C# - Save Video From Story Board To Media Library WP7?

Apr 20, 2012

is there a way to capture or to save the story board animation to media library in windows mobile? Currently i am working with an animation which changes the image for every second. How can i save this into a video format??

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What Syntax Use To Buffer Video The Video In Client's Media Player

Jul 12, 2010

i want to buffer a video file on client side when it request.. what syantax i use to buffer the video the video in client's media player

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.net - Find Media Item In WMP Media Library?

Apr 25, 2010

I am messing around with the WMPLib component provided by Windows Media Player 12 (wmp.dll) in VB.NET with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

I am trying to retrieve a media item from my media library based on its name (assuming there are no duplicate names). At the moment, I'm grabbing the entire media library, and looping through every media item, and quitting the loop when I've found the correct media item. This works well (except for when a media item with that name cannot be found), but I was hoping there was a more efficient way of doing this.

Here is my code so far:

Public Class WMPTest
Private myWMP As WMPLib.IWMPCore
Private myMediaCollection As WMPLib.IWMPMediaCollection


So what I really want is a way to optimize findTrack() to do its thing without looping through the entire media library (which could be huge).

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Use Avicap32 To Capture Video With A Web Cam And Save The Video As A Wmv Format Instead Of Avi One?

Oct 20, 2010

is it possible to use avicap32 to capture video with a web cam and save the video as a wmv format instead of avi one

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.Net Video With Windows Media Player?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm having trouble working with VB.Net 2010, I'm trying to have a Windows Media Player video play, and once it ends I want it to go to a new task. But I cannot figure out how to get it to get to that new task in the event that the video ends.

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Media Handler Pro - Images To Video?

Mar 26, 2010

I know Media Handler Pro can convert almost any video type into another (e.g. flv to avi). However, my situation is slightly different. Would it be possible to use Media Handler to encode images into a video. So basically, I have a bit of code in vb.net that captures images in a sequence and stores them in a file. This code only creates bitmaps and saves them though. How would I go about encoding the images into a video file format? In this case I would prefer not to use windows media encoder as that caused me a lot of problems. Unless someone has a fully working tutorial on how to use windows media encoder in .net framework 3.0 (or above) then its not an option.

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Run A Video In A Windows Media Control?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to run a video in a windows media control, like I had before, but for some reason it's not working. I'm not sure why either. As far as I can see I'm doing everything the same as I had for the first video..

first this code runs..


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Library To Play Different Media Types

Jan 26, 2012

I made a program that plays several streams, and radio stations from its online sources. Some streams WMP can play, and some only quicktime can play. Currently, I am using the dll libraries for wmp and quicktime and compiling them with my program. it works but it's very laggy and it causes problems in other computers.So, my question, Do you guys know a library to play most media types? so I would have only one dll file.

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Zoom Video In Window Media Player?

Jul 13, 2009

I want to make window application in which I want zoom in and zoom out functionality.I mean I want to change size of video running inside window media player.I have tried but did not suceed.

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
xWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = "C:\Documents and Settings\Node2\Desktop\video\bear.wmv"


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VS 2008 Play Media File Video Or Audio?

Jul 7, 2011

how to play video or audio in a vb.net application but have come up with not a lot.

I want to create a program that accessing a web server (no problem on that) and will pick up audio and video that is stored on that server.

Or, maybe do a live broadcast where I can play my guitar and sing a song. (Promise if I get this done through here I will give you a live performance) on that note I am sure you will all hold back.

This is a little open and wide, but what I would like to know via a webserver is this possible

3.Live broadcast

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Develop A Video Library Sofware

Jun 6, 2011

I want to develop a software that can manage DVD's in a library. meaning it stores all DVD's in a database. and it checks for available and non available DVD's .the same application be able to keep track of when a particular DVD should be returned i really want a superb interface. thats what am looking for. may also some ideas on how to improve the application.

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Add Commercial Or Spots In Running Media Player Video File?

Dec 11, 2011

I m design a media player in vb.net..now i play 1Gb video movie.. i want to set the commercial time like every 15 mint my video automatically stop and some commercials play automatically after complete commercials my video[code]...

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Change Video Size Of Windows Media Player ActiveX?

Jun 10, 2008

I have a VB.NET application that uses the AXWindowMediaPlayer ActiveX to embed mpg videos to my application. I have used the Play/pause/stop Ctlcontrols a lot but now i am stuck as i needed to change the video size of the playing video from 100 to 200% hence my Questions:- How can i by code change the video size of the video being played? by Video size i do not mean the control's size.. but the Video being played inside it. for example, i could want the videos to play at 200% and not at 100%.- Is there a way to check the dimensions of the video being played so that i can by code change the video size if required as per the video.

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Display Windows Media Player Song/video Name In A Label?

Dec 20, 2009

Display Windows Media Player song/video name in a label?

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IDE :: Change The Size Of Video Playing In Window Media Player

Jul 13, 2009

I am developing an window application in which I have to change the size of video playing inside media player. i don't want to change the size of media player.

