C# - Preserving "whitespace" Inside Tags?

Mar 25, 2009

Is it possible to preserve whitespace inside tags? I am accessing XML nodes (containing XHTML content) in an XPathDocument using a XPathNodeIterator.Some of the tags in the nodes are not "strict" XHTML (and this is allowed in the final output of the tool). Some nodes contain image tags without the trailing space.

<img src="filename.png" alt="description"/>

When i store the resulting nodes they get nicely formatted with the trailing space.

<img src="filename.png" alt="description" />


As a temporary work-around i added a few regular expressions (comparing new and previous versions of the nodes) to search for and fix the "differences" introduced by parsing the XML with .NET

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Replace Whitespace Between HTML Tags?

Jan 15, 2009

Is there any way in VB.NET to remove all of the whitespaces between tags in HTML? Say, I've got this:


The string I've built is an entire HTML document, and it counts everything before those tags as legitimate space, so I need to trim it out. Is there a reg ex or function out there I could use to do this?

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What Is The 'whitespace' ASCII Or Unicode Character In System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (whitespace)

Nov 4, 2009

I would like to pass a whitespace character by using the System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(" "), and System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(" ") , where " " is the whitespace Character required. What do I need to type (" ") to get a whitespace character passed.?

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Finding Tags Inside Of A Tag?

Aug 8, 2011

Im trying to find a tag inside of a tag, so far ive gotten this, but i have no idea how to find another tag inside.There are multiple li tags with data inside so once it find the li tag that equals "a username" i want to click the button tag under it.

If (WebBrowser1.Document IsNot Nothing) Then
Dim Elems As HtmlElementCollection
Dim WebOC As WebBrowser = WebBrowser1


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2008 : Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags, Title Tags, Td Class, Meta Tags Etc?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection
If curElement.GetAttribute("href").Contains("http://twitter.com/") Then


Try to extract all the keywords from the title, body etc. for this page:[URL] and send it to separate textboxes (title keywords in textbox1, meta tags in textbox2 etc.).

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Extracting Parsing Keyword Tags / Title Tags / Td Class / Meta Tags

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to analyze web pages for seo. I'm trying to create my own personal tool to extract all the keywords and tags from web pages (a little clearer).I already know how to extract or parse links and text from web pages. The issue is that I tried to implement title tags, body tags or keyword tags in general via using the following code:[code]

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.net - LINQ-to-XML Selecting Tags Inside The Root?

May 12, 2012

I'm trying to learn the query structure. I have the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<due>07 May 2012</due>


And I'm trying to delete <item> elements with a query:

Dim DeleteItems = From e In Root.Elements("list") Where e.Element("name").Value = Text

However it isn't working. I think it's trying to select tags called <item> in the file's root, however it needs to be selecting <item> tags in the <list> element - which I don't know how to do.

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Visual Basic 2008 Extracting Div Tags, Extracting Title Tags, Extracting Keyword Tags, Parsing Div Tags?

Nov 7, 2009

I was just wondering how to extract or parse any particual tags (whichever I specify) from webpages. I know how to extract text and links from webpages, but I tried to use the same method from the following code for div tags, title tags etcetera and it doesn't seem to work:


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VS 2008 Get Text Inside Tags In Web Response And Put It In Textbox?

Jun 22, 2011

my problem is how do i parse or get the text inside the tag ex. <c1>a</c1> <c2>b</c2> from web response and put it into the textbox?

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XML To Variables - Setting Label To Equal Text Inside Tags

Jul 29, 2009

I have an xml document on the internet right. Lets say it contains:
What I want to do, is when the user clicks a button in my vb form it looks for the "tag" tag and finds the text inside the tags which is goose. Then it sets a label to equal goose, or whats in those tags.

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VS 2010 Get Whats Inside The <title>My Data</title> Tags

Dec 19, 2010

Im am trying to get whats inside the <title>My Data</title> tags, however the results i pull back are not whats in the title tags..

Dim myMatch As Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(My_Text, "<(?<title>w*)>(?<text>.*)</k<title>>")
If myMatch.Success Then


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VS 2005 - Returned Strings To Be Like When Reads Tags Of Mystrings1 And Mystrings2 While Ignore Other Tags

Apr 23, 2012

With my code as I have a trouble with the returned strings that I have extracted from my php source to add the strings in my listview.

