not. I know how to assign and save the values on the DDBB using DDL, but when I want to show the values using labels, I get the first value always, this is becuase the select command is configures in that way. If I use ddl instead label, it works, but I do not want to show the value using ddl. I want to use label to show the values, and ddl to modify or add new data into the DDBB.[code] As you can see the level1 uses label, and level2 uses ddl, it was the only way to get the value for level2, otherwise if I use label on level2 it display level1 value instead.I would like to know if there is any way to assign different value using anything but ddl.

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Performing Operations And Assigning Values To A BigInteger Type?

Dec 17, 2011

.Net 4.0
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

This works perfectly:

Dim N As BigInteger
N = 28 'Put whatever value you want in for N.
Write((BigInteger.Log(N) / BigInteger.Log(2) + 1) / 2)

This does not work:

Dim Result As BigInteger = (BigInteger.Log(N) / BigInteger.Log(2) + 1) / 2

This gives an error during the build (despite the variable being declared as a BigInteger and the operation working perfectly well when I am not assigning it to a variable, it tells me I can't convert a Double to a BigInteger) and I have to do this:

Dim Result As BigInteger = CType((((BigInteger.Log(N) / BigInteger.Log(2)) + 1) / 2), BigInteger)

This if course gives a different, that is, incorrect result.'This doesn't work either.

Dim Result As BigInteger = BigInteger.Log(N)
'I can do this:
Dim ResultString As String = BigInteger.Log(N).ToString
'But then parsing the string fails


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Reading XML Elements And Assigning Values As Strings / Ints

Jan 4, 2011

I'm trying to read the XML I generated. Here's my writing code:

'Create the file
Dim myXmlTextWriter As XmlTextWriter = New XmlTextWriter("C:Simple TimerProfiles" + timer_name + ".xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
'Choose Formatting
myXmlTextWriter.Formatting = System.Xml.Formatting.Indented
[Code] .....

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Using Anonymous Types And Assigning Values To Controls Or Attributes

Jul 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a web site that users can log into and self serve their user information ie name, address etc. I've set up a SQL server DB with a couple of table holding the data and accessing those using Linq. I'm selecting specific data from my datacontext then trying to assign it to a label, ideally I want to assign the value to a class attribute so I can use the users details on multiple pages.

I've simplified the code (removing WHERE statement etc for the purposes of this question):

Using CurrentUserDataContext
New UserDataDataContext()


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VS 2005 Assigning Rtf To RichTextBox?

Nov 29, 2009

I'm making a newsletter sending program and I save the RTF from a RichTextBox to a file. Another program reads it back, and assigns it to the Rtf property of another RichTextBox. I get an ArgumentException saying "File Format is not valid". Is there an extra step to assign RTF? Here's the important part of the code (mostly the last part that reads it back):

Private Sub lnkNew_LinkClicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles lnkNew.LinkClicked
Dim f As New NewNewsletter()


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2005 Calculation And Add Password?

Apr 7, 2011

got a project from college to create a quotation system in console application for a car company. The program has to tell the customer how much interest they'll be charged and the loan they take out.I've created a file that Adds,deletes,edits customer. Also views all customers. The problem I have is that after I've added the customer. I need to now implement the calculations into my program to then give them the quote. Also need to add a password to the program.

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VS 2005 : Assigning Date To Variable?

Feb 11, 2011

I have the following function that checks if a date is on a holiday or weekend and returns the first non-holiday or weekend date.
Private Function CheckDate(ByVal D As Date) As Date
TempDate = D


The function does return a date. But when I try to assign it to variable, it assigns a time instead. Both tempdate and newdate are declared as date also.
TempDate = CheckDate(NewDate).Date

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VB 2005 Express Edition Calculation?

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying to make a VB User Interface with Visual Basic Express Edition 2005 where clients can do the following calculation: Stranding x Bare Copper CMA = Total CMA

I have created an access 2007 database called Total_CMA, this database has 2 columns, one with the SIZE and the other AREA, but in this database the Size = Area ( was not sure how to set that up properly ) so I left it at 2 columns and then went to VB and set up with a listbox for the Size and have bound the database to this listbox, and when I debug it, the numbers for Size show up in the listbox, so thats looking good so far, since the size = area when I bound it it asked to get and I picked Size then it asked value equals so I picked Area and hope that was the proper thing to do.

I added a TEXTBOX named STRANDS for the customer to input the number of strands, then a button to click to calculate total CMA and another Textbox named TOTAL to display the results. All have labels next to them naming what they are.

My question is, how do I get what the customer selects in the listbox to multiply by the STRANDS textbox and output in the TOTAL textbox when clicked on the button to calculate total CMA. I also need to make sure whatever SIZE they picked in the listbox is going to take the AREA number ( not the SIZE number ) and multiply it by the STRANDS textbox.

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VS 2005 Error With Calculation Time?

Sep 18, 2009

I am using a from where i am adding the time of the employee....what i am doing is that if the total hrs worked on monday = 20 hrs and on tuesday = 20 hrs then i want to add the 20 + 20 = 40 . all of my variables are time span and that is y it resets after 24.

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VS 2005 - Result After Calculation (Addition Or Subtraction) Zero

Oct 14, 2011

I got a problem with my calculation .The problem is after addition and subtraction calculation I only get result or answer 0, .There are not a correct answer. I try to change the datatype of the variable to decimal and double but answer is still 0.

Here is my coding.
Private Sub btnadditionprice_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnadditionprice.Click
Dim sum6, sum9 As Decimal
sum6 = Val(Me.ItemPriceTextBox.Text) + Val(Me.txtadditionprice.Text)
[Code] .....
Answer which got is 0.000

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