Can't Get It Right Multi-tables

Jun 10, 2012

I really need assistance for this multiple problem am facing here. Let me take you to my hell: I've got three tables in my database that are:

1) tbAthlete (athleteID, nationID, gameID, fname, lname)

2)tbNation (nationID, nation)

3)tbGame (gameID,game)

I connected the database to vb and created a (form1) based on a query that use all fields except IDs. that form1 is just good as displaying and navigating throug records. Now i wanted to link that form1 to another form(2) which will allow me to update and add new record. in the form2, country and game need to be combobox as there is no need to enter new record for them. so when adding new record, only "tbAthlete" table get affected. form1 works as excpected. how do i go for the form2

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Multi DataSets/Tables Into One DataGridView?

Jun 23, 2010

Using Visual Basic 2005 So this is the problem I have run into. I need to populate a Datagrid with Data from 4 different tables of which I have gotten down to 3 DataTables in one DataSet.

The first one is called Letters and includes: LastPrintedOn & requiredpaper The second is called ImportParams and includes: ImportParamsID, BlockLetterGroup1, BlockLetterGroup2 and BlockLetterGroup3

The Last is called ClientInfo and includes: ClientGroupID, CapturedOn, ProcesingCommittedOn, ProcessingStartedOn, ProcessingCompletedOn, ImportParamsID

Now I can attack this from one of two ways (at least that is how I see it)

Select the ClientGroupID's I need (1,2,3,6) from that I will have the ImportParamsID which will then get me to the second table which has the blocked letters 1, 2 or 3 of them of which I can then check against the last table to get the date. There is one clients as of now that will end up with 3 thus being 3 seperate lines on the DGV or Table to show the different letter types.

Method 2:Bascially the reverse, look at the letter types and work backwards though I think the first method is easier. Where should I start? I'm not looking for code but the path I need to be on to get to the end.

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VS 2008 Multi Language Application - Two Tables In Database

Jul 10, 2009

I'm building a multi language application, but in the application, there will be some data that will be retrieved from the db. In the db I have two tables (Access Groups, Teams) the two tables are related, there are some groups, that have teams, example (sellers can belong to team 1, team 2, team 3...). The data that will change it's the names for the access groups and the names for the teams. The only way that I can think to do this, is to have the different values for all the languages in the code, or some auxiliar file, and when loading the application I'll truncate the two tables and fill them with the current language values. By the way those values never change...

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Inserting Data In Multi Tables Using Details View In DataSet

Mar 27, 2009

There is a "how do I video" on how to properly control updates, inserts and deletes in multi-user applications on forms that edit master-detail related data. [URL] Massi worked through the process using Order (OrderID is PK) as the master table and Order Detail (OrderDetaiID is PK) as a related table in dataGridView. The dataGridView automatically generate orderDetailID whenever the mouse enters in a new row. I am doing a similar form, but placing order form and orderDetail form in two separate tabs in a tabcontrol, and also using Details view for both tables. When I click "new" button in BindingNavigator, the orderID is automatically generated. If I use dataGridView for my orderDetail tab, then the orderDetailID is automatically generated when the mouse enters. This allow me to insert/update tables correctly. However I need the Details View for my orderDetail form too. How do I get a orderDetailID automatically generated when user insert a new order and have the mouse click on OrderDtail tab?

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VS 2008 Multi-threding - Adding Multi-threading Facilities - Cross-thread Operation Not Valid

Feb 10, 2010

I'm adding multi-threading facilities for the first time. I have a function that is wrapped to be run in a separated thread. This function retrieves data (text) from a combobox and it works for sure without multi-threading.

When I call it as multi-threaded, I get the following error when I try to retrieve the data from the cmobobox: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'cmb1stBL' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

It looks like a restriction of thread-safety... I assume that the child thread cannot read from his parent, to make sure that he doesn't change his parent data. So how can I read the data from the combobox? Should I read the comoboxbox data before calling the child thread?

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Accessing Multiple Sites Multi-threading Or Multi Browsers?

May 14, 2011

I have a need to build an app that will access about 10 websites and pass data to them, etc.I've read about something called multi-threading when searching Google. I've also seen people say that they use multiple browsers.Which route is better to use? I figure if you have to do some sort of multi-threading that you would access a single browser?

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Timeout Using SQLite - Create A Database And Several Tables - To Populate The Tables With Data From Arrays

Jul 25, 2012

I am using VS2008 and SQLite. I have created a database and several tables and am attempting to populate the tables with data from arrays.

The following code (example) works fine but stops after it inserts 30 to 50 records. I am running the VB code in debug mode and when it stops, I press pause to see where it is. It stops on "SQLcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()" and when I press continue (F5) it will insert another 30 to 50 records.

I do not get an error message. Is this a timeout issue? How do I keep the loop running to the end of the array?

Following is example code.


SQLconnect As New SQLite.SQLiteConnection()

Dim SQLcommand As SQLiteCommand


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VS 2008 DataAdapter.Update To DataTables With Multiple Base Tables (Joined Tables)?

Jul 12, 2011

have a datagridview containing 2 tables left joined, so that:table1 LEFT JOIN table 2 ON get an error whenever I try to edit my datagridview."invalidOperationException was unhandled by the user codeDynamic SQL generation is not supported against multiple base tables."The error points to this line:

da.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Mapped)
da.Update(dt) << This line
'da = dataadapter


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Update Tables Using Bindingnavigator Save Button From Join Tables

Oct 29, 2010

In my datagridview I was fill in using join tables (table1 = pr_employees, table2 = pr_employee_deduction). My problem now is during save button I want to update records from table2 only.[code]

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Sql - Find Tables Used From A .net Application To Remove Unused Tables?

May 10, 2012

We are presently developing an application, let's call it APP1, which uses a SQL Database which have about 800 stored procedures, 600 tables, etc. APP1 was originally created in order to replace another application, APP0, from which we do not have source code but only SQL tables, Stored Procedures, views, etc. Previous programers of APP1 used some DB objects from this same database and added some other objects specific to APP1 because it becomes bigger than APP0. And we do not need APP0 anymore as APP1 does all what we want, and more.

So, now, we are thinking about a way to find out which objects are used by APP1 in order to remove objects which are ONLY used by APP0.What is the best approach to discover all objects used by APP1 without having to open every single class and form?

Once we will have a complete list of these objects, it will be easy to use a program we bought which detects all dependencies for all SQL Objects specified directly from SQL and remove objects which do not return from any dependencies. Any ideas of how I could get this list without having to go through all our program that have many, many, many classes and forms?

Note : I know, in a perfect world, all calls to PSs and tables should be in a DAL but in the case of the application we're presently working on ... this is not our case! Yippy! (sarcastic yippy) ;)

Note 2 : This application is not using any ORM. So all queries are directly using SqlCommand. So any call to any DB objects are in string format.

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Multi Web Services So Multi Singleton

May 14, 2011

i have one project with multiples web services so i created various singleton class thinking in

performance. now i think create one singleton class and that have the instances of my webservices


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Multi-threading Or Multi Browsers?

May 14, 2011

I have a need to build an app that will access about 10 websites and pass data to them, etc.I've read about something called multi-threading when searching Google. I've also seen people say that they use multiple browsers.Which route is better to use? I figure if you have to do some sort of multi-threading that you would access a single browser?Not sure which way I should approach this app.

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To Add More Tables - Access All My Tables Togather At A Time

Mar 25, 2009

I have a 5 tables in my database and i want to access all my tables togather at a time.e.g.I have a code for one table i.e. rs.Open "select * from Group_info", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic. instead of Group_info table i want to access 5 tables also as Login_table,User_info table,group_name table etc. How i do that

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Fill Combobox Using SQL Show Tables - Datagridview Does Show Table Names In Db Using The SHOW TABLES Sql Statment

Jun 6, 2011

SQL statements:



The remarked area works fine when I'm accessing a specific table. I've successfully inserted the products_model field into the combobox too. The datagridview does show the table names in the db using the SHOW TABLES sql statment, but I'm not understanding how to get this info into the combobox instead.

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Make A Database Fill It With Tables And Then Fill Tables

Aug 14, 2009

I am trying to make a database, fill it with tables and then fill the tables. I am having problems connecting to the server and am really not sure why. I have posted this thread in two areas of this site because I was not sure what was the best area to put it in. [code]

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Best Way Of Multi-threading?

Mar 3, 2009

I need to be able to call a C++ dll that takes a long time (possibly infinte, it relies on user input)to execute. Im calling this through VB. My VB GUI freezes up when this happens, and I would like to keep the GUI responsive, so that the user can stop this possibly infinte loop. A bit of background, the C++ is trying to keep score on a snooker table using a webcam, and while the VB scoreboard updates easily, I would like to script it so that the analysis is almost continuous, while still allowing the user to interact. Currently the project requires the user to press a button to start the shot analysis, but it would be preferable if the program scripted itself. I have only realised this problem now and the deadline is very soon.

Update: Our lecturer suggested an option to solve the problem, but it would appear that most options here and the one he suggested will not work for us as the processing time required for the webcam image capture is too great to handle due to hardware constraints.

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SMS Multi Threading

Jun 26, 2009

SMS Multi Threading

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.net - Multi Select List Box?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a list box on a form and it works fine for what I want to do.I am wanting to edit items on the form, this means populating the listbox and then selecting the relevant items.

My listbox contains a list of item sizes, i want to select the sizes which belong to the item being edited.

can someone give me some pointers.I tried me.lstItemSizes.SetSelected(i,true) but this only works for a single item.


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.NET Multi Track Recoder?

Jun 25, 2009

im just about to start a project for college and i have to make a multi track recorder , basically a recorder that records up to 16 wav tracks and plays them back simultaneously . It must have thye ability to change the input, input level, volume levels Panning etc.

Its a large request i know but i really need some ive only had 1 year of basic programming, i know a small amount about WPF.Oh and also it will be VERY Graophically rich and will look like a mixing desk so any extra requirements i will need to use images as sliders etc?

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.NET Perform Any Multi-threading On Its Own?

May 30, 2009

I know .Net and C# pretty well, but never even looked at VB.My problem is: our Win32 COM library is used by a number of clients, and we see that the number of failures is higher for those who use the library from VB (both VB and VB.NET) than for those who use C++, C# or Delphi. One thing about our library is that it is supposed to be used from one thread only - can some threading magic by VB be the cause of failures?

Clients tell us the do not create any extra threads on their own.

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3D - Multi Dimensional Array ?

Aug 11, 2011

Ive got a jagged multi dimensional array, how to work out the length of a single row of the array so;

My array is ;


And i wish how to find the length of this;


View 4 Replies - Multi Line Textbox In .net?

Dec 23, 2009

i have 3 multi textbox's .. and one button. it should lookup for the strings or numbers that available in the first textbox and not available in the second each string or number in new line.. and put it in the third on button click::

for example the user writes 200 name in the first textbox and 100 name in the second... and he click the button... it should appear the names that are not Available

so to select a Specific line in the multi textbox and get the text from it?

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Better Performance With Multi Threading?

Feb 15, 2009

I'm creating a password hash recovery tool that uses brute force. I have the brute force algorithm run in a background worker. It all works, but some similar apps I tried out have performance ~100x bigger then my app. (mine does 50k keys/second, some others do 5m keys/second or more.)I realize this is partly caused by using a .Net language, but I suspect there are ways to significantly speed up the brute force. A lot of ppl say I should use multi threading, but how is this done in practice? Splitting up the passwords to check would slow down my app I think.

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C# - .NET Multi Threading - Updating The UI On The Fly

Nov 12, 2010

I have a button click event and inside I do a lot of work. While I am doing this work (not from the UI project) I want to send messages to the UI to display to the user.


and inside DoMyWork which is in another assembly i can call SendMessage which writes to the textbox. The messages will only display though when DoMyWork is complete. How can I update TextBox1.Text on the fly without putting DoMyWork on a BackGround thread or do i have to put it on a BackGround thread? I do actually want to block the user from doing anything while DoMyWork is running

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C# - How To Do Multi User Editing

Jul 21, 2011

I have a system where I would like to show a warning to a user if there try and edit a record that is currently been edited. If this is the case the user will not be able to save the record but only view it.I have an idea of using some kind of class to monitor the activity of records been edited etc but this seams a little over kill. My other concern is that what if the browser crashes or there shut their computer down on how this will effect the state of the page.

Another thought was to use last updated time stamp but this also looks a no go because the way records are been updated? how I could implement something like this. No code is necessary.based on the comments I have added these additional details.database is SQL server 2008 3.5 one record could be many parts of the database for instance, the booking table session table and a row in the interrupter table.the user will look at a list of sessions that need booking select a booking and fill out a booking form to make the booking. Want to stop is someone else trying to do the same booking at the same time or while someone else is doing the booking.

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C# - Multi Threading A Web Application?

Sep 9, 2009

I know there are many cases when it's best to multi thread an application but when is it best to multi thread a .net web Application?

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Can Make Multi Short Key?

Jun 8, 2012

[code]'when i enter 'Q' key output(textbox1.text) = 'qQ' how Show Q only''' 'and how i can set multi shortkey output = CTRL+TAB+CAPS LOCK,and bla bla , and send to Timer1' End Sub.[code]

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Have No Multi-column Combo Box

Oct 29, 2009

First, I don't fully understand why VBA can have a multi column combobox but full VB doesn't? What purpose does it serve to only have a drop down list of text strings? I know there is an index property, but what if the items in the drop down can't logically be associated with an index value?

Anyways, here is my problem. I have an enumeration value that I want to add to a combobox. I have the code to go through and add the text of each enumeration value to a combobox. This is fine for enumerations whose values progress in order from 0-whatever. However, I have some enumerations whose values are, for example[code]...

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How To ListBox Multi Select

Dec 15, 2010

Private Sub ListBox1_DragDrop(stuf) Handles ListBox1.DragDrop
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
Dim Fs() As String


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Make Multi Picture Box?

Jul 22, 2009

i want make picture slide show by using Picture box . who navigating with Next or Previos Button how todo?

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