Combinations :: Generate All Possible Words On File?

Dec 10, 2011

Example :

If a got word "don" then file will contain


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Generate All Possible 3 Or 4 Digit Combinations?

May 30, 2009

I am trying to generate all possible 3 or 4 digit combinations from 0 to 9. I will be outputting them to a text file but I just need help with actually generating them.

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Generate Combinations Of Elements Of A List<T> In .NET 4.0?

Jul 13, 2009

I would like a function generate all of the k-combinations of elements from a List of n elements. Note that I am looking for combinations, not permutations, and that we need a solution for varying k (i.e., hard-coding the loops is a no-no).

I am looking for a solution that is a) elegant, and b) can be coded in VB10/.Net 4.0.

This means a) solutions requiring LINQ are ok, b) those using the C# "yield" command are not.

The order of the combinations is not important (i.e., lexicographical, Gray-code, what-have-you) and elegance is favored over performance, if the two are in conflict.

(The OCaml and C# solutions here would be perfect, if they could be coded in VB10.)

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Generate Combinations Of Pixels On A Page?

Mar 25, 2011

how to generate combinations of pixels on a page using 24bit color using MS VB 10.0.

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.net - Generate All Unique Combinations Of Elements Of A IEnumerable(Of T)?

May 12, 2011

This question is virtually the same as this SO post, only I'm looking for a VB.NET (.NET 4) solution. I've spun my wheels long enough trying to come up with a generic solution to solving this "power set" problem.

Dim choices As IEnumerable(Of String) = {"Coffee", "Tea", "Milk", "Cookies"}
Dim choiceSets = choices.CombineAll()

I'm looking for choiceSets to be an IEnumerable(Of IEnumerable(Of T)) so that I can do something like:

For each choiceSet in choiceSets
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", choiceSet))


As you can see, this is every non-repeating combination from the source IEnumerable(Of T) (which could have 1 to many items in it - this example only had 4), it operates based on the order of the items in the source IEnumerable(Of T), and each item in the list is >= the previous item in terms of number of items in the inner IEnumerable(Of T).

For what it's worth, this is not homework; though it sure does feel like it. EDIT: Updated the example so it does not look like the result is alphabetically sorted, to stress that the source IEnumerable(Of T)'s existing order is used and added a 4th choice to clarify the sorting requirement within each set.

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How To Generate All Real Combinations From String Array

Apr 2, 2012

I need to generate all combinations (not permutations) in VB .NET, I've been search and all I found is for permutations (some says combinations but when I was try it, all are permutations).

What I need is to generate combinations from string array:
Dim data_array As String() = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"}

I need that: If I say just 1 length, it must returns:

If I say 2 length, it must returns:
... etc ...
... etc ...

And continues til end with all combinations. If I say more length do it as well.

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Generate A Combination Of Words?

Apr 12, 2010

I would like to generate a combination of words. For example if I had the following list:

{cat, dog, horse, ape, hen, mouse}
then the result would be n(n-1)/2
cat dog horse ape hen mouse
(cat dog) (dog horse) (horse ape) (ape hen) (hen mouse)
(cat dog horse) (dog horse ape) (horse ape hen) etc

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Generate Only 10 Random Words From Listbox1 To Listbox2?

Mar 25, 2010

im using visual studio 2005 and i want to generate 10 random words from listbox1 to listbox2.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim readerVar As IO.StreamReader


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How To Generate Random Sentence Taking Words From Arrays

Nov 14, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that produces random sentences as output. With five arrays of strings, one each for nouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, and articles. Each array should hold several words for that part of speech. Like, the Articles array could hold the strings "the" and "a"; the Nouns array could hold "Martian", "baby", "skunk","computer" and "mosquito"; the Prepositions array could hold "around", "through", "under", "over", and "by"; and so on.

It's supposed to generate sentences by randomly choosing eight words (randomly generating eight array indices) from these arrays, always constructing sentences by using the parts of speech in the following order: article, adjective, noun, verb, preposition, article, adjective, noun. Also, the code should be properly modularized so that the code to generate each part of speech is not repeated.

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Multiple Line TextBox When The User Clicks The Generate Words Button?

Aug 30, 2009

I have been trying to figure out how to do this program for a few days. Here is the question.Write a Windows application that allows the user to enter a seven-letter combination corresponding to that number in a multiple line TextBox when the user clicks the Generate Words button.Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0&1.

I got some help from my instructor but I can't get anything in the listbox?


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Words Lists - Read The Words From The Input And Display It Alphabetically

Aug 11, 2009

I've got 2 RTB one is for input of text and one is output.The output one needs to read the words from the input and display it alphabetically and with their line numbers.I have partly done it and it currently reads it but here is my problem When the words are outputted let say for example there are 2 words the same on the same line e.g the word 'you' appears twice on line one,at the moment its coming up like this


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Replace Words With Xml File?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a program to rewrite articles.I have a xml file with Synonyms with this format[code]...

For example when I select a word the program display the list of Synonyms in a listbox so I select a Synonym then the program replace the word selected in the article.

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Count Occurance Of Words In A .txt File?

Dec 20, 2010

I am new to programming and I have something I want to do which I think might be simple but I cannot figure it out, could someone point me in the direction of a useful example?


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How To Replace Words In A Text File

Jun 25, 2010

I need some assistance because I still coming up empty on how to open up a text file and replace some words then save it as another name.

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Replacing Words In Text File?

