C# - Change Javascript Before It's Executed

Jun 15, 2012

I want to open a website, change its javascript, then show the website + execute my changed js.

1) Is this possible?

2) How is this possible? ( VB.net, C#, FF + Addons )

EDIT: To your better understanding, I just want the js to be just changed for my browser output!

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Will The "New" Bit Only Be Executed Once When The Function Is First Executed But In The Next Call, It Will Already Exist

Sep 27, 2009

I used to write this:

Private Sub Example()
Static CachedPeople As List(Of MyApp.Person)
If CachedPeople Is Nothing Then


But then wondered if I could reduce this to:

Private Sub Example()
Static CachedPeople As New List(Of MyApp.Person)
...rest of code...
End Sub

will the "New" bit only be executed once when the function is first executed but in the next call, it will already exist.

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Javascript Code Constantly Changes And The Url Itself Will Change ?

Sep 13, 2010

I have built a web browser and my new window function is working great, it allows me to open popups that use normal https links without a hassle. But I am having some problems when the links contain java code (like the one below:


The reason why this operation fails because the string that is being passed to the Navigate method is not an actual URL.It is apiece of Javascript code which needs Javascript engine to process it firstly. Apparently, Webbrowser.Navigate() does not have this functionality,so it fails. If you simply put the string in IE�s address bar and press enter, IE will also not able to open it. The reason why it does work if you access the HTML page in IE and click the hype link is because this will make IE to use Javascript engine to process the code.

Since the API(Webbrowser.Navigate) does not have the functionality to process Javascript code,build up my own code to process the string which you get by using the GetAttribute method. The code reads the string and finds the actual URL and passes it to the Navigate method.

The only problem is that the javascript code constantly changes (varies upon what link is opening) and the url itself will change depending on what the link is linking to! Below is the code that I use at the moment to get the full link .finding the actual URL in the javascript even with the javascript differing from link to link).

Dim myElement As HtmlElement = CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Document.ActiveElement
Dim address As String = myElement.GetAttribute("href")

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Asp.net - Change Javascript To Update Panel

Apr 2, 2012

I have JavaScript that works excellently but I need to change it to Update Panel and I can't get it to still work properly. What I want it to do is if it selects 1 in the first dropdown, pick c in the second dropdown. I am using asp.net vb.


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Javascript - Change Hue Or Color Of A PNG With ASP.Net/jQuery

Jun 2, 2012

I'm working on a web page that takes multiple PNG images and merges them into one image so the user can download the flat image. I would like to add a hue or color adjustment (like color balance in photoshop) so I can adjust the different PNG image layers without having to create a separate image for each hue. Right now I'm using ASP.net/VB.net and some jQuery and the System.Drawing.Image method to merge the images. I can't seem to find any information on doing this for the web without using silverlight or flash and I do not want to use either.

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C# - Change Size Of Image Control In Javascript?

Jul 24, 2009

I want to change the size of the images in javascript onmouseover.Dim files As String() = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Folder1/Folder2/"), "*.jpg")

For Each File As String In files
File = File.Substring(File.LastIndexOf("/") + 1, File.Length)
'Response.Write(File & "<br>")
File = File & "~/Folder1/Folder2/"


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Javascript - Checkbox.checked Change When Adding New Dynamic Row

Apr 26, 2011

I am working on a little project and am having some issues with a checkbox. I am adding a number of checkboxes to an ASP table via code by adding rows and columns dynamically. This all works fine except for when I go to check them based on loading a preexisting record. For some reason some of the checkboxes are getting set to TRUE when the new row is added to the table. [Code]

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Javascript - TinyMCE Textarea Change Not Recognized By CodeBehind?

Nov 23, 2010

I have several <asp:TextBox TextMode="MultiLine"> elements on a page. On load, I populate them (through the VB code behind), and then turn them into TinyMCE editors (through the Query TinyMCE plugin). Each text box also has a button associated with it, with the purpose of submitting the text back to the code behind for insertion into a database.I discovered earlier that when the submit button is clicked, I have to "save" the contents of the editor to the text box, but that is not my problem. Even after I've done so, the edits are not showing up in the code behind.As I've mentioned, I'm using jQuery. Here is my click handler. Keep in mind that all buttons are submit buttons in ASP.NET, hence the submit class:

$('input.submit').live('click', function() {


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JavaScript - Change Image Source Based On DropdownList Selection

Nov 23, 2010

I want to be able to change an image depending on what is selected in the drop down box. I have this JS code to change the image. Simplified of course.

