I try to integrate Human Resource DB to Active Directory.Once I use sql ,getting all person and department and then write to ad.but if a department built new how to check is exist or new in active directory,also person also computer.
Is there a way in Visual Basic to check if the user's password is set to never expire in Active Directory? 've found a way to find the last date it was changed, but I can't find the other available options.
Where can I find a list of all available objUser properties?
Can someone tell me how to determine if an account is disabled in AD using VB.net 2008? I've looked at the "userAccountControl" property and this one seems to have it's flags changed when the account gets disabled.[code]I can't seem to figure out the proper statement to determine if the account is disabled or not. It doesn't seem to work out the same way as the lockout status.[code]
I'm a developer for a College we have an active directory.I need to query Active Directory with the Pc name and return it's path in the Active Directory tree.
I'm using the following code, which works, to login a user to an application built in VB.NET against active directory.This code works great but I need to retreive the user's first name, last name, display name and also check if the user is part of a group.
I've tried many forms of adResults.Property("displayname").ToString() and the like but just can't get it to work right.Anyone have any ideas how to do what I'm looking to do?Public Function ValidateActiveDirectoryLogin(ByVal sDomain As String, ByVal sUserName As String, ByVal sPassword As String) As Boolean
I am trying to create a new user and set their password in AD LDS using asp.net vb. I'm binding to an instance of a directory entry, which is working fine. And I can add a user without a problem. The problem is that I can't seem to set the password when I add the user.Is this the right way to set the password
Is it possible (I'm sure it is) to validate a user's credentials against Active Directory without using Directory Services?I'm building a Browser-Based WPF application which requires users to login to and get validated via Active Directory. Since .Net 4.0 (or maybe 3.5) accessing Directory Services from an Application requires the application to be fully trusted. Since IE won't provide full trust to an application if it doesn't have the signing certificate in it's cert store, the application is refused startup permission.
If I don't use Directory Services, then I can leave the application as Partial Trust and validate my user's credentials without having to install a certificate on each user's machine.
The sub below will show all of the directories contain with a directory
Code: Private Sub showDirectories(ByVal rootDirectory As String) Dim rootDirectories() As String = IO.Directory.GetDirectories(rootDirectory)
When I run this code I can use any directory as the root directory except My Documents.When I use the directory path with My Documents, as well as finding all of the folders contained in My Documents, it finds three extra: My Music, My Pictures and My Videos. Those three folders do not exist at all in My Documents. I have checked hidden files and folder and they are definately not there yet the showDirectories() sub says that they are.The exact error is: Access to the path 'C:UsersMichaelDocumentsMy Music' is denied.It's dened because the folder doesn't exist. I have checked myself using Windows Explorer!Despite this, when I type 'file:///C:/Users/Michael/Documents/' in the address bar of Google Chrome, it shows all of the files and folders in My Documents and, guess what, it shows the folders My Music, My Pictures and My Videos. But Windows Explorer doesn't show these! The strange thing is, for each of the folders, the last Date Modified was 23/01/2011 13:42:49 exactly. Each of the folders was last modified at that exact second simultaneously!I have 3 "ghost" folders "haunting" my My Documents. Is there any programs out there that perform "exorcisms" cause I am seriously freaked out!Perhaps this is the wrong place to post this. When I started writing this thread, it was about Visual Basic but now I realise it has nothing to do with programming at all.
I am trying to code a Search option for the user to search for any word in the KJV Bible in my program and the search should return every instance of the search word or phrase i.e. "Love".I checked the MSDN and forums and found an example that uses the FindInFiles method. I have a textbox called "Search" and a Go button. Under the click_event of the Go button, I have the following code (it returns the error "IOException was Unhandled"..."The directory name is Invalid".) [code] The entire KJV Bible is in my solution explorer folder: "KJV Bible". I don't understand the error. Is it my syntax?
Using VB.Net and Sql Server I want to check the user Entry Value.The User is entering the code in the textbox, before saving to the table, i want to check whethere code is already exist in the table or not.
Tried Code
cmd = New SqlCommand("Select code from table where code = '" & textbox1.Text & "' ", Con) dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() While dr.Read() End While
If value is exist, then message to the user "Already Exist" other wise save to the table.
In vb.net how do you check if a ANY directory exists inside a directory I would need to know if there is a folder inside the c:windows directory (WITHOUT knowing if there is ANY directory is in there).
