Blend Two Images Together With A Varying Amount Of Transparency Using A Scroll Bar

Sep 2, 2009

I want to do is blend two images together with a varying amount of transparency using a scroll bar/trackbar. In software I can do it by drawing an image into a picture box and blending another image on top with a varying amount of transparency but it is using gdi which of course is very slow. I would have thought that it should be very easy with fairly basic modern graphics cards but I am so bogged down with examples of how to draw fancy rotating rectangles etc with direct x that I can't see through it all. Should I look at directdraw, direct3d, opengl?

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Panels, Background Images And Transparency GUI?

Jan 2, 2011

Has anyone else had this problem in VB.Net (I'm using VS 2008)?Basically I have several panels in a form, and the form has one background image (a gradient) while the panels have a different background image for themselves. Now, when I place a couple of labels and a button in the panels, and set the background of the labels to transparent (so that the background image of the panel is shown as the background of the labels in question) while running the application the form and panels kind of "flash" (a very short and fast white flash, like from a camera) the whole window for a couple of seconds (continuously), after which they do several refreshes of their text and background.

The problem only happens in Vista and Windows 7, XP seems to be not affected. Is this fixable? I thought it may be a problem with my display drivers (as it's not happening in my XP installation), but I saw the same problem happen on a video review of my application at CNET, so I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with the GUI?

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Scroll Images In Panel?

Apr 16, 2009

I wantt o scroll images up & down,I found the foll code that uses APi to scrool.[code]....

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.NET PictureBox Scroll Through Images In A Folder?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a pictureBox on my form along with two buttons (Back and Forward) but I can not find a viable method of doing what I wish to do: Scrolling through images in a folder like the default Windows Picture Viewer does with Arrow Keys.Is there an efficient way to do this?

I'm using Visual Basic .NET with Visual Studio 2010, if that matters.

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Picturebox Transparency - App Has Scrolling Images In The Background And A Picturebox On Top

Feb 28, 2009

My app has scrolling images in the background and a picturebox on top. The image in the picturebox has transparent parts. How can It so that the transparent parts show whatever is belo the picture box, not the form background? I have tried taking screenshots and positioning them as background but this just freezes the app.

Dim ScreenSize As Size = New Size(154, 83)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(154, 83)
Dim blank As New Bitmap(100, 300)


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VS 2005 : Add The Amount Column Of The Dgv And Display The Total Amount In The Textbox?

Jan 21, 2010

i have a datagridview binded with the datatable via its datasource i want to add the Amount column of the dgv and display the total amount in the textbox,if the amount is greater than a certain value then i want the cell to coloured red so i did this code and it worked great:

Dim i, j As Integer
For i = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
j += Me.DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells("Amount").Value


but my problem is that i want the red colour of the cell to blinkafter every 2 to do this?i need to handle the timer tick event for this but i am not able to do this.....

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Cover X Amount Off Nautical Miles At X Amount Off Knots?

May 4, 2010

im trying to make a simple program that calculates the time it takes to cover x amount off nautical miles at x amount off knots, the code i have so far is this :

Code:Public Class Form1 Private Sub Label2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label2.Click
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


so if i say want to cruise 29 miles at 12 knts it gives me an awnser of 2 hours 24.6 mins instead of 2 hours 25. Although i do realise that 2 hrs 24.6 is technicaly right i was wondering if anyone here could help me with getting it into the correct format?

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Get Amount Of Money User Has And Doesnt Go Over Amount Hechecked

Jun 7, 2011

im trying to make a fast food program on which the user will input the amount that he has, then he will check on what he wants, by using check boxes. There are 7 different check boxes with 7 different amounts of money. I have the program somewhat finished (thanks for the people that helped me before) but theres still a couple of things that I still need to get finished but I dont know how to.I need to be able to get how much money the user has (this will be entered threw a text box, I think I accidentally messed this part up, because I cant get it to work right, (theres alreasy a permit amount of money in there and it needs to be what the user enters instead of the permit, 5.59, one) and this will be the maximum amount he can spend, then the user will check on the food he wants (and the program will add the sales tax also) then it will produce an answer saying if you have enough money or if you dont. But what im confused on is how do I get the users amount of money and make it the maximum mount he can spend and make sure it doesnt go over the amount that he has checked.[code]

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Coversion Of Amount In Figures To Amount In Words

Nov 25, 2009

I am working in a point of sale system in Vb express 2008. I want to convert the Amount in Figures to Words like: How to conver the amount of $ 1,550,325.45 to Amount in words as DOLLARS: ONE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND FORTY FIVE CENTS.