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VS 2010 Windows Media Control - Play The Second Intro Video

Feb 4, 2011

I'm kinda new to this. Done it a bit a while back, completed a simple conversation program, and started a text game..but decided to take it back up and make a new interaction fiction game with videos.. the thing I'm having a problem with right now is the windows media player control. I make my first intro movie play by placing it's location in the URL property...I'm wondering how you would code it to play the second intro video I have once that one comes to an end.. I may just put the two videos together to make this easier.

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Accessing Media Player Library To Get List Of Photo's With A Keyword?

Nov 18, 2009

I have VB.net progam that is sucsefully accessing playlist from the media player lib but I can not figure out how to get list of photos that has a perticular keyword like the display in MP under photos if you click keyword?

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Creating A Custom Media Library - Loading Images For Rendering?

Jul 22, 2010

i'm working on a project right now and I need to create a graphic library.The game I'm experimenting with is an RPG; this project is expected to contain many big graphic files to use and I would prefer not to load everything into memory at once, like I've done before with other smaller projects.So, does anyone have experience with libraries such as this one? Here's what I've came up with:

Have graphic library files and paths in an XML file Each entry in the XML file would be designated "PERMANENT" or "TEMPORARY", with perm. being that once loaded it stays in memory and won't be cleared (like menu-graphics)The library that the XML file loads into would have a CLEAR command, that clears out all non-PERMANENT graphics I have experience throwing everything into memory at startup, and with running the program running with the assumption that all necessary graphics are currently in memory.

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C# - MJPEGStream Function Example Of Aforge.Video Library?

May 31, 2012

give me a complete example showing the image of the stream in picturebox using this library written in VB.NET or C#

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Create Video Player In Class Library?

Sep 22, 2009

I want to know how to make my own video player in the dll class library. The methods that I want to create is to make the size frame border, make the size of the video screen, control to improve the video quality, enable contextmenu anywhere, controls the video like play, pause, stop.....etc. Are there is possible to create my own video player in the dll class library?

I wish to use the flash player but I can't control them by make the size of the frame border, disabled the flash menu and replace with contextmenu, control to improve the video quality, apply to change the skins.....etc

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How To Create Video Player In Class Library

Sep 17, 2009

I want to know how to make my own video player in the dll class library. The methods that I want to create is to make the size frame border, make the size of the video screen, control to improve the video quality, enable contextmenu anywhere, controls the video like play, pause, stop.....etc. Are there is possible to create my own video player in the dll class library? I wish to use the flash player but I can't control them by make the size of the frame border, disabled the flash menu and replace with contextmenu, control to improve the video quality, apply to change the skins.....etc

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Get A Video To Play In Windows Media Player In Visual Studio 08 Professional?

Jul 18, 2009

So I found the Windows Media player and added it on my form. I have a sample wmv called bear.wmv file in my solution explorer. How do I get the video to play? I was hoping for a smart tag and just connect the player to the wmv file,

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Program Infront Of Windows Media Player Full Screen Video?

Apr 13, 2012

One of the things my VB.NET program does is play video files using the Windows Media Player component that comes with VB. My program also switches the WMP component to full screen but once in a while the form will be on top of the full screen video. I am hoping that you fine and knowledgeable folks cat this from happening. The problem occurs when the next video file is played automatically. I'll do my best to post a bit of code but since I don't have much of an idea what might be causing this I'll just have to guess. The project has gotten quite large over the years I've been writing it and if any more code ito post any or all of it, though I'm sure no one would like to go through all 1771 lines of it.

Private Sub WMP_PlayStateChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent) Handles WMP.PlayStateChange
If Stopping = True Then


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Windows Mobile Appication - Have A Media Player To Play Video On The Application?

May 1, 2009

how have a media player to play video on the application??? is there a drag and drop media box?

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Play Specific Portion Of A Video File Using Windows Media Player Control?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using the windows media player (wmp.dll) in vb.net 2008 and would like to know if it's possible to play a specific portion of the video. For example, I would like to start to play the video X minutes from the start and for Y amount of time.

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Play Specific Portion Of A Video File Using Windows Media Player Control In Program?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using the windows media player (wmp.dll) in vb.net 2008 and would like to know if it's possible to play a specific portion of the video. For example, I would like to start to play the video X minutes from the start and for Y amount of time.

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Make The Media Path To The Video Path Stay Consistent No Matter Where Go?

Dec 7, 2010

i used the following codes:

private mediapath as string = "C:movie.avi"
private form1_loads blah blah blah


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Play Swf File In Media Player Current Video File?

Dec 13, 2011

I m trying to create media player .i want to add an swf file in current running video file at the top of my video player or bottom of my video.

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Avicap32.dll Won't Save The Video?

Jun 27, 2012

I am using the avicap32.dll to capture images and videos from the webcam. but for some reason the code refuses to save the video files. I searched already on DIC and google and I found some topics on it, but I don't find the answer for my question

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Record Or Save Video?

Aug 15, 2011

I am building an application in vb 2010 that uses wmp ocx to play videos from remote streaming servers. Is there a way to record or save that video simultaniously? Which technique should I use? I have searched a lot on this but unable to find solution yet. Do i need to use Directshow library?

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