Calculation Of Age?

Aug 29, 2010

compute an exact age of a person using the format date of mm/dd/yy... in, i was trying to code it but the result was not the exact age of the person.lp me...

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VS 2005 Store A Calculation To Use Later And Obtain A New Calculation

Dec 19, 2009

I need to store a calculation to use later and obtain a new calculation


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Add Vat To A Calculation?

Mar 9, 2009

Heres my code in vb 2008[code]...

I need to add 15% vat to it and i have no clue how to add the 15% vat.

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'if / Else Calculation Statements

Oct 6, 2010

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET, and in class we were assigned this project: A procedure should calculate a 2% price increase on all red shirts, but a 1% price increase on all other items. In addition to calculating the price increase, the procedure also should calculate the new price. You can use the variables strItemColr, strItem, decOrigPrice, decIncrease, and decNewPrice. Format the original price, price increase, and new price in the lblOriginal, lblIncrease, and lblNewPrice controls, respectively.

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Calculation In DataGridView?

Sep 12, 2010

I have datagridview, wich have 5 columns


id supplier bought payed sum
1 a 15
2 a 20


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Calculation In Function Is Different?

May 8, 2011

i have an issue with my program. when i create a function and use a calculation in it it returns a wrong answer. if i copy the calculation and put it directly in the btnClick event it works ok. is this normal?

here is the code if you would like to try see what i am doing wrong.
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click


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Calculation In VB - Keep Getting An Output Of Zero

Aug 21, 2010

I'm having trouble with a calculation in VB and it's a simple one but for some reason I keep getting an output of zero.

Here's the code for the calculation and the click button:


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Calculation Of Amount Due?

Apr 15, 2012

i have this problem on how to calculate the amount due in our system in VISUAL BASIC.NET .in returning module, (this is for penalty purposes), if the borrower didn't return the book on time, the system must automatically generate the amount due .one daY is equivalent to 10(ten) if the borrower didn't return the book with 2 days. the amount due must be 20.00 pesos.

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Calculation Of Two Fields In ASP.NET ?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two money fields in a SQL database called TotalClaimed and PartialSettlementAmountRecd.They are declared as Decimals like so:

Public PartialSettlementAmountRecd As Decimal
Public TotalClaimed As Decimal

They both output the repsective amounts perfectly. I need to do a calculation on them, by subtracting PartialSettlementAmountRecd from TotalClaimed. I have tried the following, but it just outputs a random number, not the amount I require.

Dim NewSettAmount As Decimal = (ClaimDetail.TotalClaimed) - (ClaimDetail.PartialSettlementAmountRecd)
Response.Write("New Settlement Amount: £" & NewSettAmount)

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CRC-16 Calculation On An Array

Feb 1, 2012

I found this thread in regards to calculating CRC16 on an array.... however, it does not work probably because it was written for VB6 and not .NET. [URL] Does anyone know of a built-in function in .NET to calculate CRC16? If not, is there a way I can adapt the above VB code example to work with Visual Studio 2010?

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Doing A Calculation Between Textbox?

Mar 15, 2012

what i am trying to do is i have two textboxs which have figues in them and need the 3rd textbox to display the figure the code i am using doesnt seem to be doing anything could anyone spot it and tell me why it is not working for me


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Doing Calculation Between Textboxs

Mar 17, 2012

i am trying to do is i have two textboxs which have figues in them and need the 3rd textbox to display the figure the code.[code]I want the answer doesnt display in the textbox as i want it but when i click on the text box nd type anything the answer shows but in the error

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Factorial Calculation Using .net?

Dec 15, 2011

Develop an application which reads two integers n1 and n2 from the user via two textboxes and displays in a label the sum of the factorial of the integers n1 and n2?

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Get More Accuracy In Calculation?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm writing a financial calculator. I know that my calculations are more precise when Decimal format is used. But when I calculate 314/365, the answer given by VB is 0.8602814581, where as the real answer is 0.8602739726. This ends up affecting my calculations quite a bit.

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Math Calculation In Vb?

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to perform a simple multiplication in vb.

Below is my code:

Dim minus As Integer
Dim minusPrice As Integer
Dim totalPrice As Integer


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Progress Bar With Calculation?

Aug 25, 2011

I have an array of characters. Depending on the number selected (between 1 and 30), the program selects random characters and concatonates them into a string. Kind of like how I think a password generator would work.I want to update a progress bar to show how the operation is going, but I need to reserve 20% of the progress bar for some actions before this, and the last 10% for the actions that follow it. So there is 70% available to use. My question is:If I set the progress bar to 20% and do the following math: 70/NumOfChars, then use a for loop to add the result of this to the progress bar (pb+=result), why does the total progress NOT EQUAL 90%!

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Use Numericup / Down In Calculation?

Nov 14, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to take what the user selects in the up down menu and use it in my calculation.

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Use One Comma In Calculation?

Jan 30, 2010

I made a calculator but I want to use only one time a comma (,) and after I put for example a minus(-) sign, it will enable the comma again.

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Using Functions To Run Calculation?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm trying to work on code where I enter number of hours into a textbox (txtHours) and then EITHER you press a button (cmdPay) and then the income for the week is calculated and shows up in a second text box (txtPay) OR txtPay does the calculation itself, everytime a number is typed into txtHours.