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Coversion Of Amount In Figures To Amount In Words?

Nov 25, 2009

I am working in a point of sale system in Vb express 2008.I want to convert the Amount in Figures to Words like:How to conver the amount of $ 1,550,325.45 to Amount in words as DOLLARS: ONE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND FORTY FIVE CENTS.Please advise how to code for that in Vb express.

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How To Use WPF And Expression Blend

Mar 17, 2012

Does anyone know any good places to learn how to use WPF and Expression blend ?

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Wiring Up Blend 3 With VB?

Aug 2, 2010

All I am trying to do is get my dumb button I created in Blend 4 work on a _Click event. I have the C# equivalent code, but I can't get it converted correctly...Here are both codes...I am using VS2010 just in case you want to know..

C# Code
namespace TestButton1
public partial class MainWindow:Window


As soon as I can get this very first initialization down, I know I can get the rest of the events written fine.

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Calculate The Amount To Save Up To A Certain Amount?

Mar 13, 2011

how to calculate the amount needed to save up to a certain amount.

Private Sub btnCalc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalc.Click
Dim dblSavings As Double
Dim dblFuture As Double


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Any Way To Blend Several Pictures (Textures) Together

Jul 4, 2009

I'm trying to blend a few textures together to "bake" the final texture. Since I need the actual resulting bitmap, I don't think I can/want to do this using DirectX or OpenGL. I have:
- 4 Textures (RGB, 2048x2048): t0, t1, t2, t3
- 3 Alphamaps (ARGB, the RGB value is irrelevant, 64x64): a1, a2, a3

Here's what I currently do for each pixel (in simplified notation):
FinalColor = ((t0 * (1 - a1) + t1 * a1) * (1 - a2) + t2 * a2) * (1 - a3) + t3 * a3

This works fine, however, it takes forever, because I have to iterate over a 2048x2048 image pixel by pixel. Is there a more elegant way to solve this (i.e. using graphics.drawimage or something like it, but then, how?) How can I scale to Alphamap up with bilinear/bicubic interpolation (without having to do it pixel by pixel)? I currently use the original resolution, but that leads to rather visible transitions.

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Wpf - DataTriggers In Expression Blend?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a listbox that displays Shipment Items (custom class) that are formatted using a datatemplate (see below). There is a border element in the template (I am calling it a Gem) that displays which item is active (not selected) which will be the item to which products will be added.


There is a boolean property in the shipment class (Active) which is set in a click event handler for the Gem element. Normally the Gem is supposed to be dark as in the first image, then lit when active. I have a DataTrigger set up in the DataTemplate to handle the change in the color of the Gem.

<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Active}" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="ActiveGem" Property="Background">


The Gems do not return to their unlit state (which they never were in the first place). They only remain lit.

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Control Inheritance With Blend In Silverlight 3

Apr 7, 2010

i would like to create a custom base class for some of my UserControls. Doing this in VS2008 is fine and compiles as expected, but when i edit the control in Blend 3 the base class in the blabla.g.vb is always changed back to System.Windows.Controls.UserControl.


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Get The First Digit From An Integer Of Varying Length?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a function which takes in an integer value. I want to be able to grab the first digit (or the first and second digits in some cases) of this integer and do something with it.What is the best way in VB.NET to get the first digit of an integer (or the first and second)?

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Indexing Down A Varying Length List?

Jan 23, 2011

I run a "make table" query to gather some numbers from a database. I then display a list that contains the numbers that I have gathered. The list will very from 1 number up to 20 numbers. I then want to run a report (print it, not display) using each number in the list. When I get to the end of the list I want to stop and close the list. I can do this if my list were say 10 numbers long each time but the list varies. The below is what I have. I repeat this 20 times(changing the # in the () ) to cover the list if it returns 20 but I want to stop if it is shorter than 20.

List0.Set Focus
DoCmd.GoToControl List0.Name
List0.Selected(0) = True
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPM SORT REPORT"

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Use A Control Created In Blend To Application?

Apr 17, 2009

I have created an animated button using Microsoft Blend 2I want to use it in my windows application

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Forms - MaskedTextBox For Varying Currency Amounts

Mar 4, 2009

I am working on a VB application in Visual Studio 2005. I have a number of fields where the user needs to enter currency amounts. I am using a MaskedTextBox with the following currency mask. msktxtAssessedVal.Mask = "$ #######.99"

The problem that I am having is that when the users type in the value, the cursor always starts at the leftmost position and appears to force that many digits. The typical data values can vary anywhere between 9,999,999.99 and 20,000.00. If the users do NOT have a value that has 7 digits left of the decimal point, they need to move the cursor to the correct position before they start typing in the value. These users are used to quickly typing in their data, then tabbing to the next field so the current behavior is not acceptable.