I'm reading the tags of mystrings1 and mystrings2 for each paragraph from the php source. I got the returned strings which it looks like this:


<p id='mystrings1'>my strings</p> | <a href="http://xfvasfasfasfasf">Link</a> </td> | <a href="delete.php?id=0">Delete</a> </td> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>

I want the returned strings to be like this when I reads the tags of mystrings1 and mystrings2 while ignore the other tags.


<p id='mystrings1'>my strings</p> | <span id="mystrings2">Enabled</td>

Here's the

Public Sub timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
timer1.Enabled = False


Do you know how I can ignore the other tags when I get the returned strings of mystrings1 and mystrings2?

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Add Tags From Images And Search For It By 'tags' Such As Photobucket

Jun 21, 2010

I am planning to create a system for my case study wherein i can Add tags from images and search for it by "tags" such as photobucket. For example i open an image to my system, and it's file name was "WhiteHouse.jpg" and i added or tagged it as "Building". Once i search on my computer, and type the word/keyword "Building", the image "WhiteHouse.jpg" will be displayed on search results as i tagged it on my system.Is that possible guys? or i can only search by tags using my system/application? and not in the search command in my computer?If it is possible please tell me what to do. or if you have sample vb.net2008(windows Application) files it will be helpful. Or if you have sites related into it. pls send me those links, especially downloadable vb.net files w/ codes for further studying.

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Preserving Variables Through Postback?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm creating a Website and I noticed that when the page reloads due to a postback, My variables all are unloaded so I have a Null variable,

For Example I'd Declare a String With an initial value of "" then later in the code set it to "Some Value", when a button is clicked to cause a postback, this value then becomes "" again

Is there some way to preserve variable so their values remain the same after a postback

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Asp.net - Preserving Dynamic UserControl On PostBack?

Feb 5, 2012

I'm dynamically loading User Controls into a div, which I need to preserve on postback in order to call a Save method once the user is done editing them. The div and all the User Controls have the EnableViewState = True.

ASPX Div Declaration

<div id="dynamicDiv" runat="server" enableviewstate="true">

So... the controls load fine, but I can't find a way to preserver them on postback, I can't reload them because the user has already input data into the usercontrol (which is what I need to save).

P.S. I tried adding them to a list and then adding the list to the ViewState, but I haven't been able to properly serialize the control. I implemented ISerializable for the userControl's code behind but then it says the ASCX is mot marked as serializable with

Type 'ASP.controls_userControlType_ascx' in Assembly 'App_Web_pn5vxhpw, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.

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ITextSharp HTML To PDF Preserving Spaces

Sep 30, 2011

I am using the FreeTextBox.dll to get user input, and storing that information in HTML format in the database.A samle of the user's input is the below: [code] I want the HTMLWorker to perserve the white spaces the users enters, but it strips it out.Is there a way to perserve the user's white space? Below is an example of how I am creating my PDF document. [code]

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Preserving Variables To Use On Multiple Forms?

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to have it so that when a user hits a button to enter a shop, it will open a popup window which will have the shop's goods. The only problem is I can't figure out how to keep the variables working between the two windows.

I need to get the variable 'gold' to transfer to and from form2(the shop window) and whatever is bought at the store to transfer back to the main window.

Right now, when I go to form2 all the values are 0, and all the variables I used on form1 are undeclared on form2.

How do I access variables from form1 to show up in form2? Is there an easier way to accomplish this than using a separate form?

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Casting An Integer To A Single, Preserving Bit Representation?

Jun 24, 2011

Is there a fast way in VB.NET to take a 32-bit int and cast to a 32-bit float while preserving the underlying bit structure? BitConverter will do this, but I'd like to cast it directly without involving byte arrays.

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Hide PictureBox Image While Preserving Imagelocation?

Oct 19, 2009

I'd like to hide the contents of a picturebox while still preserving it's imagelocation, width, height, borderstyle, top, left, and sizemod properties. Is this possible?

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Preserving NULL Values In A Double Variable?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm working on a vb.net application which imports from an Excel spreadsheet.

If rdr.HasRows Then
Do While rdr.Read()
If rdr.GetValue(0).Equals(System.DBNull.Value) Then


But when passing the value to the SQL insert I get: "Nullable object must have a value."