<script type="text/javascript">
function changeImage() {
var oDDL = document.all("ddlNAME");
var NAME= oDDL.options[oDDL.selectedIndex].text;
switch(NAME) {
[Code] .....

When I call this function I do it in my DDL implementation.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlNAME" runat="server" OnTextChanged="changeImage()" >

But for some reason the changeImage() is not firing. It is giving me an error saying
'changeImage' is not a member of 'ASP.default_aspx'

View 7 Replies

Javascript - Server Side Read Label Client Change

Jun 3, 2012

I've got a bunch if labels that are changed as a user inputs data into a form of mine. The Labels are changes with js on the client side. I then after all the submission are in put use a vb script to pull the string values from these labels. The problem is the vb net part is not reading the new values of these labels. Anyway I can get it to read the new values? I have over 40 labels.


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Javascript - Make A Select Option Change Options In Another Select?

Oct 3, 2011

I have two drop down. SelCurrentManuf and selCurrentModel. I want the option in selCurrentModel to change depending on the option selected in selCurrentManuf. How do i do it?

<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="selCurrentManuf"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="selCurrentModel"></asp:DropDownList>

This is how i am currently populating selCurrentModel

Public Sub PopulateCurrentModel()
Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM Model where ManufID = "+ selCurrentManuf.Text+";"
Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(Session("localConn"))


but it only populates the first selected manuf, and doesnt change after

Private Sub selCurrentManuf_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles selCurrentManuf.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub

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Javascript - Change Values In Combo Box By Selection In First Combo Box?

Jan 12, 2012

I've got some code like the following. I want it so that when I chose an item in 'select 1' it changes the in the second combo box but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Does it have to be AJax or can it be done with just Javascript?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Code Is Not Being Executed

Jul 4, 2012

My problem is that some code I enter will not be executed. Here is an example of my Form Load event. If i debug the code then the first two lines are executed. The MsgBox won't be executed though. or anything else after it. My programm does run perfectly. But i cant make any changes anymore It's driving me nuts, I don't have the faintest Idea what could be wrong. I sent the code to a friend and he isn't having any problems at all. We both use win7 64bit (he has ultimate, i have home) [code]

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Only One Form Is Getting Executed?

May 28, 2010

I am developing a window application. I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and Mysql Database. The problem is, only one form is getting executed when I try to debug.I have changed the startup form to other forms(from a list of existing forms), but still that same old form is getting executed, even if I delete that form or exclude it from the project, it still keeps on executing.

Where this form is stored?(I deleted it from the folder where all other forms exist)

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What's The Value Of This Code When Executed

Mar 23, 2010

For intOuterCount = 1 to 5
For intInnerCount = 1 to 4
intTotalCount +=1

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C# - Show Hide Using Javascript On A Control Inside A ASCX Control In A Gridview (ASP.NET + Javascript)

Oct 8, 2010

I have written a web usercontrol (ascx). Inside, there is a Panel that I want to show/hide on click of a hyperlink inside the usercontrol. Normally, this is easy just by doing something like this (the onclick attribute is added to the hyperlink on prerender):


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ACCESS SQL: Nz() Function Executed From VBD?

Apr 8, 2012

Possible Duplicate: Convert Null to zero in access databaseI'm using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express to create ASP/VB.NET page to connect with a Microsoft office Access 07. Here's my issue:

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Code Being Executed But Not Being Able To Debug It

Jul 30, 2009

I have a hashtable of a class that contains a timer. When this timer elapses x amount of time, it calls a subroutine within the class. This subroutine calls several other functions and subroutines and then its done until the timer elapses again. Now one of the subroutines updates a label on the form and i can see that happening when its supposed to. There is another subroutine that should be updating another label but it is not. I believe this would be a simple correction but when i set a debug point on the routine it does not work. I'm not going to post the code for this as it is hundreds of lines of code and its probably just a configuration in the IDE that got changed somehow.

I run break points around the rest of the project just fine, even in other classes that use timers. Does anyone else have this problem of code being executed but not being able to debug it?

