Chose Cell From Many Row In DGV?

Oct 22, 2011

This code will work if the rows of DGV is one row. I want to work with selected row from many rows?



By the way I tried SelectedRows and SelectedCells but don't work

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How To Chose Data Type Of Column In DataSet

Feb 8, 2012

I need to read data from an Excel sheet as part of a data conversion. Certain columns contain mostly numeric data but may contain some alphanumeric data somewhere in the excel sheet. The problem is, my conversion sees the alphanumeric values as null (or blank. Using the .ToString() method returns ""). To connect to Excel, I'm creating an oledb connection, creating an OleDbDataAdapter, then filling a DataSet with the adapter.

Here's the VB code for connecting:
private _oleadpt As OleDbDataAdapter
private _oleconnection As New OleDbConnection
Dim olecomm As OleDbCommand
'_database comes from a settings file and is the full path to an excel document
Dim connstring As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _database & ";
Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;"""
[Code] .....

I think the data adapter is determining the datatype for the columns based on the first however-many rows it looks at. It decides the columns with numbers are numeric which is the start of my problem. Changing the formatting of the column in Excel doesn't seem to affect the datatypes in my data set. Is there a way to tell the dataadapter or dataset what type of data to use for a column? Or should I try to cast the data in my SQL statement?

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Possible To Use Select Case To Chose Between Webpage.elements?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm creating an application that will be visiting several different sites.Each site will have the same elements but not necessarily in the same order.On a previous post I was told to use the Select Case to choose between the choices.Can Select Case be used to choose between Webpage elements?Let's say that on one site the first web page element is choose button A but on site two it will choose button B.

Dim makeachoice As String
makeachoice = webbrowser1.element button A
Case signin


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VS 2008 : SQLException Chose A Different DB, Cannot Attach File?

Aug 12, 2010

This may or may not need to be moved to the deployment folder...Okay I have a vb.Net application that connections to a sql server 2005 database "TacticalDB" while debugging the application I was using the connection string,

Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename=" + Application.StartupPath + "DataTacticalDB.mdf; Database=TacticalDB; Trusted_Connection=True; User Instance=true")

Which works fine, but I have moved into getting the application ready for deployment and so I created a setup application in the same solution as the application. Now I have added the database file with the setup but when my application gets to the con.Open() line it catches an exception,

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Database 'C:UsersJohnDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsBlackout_ScoutBlackout_Scoutinx86DebugDataTacticalDB.mdf' already exists. Choose a different database name.
Cannot attach the file 'C:Program Files (x86)MicrosoftSetup1DataTacticalDB.mdf' as database 'TacticalDB'.


Now I only have the one place where the application should look for the Database and thats Application.startupPath/Data/TacticalDB.mdf and if im running the newly installed exe it shouldn't look back in the myprojects folder but it is.

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VS 2010 Take A Picture Of An Area The User Chose?

Feb 8, 2011

screenshot function in my application. This is what I currently have:

Dim bounds As Rectangle
Dim screenshot As System.Drawing.Bitmap


But instead of taking a picture of the whole screen, I want to just take a picture of an area the user chose. When the user presses the start point, I would like to have a rectangle drawn to the place where the user presses the end point. And then take the picture.

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Locate Ms Chart Control In Chose Toolbox Items?

Jan 24, 2010

I am using VBExpress 2008 and trying to use of graphs. I tried to locate Ms Chart control in Chose Toolbox Items but I am not finding that.

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Make An Option At Login In Which User Can Chose The Language?

Apr 4, 2011

I am working to a big solution that is almost finished. The language interface is Romanian. Now I have a problem because I have to make an option at login in which user can chose the language - and I have to create all the software in Romanian and English languagesd.

My intention is to create inside of o database (because my application is working with an sql database) a table named lang_tbl and in which I will put all the words and text that I have used in the application in romanian on one columnb and in English on another column and when I start the application I will load all the rows from the table in an array together with the unique ID's. And in runtime I will use the unique ID for every text that I have in the application.

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VS 2008 What Type Of Project To Chose To Get Stuff Done On List

Oct 25, 2010

I am quite new to the VB scene, and am still quite confused by the variety of options presented as far as choosing the correct project type.I have been coding for roughly 4 years now and consider myself still to be a beginner. My past experiences include, hmtl, C++, vba, assembly, and a few others which I'm sure currently escape me.However, VB is a whole new boat and I'm just not sure where to get started with what I want to do.I've Googled the internet, went through the MSDN, and even did some tutorials.My current dilemma is I wish to make a program that will do a the following: Allow a User to download a set of data from an embedded web page.Open an excel file Download more data from a different web page.Open another excel document..I'm sure this is probably quite simple to do (read: I hope...). However I'm just not sure where to begin as far as choosing a project type. Additionally I'd like to have it set up with buttons, where button1 reads something along the lines of "Step 1: Click Here to Go and Download Data", "Step 2: Click Here to browse to excel file", etc etc.What type of project do I chose to get the stuff done on my list?