Does anyone know if there is a way for the maskedtextbox or any text control to detect where the user types the decimal and format the data accordingly?

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Interface And Graphics :: Blend Edges Of Photos ?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to do for a website. I've got a header banner that is 900px wide, and I want to display 4 random images across the banner. (I've got about 20 photos at this point, and I want the header to select from them.) I can get the code for the random selection, but what I'm looking for is a way to blend about 10 pixels near the overlap. If I have each picture exactly 225px wide, I get a "hard" line between the images. I'd like to make the images a little bit wider and soften the edge by overlapping and blending the images together. I have figured out how to get the image back to the web browser, but I don't even know where to start on trying to figure out the blending. Graphics really aren't my thing.

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Make My Forms Fit Varying Sizes Of Monitors?

Jan 5, 2012

I am looking for a way to make my forms fit varying sizes of monitors. I am guessing that I need to determine the screen size.

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Making An Application Blend In With The Windows Theme?

Oct 8, 2010

Previously I used to piddle around with VB6 to develop a couple of personal projects. Following my upgrade to Windows 7, I've decided to piddle about with Express Edition 2010.If I wanted my VB6 application to blend in with the visual style of Windows, I would use the code and techniques described here. In short, I would use a Manifest file and a couple of calls within the application and most of the elements would look similar to the XP theme applied. If it was run on 2000, 95 or 98 then it would look like a standard Windows app. All was good.

Now I've moved onto, I've written a simple "Hello, world" application but I have absolutely no idea on how to make it look like the Windows 7 theme (eg. the font matches the system font and the widgets are styled correctly).Just changing the font is a hack and will look out of place on machines that are set-up differently or run a different version of Windows where the default font is different.How do I ensure my application matches the applied Windows theme irrespective of the version of Windows?

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Simulate A Keyboard Shortcut In Expression Blend / WPF?

Sep 29, 2008

I have a project, in which a user can click a button- even if he's using different program- that button in the program will simulate a keyboard shortcut and and use it in that current program he's using.


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Varying Quantity And Moving Data From One Table To Another

Nov 21, 2011

Currently I have two tables in a Database (Temp, Main), currently I have four fields in Temp(ID, Qty, LastDate, AddRem), and Three in Main, (ID, Qty, LastDate). I have the program set up to enter in all the information minus AddRem into Temp, then my thought was to either tag the item to remove, or add to the Main table. I'm assuming this could be done by import then update, however every avenue I've attempted has been meet with Exception errors.For the add/remove field it is linked to a Combo Box, which brings me to my other question, how would you link a specific field to say hey if it's this option then add, and if's the other remove?

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Tab Control Scrolling - Middle Mouse Wheel Doesn't Scroll The Scroll Bar

May 22, 2012

I have a tab control with two tab pages. One page has the auto scroll enabled since there is to much content in the page. The middle mouse wheel doesn't scroll the scroll bar; I have to actually click and hold the scroll bar and drag it down to scroll. Is there a property to allow this?

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Horizontal Scroll Control - Using It To Scroll A Series Of Panels Across A Form?

Nov 11, 2010

I am having an odd problem with the Horizontal Scroll Control in my program.I am using it to scroll a series of panels across a form.This is my code:

Sub scrHoriz_Scroll(ByVal
sender As[code]....

The problem is that this works perfectly if I use the left and right arrows and it also works perfectly if I use the scroll bar's slider SLOWLY. If I scroll using the slider and move it quickly then the scroll gets out of sync.The small change and large change are both set to 1 and maximum is set to 8

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Making A DataGridView Horizontal Scroll Event Scroll Another Control

Aug 5, 2011

I have a DataGridView with a panel above it, that contains a group of textboxes above each column. My DataGridView has a horizontal scroll bar. What I want to do is when the DataGridView scrolls horizontally, scroll the panel with textboxes above it, so they stay aligned.I tried handling the DataGridView's scroll event, but I'm not sure what to do with it.

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VS 2010 Panel Auto-scroll Will Not Show Vertical Scroll Bar?

Jun 12, 2011

I am loading several command buttons into it (one in each grid box). I have the panel set to autoscroll. When TableLayoutPanel is set to AddColumns, all works well. However, I dont want horizontal scroll, I want vertical. When I set TableLayoutPanel to AddRows, a vertical scrollbar will not appear.

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Convert A Varying Size Byte Array To A String?

Sep 24, 2010

What's the best way to convert a varying size byte array to a string, and then to convert it back?

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