Fixed by changing the datatype of the parameter in the sub I was calling and then using Variable.HasValue to do the conditional DBNull insert.

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Sort A Structure With Preserving The Position Of Similar Numbers?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using structures in my programming and I sort the structure according to a value in the structure using IComparer.This is a simple example for what I want.

Dim MyArray(6) As Integer
MyArray(0) = 1
MyArray(1) = 45


How does number 1 get sorted? Is it brings the newest 1 to top or keeps the old 1in the same index? In my original example (before sorting), MyArray(0) = 1 and after sorting MyArray(0) = 1.Is this the same original 1 or this another 1 (the newest one added to the array) moved to that position?In case the MyArray(0) = 1 after sorting should be MyArray(5) = 1 before sorting.

Here is my a sample of my Code:

Public Structure ToSolve
Dim Con(,) As Integer
Dim Discharge(,) As Double


Using all these methods, how can I preserve the positions of similar number in the list? i.e. I want to bring the newest 'Similar' value to the top of the list.

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Throw An Existing Exception While Preserving Its Stack Trace In VB?

Nov 18, 2011

If I have an existing exception object (I'm not in a catch block, I just happen to have been given an exception object), is there any way (re)throw it while preserving it's stack trace?

The context for asking is that I'm writing a RunWorkerCompleted handler. If an error happened while running the background task, then this will have shown up in the Error property of the RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs. To keep the code simple I want to use the same error handling code to trap this, or any error that happens later during the handler. That means I need code like this:

Private Sub OnDone(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)


I don't think that using an InnerException here (ie. saying something like Throw new Exception(ex)) will work because then I have the problem that my Catch block has no way of knowing whether the exception it's supposed to be handling is the outer one or an inner one. StackOverflow seems to have various similar questions, but I've not found anything that describes this particular situation.

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Whitespace In The Middle In VB?

May 16, 2012

i'm working on a project after returning to coding after four years off and i'm a bit rusty. My problem is that i'm creating a login page and i've got a few people with two last names. in the login box they would put their full name but in the database they have spaces between them. An example would be the name mighel santa anna.


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Office Automation :: Copy Worksheet To Another While Preserving The Original Format

Dec 8, 2009

I am using Visual Studio Professional 2008. I am writing a program in Visual Basic 2008 that copies the Used Range from one worksheet to another worksheet, I am able to achieve this by the following code segment:


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.net - Splitting A String At All Whitespace

Oct 13, 2009

I need to split a string at all whitespace, it should ONLY contain the words themselves. How can I do this in vb.net? Tabs, Newlines, etc. must all be split! This has been bugging me for quite a while now, as my syntax highlighter I made completely ignores the first word in each line except for the very first line.

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Remove Only TRAILING Whitespace?

Nov 7, 2011

I'm having difficulty with some strings of varying 'meaningful' length from a different database (not under my control) that I am trying to trim in my vb.net code.

I only want to remove TRAILING whitespace... therefore, I can't really use .trim method.

The reasoning behind this being that the field sent from the french database usefully uses a <space> to represent a 0 (as you do).

The string is always the same length but the meaningful length can vary, an example being 95WO<space>5CA<space><space><space>...etc

Or it could be this...

<space><space>WO<space><space><space>... etc

Or this...


I've got my methods in place to split the string into pairs and perform various lookups but until I can remove the trailing whitespace I'm a bit stuck

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Trim All Whitespace In An Array

Nov 27, 2009

How do I trim all whitespace in an array?[code]

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.net - Remove Whitespace From Number Within Text

Apr 29, 2009

I have text like this format "term: 156^^^:^^59 datainput" Or "term: 156^^^:59 datainput" or "term: 156:^^^59" The "^" represented white space. Notice the white space between the the two numbers and the colon. There 2, 3, 4 or even 7 white space between the two number. I want to remove these white space so that the text can be in this format:


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Combobox Bound Cant Trim Whitespace?

Oct 20, 2009

Returns a list of customers with whitespace on the end.. very annoying .what can i do to trim in code behind?Also if I bind using the databinding on smart tag is there a way to trim?

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Remove Whitespace When Creating XML File

May 11, 2011

How do I remove new line and whitespace when using xmlWriter to create an XML file? I would like the file to be as small as possible.

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