Click A Button In A Webbrowser Which Is Created In A Loop?

Apr 26, 2011

In my application, i want to have 10 webbrowsers, which go to google like this.

For i = 0 To 9
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser
Browser.Name = "Browser" & [i]


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How To Click Button In WebBrowser Created In Loop

Apr 26, 2011

In my application, I want to have 10 webbrowsers, which go to google like this.
For i = 0 To 9
Dim Browser As New WebBrowser
Browser.Name = "Browser" & [i]
Browser.Visible = True

So now I will have 10 webbrowsers aimed for google, right? So how do I make a loop that clicks the search button 10 times? I know I need to use member_invoke like this
But I have no clue how to code the loop.

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Created A Button Control - Change Into Single Click Insted Of Double Click ?

Feb 26, 2010

I created a button control ,, by double clicking only the process was going on,,when iam single click the button nothing is to be happenend,,so i want to change into single click insted of double my coding is given below.......

<asp:Button ID="getrec" UseSubmitbehavior ="false" runat="server" Style="left: 30px; position: relative; top: 0px; z-index: 101;"
Text="Get Record" />


Here the coding is all are correct but the problem is when double clicking the button only it was worked ,,,iwant want to change it into single click

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Webbrowser : Click Webpage Button Through Form Button?

Apr 16, 2012

i want to know how click webpage button through form button i used this code

Me.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("'here i dont know name").InvokeMember("click")

here is script anybody tell me in below script which one is works to click

<div class="form_botton_container">
<div class="form_orange_button">
<span class="left"></span>


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Call The Click Event From The Button That Was Created At Runtime?

Jan 6, 2009

I'm writting a program that will output the column headings of the database onto a form in a label along with a text box for the user to input their own information and a button to add a new record in the database. My problem is I do not know how to refer to the text boxes or how to call the click event from the button that was created at runtime.

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Private Vs Protected - Button Click Event Is Created In ASP.NET ?

Feb 22, 2012

In ASP.NET using VB.NET, you can define the wired up button click event (to an ASP.NET server control) in 2 different ways (for the purpose of this conversation - manually wiring up via button property not in question here):

Double click on the button in the designer which produces an event in the code behind with a Protected method.In the code behind, select the button from the list of controls, and then select it's 'Click' event. This produces a Private method.I understand the difference between Private and Protected; why based on how the wired up event is autocreated it generates a different Access Level on the method?

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Get A Do While Loop To Repeat With Each Button Click

Oct 17, 2009

I have a simple project that calculates the grade avg of male, female, and both using a listbox and radio buttoms for male and female. The program needs to update each time I use my btnCalculate button by adding one student and updating the avg.MY question is how to I get my do/while loop to work each time by just hitting my calc button? [code]

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Loop To Be Ended By Button Click?

Feb 17, 2009

I am writing a simulator program that gets its I/O from external sources with results displayed on a form. I heve composed a form, with graphics that look great, but when I call a loop to actually start the simulation, all my labels on the form go transparent and the 'stop' button I have created does not function.I have tried placing this continuous loop in the form code box and in a separate module but to no avail. Even just putting a clock on the form does not work - it prints to screen initially, but only refreshes when I run the cursor over the stop button.This leads me to believe (remember I am a VB novice)that a form is full of Subs that only run once on form load.So where is the main body of code placed that will run continuously; from where I can check the button status and update the form?

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Stopping Loop With Button Click?

Mar 9, 2011

How would a person stop a try loop once it has started a button click on the same "Form1'? Let's say in this example p = 100. If I wanted to stop it using a button how would I, I have searched Internet and found nothing that is working.


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Cause Webbrowser To Click On This Button?

Dec 3, 2011

I am a novice VB programmer. For the past weeks I have been frustrated to the point of madness by struggling to get webbrowser1 to click on the SUBMIT button at a webpage I have navigated to.

(1) I tell webbrowser1 to navigate to [url]...

(2) I want webbrowser1 to enter my user id and password. I already know how to do this, and this part of the program works fine.[cod]e...

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Click Button In Webbrowser By Value Of It?

Aug 17, 2009

i want to click a button in my webbrowser just by the value of it here is what it looks like [CODE]<input value="go" class="f" onclick="[/CODE] so if a button in my webbrowser value="Go" then i want it to click it how can i do this ?

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WebBrowser Click On Button?

Feb 16, 2011

I am working at a small VB.NET project which autofill the fields on Yahoo register page. I was wondering if there is a way to click on "Check" button and see if the entered ID is ok or not, something like if the entered ID is ok then proceed further with filling the field, if not, try another ID and press "Check" button again.

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Loop Through An Image List On Button Click In VB?

Mar 24, 2012

I have 1 picture box, and 1 image list with 11 pictures in it. I also have 1 button.

Heres what I want to happen:

I click on the button and the first image in my image list goes into the picture box.