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Code To Be Executed On One Form First

Jul 26, 2010

I have a project with 2 forms. I need the code to be executed on one form first, which is why it is run first, then I want to hide it and just display the user interface form. I have the following code, it makes both forms appear, but I only want the user display form to show: [code] I call both these subs in the frmLoad of the Processing form.

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How Many Times Is The Loop Executed

May 6, 2009

i = 5, j = 15
do while (i<j)
end while

how many times is the loop executed? is this 4?

final value of i? 9?
final value of j? 10?

when would you do a do while versus a for next loop?if the upperbound of a one dimensional array is 10, what is the size of the array? 11?CAN I GET HELP WITH THIS

dim x(20,2), y(20,2) as integer
dim i as integer
for i = 4 to 12 step 4


how many times is the loop executed? 3?what is the value of i after the code is executed?if x and y are dimensioned as dim x(10),y(10,2) as integer, what would happen in the code?

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VS 2008 How To Hide An Executed Exe

Dec 29, 2010

Basically i know this sounds like its malicious but its not

Im trying to create a GUI for a console application but everytime a process is carried out the CMD window appears directly over then application.

Process.Start(fnvLocation.Text, "push " & recDir.Text & "Data.zip /data/local/rmo.zip")

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Do All ElseIf Get Executed After One Has Been Found True

Jan 14, 2010

Assume I have an If-ElseIf decision to make. Do all ElseIf's get executed after one has been found true? [Code] Obviously that is not a real subroutine but I wrote that just to clarify what I'm asking. When this is run, on the second ElseIf the value is equal to 5 so whatever is inside that ElseIf would execute. Once that happens do the following ElseIf's get checked or does the program immediately go to the End If?

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Ensure That Statements Are Executed In Order?

Mar 10, 2011

I have the following code which is part of a PA Call system: The 'SetPTT' nd 'DisableZones' statements set controls on the form where the code is. The LAPG2Coms.SetZones command starts another project within the solution to control an external controller. What I can't understand is why it executes the LAPG2 statement before SetPTT or DisableZones. The LAPG2 statement for messages is in the PlayMessage Procedure


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Form Load Not Fully Executed?

Apr 25, 2010

i got this window is in an mdi form and the form_load event is not fully executed, im on window 7 x64 VB 2008. Here is the code of the form load event
Private Sub frmGestion_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

bd.connexion("TacoBD.mdb") bd.ChargerDataset("tblModelAutoLuxe", "SELECT * FROM tblModelAutoLuxe") For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 lstVehiculesLuxe.Items.Add(bd.dsTaco.Tables(0).Rows(ctr).Item(0)) Next bd.ChargerMarques("tblModelAuto") bd.Deconnexion() For ctr As Integer = 0 To bd.dsMarques.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1


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Get Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Be Executed On Load?

Jul 5, 2006

What is the method to not allow combobox SelectedIndexChanged to be executed on load. and only make it to be executed when a "USER" changes the selection value.

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Loops - How Many Times Is The Loop Executed

May 6, 2009


how many times is the loop executed? what is the value of i after the code is executed? if x and y are dimensioned as dim x(10),y(10,2) as integer, what would happen in the code? what would happen in the code if the first statement was for i = 14 to 12 step 4?

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Methods Are Executed When A Form Closed?

Apr 21, 2009

I want to add some action to my form when it is closed by clicking on the "X" button in the upper right corner of the form.How is this done? I suspect that i must add a handler for some event, but which event is it?

Currently i am using the closing event, but i dont get it to work properly.

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Record All Lines Of Code Being Executed?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a form that on load keeps closing without any errors... I have no clue what it wrong with it. How can I record all the lines of code being executed so that I can find out why it is closing. There are no errors or me.closes.

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SQL Query : What If Two Queries Were Executed At The Same Time

Jun 18, 2012

Sample Table
Job_ID Job_Name Status
1 TEST00001 FOR KE
2 TEST00002 FOR KE


I have sql query that will get a jobname where status is equal to 'FOR KE' and I have multiple users that will query that.Now, what if two queries was executed at the same time? Will the two users get the same jobname? How can I avoid that?

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VS 2010 Deleted Code Still Executed?

Nov 19, 2010

does anyone know how to solve this kind of issue?if i add code to an existing code in my control/function/subroutine it will not executed and also if i delete some existing code in my program the code is still executed even though i delete it..

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