Cmd.exe: Removing Titlebar And Borders?

Jan 30, 2009

Having opened cmd.exe by using a process, how can I now open it without a Titlebar or borders?

hrivate Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
p.FileName = "cmd"
proc.StartInfo = p
End Sub

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How Do Put Tabcontrol In Titlebar?

Jul 24, 2009

i am using vb2008 express edition and i was just wondering if it was possible to put the tabs in the titlebar of your form like in google chrome?

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Different Captions For TitleBar And TaskBar

Jul 21, 2010

The title of our forms is Company Name - Application Name - Form Name This makes selecting the form you want on the TaskBar a bit difficult since the Form Name is not shown. We would like the TaskBar caption to be Form Name - Application Name - Company Name or simple Form Name From my searches, this CANNOT be done except by using an invisible form that displays on the TaskBar which calls the visible form that does not display on the TaskBar.


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Trasparent Titlebar As Like Vista?

Mar 4, 2010

I want to make my windows application titlebar trasparent as like vista's windows titlebar. if i code me.opacity than it will make whole form trasparant but i want to make only titlebar transparent.

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VS 2010 How To Get A Button On Titlebar In .net

Apr 8, 2011

I was wonder how do I get a button on title bar using

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Add Borders To Controls?

Jan 7, 2010

is namespace only for silverlight, or is there a vb version that i can already use?

or is writing our own border class the only way to add borders to controls? (borders with colors i mean)

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Draw Borders Around Rtb?

Aug 3, 2009

I want to draw borders around rtb. I am using this code but it draws border at top and left side of rtb only and also I cant type anything i rtb after drawing border. Is there another way of doing this?


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Get Rid Of Borders In Image?

Dec 8, 2009

Currently I'm working on a image based project. These are scanned forms like subscription based. The subscriber should fill his info. in to the grids (boxes) given in the form.

What i need to do is, just i want to remove those grids without affecting the handwritten info.

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How To Catch Application Titlebar Change

Apr 1, 2011

We are running on a Windows Client Platform (generally WinXP) in niche industry program that runs in a 640x480 window back to an AS/400 server. To reduce errors I want to watch for when the title bar of the program changes. Then I need to capture the keyboard entries to validate. I'll then make sure each of the entries is valid since the archaic program does no validation. I'll can then do a pop-up then warning the end-user if errors occur and to reduce/eliminate the exception can I capture the event of the application title bar change = 'string' that I need? API call? Aiming to do this in VB unless another would be notable cleaner.

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VS 2008 Additional Buttons In Titlebar?

Mar 16, 2010

I was wonder if anyone knows how to add additional buttons to the title bar. Please, Don't go to too much trouble, Just if you know a link to this or know how to do it. I did find This. But, I would like to have something like shown in this Image:

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VS 2010 Add Control To Form Titlebar?

May 27, 2011

Does anyone know how i would go about adding a control (a button) to the windows title bar area?Sort of like firefox does.

I'm doing this so i can remove the Toolstrip Menubar at the top of my application to give it my "working area".

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VS 2010 Moving A Form Without A Titlebar?

Jul 5, 2010

Ok my form is titlebarless but i want the user to be able to click and drag it to whereever on screen. i found this in VB6 can anyone convert it or do you have another solution??

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "User32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, _


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Embed Form In Titlebar Of An Active Window?

Oct 7, 2009

I have created a form containing a text box and a button. i would like to know if it is possible to embed this form in the title bar of the current active window that is opened eg: ie,notepad,word this is so that i can enter a word in the text box and use text to speech to say it or highlight a word in the active window and it will be placed in the text box of my form. i can position the form in the top right location but then the form position is stagnant.

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How To REMOVE The Maximize Button On Form Titlebar

May 26, 2011

I cannot begin to explain how often I have tried to remove the Maximize button from the top of my form window.. I know that it can be disabled via properties, also that it can be removed if I disable both the maximize and minimize buttons, BUT I need the minimize button, just not the maximize button

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VS 2010 - How To Remove Titlebar And Taskbar Icons

Dec 28, 2011

For my own personal use, I'd like to code an app that disables the icon on the upper left of the window titlebars and in the taskbar of ms windows. This is how it should look when it's done: [URL] (this little autohotkey script is broken in win 7). Is this is feasable in vb? If yes, how do I communicate with the win os? Maybe get a list of active windows and redraw them and the taskbar after replacing their icon by a blank one in memory?

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VS 2010 Form Without Titlebar, But With Title Text?

Apr 16, 2010

The main form in my application is a small form without a titlebar. I accomplished this by setting these properties:

- ControlBox = False
- MinimizeBox = False
- MaximizeBox = False
- Text = "" (empty)

As long as the Text (title text) remains empty, the form has no title bar. Note that it still has a border so it can be resized (FormBorderStyle = Sizable, as usual, not None!)Now, because I have to keep the Text property empty, the taskbar button never shows any text... But I want to show text in the taskbar button!