I click the button again and the second image in my image list replaces the first image in the picture box.

I click the button again and the third image in my image list replaces the second image in the picture box.

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Loop Untol Button Click Event?

Nov 11, 2009

how exactly could I make something loop until a button click event?

Do Until
NumericUpdown.value = (numericupdownvalue + 1)


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Make A Loop Wait Until A Button Is Click?

Mar 15, 2012

How to make a loop wait until a button is click?

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Auto Click Webbrowser Button ?

Aug 1, 2011

how would i click a button on a webbrowser without id ?

<input type="submit" value="Go to Now!" name="BorderBoxAccountInfo:PanelAccountInfo:ButtonAccountInfo" id="id6ae"

The id changes everytime its clicked so we cannot use the id :/ so


That wont work as its id and that changes on every click?

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Click A Button In The WebBrowser Control?

Jun 4, 2011

how to click a button in the WebBrowser Control... I've tried stuff like:

WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(0).Item("btnG").Click but this doesn't seem to work.

So how would you go about clicking a button in the webbrowser control in Visual Basic 2010? how would you type "Daniweb" into the google search bar and click the "Google Search" button?

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Click Button On Webbrowser(autologin)?

Jan 3, 2010

I've managed to fill in the username and password with the necessary details but I can't seem to click the submit button.

This method works on all other sites I've tried, but not this one. The button name is submit (Tryed all from source and looped through the input elements which it can't be found on there).

Might it be on another form or is it somthing to do with JS?


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Click Login Button In Webbrowser?

Jun 5, 2010

I am trying to log in to [url]... the MSN specifically, and i am able to fill in the username and password box but i can't seem to get vb to click the login button.[code]...

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Click The Button The Webbrowser Navigates?

Jul 27, 2010

I want to make a button.And if you click the button the webbrowser navigates.

That is all i know for now.

But i need to know when the webbrowser is loaded.

I explain it again.I click the button the webbrowser navigates and stops the code.

And if loading the url done the next code comes.


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Programmatically Click A Button In .net Webbrowser?

Apr 18, 2011

I have been able to click buttons in code, but this one is different... Here is the html of the button

<button type="button" value="upgrade to level 1" class="build" onclick="window.location.href = 'dorf1.php?a=1&c=5845a1'; return false;"><div class="button-container"><div class="button-position"><div class="btl"><div class="btr"><div class="btc"></div></div></div><div class="bml"><div class="bmr"><div class="bmc"></div></div></div><div class="bbl"><div class="bbr"><div class="bbc"></div>


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VS 2008 - Click Button In Webbrowser By Value Of It ?

Aug 16, 2009

i want to click a button in my webbrowser just by the value of it here is what it looks like

<input value="go" class="f" onclick="

so if a button in my webbrowser value="go" then i want it to click it how can i do this ?

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Click Button?

Aug 7, 2011

how would i click this button since it has no id or name ?HTML

<span class="account-set-button" onclick="document.forms['gaia_loginform'].submit()">
Set accounts

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Create A For Loop To Cause Display To Show With Button Click

Sep 21, 2010

As the image shows i am suposse to create a For loop to cause the display to show with the button click.

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Write A Loop That Only Lets The User Only Click A Button 10x?

Jun 7, 2012

So basically i need to make a loop that only lets the user click it ten times then gives the answer to them.i was gonna use a DO loop that looks like this so far.

Dim counter as integer
counter = 0
Do until counter = 10

and after that i'm kinda lost on what to do, i know that its needs to be if you click btnenter 10 times give the right answer and then your done.

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Autorun URL Webbrowser Click Button / Timer

Aug 25, 2011

I want to create with Visual Basic 2008, where an application via a button on a timer refreshes webbrowers after X seconds, a new web address.url.'I'm trying to create it for weeks but I can not .

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Click A Form Button With Webbrowser Control?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to automate a web form. The button that submits the form's ID is "buttonID".

I know that my submit variable is matching the element because i've successfully performed submit.innerText

I need to be able to click on this button... how is it done?

Dim submit As HtmlElement = wb.Document.GetElementById("buttonID")

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Click Button Follow Twitter In Webbrowser?

Jul 15, 2009

I want to click this button Follow twitter in webbrowser

<div id="follow_actions_17852343" class="follow-actions YahooMovies">
<div class="follow-control">
<div id="follow_control">


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Use WebBrowser Control To Click A Button On A Webpage?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a VB program that uses a web browser control to navigate some websites for me but I need to click a button.

The button is in a frame and in a form with 4 buttons. I have already figured out how to navigate the individual frames and forms but I can't figure out how to click the button I need.[code]...

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Vb 2008 Webbrowser Submit Click Button?

Aug 31, 2010

The code of my submit button in html is currently:<input type="submit" value=" submit1234"> My vb part of it is:WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("submit").InvokeMember("click")If i debug it and click button1 this happens:

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