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Copy The Value Of Cell A6 Into Cell A5 Based On A Change In Cell A4?

May 16, 2009

I am attempting to copy the value of the TimeStamp in cell A6 which has the NOW() formula into cell A5 Based on a change in Cell A4. The catch is I don't want it to update every time the sheet is recalculated due to updating links in other cells on the sheet. ONLY when Cell A4 Changes. What do I do?

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Numerical Validation - User Chose Only Numerical Values After The Empty String

Jul 22, 2010

I am checking for empty string values, but how do i see for the Quantity text box if the user chose only numerical values after the empty string. For example...


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IDE :: If Click "chose Items" To Select Some Controls To New Tab In Toolbox - VS 2008 SP1 Closed Automatically

Aug 27, 2010

If i click "chose items" to select some controls to new tab in toolbox, VS 2008 SP1 closed automaticaly. what might be the problem?

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DGV Edit Mode, After Press ENTER To Move The Active Cell Into The Desired Cell?

Nov 29, 2011

in VB.NET DGVedit mode, after press ENTER to move the active cell into the desired cell, notdirectly move to the next line, how is it?

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Datagrid New Row Cell Validation - Validate Empty Text And Indicate Error On Cell?

Jun 1, 2010

The problem is that if you never enter anything into a cell for a new row then that cell is never validated. This is a problem because I have columns that should not be null. I am doing the check in the row level validation and storing the information about which cells are empty that should not be empty. The row level validation works fine and the row level validation error indicator goes on,(red exclamation mark at the beginning of the row) but I also need a visual indicator on the individual cells that are in error.

I am thinking that setting the HasError property for the cells that are in error should cause them to display n error style (the default red border). Is there a way to this this either from XAML (perferably) or from code?Alternatively I could cause those cells to re-validate when the row editing is finished. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Display The Column Header And Cell Value Of The Clicked Cell In The Data Grid?

Dec 1, 2011

I need to display the column header and cell value of the clicked cell in the data grid. For example if I click Argentina from the country column, the text box will display country = Argentina.So far the code I have is, please help me figure out the code for displaying the information in the text box

sender As


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C# - -copy A Formatted Cell In Excel To A Table Cell In Word Using .NET?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm attempting to copy cells, one at a time, from an Excel 2003 (or 2007) spreadsheet to a Word 2003 (or 2007) table. I'd like the code to be version-agnostic, and so am using late binding. The formatting of the contents of the Excel cell, such as color, underline, strike-through, needs to be preserved. My approach is to use a Word doc as a template. It has a table at the top which I can copy to the end of the doc, add rows as needed, and fill in the word table cells with the data from the excel spreadsheet. Unfortunately, all the formatting disappears. All I get is the text itself.

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DataGridView Cell Borders - Bottom Border Of The Cell Disappears?

Dec 23, 2011

Have this code so that when a checkbox in a column of my datagridview is checked, then the corresponding cell in column 2 (of the same row the check box is in) will turn blue with font color white.


I'd also like to add a line so that as well as the cell going blue, the bottom border of the cell disappears, so cellborderstyle = none.

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Implement The Use Of Enter Key When Entering Data And Moving From Cell To Cell?

Feb 17, 2009

I wanted to implement the use of Enter key when entering data and moving from cell to cell. How am i going to implement that?

For example:

Text Box 1: Date: 02/02/2009
Text Box 2: Name:

then after entering the date on the text box i wanted to move to Text Box 2using only the Enter key.

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Make DataGridView TextBox Cell A ComboBox Cell When It Has Focus

Dec 23, 2011

I have a DataGridView with several columns. One column is a TextBox column named "Status". This column can only show one of three values: 'Final', 'Ready', or 'No Reportable'. I want to have some code that would turn the TextBox cell into a ComboBox cell when the user left-clicks on the cell to allow the user to choose one of these three options. When the user clicks elsewhere or the cell loses focus I want the cell to change back to a TextBox cell.

Here is what I have so far, but the code throws an exception indicated below Plus, I don't think the code would remove the combobox when the cell loses focus.

Exception: "Provided cell does not belong to this DataGridView control."

