Bring All User Emails From The Server?

Jul 6, 2011

I want to make a feature in it that bring all user emails from the server that added to his messenger to be added to the app in order to uses them in sending messages after that

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How To Bring All Senders Emails From Email Account To Textbox1

Jul 8, 2011

I need to know how to bring all senders emails from my email account to Textbox1 with (;) between them to send them email message later?

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Bring To Front And Bring To Back For Dynamically Created Controls?

Jan 16, 2009

windows VB 2005 datagridview I have a datagridview created dynamically, added to the form using controls.add()when I press enter key in a cell a list appears also generated dynamically and added to the form using controls.add().Ok. when it works fine. But the list view appears behind the grid - I want to appear the list view infront of the gridview

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Communications :: Reading Exchange Server Emails?

Oct 28, 2004

I am writing an application to grab attachments from messages in a particular folder in an Exchange server account and then process them. The processing of the attachments should be no problem, but what I don't know how to do is to connect to the Exchange server and access the messages.

What I would like to know is what references and imports I need, and how to access the various objects in the object model. I have been looking at CDO already, but I have had problems finding help on the Internet that is relevant to VB.NET.

For example, I'd like to know how to create the Exchange object, log in and navigate to the folder that has the relevant messages in it.

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Retrieve Latest's Emails From A POP3 Server?

Apr 3, 2012

I was recently working on a project that involving connection to a POP3 Server. I was using this piece of C# from CodeProject[URL] had complied it into a DLL and was using it in VB.NET.I'd connected to my Hotmail Account (not many mails) and it seems to work just fine. After that, I connected to my GMail account... I stared seeing errors!POP3 is meant to fetch emails only from the Inbox. Even when I made my own program to cross-check the problem, I saw that when I requested for the number of messages, the GMail POP3 Server returned a value which is about 5 times less than the actual inbox size.

255 Emails in my Inbox?? Online it shows me 2,414 emails in my Inbox.And secondly, my MAIN QUESTION is that how does one fetch the LATEST email from the POP3 Mailbox. What I've fetched here was an e-mail with ID 1! I want to fetch the top 20 emails (that were most recently delivered to the account)...Is there any work around for how to fetch the LATEST email from the POP3 Server rather than the oldest emails? I've also tried to connect to the Hotmail POP3 Mail Server. Again a "RETR 1" command fetches me the oldest email and not the latest one!

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Send EMails Anonymously Through An SMTP Server?

Jun 5, 2009

Apparently these two thing don't really have anything to do with eachother.Is there a way to send EMails anonymously through an SMTP Server?

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Vb2008 Code To Send Exchange Server Emails?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm trying to do what it says in the title. I don't even need to send a message body, just the subject will do. The full code with imports and references would be a

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Bring An Item To Front, Instead Of Having To Click On "bring Back" The Items Not Wanted?

Jun 1, 2011

Is there an easy way to bring an item to front, instead of having to click on "bring back" the items not wanted?Clickcing on it in the property window should show it, now nothing happens

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Emails Going To Recepients Outside The Exchange Server Domain Crash The Program?

Mar 17, 2011

I've written a program that writes and sends spreadsheet attachments to our customers. Because our customers are outside the domain of the Ex. Server when it gets to the smtp.Send(oMsg) statement (see below)the program crashes.I can use a gmail account without incident but that's less than perfect.

Sub Send_EmailMessageExchange(ByVal
_from As[code]......

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Extract All Emails From An Internet Page In To Textbox And Delete Duplicated Emails If Found?

Jul 6, 2011

I want to extract all emails from an internet page in to textbox with (;) between each one and anotherand delete deplicated emails if found .

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How To Extract All Friends' Emails In Facebook And Delete Deplicated Emails If Found

Jul 6, 2011

Iam so beginner Iam working on 2005 How to extract all my friends' emails in facebook and delete deplicated emails if found?

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VS 2008 Multi-User Chat Program (Server & Client) With Main Server?

Aug 10, 2009

Multi-User Chat Program (Server & Client) with Main Server?

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Error Login Failed For User ''. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted Sql Server Connection

Oct 2, 2008

Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;uid=;pwd=;database=ContactManager")

Above is my connection string, The programs runs up until sqlConn.Open() and then i get the same error, using no UID and Pass, or using a uid and pass.

Login Failed For User ''. The user is not associated with a trusted sql server connection

I have the SQL Servers authentication se to Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005.

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Login Failed For User ' '. The User Is Not Associated With A Trusted SQL Server Connection

Jul 29, 2011

i am having a console application. I am trying to connect to a sql server.

my connection string: Data Source=<Some server>;Initial Catalog=<some database>;Trusted_Connection=True.

when i am executing on my local machine it runs successfully. But when i am trying to run it on a server it is giving me the following error:

Login failed for user ' '. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

do i have to change my connection string? if so what it should be?

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C# - Server To Server File Transfer Without Any User Interaction?

Feb 16, 2011

In my scenario, users are able to upload zip files to a.[url]....I would love to create a "daemon" which in specified time intervals will move-transfer any zip files uploaded by the users from a[url].....From the info i gathered so far,

The daemon will be an .ashx generic handler.

The daemon will be triggered at the specified time intervals via a plesk cron job

The daemon (thanks to SLaks) will consist of two FtpWebRequest's (One for reading and one for writing).

how could i implement step 3?

Do i have to read into to a memory() array the whole file and try to write that in ?

How could i write the info i read to b[url].....?

Could i perform reading and writing of the file at the same time? No i am not asking for the full code, i just can figure out, how could i perform reading and writing on the fly, without user interaction.I mean i could download the file locally from and upload it at but that is not the point.

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VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

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How To Bring Web CamCapture

Jun 2, 2011

can anyone tell me how to bring the WebCamCapture in visual basic 2008.the attached project is one i got from that WebCamCapture is something which i cant find also i cant bring that into a new project

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Bring App Window On Top?

Dec 2, 2009

I am writing a Windows Forms application. It takes a couple of minutes for the app to finish processing some data. After that time I want to put application's window above all other windows on the desktop.


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Create Sql Server User?

Jun 17, 2009

Create Sql Server User

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Bring A MsgBox To The Front

Oct 13, 2008

The current project i am working on runs in the system tray most of the time, but at certain events it shows up some MsgBox's, but unforunately these are always in the background and i sometimes miss them due to this.Is there any way to make the MsgBox come to the front when it pops up?Using VB08 and am fairly inexperienced.

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Bring Back And UP Not Working?

Dec 12, 2009

When i try to bring a panel down it wont go down but when i bring a panel up it goes up but never goes down.

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Bring DataTable To Listview?

Oct 8, 2011

Im using 2003 and working desktop application.I want to bring DataTable data to list view where their columns are already added.We want to jus point the index to arrange data.

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Bring Different Application To Front?

May 27, 2012

i have searched quite a bit around several places and anything i tried just didnt do what i needed,i need to bring an Application to the front of the desktop, or any other open application and enter text,for an example i have notepad up, i want it to bring it to the front and have it type something,

Edits: its a Windows Application, Not a Console Writeline

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Bring Values From One Form To Another?

Apr 7, 2011

How do you bring values from one form to another? Ive a car price which i need to carry over to another form as i have check boxes which if selected will change the price.


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Bring Window To Foreground?

Oct 15, 2009

I am trying to use appactivate to bring a window to the foreground however this is not working. When the program is already open on the desktop and there are other windows on top of it and I use AppActivate then it brings that window into the foreground. However if that window is minimized to the windows bar below, then the only thing appactivate does is have that program selected but it does not bring it into the foreground. I need to have any window forced to the foreground while retaining its original size.

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C# - How To Bring A Message Box Window

Mar 20, 2011

In VB one can easily do this to bring up a Message box:


How to achieve the same in C#?

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Can't Bring Application To Top Using SetWindowPos()

Mar 7, 2009

I'm getting the error 1400 on this script using PowerBuilder 9 uint l_handle l_handle = handle(w_main) integer lb_setpos integer errlb_setpos = SetWindowPos(l_handle, -1,0,0,0,0,67) err = GetLastError() // this returns err = 1400 lb_setpos = lb_setposlb_setpos = SwitchToThisWindow(l_handle, true) /// this works fine so I think the handle isn't the problem.

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How To Bring A Control To The Front

Oct 2, 2010

I have created a program that forms in a panel will be shown (control add). But how can I run-time form an over all other forms when I bring the number of the control panel in the know?

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How To Bring A Form Into Second Z Possition

Jun 25, 2009

im looking for a way to bring a form into second "z" position. wow this question is hard to ask. in other words i have two windows one that is a main editing window and a second one that is behind that one. the reason for this is that the first is partially clear with extended windows aero glass and the window behind offers a purely for design aspect to it. the probem is that when you have multiple windows open such as a webbrowser and my program (for you multitaskers) when the webbrowser window comes to focus as the top window then you click on my window and it becomes top window the webbrowser is now stuck in between my windows. so is there a code to make all other windows on you desktop be sent to the back except for a certin one. or a code to bring a window to the second "z" possition as in not the front but back one?

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How To Bring Form In Front Of Another

Apr 10, 2010

This is the
Private Sub OptionsToolStripMenuItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
What I am trying to do is when you click on "options" In toolstripMenu. Then the "Options" form comes up in front of the Form1. Where Form1 is the Webbrowser Window Itself. This code doesn't work...

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