Apr 14, 2010

I am using the following code, but cannot get this to work. I have got it to work if the replacement is just of one word. So if the word test is replaced by mouse and the only thing in the file is the word test, it works.

How can I replace like this:
CH_IPVOD_filename.mpg > replace the CH_IPVOD_ with nothing for the result of:

I would like to replace every instance of ch_ipvod_ with nothing.
Public Class Form4
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim fso, inputFile, outputFile
Dim str As String
[Code] .....

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Separate Out Words From A Text File?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a text file like this:


i need to have a string called name with "xyz" in it, and a string called user with "asdfjlas" in it.

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VS 2008 Random Words From A File?

Feb 2, 2012

I am making a program which generates Tambola Tickets. The program reads a list of movie names from a file and it randomly selects x no. of names per ticket and writes those names to a file.

For e.g. imagine there are 24 movie names. The program has to print 10 tickets and each ticket will habe 12 names.

I have written a program which does that but I think my random no. generator is repeating a few movie names pretty frequently.

plus I have to ensure that no one ticket can have a name repeated.

Dim NoTickets as Short = 10, Total as byte = 24 ' total = total movies in array
' Duplicate is function that ensures that no number is repeated
' MovieList is normal array with movie names


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Find All Four Letter Words In A Text File?

Feb 28, 2011

How can I search a text file and return all four letter words one by one in a Label

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Getting Random Words From Text File Or String?

Jan 8, 2010

I am using VB2010 and currently have a random letter and number applicaation but for some reason students dont seem to have the ability to type these in correctly!Does anyone have some code to put words from text file or string into a text box.


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Grab 10 Random Words From Text File?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a text document. i want to click a button and 10 random words out of the 196000 words shown in a textbox or listbox.

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List Of Words - Cycle Through Text File

Dec 8, 2006

I have found a list of words [URL] that I saved as a txt. I want to be able to cycle through it with my program I am making. I have a string and I want it to change everytime that timer3 is finished, timer1 will use it again.

An example:
dim theWord as String
timer1.tick....textbox1.text = "It is a " & theWord " day!"end sub
timer2.tick....Whatever I have this doend sub
timer3.tick...theWord = the next word in the listend sub

How would I accomplish this? Anyone better list of words than 850 in txt format.

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Scrape Words Off Of Webpages And Put Them Into A Text File?

Aug 31, 2007

I just got VB and I am having a hard time learning this stuff. but I am not giving up.I am looking to make a web text scraper, so I can scrape words off of webpages and put them into a text file.I couldnt find a whole lot of help in the search function. bare with me, I am new here and new to programing also.

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Search 'words With Mark' In Text File?

May 27, 2009

i want to search "words with mark" in txt file.For example: i want to search: "t�m" in my txt file. but my code couldn't find that word, it could find a word "tam".[code]

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VB : Delete Words Smaller Then 5 Letter From A File?

Jan 15, 2012

I just downloaded a Dictionary Words list .txt( containing all dictionary words ), every word is on a line.What i need is only words > 5 letters ( length > 5 ). S o i though about making a Visual basic software that delete words < 5 letters from the file.

This is how i read a file from VB
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:UsersOwnerDocuments est.txt"
Dim TextLine As String


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VS 2005 : Read Words From Text File?

Dec 14, 2009

I need to fetch numbers one by one from text file, suppose i have a text file with different serial numbers, like;

SHG9001231 SHG9001232
SHG9001233 SHG9001234 SHG9001235


there is no sequence like tab delimited, comma delimited or CL/LF, so it need to search on every prefix series and fetch entire serial number. But i have no clue how to write code in 2005.

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Words In Text File In Alphabetical Order

Sep 13, 2011

How do i put the words in a txt file in alphabetical order using code ?

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C# - Counting The Frequency Of Specific Words In Text File?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a text file stored as a string variable. The text file is processed so that it only contains lowercase words and spaces. Now, say I have a static dictionary, which is just a list of specific words, and I want to count, from within the text file, the frequency of each word in the dictionary. For example:

Text file:

i love love vb development although i m a total newbie


love, development, fire, stone

The output I'd like to see is something like the following, listing both the dictionary word and its count. If it makes coding simpler, it can also only list the dictionary word that appeared in the text.


love, 2

development, 1

fire, 0
stone, 0

Using a regex (eg "w+") I can get all the word matches, but I have no clue how to get the counts that are also in the dictionary, so I'm stuck. Efficiency is crucial here since the dictionary is quite large (~100,000 words) and the text files are not small either (~200kb each).

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Open A Text File With 196000 Words To Listbox1?

Mar 23, 2010

i can open a text file with 196000 words to listbox1. can i pick out 10 random words out of listbox1 to listbox2 by clicking button2? and if i click button2 again can it shuffle to a new words?

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VS 2008 : Find Multiple Words In Text File?

Mar 12, 2010

i have a text file which contain 149000 Words 1 Word Per LineI want to Search Words Who end with "sd" or something else i am using a listbox in which i load all text and then search for it i don't want to know how to search directly from text file listbox method take too much time?

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VS 2008 Count The Number Of Words In A Text File?

Jun 5, 2009

It's exactly as the topic says. I have a text file with an unknown amount of words, typed out like this:tastymuffinsaredeliciousWhat I need is a counter that will tell me how many words there are, and in this case (besides a tasty muffin), there are 4 words. Is there a simple way to do this?

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