As far as I know, the only way to set the text on the taskbar button is using the forms Text property, but I cannot set that because the form will have a titlebar if I do...

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[2005] Hiding The Titlebar, MenuStrip, ToolStrip Etc?

Feb 1, 2009

I have been playing with the Windows API.A Windows application typically has a TitleBar (with a caption on it), underneath is a MenuStrip, under that a ToolStrip (with the tool icons on it), and under that the main application area.I want to be able to strip everything off, except for the main application area.I have found how to hide the TitleBar, using:

GetWindowLong (and passing to it the handle of the form, and GW_STYLE to get the current windows style)SetWindowLong (and passing to it the handle of the form, the InitialStyle, and ORing with it WS_DLGFRAME) how to remove the MenuStrip and ToolStrip to leave just the main application area?

Code so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As Integer = 274
Private Const SC_MAXIMIZE As Integer = 61488


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ASP.NET Masterpage CSS Background Image Borders?

May 30, 2012

For my masterpage, I embedded an image on HTML DIV. Background image did appear, but with 4 white border-like surrounding my image, where I didn't apply any.

<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="head" runat="server">


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Draw Borders On An Excel Sheet?

Jul 27, 2010

When trying to draw borders on an excel sheet from im getting an error on this line

oSheet.Cells(16, k).BorderAround(Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous)

its giving me an error for "XlLineStyle" saying it cannot find it within "Excel"... if i use the auto complete its not there either ie.. oSheet.Cells(16, k).BorderAround(Excel. and there is no XlLineStyle in the dropdown for autocomplete....

i have the microsoft office and microsoft excel references added, and i do have values and such populationg into excel from some of it is working.... do i need to somehow define XlLineStyle for vb?

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Forms :: Borders Around Toolstrips On MDI Form?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a MDI container form with menustrip, toolstrip and statusstrip on it. The backcolor of these items is black. The toolstrip and statusstrip show ugly white borders around them which I want to get rid of but there seems to be no such property like bordercolor or anything where I could change them.

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Keep Borders, Prevent Relocation Of Forms?

May 5, 2010

I have a lot of forms that get placed in specific locations at run time. I need to disable relocating these forms, but I would like to keep the borders and titlebar.

I have tried jmc's codebank submission called "immobilise" but did not work for me, forms were still draggable (could be my mis_use, but no errors were thrown)If this isn't doable, is there a way to hide only the titlebar, but maintain the 3D blue borders all around?

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Remove The Pink Borders From The Text?

Aug 19, 2011

how do i remove the pink borders from the text? see attachment

i set the form to have transparency with pink, then changed background on the label to pink, but it leaves pink around the letters

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Resize Form Without Window Borders?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a form which has no window borders, but I still want to be able to resize the window? How might i achieve this? Even just a few options, like 'small' 'medium' and 'large' size would be fine if it cant be normally resized.

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VS 2008 Custom Borders In Forms

Apr 21, 2009

I have now a Drawing Custom Borders, Download by CodeProject and now i'm being use, but my problem is how can i apply with my changes of my customize borders...i've been changing in Runtime not in editor...


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Adding Button To Titlebar (like Firefox 4) In .NET & WPF Or WinForms On XP Or Vista/7?

May 24, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to add a button to the title bar in - I found a way to do this in one or the other but is it possible to do it on both?Here is the code that works if Aero is disabled (imports System.RunTime.InteropServices):


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Click On The Close Icon In The TitleBar On The Windows Form

May 4, 2011

My form having the TitleBar , buttons are Minimize, Maximize, Close. I run the application if i click the Close button the window was closing. But i need not only for closing window i want to close the Database connection also. B`se if i close this window the debugging is not closing. The database is not close properly.

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VS 2008 Disable Maximize On Double Click Titlebar?

Jul 21, 2010

How can I disable the form maximizing when double clicking the titlebar?

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Why Application Pause Debugging When Hold The Titlebar With Mouse

Sep 17, 2009

I am putting two questions in one thread. I am using VS2008 Pro.

1- Why my application stops running when I 'Click and hold the left mouse button' and resume after releasing the mouse button on Titlebar? i.e. why this happens when I grab the title bar? How can I avoid this so that my application run regardless if the form is moving or title bar is grabbed with mouse while debugging?

2- I want to make one button to pause the whole application then restart the application from the point where it stopped.

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.net - Remove Borders From Cells In A Range In Excel?

Aug 7, 2011

Aim to Achieve: To get rid of borders if any in the cells of range. I have :


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Controls Overlapping Form Borders/title Bar?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm making a windows forms application, and I would like to know how to get a control to be on top of the titlebar/control box where the window title is displayed similar to the save icon on the Win7 Paint program or the tabs for Google Chrome.

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