Private Sub dgvCalculatedResults_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles dgvCalculatedResults.MouseDown
Dim ht As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = Me.dgvCalculatedResults.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)


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Office Automation :: Loop Through Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Oct 4, 2009

I have user form that copies data form on excel sheet to anther after the paste takes place.I need to perform a cleanup process. If the cell Value = N/A or the Cell formating is Strike thruIt need to1) Cut the Entire row 2) Shift the Row up3) Then paste the cut row into an anther sheet in the workbook

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Prevent Moving To An New Cell In Datagrid If The Current Cell Is Empty

Aug 2, 2011

I have a datagrid that will be accepting data from an external measuring device via the serial port. The grid is also open to editing records as well. Part of the process of making this grid user friendly is to intercept the "enter" key and move to the next cell until there is a value in the cell. This is only for some cells, other cells can be blank. I have worked out how to intercept the "enter" key from another post on this forum. Here is the code:


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Select A Record (A Cell) In The Column 'Dog And Have The Text Of That Cell Appear In A Textbox?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm using something call ultragrid in my program.The program works as a mini-record keeping area (Like any datagrid, really). Well, I am adding a history to it and it allows the user to see the last 50 records searched. They get a grid showing the records. This, thus far, works perfectly What I want to do is this: I want to select a record (A cell) in the column 'Dog and have the text of that cell appear in a textbox. This is what I've tried with no success.

Private Sub HistoryTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles HistoryTextBox.TextChanged
If ugHistoryButton.ActiveRow.Cells("Dog").Selected = True Then


It just doesn't seem to want to transfer over when I select the cell in the 'Dog' column.

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Test Certain Cell Values To See If They Contain Subtrings Of A Certain Format At The END Of The Cell Sting Value?

Feb 9, 2009

I am trying to test certain cell values to see if they contain subtrings of a certain format at the END of the cell sting value.E.G.I have cells with the values...



I want to run a macro that searches through the cells and tests to see if they have a substring sitting at the end of the value that is in the format "-Q[number]-[number][number]" OR "-[3 LETTER MONTH ABBREVIATION][number]-[number][number]" OR "-[3 LETTER MONTH ABBREVIATION][number][number]-[number][number]"and then if the test is true, the cell color is changed to RED.So if I ran the macro on the example I gave above, it would turn the cells with the following values red:


I can do all the VB side of things but I don't know Regex but know it would help. I'm in a bit of a rush to finish this job for work because I finish working here in 2 days and need to get it done before I leave!

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VS 2010 MsgBoxStyle - YesNo - Show The "record Has Been Added" And Save/insert Data Even If Chose "no" Button

Jul 6, 2011

My system still show the "record has been added" and save/insert the data even if i chose the "no" button. I think I miss something on our codes. Should I add something?

Here's the scenario: If "Yes" (button) will be clicked, it'll save the data and clear the fields. If "no" (button), it'll clear the fields and shouldn't save anything.

Here are the codes:

Private Sub btnsave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsave.Click
If newname.Text = "" Or newaddress.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please fill-up all the requirements.", vbExclamation, "*** System")


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DGV - If User Edits Cell Make Cell Bold

Mar 3, 2010

DGV.. if user edits cell make cell bold

Is there a way to check if the cell has been changed via DGV without calling getchanges() on DS on every cell edited?

when user enters a cell and changes a value i would like it to change font to bold for that cell.

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Disable Cursor Moving From Cell To Cell In Datagridview

Aug 10, 2010

Is it possible to disable cursor moving from cell to cell in datagridview?

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IDE :: Force The Cell Value To Be Blank And Focus Back On That Particular Cell And Try Again?

Jul 28, 2010

Datagridview . in cell validated handler and I have the column,row for the cell that I just checked on. If the cell contents are bad, I want to force the cell value to be blank and focus back on that particular cell and try again.The code i've tried simply moves to the next cell in the grid instead of staying where I want it to be. Surely there is a command to focus and put the 'cursor' back in a particular cell.Some sample code I'm working with:

"Invalid Job#, Correct or DIE!")
JLgrid.Item(0, Row).Value =


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Loop Thur Excel Range Cell By Cell?

Sep 30, 2009

I have and form that Copies form on excel sheet to anther after the Paste takes place I need to perform a cleanup process. I need to cut the entire row, Shift Rows up, and paste it in anther sheet in the workbook if the value is N/A or the formatting is strike Thur. I am having trouble figuring out the code here is where I got to.

'Declared Stuff
Dim wbTemplateSAS As Excel.Workbook
Dim rangevalue As String = LastRowtx.Text - FirstRowtx.Text + 9


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Sql Server - Change The Value Of Datagidview Cell If The Cell Contains Null Value?

Oct 22, 2011

If a column contains null dbnull value in sql server database then how can i replace it with "N/A" string when i view the database table in datagridview

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Gridview Cell - Goto To Cell Which Row = 3 And Column Is 4?

Oct 17, 2011

using code, how can i goto to cell which row = 3 and column is 4?

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How To Commit Cell Edit Upon Leaving Cell

May 30, 2010

I'm using a matrix DataTable bound to a DataGrid. Cell edits aren't committed to the DataTable until a different row is clicked. How can I commit changes when any cell gets focus?

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