I had it working at one point now it does not want to work. Im checking the registry for a subkey and I know it exists but vb is telling me it doesnt, which is driving me up the wall, this is what I got[code]...
This code works. i insert 3 string and then check if the database already save this code.if the first string does not exist it works well.but when 1 string "already exist" or found in the DB, all of the next string say its already in db even though it haven't. what should i do?
For count = 0 To strArr.Length - 1 If strArr(count).Contains("=") Then str1 = strArr(count) coun = str1.IndexOf("=") str1 = str1.Substring(0, coun)
I having a program built in VB.Net and would like to take in the users windows name and then compatre that with a security group in AD, if they are in a certain group then redirect them to the next page otherwise block them.I have tried many ways using many different snippets of code from different forums, but cannot find a code piece of code that works?
I would like to have all properties on a user from active directory. I find some property name as : distinguishedName, SAMAccountName, sn, givenName, TelephoneNumber, mail If you have a list of property? As each user has an ID in AD ?
I'm having a weird problem with active directory and the display name attribute. I can create an AD account with no problems, the account shows up, I can log on as the account, everything appears to be working as intended. The problem is, our company requires that the display name be in the form of "Lastname, Firstname". Thats all fine and dandy when you create an AD account use the MMC snap-in, you type in the users name as "Lastname, Firstname" in the display name field and when the account is created, the display name shows as "Lastname, Firstname" as you would expect.
The problem I am having is this, whenever I create an AD account programmatically, I can't for the life of me get the display name to show up as "Lastname, Firstname". The displayname property is set as such, checking the AD account using the MMC snap-in shows the display name is set correctly, but when looking at the list of user accounts, the account is always displayed as the users username. The account name I am using is "Test User", see pic below.
if you try to rename the account, the field it tells you it is editing is called Full Name? I can't find a property in AD even called Full Name so I am completely confused, here is a picture of me trying to rename the programmatically created account, as you can see, the display name field is set correctly even though it doesn't display that way. And of course, after renaming the account as seen below, the display name shows up correctly as "Lastname, Firstname"Here is the code I use to create the account, just for reference.
Public Sub CreateActiveDirectoryAccount(ByVal sUserName As String, ByVal sFirstName As String, _ ByVal sLastName As String, ByVal sUserPrincipalName As String, ByVal sPassword As String, _ ByVal sHomeDrive As String, ByVal sHomeDirLocation As String, _
i would like to be able to login on a webpage using a valid active directory username and password.user name and password are entered in textboxes. if they are correct then i would like to redirect to another page.how can this be coded.in a second task after some code is performed, log in as an administrator using code and unlock the account.i have heard that this is called impersonation. how can i perform the above?i'm using visual web developer 2008 and vb.net
Im trying to connect to AD and carry out some basic tasks for a .Net application written in VB .Net. I would like to create the application so when it loads, it automatically binds to the default AD domain that the user is logged onto. This has led me to writing the code
Dim domain As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com", Nothing, Nothing, AuthenticationTypes.Secure) domain.RefreshCache()
I am having some issues with the following script for adding an object to AD - The object being a user and then modifying the properties on it.
Error Line 350: Line 351: Dim adUsers As DirectoryEntries = dirEntry.Children Line 352: Dim newUser As DirectoryEntry = adUsers.Add("CN=" & sUserName, "user") Line 353: Line 354: newUser.Properties("givenname").Add(sFirstName)
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Unknown error (0x80005000) End of Error
Partial class Add Me.CreateAdAccount(uname.Text, pword.Text, fname.Text, sname.Text, Nothing) Public Sub CreateAdAccount(ByVal sUserName As String, _ ByVal sPassword As String, _ ByVal sFirstName As String, ByVal sLastName As String, _ [Code] .....
I am trying to create a new user and set their password in AD LDS using asp.net vb. I'm binding to an instance of a directory entry, which is working fine. And I can add a user without a problem. The problem is that I can't seem to set the password when I add the user. Is this the right way to set the password?
Dim objADAM As DirectoryEntry = BindToInstance() Dim objUser As DirectoryEntry = objADAM.Children.Add("CN=Jimmy", "User") objUser.Properties("sn").Value = "lloyd" objUser.Properties("givenName").Value = "Jimmy Smith" objUser.Properties("userpassword").Value = "THEPASSWORD" objUser.CommitChanges()
This is the error that I get : System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x80072020): An operations error occurred. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80072020) at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges