ClsAuth Compiler Error: "BC30451: Name 'clsAuth' Is Not Declared"

May 2, 2009

I keep getting this error message and not sure how to do.


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Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'i' Is Not Declared

Jun 21, 2011

I am working on my new server now. I have created very simple page which has a for loop on code behind. If i dont define "i" as integer before the loop, i got this error

Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'i' is not declared.

But, i can use for loops without declaration of "i" before loop.

For i = 1 To 10

View 2 Replies - Compiler Error Message: BC30451

Jul 16, 2010

I'm getting this error in an open source project that runs fine on a dev machine with iis7, but breaks in iis6. Has anybody else gotten this message or is there a way to decifer it?

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Error : BC30451: 'ViewData' Is Not Declared

Aug 16, 2011

I have a MVC3 application which uses Devexpress controls.My first page works fine, but this is not strongly typed.I get the error "BC30451: 'ViewData' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level" on my second page which starts with:

@ModelType IEnumerable(Of MyModel.XXX)
ViewBag.Title = "Index"


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Error BC30451: 'Convert' Is Not Declared?

Mar 3, 2011

The simple code we have written compiles and executes fine in my class and work computers - both xp. when I try to compile the exact same code on my home windows 7 computer, I get error messages:

c:vbpayroll2.vb(17) : error BC30451: 'InputBox' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.


c:vbpayroll2.vb(20) : error BC30451: 'Convert' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

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DB/Reporting :: Error BC30451: Name 'adUseClient' Is Not Declared

Sep 9, 2009

Hi everyone. I havent used VB for about 4 years so I am trying to refresh my memory for a project I am doing. I want to link it to an Access database and have the following code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click

Dim sqlstring As String

Dim conconnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmdCommand As New ADODB.Command
Dim rstrecordset As New ADODB.Recordset

conconnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & _
App.Path & "" & "database1.accdb;Mode=Read|Write"

conconnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient


With cmdCommand
.ActiveConnection = conconnection
.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM tblRegister;"
.CommandType = adCmdText
End With

With rstrecordset
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With

However when I run the program I get the following error messages:

error BC30451: Name 'App' is not declared.
error BC30451: Name 'adUseClient' is not declared.
error BC30451: Name 'adCmdText' is not declared.
error BC30451: Name 'adOpenStatic' is not declared.
error BC30451: Name 'adUseClient' is not declared.
error BC30451: Name 'adLockOptimistic' is not declared.

Is there some sort of Add-In or reference I need to add? I can't remember how I did it last time!

Thank you

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Use Text To Speech To Say What Is In My Textbox - Error BC30451: Name 'voice' Is Not Declared

Jul 17, 2009

I want to use text to speech to say what is in my textbox. I have added the reference into the solution (MS speech object libarary) and inserted the "imports speechlib but i am getting an error when building.

error BC30451: Name 'voice' is not declared.

according to turtorials i have everything right, but i am still gettiing this error. here is my code;

Imports SpeechLib


The very last "voice.speak" is the problem child.

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BC30451: Name 'Mystyle' Is Not Declared

Jun 29, 2009

I have created class file with name Mystyle and the code is as follows

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class Mystyle
Public Shared Function Msg() As String


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BC30451: Select Case Name 'Rpttitle' Is Not Declared?

May 13, 2009

Why i run script 1 is give me the Compiler Error Message: BC30451: Name 'Rpttitle' is not declared. But when run script 2 is working fine with output? Anybody have an solution about this issue?


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VB Compiler Is Unable To Recover From The Error: System Error &Hc0000005& (VB Internal Compiler Error)

Jul 1, 2011

This error first appear to occur randomly. Steps to recreate:Open Visual Studio and load a solution (some files automatically opened) - this is when the problem occurs Close all open files Restart visual studio and load solution (no issues)Open Exactly the same files again, restart visual studio and load solution so files open automatically (problem occurs!)

However, when trying to narrow it down to a single file (that is automatically opened when the solution is loaded), I couldn't reproduce the problem. Now with all the files open again the problem doesn't occur!!! So it looks like it is fixed - though this happened before and eventually the issue came back.

I think it is to do with one of the user controls with DevExpress controls on it - when the error occurs, the designer displays the error. Though I can't reproduce it at the moment to confirm that.

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Validating User Input When Put The Cod In To Controle The Submit Button Get This Error BC30451: Name?

Apr 4, 2009

On the page so far i have 4 text fields and a label and a button the page works up until i put the code in for the submit button then i get this error. BC30451: Name 'labelMessage' is not declared.

The code is Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Line 9: If Page.IsValid Then


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VS 2010 Compiler Creates New Variable Automatically When Use If Statement Without Strictly Declared Variable?

Jan 10, 2011

Say that i have the following code that parse about 20k records from the DB.

Code #1 While reader.Read()
list.Add(If(Integer.TryParse(reader(0).ToString, 0), Integer.Parse(reader(0).ToString), 0))
End While

And then another code which does the very same thing but it seems to be a little cleaner.

Code #2 While reader.Read()
Dim storeowner As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(reader(0).ToString, storeowner)
End While

This is what i am confused about; does the compiler creates a new variable automatically when i use the if statement without strictly declared variable? What approach is better in sense of performance?

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IDE :: VB Compiler Error ?

Feb 3, 2009

I am running visual studio 2008 with SP1 installed. I have a solution which has 7 projects. One of the vb files (which has some 15000 lines) is freezing the visual studio and when i close the studio it shows the visual basic compilation error. I have tested the solution in other workstations and it is running fine. I tried repairing visual studio and i tried reparing 3.5 sp1.

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C# - Error In The .Net Compiler Or By Design

Apr 11, 2011

I've found a difference in overload resolution between the C# and the VB-compiler. I'm not sure if it's an error or by design:


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Compiler Error Underline?

Feb 21, 2011

I teach programming in Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition and I have one blind student in my class and it is essentiall for him to turn off every functional underline in text editor of Visual Basic enviroment.I know how to turn off intellisense. I know how to turn off green underline (warning), but I don't know how to turn off blue wavy underline (compiler error) in Visual Basic text editor.I found plenty of advices on web forums, but everything is about that should be possibility same like in C# (I use as well) -

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VB2010: Which Compiler Errors Can Be Detected Out By VB Compiler/interpreter?

Sep 25, 2009

which compiler errors would be detected out by VB compiler?

I have searched out some compiler errors list for C#, for example, see the website at [URL]

MS provided us the information about C# compiler error. Does MS provide VB compiler errors information as well.VS

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VB 2010 Express Compiler Error "Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' Could Not Be Created: System Error &H80040154&"

Jun 12, 2010

I get the following error when trying to compile the simplest prpgram. Error 1 Class 'CLSID_CorSymWriter' could not be created: System Error &H80040154& After looking at other stuff on the net I removed VB 2010, VB 2008, any C or C++ runtimes and any .NET Framework programs I could find, and then re-installed VB 2010, but the problem still persists.


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Vb6 Compiler Gives An Error Error In Loading Dll?

Oct 1, 2009

I get an error "vb6 compiler gives an error Error in loading dll" and the compiler point to code line with "If Request.Form("EDAServerName") <> "" Then" and the word Request hilited. I searched many places with no help. Does any one know of resolution ??

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Boolean Error In Compiler In 2010

Feb 3, 2011

I just found an error in the compiler. Newpath is a boolean and the compiler took and ran this[code....

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IDE :: Release The Fix For VB Compiler Error &H8013141e&?

Jan 5, 2006

i just want to know when is going to be released the fix for visual basic compiler error &H8013141e& ? this is already reported in the microsoft productfeedback site. do not repond that i should go back to vs.2003 because i have lots of code developed in VS 2005 to framework 2.0.

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Internal Compiler Error In Beta 2

Dec 3, 2009

I get the follow error in VS 2010 Beta 2 VB[code]...

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Obsolete Codedom Compiler New Method Of Compiler?

Nov 11, 2010

Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Public Class iCompiler
Public Shared Sub GenerateExecutable(ByVal Output As String, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Icon As String)[code].....

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2005 Express False Compiler Error

Aug 11, 2006

I have a VB 2005 WinForms Project which is giving what I think is a false error.On the Designer screen for the main form (which normally displays the form layout etc.) I get:One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes.'. ctor' is not a valid identifier.

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Compiler Error Message: BC30506: (WithEvents )

Aug 24, 2009

I need instructions on how to install a 'WithEvents' into a sqlsever web form, read Server Error message:Description:An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.Compiler Error Message: BC30506: Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.


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Compiler Failed With Error Code 2000

Mar 6, 2009

For those who still have lots of legacy code as I do in .NET 1.1, has anyone found a solution for this issue[url]...

The directory given in the command line will not exist, which makes sense given the error message. The problematic part is that everything works with a full rebuild. Since the "work around" is so easy, Microsoft of course is not going to fix the problem for .net 1.1.

To everyone who pre-emptively suggests an upgrade to .net 2.0+, that is not an acceptable solution, due to time limits and resources. To those who say that is not an acceptable excuse, go find another thread, not every company is perfect.

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.net - Does Not Throw Compiler Error When Setting Dictionary To IList

Jul 6, 2011

I am updating a legacy application, and it was reading a dll from another project for a Dictionary(of Guid, String) of items and using them.

The requirements have changed, and the method that was returning the Dictionary is now returning an IList.

This is the odd behavior of this; the intellisense is not throwing a cast error, nor is the compiler. It does not throw an error until runtime when it tries to set the Dictionary to the IList.


Dim someDictionary As Dictionary(Of Integer, String) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Dim someList As IList(Of Integer)
someDictionary = someList

why the compiler is not catching this?

View 1 Replies - Fix Func Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'system' Compiler Error

Dec 8, 2011

I have a method that looks like this :

Function ExecuteAndLogError(Of TResult)(ByVal code As Func(Of TResult), _ByVal sql As String, _Optional ByVal parameters As SqlParameterCollection = Nothing) As TResult End Function

I am getting this compiler error : 'Func' is ambiguous in the namespace 'System'.


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Call The Function And The Compiler Error Went Off When Get A Return Value From That Method?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm using VB6 and trying to get an instance of a Type Library object.After i retrieved the object and i'm trying to invoke a method. I'm getting this exception. However, i've checked with the parameters and its type. it is correct.I found something fishy, that method doesnt have return value. But it is throwing a compiler error whenever i'm trying to call the function and the compiler error went off when i get a return value from that method.I don't know,

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Compiler Error: Not A Member Of Stored Procedures Class?

Apr 12, 2011

I am attempting to fix a (using Visual Studio 2005) and while I have extensive experience using VB6, my skills are pretty much as a beginner.I've added some code to this program which calls a stored procedure but it won't run becauseof an error when it compiles:

Error 1 'usp_select_media_to_removeNoGenres' is not a member of 'Lynd.Data.TestDatabase._StoredProceduresClass'


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Disable The BC30668 Compiler Error Resulted In ObsoletedAttribute?

Jul 18, 2008

I do know invoking a methods labeled by ObsoletedAttribute should bring out a compiler errorBut how about the following codes? The caller aslo haved been obsoleted with true as the error parameter. How come it still produces the error?It's not a problem in C# codes.So how can I disable this annoyying error?

<Obsolete("This procedure has been obsoleted"
Public Sub Foo()


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