Currently, my code is trying to do the former, because I have NO idea how to even approach the second option.My problem I am having with my code, is I don't know how to properly dim my parameters, since my "button_click" code keeps coming up with this error:Argument not specified for parameter...

Public Function PayTotal(ByVal cnthours As Double, ByVal standpay As Double, ByVal overpay As Double) As Double
cnthours = CDbl(txtHours.Text)


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2005 Calculation And Add Password?

Apr 7, 2011

got a project from college to create a quotation system in console application for a car company. The program has to tell the customer how much interest they'll be charged and the loan they take out.I've created a file that Adds,deletes,edits customer. Also views all customers. The problem I have is that after I've added the customer. I need to now implement the calculations into my program to then give them the quote. Also need to add a password to the program.

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Apply Calculation To A 2d Array?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a 2d array and I want to do a calculation on each element in the array and then return the index which results in the smallest value.

I have tried iterating through each element in the 2d array and running the calculation. If the calculated result is smaller than the currently stored minimum I set that to the minimum.

This works but it runs so slowly it makes the solution a non starter. It performs each calculation quickly but because of the number of elements in the array the calculation for the whole array is stupidly long.

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Array Calculation With CSV File?

Dec 4, 2011

I am trying to work with taking in and parsing CSV files. Right now I have it taking in and producing something like this:

The program loads the csv and copies the data into an array as such:

ReDim strarray(num_rows, num_cols)
For x = 0 To num_rows
strline = strlines(x).Split(",")


etc. I guess my main problem is trying to perform calculations to all values in a specific column. To start I am just trying to figure out how to isolate the columns and found that by using MsgBox(strarray(x, num_cols)) it will msgbox everything in the second column twice. I just want to try and understand how I can perform a basic calculation like multiply every value in the first column by 2 and every value in the second column one by 3.

View 1 Replies - GridView Calculation On Runtime

Dec 10, 2011

I have a Grid With Text Item Templates to insert data from Grid to Database.I have to make some formula on runtime with out postback the page Can i do this My code is bellow.

For Each gvRow2 As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
Dim txtNetWt As TextBox = CType(gvRow2.FindControl("txtNetWt"), TextBox)
Dim txtGrossWt As TextBox = CType(gvRow2.FindControl("txtGrossWt"), TextBox)


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Calculation - Costs 10 Credits To Use ?

Feb 26, 2010

Im creating a slot machine that costs 10 credits to use but i cant get it so that i can -10 credits from the total.

Heres my entire code:

Public Class frmFruitMachine
Dim OneCredit As Integer = 1
Dim FiveCredit As Integer = 5


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Calculation In Textbox - X Value For Column And Y For Row

Jun 12, 2009

In my form I have a text box for user to enter the number of column and row. And I also have a text box to enter the first X value and Y value. Now what I want to do is if user enter 2 for row and 10 for column then now I will have two rows with 10 column. The X value is for column and Y value is for row.

It will look like this

When the user enter the first X and Y value. For next X and Y value i must plus the original value with 2.54.
So my X1=TextBox1.Text
this values are input by user.

X2=TextBox1.text + 2.54
X3=X2 + 2.54.
and so onn. Same apply for Y
Let say user input are X=100 and Y=100
The value for first * is X= 100 and Y=100
Second *X=102.54 and Y= 100............. and so on
For 11th * X=10th *value + 2.54 Y= 100+2.54 and so on
The row and column is not same always it depends on user..

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Calculation Of Relative Humidity

Jul 20, 2011

I wish to calculate the relative humidity with 3 known params which are: moisture(Absolute Moisture Content (AMC) in g/kg dry air), AirTemp(in degree c) and AirPressure(in kpa).

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Code For A Calculation Program?

May 28, 2009

allow the user to enter a stock transaction and determine the stockbroker's commission. Each transaction includes the following data: the stock name, price per share, number of shares involved, and the stock broker's name. Assume price per share = P. The stockbroker's commission is computed in the following manner: If the P (price per share) is less than or equal to $50, the commission rate is $0.19 per share, if P is greater than $50, thecommission rate is $0.26 per share. If the number of shares sold is less than 150, the commission is 1.5 times the rate per share. Display the results in a message box, including the total commission earned.

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Compound Interest Calculation?

Feb 6, 2011

Im a little stuck with the Compound Interest Formula.

My code returns
0.00 :L
Dim amount, interest, monthly As Double


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Creating Calculation Program?

May 28, 2009

Fist off, I am new at this and only learning it for a class. We have a program to create using Visual Studio 2008. The teacher doesn't give us much to go by so I really have no idea where to even start so any code will be a great help. Here is what i have to create:Your project will allow the user to enter a stock transaction and determine the stockbroker's commission. Each transaction includes the following data: the stock name, pricer per share, number of shares involved, and the stock broker's name. Assume price per share = P. The stockbroker's commission is computed in the following manner: If the P (price per share) is less than or equal to $50, the commission rate is $0.19 per share, if P is greater than $50, the commission rate is $0.26 per share.

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Data Entry And Calculation?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a program to make for a class i am in and i am stuck on this one part, its a form application where you have to enter the first and last name of five students along with their final grade then you click a submit button after each one and i need it so that after all five buttons are clicked it activates the summarize button and i can't figure out how to do that and another thing when you hit the summarize button it has to compare the grade against the value of a text box containing the pass threshold to amount how many passed or failed.

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